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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

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by Natalia Wiszniewska

  So, the plan is to go to the doctor, take an interception shot or implant and then make sure that my father will pick up the phone and get a message that the next visit is booked. Well, maybe is not the brightest idea, but believe me, it will work on my father, especially because I am his little princess. Of course, he doesn’t care when I am killing people and run around with weapons on me but he much care about my virginity.

  Secondly, when the school’s year gonna start I will be a nightmare. I think the headmaster office would be my second home. My father would need to spend lots of money to bail me from those situations and hopefully he will get mad. So, yeah, this is my plan, however, I don’t want to disappoint him so I will start on my research and provide him as much information as I could get.

  The first on the list is Antonio Russo, the CEO of Russo enterprises, rich, handsome, have a wife and two kids. One is only 2 and second 12. Well, it’s time to make some friends. I took my matt black Kawasaki and make my way to Russo’s house.

  It took me 20 minutes to get here. What a waste of time. I quickly check my surroundings and realise that the possession is highly observed. Five cameras up front, three bodyguards on the gate and two at the front entrance. Well, can be hard but obviously, the bodyguards are men so I think I will be just fine to make my way to the house. I am wearing my new leather pants and just a bra, but not a normal one, black leather is covering my body today. My hair is curled in beach waves for more dramatic effect. The last touch, red lipstick to look as a real slut and be a part of this performance.

  I left my Kawasaki behind the small red Toyota parked just right behind the corner of the house. It’s just in case that I would need to run, not too close and not too far. My high heels knock on the concrete pavement when I started my walk to the front gate. Two bodyguards tense when they see me but the third took his time to scan my body from bottom to the top. Got ya little perv, you won the ticket to travel with Em love train today. When I get closer, two bodyguards make their move to remove pistols from the back of their uniform and at this sign my smile get even wider.

  “Oh, hello boys, honey you did not tell me that you have some handsome friends working with you.” I make my voice to sound flirtatious. My eyes land on the third bodyguard and I run my tongue over my teeth provocatively. The guy follows my movements and I turn my gaze at his pants where the obvious reaction to my words could be observed. Bingo! “Don’t tell me that you don’t recognise me, love. You told me that the night was the best of your life and because I had three orgasms during our adventure and now, I am horny as hell, I decided to come to you because you didn’t call me as you promised.” I move to touch his crotch and he didn’t stop me. He takes my hand in his and grip himself even harder. Two bodyguards exchange the look and one of them asked: “Well Will this is not a place to invite your one- night stands, if Russo will find out, you are done.” The guy also looks at me seductively and I send him the air kiss.

  “Well boys, don’t do it to Will, this is all my fault, I just couldn’t forget about him and decided to come, but if you want, you could have a ride with us as well, I don’t mind some sharing.” My voice is low, and my hand travels around my boobs. The man’s eyes follow my movements and I observe that he also has a little surprise for me, in his pants.

  “Guys, common don’t tell the boss, I will quickly fuck her in the toilet and then I will come back. If you will need me, I will be there.” I slide my tongue from the bottom to the top of his neck.

  “Go little bastard, but when you finished maybe give us a turn with the lady because I think that quick fuck will not be enough for her.” His loud laugh fills the space. A guy will always be a guy. I should be mad at his words, but he is not wrong, I need long fuck, but unfortunately for them, this is not what I will be doing with them.

  Will took my hand and led me to the front doors. Two bodyguards eyed us suspiciously but didn’t say anything. I think Russo should invest in some woman bodyguards because those men just… Will pushes the doors open and quickly lead the way to the bathroom. He opens the door and shuts them behind us. Let’s play.

