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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

Page 9

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  “Welcome at Zac’s property. Would you like a couple of tea?” He says with a horrible British accent. I laugh at that and nod my head yes because I am curious how he will accomplish this task. His smile quickly fades, and I laugh even more.

  “I am not joking; I would like some tea. English breakfast and a milk, thank you.” I smile at him and step into the house. He follows me and motions his hand to go upstairs. I do as ask and go up. He opens the last doors to the left and my jaw drops again. I really need to accustom with this posh life and huge houses. I sit on the massive sofa.

  “So, why are you here, but be honest because I know that you didn’t come here for Zac.”

  “I need your help, Zac. I just found out that my father kidnapped me when I was four and my real parents let him do that and didn’t even ask him to give me back, so my life is a mess and I need somewhere to stay for a couple days.” I rush to say.

  “OMG. I didn’t expect that. This is huge, like massive. Oh shit. I’m sorry Em. Do you need a hug?” My eyes water at his words and Zac rushes to embrace me. I snuggle closer to him and cry. I need this. I know that I am posing for a badass bitch, but this is very depressing. I never felt this way before. I could handle a bully who tries to be funny and shares my nude videos. I can handle the stares at school, but I cannot handle this. My whole life was a joke. I was a pawn in some sick game and the worst part is that my real parents didn’t want me.

  I don’t know for how long I was crying. I compose myself and dry my face with the back of my face.

  “Can I stay here for a couple of days?”

  “Of course, you don’t need to ask. I will take a sofa and you can have a bed. We just need to bring your uniform and some things because I don’t have anything.”

  “Yeah, I already texted Tobi. He will come here tomorrow morning with my things, if it’s okay?”

  “Yes, don’t worry. Now come with me. I will give you some clean towel and my T-shirt, and we can go to bed. I mean separately.” He looks uncomfortable and so adorable.

  “We can sleep in one bed. I don’t mind, we already know how we look naked. But nothing is going to happen.” I warn.

  “Oh, thanks fuck. I really didn’t want to sleep on that couch.” His grin comes back.

  I take a quick shower. I used Zac’s washing liquids and now I smell just like him, and of course I am wearing his T-shirt. It’s so large and comfy. I leave the bathroom and climb to bed. Zac is already laying there shirtless, and damn… he is really nice-looking guy.

  “Do you like what you see?” I shook my head as his voice beams in my ears. A blush creeps to my cheeks. Why the hell am I blushing?

  “Sorry, you just look… handsome. I approve.” I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

  “Don’t think about it now. You already cried a lot. Look at this from a different side. Were you unhappy with your new family?”

  “No, of course not. They are amazing, they were amazing, but you know. They lied to me. They hide the truth. I lost trust in them. It’s just very disappointing.”

  “Maybe they didn’t want to upset you. Look, the truth is heart-breaking and maybe they wanted good for you. They wanted you to feel wanted. I don’t know.” Maybe he is right, but this doesn’t change that they hide the truth for so many years. I am a big girl; I can handle the worst truth. Telling the truth is always a better option than hiding it, isn’t it? You have your own secret that you are hiding from them. How pathetic is that you egoist? Shit, this stupid voice is right. I know that they wanted good for me, but still, I need more time to adjust this inside my head. Or maybe you need time to explain your actions in front of yourself, because you are doing exactly what they have done? You lied. I hate this voice. I cover my head with the pillow and groan loudly.

  “Don’t do that sexy groaning again because I would need to help myself.” I look at Zac who is now holding himself through the boxers. Holy shit, Em focus. I turn away from him.

  “Goodnight Zac,” With that, I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

  The next morning, I hear a quiet noise in the room. I know that this is not Zac because his arm is wrapped around my middle. I can feel that something is coming close to my mouth. I take the arm which creeps to my face and twist it behind the newcomer’s back. I frantically start to look for my blade, but it’s nowhere to be found. What the hell? I focus my eyes on the attacker, Liam.

  “Nice move. I can see that you’ve been practicing but now you can leave my hand.” He eyed me dangerously. I do as he asks and step away from him.

