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To Cut a Long Story Short

Page 5

by Stavros Allanopolis

  ‘Black Dog’ turned out to be a ‘she’ and not an ‘it’ and ‘she’ was a puppy. Estimated at only 11 months to 13 months old only! It had been the flecks of grey in the black that gave the appearance of ‘older’.


  Instantly the situation changed. We had ourselves a little puppy!

  So, here we were, three weeks into dog ownership.

  We called ‘Black Dog’ MiMI as in the opera La Boehme by Puccini.


  Well she wanted to be close to us all of the day and wanted attention, as in “give it to Me. Yes Me!”

  She seemed to be very happy and we were definitely very happy.

  Photo: ‘Blag Dog’ Becomes ‘MiMi’ And Has A Home

  The cats were beginning to compromise their position. Not to ‘like’ MiMi per se but to ‘accommodate’ etc.


  …. Three Weeks Later Our Lives Changed Yet Again!!

  It is now mid-January 2012 and we now had a routine revolving around three cats and a puppy.

  However, our routine was about to change.

  We discovered that MiMi had come ‘on heat’ for the first time in her life. We went to the Vet and he said,

  “I cannot operate on her for three weeks, so keep her on a lead at all times. Keep the male dogs at bay. She must be locked up at night for the next three weeks and then I can perform the operation.


  So, MiMi was kept on the chain by day and not allowed to go out running off to see her friends at the smallholding. By night, we moved her into the studio apartment upstairs and locked her in at nights.

  This was working, and during this time, Stavros built a proper kennel made of stone, complete with a tiled roof for MiMi to stay in; a waterproof shelter and place to sleep at night.

  Come the end of three weeks and after the operation, the Vet checked MiMi over and declared her ‘fit’ and ok in every way.

  So, that first night, Stavros introduced MiMi to her tailor-made and purpose built kennel.


  It was the look she gave it (the kennel) and us!

  This ‘look’ said,

  “Why should I stay in THAT (the stone kennel), when I can stay in the Studio upstairs?”

  Photo: The Kennel That Stavros Built For MiMi

  Cue waste of time!

  She would not settle in the kennel! What to do?

  Well, from that day until the present time as you read this, MiMI sleeps on a large dog mattress in the living room!

  It was if MiMi said,

  “Ok. If I cannot live and sleep in the Studio / Apartment, then I will have to make do with a bed on the floor near the door in the living room.”


  .... We Were An Extended Family

  The days and weeks went by and we were a new ‘expanded’ family, and we all loved each other.

  Owen and Minstrel ignored MiMi, and in cat terms probably treated her with contempt! However, Snowball was keen to become a close friend.

  She continued to roam the garden and was not frightened of MiMi. She even slept in MiMi’s bed, and MiMi seemed ok with that. MiMi was proving to be very gentle and loving, and loved being loved in return.

  Photo: Snowball And MiMi Share MiMi’s Bed

  Mind you, Snowball still liked curling up to her other friend.

  Photo: Snowball With Her ‘Other Friend’ – The Steel Cat Statue

  The only bit that Valerie and I felt uncomfortable with was keeping MiMi on a long chain when she was in the garden.

  It was a shame that she didn’t want to stay in the kennel as we had even named it MiMi Manor!


  .... Thieves Raided Meerkat Manor

  The only notable thing to report for the rest of January was a ‘shock’ for us.

  The olive harvest continued around us. In the grove behind us, for three days there were men working that we had not seen before and did not recognise. As the harvest was so big, we realised that extra casual labour was employed to harvest the olives.

  I was putting my electric drill away on the afternoon and as usual ‘hid’ it under some boxes in my storage area to the rear of Meerkat Manor.

  The following morning, I discovered it missing; stolen!

  Cannot prove it, but the evidence is circumstantial; three strangers working in the olive grove behind Meerkat manor and in full view of the tool ‘store’ must have seen me ‘hide’ my electric drill.

  However, I looked on the bright side as I surveyed my other tools in the ‘store’, I remembered saying to myself,

  “ ….!” (Or was it “Flipping Heck!”). That’s a shame. It was brand new too. At least they did not steal the chain saw.”

  Now, this was very interesting as MiMi was sleeping inside the house and did not stir when it was clear that thieves entered the grounds and had to walk on the stone path to reach the ‘store’ during the night.

  The next morning was even worse!

  Once again, I went to the store to get some tools to do something or other and looked to the top shelf.

  As I looked, I realised that the chain saw was missing. The thieves had returned to take it. Who says that lightning does not strike twice?

  Cue another “….!” (Or make that another “Flipping Heck!”)

  So very sad. One of the reasons we moved here was lack of theft or threat to security. Not surprisingly, since that day, all valuable tools are now locked away in the metal boiler cupboard.


  …. MiMi Started Acupuncture Treatment!

  MiMi was growing stronger and bigger every day, and seemingly happy living at Meerkat Manor. Most days, we would take her for a long walk in the mornings and again in the early evening. Usually, the walk included a trip to the beach for her to run and play games with us; throwing the ball etc.