  “To be honest I don’t remember you but you’re so beautiful and ready that it would be an honour to fuck you kitty.” What a perv, but I will play along, I need to stress out a little bit and he is not ugly by the way. Actually, he is handsome, he has broad arms and puffed chest. He is also taller than me and his green eyes remind me of Tyler. My hands travel up and down his chest, I stop next to the belt and start to unbutton his pants. He is now kissing my neck and that send the shiver up my spine. Focus, Em, you are here on a mission not for the quick fuck. Before I unzipped his pants, I decide to kiss him. I don’t know why, but I need it. His lips are hot as fuck and his tongue move past mine and begin a sexual dance with one of mine own. Let’s move on because I don’t have time. I rapidly take off his pants down to his knees and slowly lower my left hand to my bag, when the right one was stroking his dick. I need to be honest; he is impressive, I mean his size. I could easily jump him, and I could do it just now because the wetness in my pants is telling me that I may come soon without even touching myself. Oh, to hell with the plan, I didn’t fuck for at least two weeks because Tyler was always occupied by other girls or business. I had only my ‘friend’ pink bunny type vibrator. And to be honest it is not the same as the real dick.

  Em, you need to focus, your father counts on you. My inner voice is right. I remove the gun from my purse and point at him. His eyes bulges and his jaw drops.

  “Could be nice lover boy, but I came here for business, but maybe someday I will let you fuck me,” I smirk at him and hit him with the bottom of the gun on his temple. He lost consciousness immediately.

  I make my move to open the door, I check both sides of the corridor and run to the most obvious part of the house, where the enemy should be, the office. On my way there, I decide to grab something, or better someone to have a deal in my pocket. I turn around and look for the child’s room or something. I spot the room with the baby’s bed and the baby nicely sleeping inside it. I take a baby from the mosses basket and make my way to the office. Little monkey did not even waken up, poor thing. I will not kill her; I am not that type of person, but it will be my bargain. I knock at the door and the loud voice invites me inside. I enter the room and the guy in his mid-age meet my gaze. His face immediately lost its colour.

  “Hello Russo, what a beautiful baby you have. I am wondering if you know who I am and why I am holding her?”

  “What do you want and how the hell did you come here?” his voice is steady, surprisingly, but I know that he has a security button under his desk because his eyes are travelling there.

  “If you will press that button, I will make a hole in this baby head in less than a second and I think you will not want that.” I smile because I know I already won. “You see I came here to talk. As you may suspect there is a new competitor on the market and that men send me here to kindly negotiate deals with you. You know, I hate kids so let’s make this quick before she wakes up, everyone could go back to their responsibilities and you will probably never see me again. Can I continue?” He nods his head and put his hands on the table for me to see, hmm I didn’t ask him to do that, but I see that he is very scared of his baby. “Ok so I would like you to give my boss 10% of your company’s shares and full loyalty. You are smart guy; you know that 10% would not make a difference for you, as a CEO, and my boss is a good guy and he will not take from you any profit from the company as a symbol of his friendship. What do you think?”

  “5%, I-I can give him 5% of the shares.” Not smart enough I see. I slowly raise the gun to the baby’s head. His eyes follow my movements.

  “Tsk- tsk You see it’s not a time for bargains, but I will play with you. 20% per cent from now on, you will sign the contract, which I, surprisingly, have in my purse and the baby gonna be safe, if not I will take her with me or no, even better, I will kill her in front of your eyes. So, tell me Russo how it’s gonna be?”

  “Give me a pen.” Good boy. I thought it’s gonna take more time, but I have done my research and I know that family is his everything and he will do everything to keep them safe. I remove the contract from my purse and put it in front of him, he signs it and raises his hands to take a baby. I lean aside and take a paper from his desk.

  “Don’t be so quick, I have what I wanted and now I will take the baby with me, you will call your bodyguards and tell them to go to the pool house, I will leave the baby at the front gate and then I will disappear, is it clear?”

  “Yes” he takes his phone and dials a number. Someone answers on the first ring. “To the pool house right now, all of you… No, nothing happened, yes all of you and don’t ask stupid questions.” He is furious, oh yeah, I would be as well because those dickheads let me inside without as much as a blink of an eye. I made my way to leave the room. I quickly run to the front doors and notice that the dogs disappeared. I run to the gate, left a baby and walk to my motor. And then the shooting became, too late darling, too late. I am already on my bike and disappearing down the road. Mission completed.

