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Law #1: Never Bet on Love: A Sweet Billionaire Love Story (Laws of Love)

Page 24

by Agnes Canestri

  I stride back to the house, but just after I’m over the doorstep, I pause.

  If I hand Eva the dress and invite her to the ball, there’s no turning back.

  This is the last strike before the end game. Am I ready to do this? Even if it means I’ll have to stop seeing Eva once my promotion is confirmed? Will I be able to stand not speaking with her, breathing in her scent, and kissing her lips ever again?

  Panic rips my chest at these questions. I don’t know the answers to them. The only thing I know is that my chest feels as if I’ve drilled through it with a jackhammer.

  The package slips from my hands, tumbling to the floor with a blunt thud.

  Juan and Espie sprint to me. Espie picks up the box, holding it by its ribbon before I have a chance to collect it. They bolt back to the kitchen, chanting, “Here is your gift, Eva. A real gift!”

  I shuffle behind them, still plagued by the realization that what I’ve worked for up till this point might not be at all what I want right now.

  The package is already on Eva’s lap when I reach them.

  She stares at me with a confused expression, but it isn’t upset or disapproving like when she received any of my previous presents. “May I open it?”

  “Yes, go ahead.”

  She unties the ribbon with an experienced gesture, and in a second, the purple fabric of the evening gown becomes visible. She pulls it out and a gasp escapes from her throat.

  At the same time, Abuelita and Espie draw in a sharp breath, their eyes widening in awe.

  Juan is the only one who pouts. “It’s a dress.” The indignant accent he puts on the last word makes it clear he hoped for a very different surprise than his sister.

  Abuelita jumps up and takes Espie’s and Juan’s hands. “Ven conmigo, niños. Come with me kids. It’s late. You need to get ready for bed. Let’s leave Eva to enjoy Nathan’s gift alone.”

  Despite their vivid protests, she drags them to the bathroom upstairs, probably to change into their pajamas.

  I almost don’t notice their abrupt departure because my eyes are glued on Eva. My only concern is whether she likes my present as much as I hoped.

  She stares at the dress without moving a muscle. Only the rapid batting of her eyelashes assures me that she didn’t turn into a statue.

  “What do you think?” I ask her.

  She blinks at me and I notice with bewilderment that her eyes glisten humidly. “It’s…it’s absolutely fabulous. The most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. But where shall I wear such fancy attire?”

  “To the ball I want to invite you to.”

  “A ball?”

  “Yes, it’s Mother’s annual charity ball, remember? I told you about it already. It’s a bit of a show really to dazzle our clients. I’d love for you to be my plus one. I know it’s much, all at once, to appear publicly at my side and in front of my family. If you’d rather not…I’d understand.”

  What am I saying? I’d need her to come, otherwise I lose the bet. So why offer her a way out? Maybe a small part of me hopes that she’ll say no. That I’ll have to quit this challenge for good. I won’t become CEO, but I won’t have any rules against keeping in touch with Eva.

  She puts the dress on an empty chair and stands up. She steps over to me, placing her palms on my chest. Her closeness and her touch send my pulse racing. Will she accept? Or will she…?

  “For you, Nathan, I’d do this and more.” Her voice is husky as she repeats the same bold words I told her in my car. It’s filled with a hidden emotion that transpires despite her efforts to keep it at bay.

  The oddest sensation settles into my bones. A weird heaviness, as if their surface just got coated in lead that makes standing straight an arduous task. My heart is the only one unaffected by the odd spell. Or rather, it seems to have been hit with a magic entirely opposite of that bewitching my body. My heartbeats flutter, stutter, leap and hop, making my ribcage feel like it’s a concert hall for a heavy metal band.

  Eva’s bottomless eyes pull me in as she holds my gaze.

  Oh, goodness of all. I know what Eva is feeling because I…I feel it, too.

  “Eva Flores, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” I mumble.

  Her lips stretch into a bright smile. She lifts herself onto her tiptoes, and as her lips press on mine, the world closes around the corners. She grazes her fingers on my neck, and I haul her closer.