  “What the hell Liam? Are you out of your mind? I could kill you if I would have my blade with me.” I shout-whisper. Zac opens his eyes and confusion paints on his face. His eyes jump from me to Liam and he groans.

  “Bro, why the hell are you here? It’s Saturday, we don’t have school till Monday, I don’t need a ride.” He covers his head with a blanket. I realise that Liam is gaping at me and my clothes. Shit! I’m practically naked! I start to cover myself and Liam angry eyes turn to look at Zac.

  “I didn’t know that you have… company. I. didn’t. mean. To. Disturb.” Liam hisses through clenched teeth. His jaw is working, emphasizing the outline of his face. God, he is handsome. I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Well, as you need to know. I didn’t have anywhere to go, after your news. Zac was the only person who’s been nice enough to let me stay at his house.” I inform.

  “I see how Zac nicely helped you. How heroic of him.” Liam announces sarcastically. His eyes travel up and down my body. “Put something on yourself, your brother is waiting outside.” I gasp and run to the nightstand to check my phone. Shit! Is afternoon already. We slept over ten hours and I have twenty missed calls from Ty, fifteen from dad and ten from Tobi. Also couple unread messages from all of them, crap. I remove Zac’s T-shirt without care that both of them are still in the room. I change my clothes for the ones, I was wearing yesterday and march out of the room. I stop in front of the doors.

  “Close your mouths shitheads. You’re acting like you never seen a naked body.” I wink at them and leave the room. I run down the stairs to the front doors. I walk outside and Tobi shit- grin welcomes me.

  “You look like shit, Em. Did you have a good night, because it looks to me like you’ve been occupied for most of the time?” He chuckles. I smile at him and punch his arm.

  “Zac is a friend, and yes, I had a great night. I slept like a baby, thank you very much.” I hug him and my face falls. “Did you know?” I ask quietly.

  “I had no idea, I swear. It was shocking to me as it was to you. If I would know, I would tell you. You know me, I would never hide something so important from you princess.” He kisses the top of my head. I lift my head to look at him.

  “I know, and they knew too. That’s why they hide it from you as well.”

  “Are you sure that you want to stay here? Dad is upset, he didn’t sleep whole night. He even hired some special forces to locate you, and Ty… he is miserable. I talked with him yesterday, he said that he was only doing father’s orders. He didn’t want to lie to you, but you know how it is. We cannot disobey.” He is right, and I know that both, my father and Ty wanted good. It’s just this feeling of betrayal growing inside me. I’ve never been treated like that before and I don’t know how to act.

  “I know. Tell dad that I am okay, and I will come back soon. I’m just not ready yet. I’m safe here, I promise. And Ty… tell him that I understand but I need time. I will talk with him soon.” I say sadly. Tobias takes a deep breath and open the car’s doors.

  “We know that you are safe. Dad made sure about it. He would never let you stay if you weren’t, you know that.” He removes a small back from the backseat and gives it to me. “Your clothes, some toothbrush, and some make-up shit. Will I see you on Monday at school?” I take a bag from him.

  “Yeah, you will. I will text you soon. Thank you.” I hug him once more and turn to come back to the house. I stop and turn around again. “and
Tobi…” he looks at me, “Ti Amo,” he smiles at that.

  “Ti amo di più” I return a smile and walk to Zac house. I hear how Tobi steps inside the car, starts the engine and drives away.

  A hushed shouting came from upstairs. I can’t hear anything, but the conversation is tense. I walk up the stairs to Zac bedroom and the voices fell silent. I step into the room and look at both of them. Zac has split lip. I run to him and grabbed his face with both hands and start to stare at his wound.

  “What the hell happened?” I ask and look at Liam who is fuming with anger.

  “Nothing to worry about. We had disagreement but we solved it. Now take your bag, you’re going with me.” Liam states. I look at Zac who is staring at me sadly.

  “Are you kidding me? I’m not going anywhere with you; I’m staying with Zac. My father would kill us both if he found out that I’m with you. He probably knows already that you’re here.”