  Chapter 6

  This is not possible. This should be a joke. I thought that the list of recent things that happen in my life was the worst of my life. How wrong I was.

  “Miss, you are still a minor. I need to call to your parents or guardians.” I cannot cry. I cannot show her how broken I am right now. I need to be strong for myself, for Tyler, for Tobi, and my father.

  “Please don’t do it. My father is a very busy man, he would only get mad at me.” I beg because I don’t see any other way to persuade her to not to bother my dad. I lied obviously, he cares about me, but he cares a little too much. It would break him; I cannot do it for him.

  The nurse is staring at me right now. She probably doesn’t believe my words that he would not care but I need to handle this by myself. I will keep this secret as long as I can. This doesn’t change anything. The nurse nods her head but looks at me as she expects something in exchange for keeping my secret. Thank God that I took some cash from the safe that my father insisted to put in my walk-in-closed. I remove five hundred from my purse and give them to the nurse. She smiles brightly.

  “Thank you miss, your secret is safe with me, I will also destroy your card just to make sure that everything would stay between us.” I quickly stand up and rush out the door. I cannot keep my tears anymore. My eyes start to water and soon enough my face is all wet from tears.

  After I left the hospital, I didn’t know where to go. I cannot call to Tyler; I need to keep this secret for myself. The only bright idea right now is to jump from the highest building that I can find. My mind is not thinking clearly because that was my last thought before I rushed to the nearest building. It doesn’t need to be that high, at least two storage maybe three, doesn’t matter right now.

  My mind is a blur, my vision is a blur. I can only see the horrible images of the nurse who is telling me the news. That was simple medical check and now this is the end. The end of everything. I don’t know how but I found myself standing on the roof of some building. The cold wind brushes my bare shoulders. I take a deep breath, but it didn’t help. I still need to do it. Only this will solve the problem and erase this shame which I am for my family. I mean I will be when they will find out. But they will never know what I have done.

  I moved to the edge of the roof and my vision become clearer. I look down and wow, I am very high. I don’t remember to come that high, but everything will be better than my situation right now. I am curious how Tyler will react, when he will get the news that I am dead. That some old lady found my crushed and bloodied body on the pavement on her way to the park with her dog. He will be furious, but not because of the medical results, because I didn’t say goodbye. But it’s for the best for all of us.

  I hear some movement behind me, but I don’t turn around to find out who will try to help me. I don’t want this guy or girl to see my face before I jump.

  “Are you going to jump?” This voice… this voice is so deep and so welcoming that I quickly turn around to look at the person who own this melodic voice. My eyes bulge out from my head. This guy is amazing. His dirty blonde hair is short on the sides and longer at the top of his head. His deep blue eyes are looking at me with concern or maybe a pity.

  “What?” Even I don’t recognise my voice. It’s raspy and quiet. He scans me from top to the bottom and I can see that he approves what he is seeing. Typical men, again, but I don’t have time for him, I need to finish what I have started.

  “Don’t do it, it’s not worth it. Whatever happens, you can always stand up for yourself, you can force yourself to fight because I can see that you are a fighter or maybe I am wrong?” I have been wrong, there is no pity in him. His voice is telling me that he hates me for what I want to do. He hates people who are weak and that’s exactly who I am right now. All the fight left my body at the moment, when the nurse told me the results.

  “There is nothing to fight anymore. Even when I would try, this is the end of everything.” I make one more step to the edge.

  “Well, then jump. If you don’t have to fight in yourself then there is nothing, I can do to stop you. Take your life in your hands and jump.” I take a deep breath. His words hit me like a car. He is right, where is this person who always fight for herself. Person who is never scared of the future. But I know the answer. I am weak and this act of desperation is showing it clearly. Those words also are irritating me because who he thinks he is, to tell me who I am. He doesn’t know me; he never saw me. He is a stranger who happen to see me in my lowest.