  On one of the days we were playing with MiMi on the beach, Valerie and I were throwing the ball back and forward to each other with MiMi chasing it; backwards and forwards from one of us to the other at high speed.

  On one of her runs towards me, she was too quick for me. As I bent down to pick up the ball, she beat me to it but collided with me. She bounced off me but I fell over on to my front and on to my left hand. Snap! That was the sound of my index finger!

  MiMi jumped up but was limping a little. She must have hurt her shoulder.

  I was in agony and my finger looked a little bent. I concluded that I might have broken it.

  What to do?

  Well we all went back to Meerkat Manor to inspect the injuries.

  MiMi was limping and walking slowly.

  I was walking ahead to go and get a drink to dull the pain!

  As I walked on, I was thinking that whether broken or just fractured that I couldn’t afford another finger repair, so I strapped it up and hoped for the best.

  After about four weeks, the swelling went down and the pain subsided so I came to the conclusion that it had only been a fracture after all and not a break, and that it was healing.

  MiMi seemed to stop limping after a few days, so we reverted to our ‘routine’ of walks and playtime.

  It was whilst we were playing ball again with MiMi, this time in the olive grove to the front of Meerkat Manor, that an almost identical incident occurred. Only this time I was ok but such was MiMi’s enthusiasm to play and run at a great speed between the two of us that she collided with me with even greater force as we both grabbed for the ball. She went down with a bump and didn’t get up. She lay there on the ground just looking up at us.

  We knelt by her side and tried soothing words etc. and eventually she struggled to her feet but she was limping very badly and clearly in pain.

  Off to the Vet!

  Kostas the Vet took and X-ray of MiMi’s shoulder and determined that there were no broken bones, but that she had probably torn a muscle or ligament in her shoulder.

p; He said she was too young for Cortizone injections but recommended that she underwent a treatment of acupuncture. This was the first time we had heard about acupuncture treatment for animals. However, it turned out that Kostas’ wife (Eleni) was a fully trained animal acupuncturist!

  Two days later MiMi started her acupuncture treatment. More money!


  …. Stavros Had Plans For The Olive Groves

  By now, it was well into March 2012. The sun was shining brightly, hotter and for longer every day. The odd shower meant that the grasses and weeds grew quicker and taller!

  Stavros talked to the owners of the olive groves to the front and side of Meerkat Manor and explained that he would like to cut the grasses (and weeds!) shorter to make the area look bigger and less ‘encroaching’ on Meerkat Manor. Once they realised that he was not trying to steal their land, they agreed. They thought he was crazy doing his for nothing but they were nonetheless very pleased as the trees grow better when there is little or no grass growing around them. Seemingly, grass soaks up ‘energy’ that the trees need.

  So, using his motor strimmer he cut the grasses and weeds very short. The result was good. The whole area looked larger and very much an open space around Meerkat Manor.

  The job of strimming took almost four full days to complete; hard work!

  Stavros decided that it was time to think of an easier method as this was going to have to be repeated at least once per month throughout the summer.

  He devised a plan. Sell the motor strimmer to his brother Bill (he has three times more land to maintain) and buy a rotary mower!

  Stavros had calculated that once the grasses were so short then a rotary mower would do the job of keeping the grasses short; faster and less hard work.

  It was a good plan and a good result. Stavros sold the strimmer to his brother and purchased a rotary mower. It turned out that he could do the whole job now in just over four hours compared to four days!

  Photo: Olive Grove’s Short Grass Courtesy Of The Rotary Mower

  Over the coming months, whilst mowing, on occasion Stavros thought back to life in the UK; Sunday mornings scheduled for mowing the lawns and washing the car. Should he introduce that routine to Greece?


  …. Stavros Takes Up Acting

  Stavros was in demand! The Neon Players (the local amateur dramatic society ‘phoned to see if he could take on a role in an upcoming production.

  The Neon Players comprise a group of ‘Thespians’ who all live in the surrounding villages. They usually put on two per productions per year (Easter and Christmas) to entertain not only themselves but also the local residents.

  To date, the productions have usually been presented at a local taverna; usually presented in two parts with a meal served during the interval. Past productions have been Comedy or ‘Who Dunnit? - Murder Mystery’ and have all been a great success.

  Easter 2012 was to be their most ambitious project to date; To be presented from the stage of the Cultural Centre three plays by Harold Pinter; no food this time but just a bar for the intervals.

  The plays were to be performed two nights running and they had already sold out.

  Stavros was cast as the Night Club Manager in Night School by Harold Pinter. His role was very demanding; 63 words in total in three in three separate scenes.

  Fame beckoned for Stavros!

  Rehearsals and Dress Rehearsal over, it was time for the first night’s performance.

  It’s true; Stavros needed some ‘Dutch Courage’ and did have large Ouzo before heading off to the Cultural Centre to join the cast in last-minute preparations before ‘curtain up’.

  Well! Nobody could have foreseen what was to happen next.

  Stavros played his part, but missed three lines! His co-actors noticed and ‘covered’ for him and the audience were none the wiser.

  So far, so good.

  Came the ‘curtain call’ and as Stavros was the last character to appear in the play, he was on the very end of the line of actors taking the applause of the audience.