  “Yes, he knows already. I’m going outside and straight to my house. Zac will take you to me through the underground tunnel under our houses. I live next to him after all, or are you already forgot where my house is?” He answers with a smirk. This information shocked not only me, but Zac as well, but I think that he is mostly surprised about the fact that I have been in Liam’s house, and I that they have a tunnel.

  “Wait a minute, you’ve been at his house? When?” Zac asks with disbelief, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “I lost consciousness when he threw the bomb that my father kidnapped me, and he took me to his because he panicked.”

  “I didn’t panic. I’m not allowed at yours, remember?” Liam asks.

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m not going with you, I’m staying here.” I cross my arms on my chest and stare at him. He smirks at that. Bastard.

  “You don’t have a choice, I’ve already decided.” Liam grabs my bag and moves to leave the room. I stand up rapidly.

  “Who the fuck you think you are to decide? I already told you. I. am. Staying. Here. Period.”

  “Enough, you heard her bro. She wants to stay. Anyway, if Sophia finds out you have a guest, she will tear you a new one.” Zac chuckles and the unknown feeling creeps to me, jealousy. I don’t know why I have this feeling, but this is a good chance to rub this slut’s nose. Yeah, right it is the only reason. Stupid voice.

  “After a second thought, I will go with you, but my father cannot find out.” Zac jaw drops with shock and Liam smirks, again. This bastard knew that I will go.

  “Common let’s go,” I say and move past Liam.

  Liam walk out the front doors and Zac motions for me to follow him.

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” His voice is full of concern, “Don’t get me wrong but I thought that you two hate each other.”

  “Because we do, but when you mentioned Sophia, I’ve decided to have a little fun with her feelings, you know?” I grin at him and he returns it.

  “Is it the only reason you want to go?” He asks with this shit grin on his face.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Our families are competitors. I don’t even like him.” Because I don’t, do I?

  “That wasn’t a reason of asking. I meant that maybe you want to make Tyler jealous but when you put this that way…” His grin widens, oh shit. “You like Liam, oh shit! I didn’t even think about it, but you just betrayed yourself. Holy shit! This is huge! Like massive!” He shouts with excitement. I shush him and he laughs even harder. We walk to the huge metal doors and Zac puts his hand on the reader. The light turns green and the doors open. We step inside and they close automatically behind us. The dark corridor become lighter as automatic light lighten our way. The walk is not long but how creepy. Everything is metallic.

  “It’s special design. The walls are made from some shit hard metal, if someone would like to destroy it from outside or something.” Zac announces. He must see me exploring.

  “I don’t like him,” I answer instead.

  “Yeah, right. Maybe, you just didn’t realise this yet.” He smiles at me.

  “Don’t mention this again. I have more problems on my head now. More important than heart problems.”

  “Your secret is safe with me beautiful.” He chuckles. We come to the next massive, metallic doors and Zac puts his hand on the scanner once again. The doors open and Liam’s face appears.

  “Welcome at temporary home, Morpho.” He gesticulates for us to come inside. We do just that and I gasp.

  We are standing in a huge room. The walls are dark grey and black, my favourite. At the centre is a huge U- shape sofa and massive TV. I can see the doors probably leading to the bathroom or some shit. At the back of the room, on the pedestal is king size bed, but for real, like double or triple king size bed. Next to in is a walk-in closet which is as huge as mine. Some boy’s shit things like PlayStation, laptop is displayed on the coffee table in front of the sofa. An impressive desk is situated on the corner with some papers thrown on top of it. The most breath-taking thing is that there is no ceiling in this room. The ceiling is just a huge flat window. So, someone who lives here can watch the stars from every single place in this place, awesome.

  I put my bag on the sofa and walk to the bed. I jump on it with open arms and sigh when I touch the plush surface.

  “The bed is mine, you can take a sofa or any other room, because I just fall in love,” I state. Liam laugh softly. His laugh is so addicting, I could listen to it all the time. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “Yeah, this is my place. I see that you don’t remember it. You were probably too focused on storming out of here to realise how amazing it is.”