  I look down one more time and then it enlightens me. I cannot die. My father counts on me, he needs me in his life. He built his empire for me and his sons. For us to have better lives. He will be devastated, when I will kill myself. He will think that I am weak, that he never taught me to be a strong person, and this is not true. Everything he has done was for me to become a better person, to feel confident with myself. I cannot die now, not like this. This is the act of desperation for weak people, for someone who doesn’t have faith in herself. I am not that person. I abruptly turn around, but the strong wind blocks my movements and I lost my balance. I close my eyes because at this moment that was the only reasonable thing to do. I didn’t want to die but the fate decided that this is the time.

  Suddenly, the only thing I can feel are strong arms that wrapped my waist in a hug. Suddenly, I am no longer flying, I am holed in strong embrace. I welcome this act of heroisms with everything I could give. My body went limp and I start to sob. The guy still holds me close to his chest. He put my legs on the ground, but I don’t feel them, and I rapidly start to sink to the ground. He wraps his arm around my waist one more time and hugs me.

  This is a strange feeling, but I feel safe with him, like nothing can hurt me anymore. I don’t know for how long I have been crying, I don’t know for how long he was holding me and telling sweet things into my ear. I know that now I feel better and I am glad for this stranger that he saved my life. I will be grateful for the rest of my life which hopefully will be long.

  Chapter 7

  I haven’t seen the guy from the roof for the rest of summer. I was thinking about him and even dreamed about him. I showed my weak side to him and I never done that before. Even for Tyler. I could only hope that he will forget about me and never see me again.

  The rest of the summer went uneventfully. I’ve been practising with JO every day, each evening. To be honest, JO seemed to be a little sad these days. He was always my best friend, maybe it is not good to compare forty years old to a friend but it’s true. I think he misses home, but the truth is that he never had a family. The only people he cared about were me and my brothers. He is like family to us, all of our members are, actually. JO never been sad or showed any emotions to be specific. I am dying to know what happened, so I write this in my mind’s diary to ask him that later. I have also solved the problem with potential enemies
and that made my daddy very happy. He even made sure that my babies came to me. Ah, yeah, I have two amazing dogs. I thought that they had been killed in the explosion because as to my father history, I have been there alone, but I am always with my dogs by my side. They may seem to be dangerous and aggressive, and maybe a little bit possessive of me but they are my life. I would give everything for them. I got them on my tenth birthday. Two small Dobermans were waiting for me to embrace them with love, and I have done just that. I also used them for my advantage, but not in a bad way or anything. As everyone knows, the life can surprise, and I am prepared for that. I am only human, and I don’t think I would be able to save myself in a danger if I would be unnumbered, so I trained my dogs as well to help me if I would need help. They have a chip installed on the back of their neck and I have the small button installed in my ring. When I will press it, the chip will flash red and my dogs would know where to find me, and also it will send the alarm to Tyler phone to inform me that I need help. I never used it before because I never needed help, I was always independent and handled my business by myself, but who knows, maybe someday I will need it.

  Today is the first day of school. Ty and Tobi are still in London and I wonder how long it will take to sort out the business. I really miss them and hope that it will not take another month.

  Landon Hill Academy, I have done my research. This school is for snobs and only the elites, whatever it means, attend this privileged prison. I am standing in front of my closed and gaping at the uniform which I would need to wear for a couple months. London is famous for the fact that uniforms are compulsory in schools, but I never wore them. That was a redundant rule that didn’t add anything to my life. So, I decided not to wear a uniform now as well. Let the daddy handle consequences. I am going to make a fuss around myself, why not? I am wearing my famous black leather pants and a white crop top with my favourite band’s logo, Metallica. I have matched my combat boots to my outfit and decided to curl my blonde hair. I added some eyeliner and nude matt lipstick and I am all done, perfect. I can feel it in my bones that today I will be suspended for at least two weeks. It’s a nice accomplishment for the first day of school.


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