  As is normal, the actors come to the front of the stage for the applause, take a bow and retreat to the back of the stage pending more applause and then come to the front again to the sound of ‘bravo!’ and one more bow etc.

  Well, as the line of actors came to the front of the stage (holding hands), Stavros was blinded by the spotlights, and as he stopped to bow he missed the edge of the stage, and fell straight off into the abyss!

  Whack! Dead weight into the concrete floor below the stage!

  Stavros was temporarily knocked out, but like a true professional ‘trouper’ he got to his feet, climbed back on the stage and continued to soak up the applause!

  Bizarrely, the audience thought it was all part of the act and did not realise that Stavros had indeed been hurt!

  Big headache later that night!

  The following morning came the ’phone call from the Director of his play.

  Valerie answered the call as Stavros was still in bed (aching).


  “Is Stavros ok?”

  “Yes, but he is still in bed.”

  “Will he be fit enough to do tonight’s performance?”

  “I think so.”

  “Please tell him that I want him to arrive 15 minutes early as I want to speak to him about his missed lines!”


  Like the true ‘trooper’ that he is, Stavros was back for the second performance. He performed perfectly; No missed lines. There was to be no missed footings at the front of the stage, but there were several curtain calls, and he duly lapped up the applause!

  When he awoke the following morning, he turned to Valerie and said,

  “No more acting. I’ll quit whilst I am at my peak!


  …. Another Water Leak Was Discovered At Meerkat Manor

  It was now well into April 2012 and the grasses were growing but their life was short lived. The rotary mower was working well!

  It was whilst Stavros was putting away the mower from one of the cutting sessions that Valerie called out to him,

  “I can hear water running. Where is it coming from?”

  Upon close examination of the whole house, we eventually found water leaking from the wall from the studio above the downstairs kitchen window. It was coming out of the cement casing for the pipes from the studio. Uggh! Not again.

  Stavros decided to investigate, and broke open the cement casing. The water was definitely leaking out on to the wall here, but it appeared to come from inside the wall and maybe above; he could hear it running.

  Photo: Cement Casing Broken Open To Reveal Piping From Studio

  Stavros turned off the water at the mains and ‘phoned Takis the plumber to ask him to come and fix it.

  “Stavros. Hi! I would love to help but I am in Austria ski-ing!” was Takis’ reply upon answering his mobile.

  “I’ll send my partner to assess the problem and when I return next week, together we will fix it.”

  The leak was traced to a point within the walls in the shower room. Takis’ partner concluded that a joint in the pipes must be leaking.

  There were three options and three prices. First was to break through the wall from the inside. Second was to break through the wall from the outside. Third was to disconnect the existing pipes and put new pipes inside the shower room.

  Prices were 1,800 Euros, 1,200 Euros and 650 Euros.

  We were short of ‘spare’ money so we chose the 650 Euros route! After all, the studio was only used two or three times a year by our friends, so water pipes along the skirting board would have to do.

  Takis completed the job in one day and used copper piping for the new internal pipes to carry both the hot and cold water supply to the studio. The finished result looked much better that we had envisaged.


Stavros Got The Call To Go To Work!

  I received a call from my Client,

  “Can you come to France to work with us?”

  “Now let me see…….” I replied.

  Could I? You bet!

  Thank goodness for this offer as the money would come in very handy. Most expenses to date this year had not been budgeted for. I was still paying off the Credit Card from the new bathroom, the ‘Goldfinger’ operation and the recent Vet’s bills for MiMi!

  I was packed and ready to go when the day came to travel; hand baggage status only. I had my work related papers, my clothes and my Kindle to catch up on my reading during the travel and evenings on my own in the restaurant and hotel.

  The travel itinerary was the same as in previous visits; straightforward, but tight timings for the connections from plane to train and the changes in train from one country to another (Switzerland to France).

  This is the itinerary / timetable:

  Fly from Athens to Zurich (just under 3 hours), and after landing, head straight for the railway terminal and the ticket desk. If the plane is on time, I have just 21 minutes to get from plane to train. Over the years, I have got the changes down to a fine art. I exit the plane and go through Customs, into the Duty Free to buy a bottle of Whisky, then to Starbucks to get a bottle of soda water and a plastic cup. Next, I join the queue at the ticket office to buy my return tickets to Colmar in France. Then I head to platform 3 for the train. This is Switzerland, so it is always the same platform; platform 3.

  I usually arrive with three or four minutes only to spare; enough. This train goes from Zurich Airport to Zurich City station and there I change for the train to Basle. I usually have just 11 minutes to make the change and board the train before it departs.

  Do you remember the purchase of the Whisky and Soda water? Well, it is for on train refreshment. As soon as I am settled on the train to Basle, I pour myself a well-earned Whisky and Soda, sit back and relax and watch the world going by through my train window.

  At Basle, I leave the train, which is still in Switzerland, head through Customs and into the French side of the station; one station in two countries! There is 20 minutes between the scheduled arrival and departure times of this part of the itinerary. The distance between the Swiss arrival platform and French departure platform is a long way, but speed-walking sees me arrive in around 15 minutes and in time for the departure of the French train to Colmar.


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