  I can’t win this bet, I can’t…

  The elation I feel at the idea that Eva reciprocates my feelings, instead of just having a crush as I thought she might, leaves no doubt about the depth of my devotion for her. I can’t ignore labeling it anymore. I deepen the kiss with all the passion I feel inside and my agonizing mind finds a never-known peace as Eva’s flowery breath tickles and teases my skin.

  Just as I start to let go of control, Eva breaks our kiss. She bends back, smiling. “I’ll go and try on my dress. Will you wait for me here?”


  She takes off, grabbing her gown from the chair.

  I amble to their living room and walk along a wall filled with pictures. I stop in front of one showing a teenaged-Eva with her mother. I stare at Eva’s grinning face as the realization that dawned on me during our kiss settles in.

  Oh man, who would have thought? Me in love?

  But I am. I clearly am. And it’s my end.

  I rub my face with both hands.

  It’s all my fault. I should have never been so cocky as to play with a woman’s heart. I should have never believed I could be immune to love’s flaming power. Now I need to pay the price for my own idiocy.

  As I’m about to let my self-pity get the best of me, Father’s voice speaks in my head.

  What’s one of the most crucial rules of business?

  I know the answer without having to search for it because in my short time with him, he must have repeated it to me at least a hundred times.

  There is always a compromise that satisfies everyone.

  A crazy idea occurs to me.

  What if…yes, why not? My neurons are on fire as I consider all implications and possible scenarios, but I can’t find any major problems with it. It might not be that foolish of a plan after all, even if it was created by the whim of the moment.

  Everything really could go the way I want.

  Nobody knows I love Eva. I didn’t even confess it to her yet. So there’s no reason it shouldn’t work, right? I could lead AMEA. Triumph over Murphy. Demonstrate my worth to Mother. Honor Father’s last wish. And stay with the woman I love.

  Yes, if I pull it off correctly, I could get everything I want.

  Chapter 29

  (Nathan - Day 7)

  I glance at my watch.

  Where is Eva?

  I sent a chauffeured limousine to pick her up at nine. I smile inwardly at the image of how Eva’s neighbors, especially Señor Moreno, will probably gawk at the giant car rolling into their street. I hope Eva is proud to walk out in her princess gown and get into it.

  The ballroom in Mother’s residence grows more and more sultry as the guests keep arriving. The ice sculptures sitting on top of the long tables set with white damask tablecloths are going to melt soon if somebody doesn’t open the windows.

  I look around, but I can’t locate Marjorie or Mother’s event organizer. All I see are white-gloved waiters circulating to offer canapés and men in tuxedos and women with glitzy, frothy dresses swallowing them down with one gulp.

  Fine, I need a break from my welcoming duty anyway.

  Overseeing the arrival of guests is a superfluous task. Most of the attendees know each other from previous events or gatherings our company has organized over the years, so they’re having fun without my specific intervention. I told Marjorie this, but she insisted that, as future CEO, it would give the right impression if I stay and personally shake everyone’s hands as they enter.

  I stride over to the large French windows. I pull aside the thick velvet drape, wh
ich has been switched to a burgundy color for tonight to match the carpet runners flowing down the stairs. I grab the veranda door’s handle and push it ajar.

  I bask in the refreshing breeze that skates inside and ruffles the petals on the elaborate floral centerpieces. I can’t wait to tell Eva that I convinced my aunt to order them from Eva’s florist friend. I’m hoping Eva will be happy knowing that we helped Cathy’s business a little. I’m just sorry that I came up too late with the proposition about the charity choice that would have benefited the cause I know lies so close to Eva’s heart.

  I check the limousines lining up around the circular driveway where the temporary valet parking has been set up.

  Eva’s hasn’t arrived yet. I knew it would have been better to go and pick her up personally, but Mother and Malcom’s delay made it impossible for me to leave.