  “Well, yeah, I don’t remember. I didn’t pay attention, and yes, the place is awesome. What about your dad? What will you do when he comes here?”

  “He won’t. He never did before, so I don’t think he will this time. He doesn’t know that you are here. This place is kind of separated from the main house. I have own kitchen and things like that over there.” He motions to the doors I spotted before.

  “Right, okay. I will get going. I have a date with some chick soon. I will text you later. Come back to my place on Monday, we will go to school from mine. Laters.” Zac salutes at us and disappear through metal doors. I stare after him for a short while.

  “Is he dating someone?” I ask rhetorically.

  “Jealous?” Liam answers anyway and I stare at him with anger. “Chill, I’m joking. He told me that nothing happened.”

  “It’s not of your business. Even if something would happen, what would you do with that piece of information?”

  “Let’s just say that Zac would not only have a split lip.” Liam winks at me and I open my mouth with shock. What does he mean? Never mind, I have a couple things to do first. I remove my phone from my pocket to text Tobi to take care of my dogs when I’m not there. He texts me straight away.

  Turbo Tobi: Already taken care of it ☺

  Emlyn: Thanks, Turbo Tobi. <3

  I smile at my phone.

  “So, what you want to do now?” Liam asks, sitting on the sofa and turning the PlayStation on. Why the hell is he asking, if he already decided?

  Chapter 16

  I sit next to Liam on the sofa and take a controller. He looks at me sceptically but doesn’t say anything. He starts some fight game and we chose our fighters. I decide to go for a ladylike character with blond hair wrapped in two high ponytails. She is wearing white short skirt and blouse. I think it is a school uniform of some sort. Liam goes for a Hulk. We start to play and to his surprise, I win.

  “I let you have this one, don’t act so happy. Now we gonna play for real.” Yeah, right…

  After like seven? Yeah, seven rounds, he still didn’t win any of them, what a shame. I am good at videogames. If you have two brothers, and no girlfriends, you know what I mean. I shove the controller on the table and stretch on the sofa, yawning.

  “Well, I think I will take a nap because playing with you is boring,” I smile at him. His eyes fal
l on me and I can see that he is annoyed. Remember, if you don’t want a man to feel down, let him win.

  “Maybe you won, but that was only a videogame. I will take you somewhere where the real game begins.” He intrigued me.

  “Surprise me then,” I say still smiling. Liam takes my hand and leads me to the metal doors.

  “Zac is waiting for you on the other side. Change your clothes and we gonna meet at the place.” He opens the door and shoves me inside. I walk through the corridor till the end. Zas is waiting for me indeed, on the other side.

  “Maybe you will be kind enough to tell me where the hell we are going?” Zac laughs at my words.

  “Race, we are going to the race.” My dreams come true.

  “Could you give me the location?”

  “Yeah, no problem.” Zac gives me the address which I text to Tobi and ask him for a favour.


  We arrive at the race’s place. There are like hundreds of people here. They are different age, from high school kids to some old pigs. I love the scenery; this is my thing. I don’t know if I mentioned before that I always participated in illegal races in London. Well, I have, and I was the best. Maybe, equally with Ty but it doesn’t matter because I was the best chick.

  I am wearing my leather leggings with combat boots and some white tank top. I take my bomber jacket but it’s too hot in this country. I put my hair in a messy bun and add some make-up. I look hot and all the boys who are looking my way, can confirm that. I feel confident.

  “I know that you’re hot as hell, but damn, I didn’t know that bringing you here would arise sensation. I’m sure that every single guy wants to fuck you right here, right now.” Zac whispers to me and I laugh.

  “Yeah, why do you think I dress up like that?” Zac chuckles and leads me to some awesome car. I think it’s Mazda MX-5 but I am not sure. The driver leaves the car and surprise, it’s Liam. He checks me up and down, and I think he likes what he sees. I’m wondering why he called me disgusting. Maybe he doesn’t like my body naked but likes it dressed? I have no fucking clue.


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