  People seem to think that private jets can’t be late. The heck they can’t. Especially when my step-father is on board. I’m sure their delay is on him. As an ex-pilot, he loves to find last minute security problems. But couldn’t he quit showing off his know-how just this once? It’s Mother’s fundraiser and they might even miss it.

  And that would mean Mother can’t meet Eva tonight.

  I watch as two elderly women, wives to Mr. Bruno and Sir Gavandale, if I’m not mistaken, air-kiss each other. They look ridiculous as they bounce their heads from left to right with great care to avoid smearing their lipstick.

  These balls were never my favorite, but today’s is making me even more uneasy. I need to make sure I execute my strategy with Murphy and Mother flawlessly. One false move and it could all come crumbling down.

  Someone taps my back with force, and a friendly deep baritone chuckles beside me. “I always assumed that giving back to charity is great…but doing so while wearing a designer ball gown under vaulted ceilings with scalloped edging and custom molding? What could be better than this?”

  I recognize the snarky commentator’s voice at once, and a grin spreads across my face as I whip around. “Zach, my friend, you made it. I wasn’t sure you could.”

  Zach adjusts the bowtie on his tight collar shirt and winks. “You left me a message that you needed my legal advice. So here I am. Which potential client do you want me to soften up for you during this posh evening, my friend?”


  Zach furrows his dark brows. “Ah, yeah? Then why did I have to drop everything and fly over here?” He narrows his eyes. “It’s about her, isn’t it?”


  I called Zach to check one single detail of my plan before I start to implement it. When I didn’t see him arrive this afternoon, I assumed I gave him too short of a notice to be able to comply. “Yes, Zach, it’s about Eva. I’m afraid you were right.”

  “Right about what?” Zach asks innocently, but a coy smirk settles on his face as if he knows what I’m getting at but wants me to say it anyway.

  Since I don’t know how long we have before any of the guests decide they want me to chat with them or before Eva or Mother shows up, I cut to the chase. “I’ve fallen in love with her, mate.”

  Saying it out loud for the first time sends odd thrills through my chest. It would have been probably far more gratifying to say it to Eva first instead of Zach, but I couldn’t risk Eva telling Murphy I confessed my love to her. My brother would surely realize that, even in the heat of a bet, I’d never go as far as to use such potent words just to get my way. My cover would be blown.

  Zach caresses his chin pensively. “I see. And now you need my help to trick your brother, I suppose?”

  That’s the great thing about good friends—especially when these friends are nifty lawyers with a talent to seize hackles in any plan—they don’t waste time beating around the bush or giving moral lectures of “I’ve told you so.”

  I nod. “My plan is already in place. I just need you to tell me if you think I will encounter legal problems with Mother if I go through with it.”

  Zach puts a hand to his ear. “Shoot.”

  “Eva will be arriving shortly. Murphy told me he’ll do his psycho-magic to check whether she’s fallen in love with me as per the condition of our bet.”

  “And has she?”

  A foolishly big smile spreads on my face.

  Zach waves. “Don’t answer that. But do go on. What happens after Murphy does his thing? Is your promotion in the sack, or what?”

  “That’s the thing. You recall that the other condition it’s that I can’t be in love with Eva? Which basically means I need to end things with her after the ball.”

  “But didn’t you say—”

  I hold up my hand. “Here is where my plan comes in. I’ve already given Murphy a pretty good confirmation that I’m not emotionally involved with Eva.”

  “How did you pull that off?”

  “When I spoke with my brother, I didn’t realize that I loved her yet.”

  “What will you do if your mother asks you? Or if Murphy re-interrogates you tonight?”

  I shake my head, surprised that Zach doesn’t see how obvious it is. “I’ll lie to them, of course. I have to. Then once the evening is over, I’ll come clean with Eva. I’ll tell her about the bet and about how I have fallen in love with her.”

  Zach scratches his head. “Wait, so you plan to convince your family that you held up your end of the bargain, claim the prize, and then also keep Eva? Won’t those things cancel each other out? Murphy will be upset if he finds out you double-crossed him.”

  “Not if I ask Eva to wait for me. I’ll tell her we need to stop seeing each other for a few months, and once I’m officially promoted, I could just pretend that we met again and this second-time around the spark was there.”

  Zach claps his hands to his eyes then drops them. He sucks the air between his teeth. “So this is your question to me, right? You want to know if there is any legal way that your mother could attack your promotion if she gets wind that your ‘second-time around flame is all an act?”

  I click my fingers. “Nailed it as always. So what’s your take? Will I be in the clear?”

  Zach shrugs. “You haven’t written any contract with Murphy. So there’s nothing that should hold you accountable besides your given word. So from this point of view, your plan is good.”

  I blink at my friend. I didn’t miss the hint of disapproval in his words. “What is it that bothers you?”

  “I just don’t think, from what you told me at least, that Eva will take it well if you want to hide her existence and your relationship for months. I can’t imagine any woman being joyous about this. My sister surely wouldn’t be, and she’s one of the most rational and easy-going females I know.”

  Zach must be mistaken. Eva will surely understand. She knows how important it is for me to lead the company. Also she could be the woman of a CEO, instead of just a mere employee if she is patient enough. It would only be a couple of months. Maybe four, at most.

  “Well, we’ll need to see that,” I say with pretended confidence. There is a cynical voice in the back of my mind which tells me Zach might be right and Eva won’t care for my title, but will instead feel hurt about my fib…but I suffocate it. For my plan to work, I can’t second-guess myself before even starting.

  Zach tilts his head toward the entrance. “Yes. We’ll see, And soon enough, because I think your girl has just arrived.”

  My eyes dart to the door and my chest stutters.

  Eva is at door with my aunt. She holds a glass champagne flute pinched in her fingers, while her other hand clutches a tiny purse. The dress I chose for her already looked fantastic when she tried it on last night. But now, with her hair arranged in a simple low bun, the enticing off-the-shoulder plunge draws even more attention to her voluptuous curves, perfect shoulders, and toned arms, all in a perfectly sober and elegant way. She truly is the most beautiful woman at this ball.

  My aunt notices me and points me out to Eva.

  Eva’s face illuminates as our eyes meet
and she sends me a smile that makes me even more determined to manage my plan flawlessly tonight.

  “Zach, I will—”

  “No explanation needed. The lady of your heart is waiting for you. Go play your cards well.”

  Despite his grin, the teasing edge of his words reminds me that I am indeed still in the gambling phase tonight. “Come over, I’ll introduce you,” I answer.

  “Great, if you hadn’t offered it yourself, I’d have come anyway. Let’s go, Don Nathan.”

  We stroll across the room. I’m happy when the live band starts playing, because the way my heart hammers as I approach Eva should be audible to anyone in a ten-foot radius. It reminds me that I might not be striving to dazzle Eva anymore, nor do I have to negate my longing for her to myself, but at least on the surface, I have to pretend I don’t feel as love-struck as I do. Murphy and Mother could appear any minute and if they see me staring at Eva with mesmerized eyes, my act could fall to pieces.

  As we get to Eva, I immediately put a possessive arm around her waist and present her to Zach.

  They exchange a few polite words, and then my friend excuses himself. But before he leaves, he quietly whispers to me. “You have my blessing, she’s a total catch.”

  When Zach is gone, Eva raises her full flute to me. “Where could I put this down without anyone noticing?”

  “What’s the matter? You don’t like the champagne? It’s Dom Pérignon.” I wink.

  Eva grins. “Wow, now I’m almost tempted to try it. But it’s better if I don’t. I’m not good with alcohol. One glass makes me wobbly on my feet, and I’d love to act proper and put-together during this event.”

  I notice the timid glint with which she measures a lady wearing large sapphire earrings. “Eva, you look perfect, and I can’t imagine wanting anyone else at my side tonight. But…” Her glance snaps to mine, and I take her glass. I drop it in the hand of a passing waiter, then reach into my pocket. “You could make your attire complete with these, what do you think?” I hold out the diamond earrings I bought her a week ago as an excuse to get her address.


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