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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

Page 12

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  “And she was the girl who he hid in his room when I come back from your place,” I whisper to myself.

  “I don’t know that one but probably yes. Do you see now that he is the bad guy, not me? I only agreed with you. Remember? You were the person who said that this can’t happen again, I just agreed because I didn’t want to push you to do something you don’t want.” He lifts my chin with two fingers. I study his eyes to check if he’s saying the truth. I don’t notice any lies in his eyes, I think I don’t.

  “I meant what I said then. It won’t happen again, never.”

  “Never say never Morpho.” He smirks at me as I shove him away. “I hope you’re coming to me on Halloween. We have a party. Wear something nice.” He winks and walks away. I stand there for a little white and then move to go home. I sit inside the car and wait for Tobias to finish his last lesson and drive me home. I have one week to have this ugly blackie disappear because I’m gonna go to this party at Liam’s and I will have my revenge on Tyler. I will destroy him. He slept with my worst enemy. With the girl who burned my skin. I will not let this go, not in a million years.

  Chapter 19

  For the rest of the week, I haven’t done anything productive. I went to school every day and after school I had training with JO. I also haven’t spoken with Tyler. He acted strange whole week and I tried to ghost him. The information about his affair with Sophia shocked me. Why have he done that to me? I thought about it but decided to leave it be because we weren’t together. I don’t know if I want to have anything to do with him. After he came here from London, he acted differently. He didn’t pay me that much attention. He didn’t care what I’m doing. Before, he would explode, like literally explode, after the info that I have been fighting, but now? He got mad and didn’t push at all after Zac’s announcement. He didn’t even care that I kissed him. What the actual fuck? Maybe he realised that he feels nothing to me and that I’m only his sister? I don’t know, but longer he acts like that, quicker I’m realising that my feelings weren’t that strong. Maybe I just grow up or maybe I have interest in Liam, and I didn’t like anyone before. So, you like Liam? Fuck, scratch that. Liam is hot and I like to look at him, nothing more.

  It’s Friday evening and a Halloween night. I haven’t seen my dad for a whole week. His damn secretary, I didn’t know that he has one, informed us on Monday that he left for business and will be back soon. What the ‘soon’ means? I didn’t care much but it’s strange that we weren’t on any job since we came here. I don’t count my little businesses done during the summer, but when the school year started, he disappears from my life. Strange.

  I decide to wear something sexy but appropriate because I don’t want to look like slut. It’s Halloween after all, everyone should change and be a wizard or a fairy tale, right? I didn’t even ask if I should be in a costume, but I tried to avoid Liam as well. I don’t have any specific reason to do that, but I just did. The more I get closer to him; my feeling increase and I’m not sure if I should feel anything at all. It’s too confusing.

  I put some dark make-up and curl my hair. I add some glitter and finish it with some dark red lipstick. The make-up is a sexy look that I wanted to achieve, when my clothes are neutral. I put a large black hoodie on, but this is not my look. I have a little surprise for later. I call Zac to come and pick me up. Tyler and Tobi are going with me because I need them there, to finish my plan. They were sceptical to go but I insisted, and they agreed.

  Zac comes soon after I finished dressing. He looks me over and scowls.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” He asks. Tyler and Tobias wear black hoodies as well. They don’t celebrate Halloween because as they said, this is for kids or stupid rich pricks. Whatever.

  “What? Don’t you like me in anything?” I answer with a wink. Zac’s scowl deepens and I laugh.

  “Can we just go already?” Tobias asks and steps inside the car. We all pack inside and drive to the party. The way is not long. When we arrive, the party is already in full swing. What the hell is wrong with these people? What time do they come here?

  We leave the car and step inside the house. Tobias goes to the table with snacks. They have fricking snacks on the party. The only snacks we had in London were crisps, and they have like mini buffet here with all this oriental food. I look around to find Tyler, but he is nowhere to be seen, brilliant. The only one left is Zac. People high five him as he is someone popular. Who am I going to fool, he is like a VIP member of this party, and a whole school. His arm wraps around my shoulder as he leads me to the table with drinks.

  “What you want to drink?” He shouts because music is so loud that I would never hear him if he wouldn’t.

  “You still owe me my tea with milk,” I shout back and he laughs.

  “I will make a special tea for you then.” He takes a bottle with brown liquid and add pours it to the red cup. Then he adds some ide and handles ready drink to me. I take it with a smile and gulp it down quickly. Zac stares at me with shock.

  “More please. I love your tea.” I give him the cup again.

  “You would need to slow down if you want to last to the end of the party. I’m not gonna hold your hair. We’re not that close.” He smirks but starts to make the next round. This time, I take it and take one sip. He’s right, I need to slow down because I still have a plan to do.

  I look around and spot Liam in the corner. His tall posture is leaning on the wall. He’s glaring at us with a blank expression. Our eyes meet and he strides to us. He is so handsome that my breath catches. He’s dressed up like a vampire or rather the devil, and damn… he suits this role perfectly. His black jeans wrap his legs perfectly and the black T-shirt has a sticker with two horns. His hair is pushed back, and he has black contact lenses on. He looks hot.

  He slowly makes his way to us and stops next to me. He shoves off Zac’s arm of me.

  “I said, wear something nice. Not this…” He gestures his hand at my clothes. Dick. I smirk at him and take Zac’s hand to lead him on the dance floor. Let’s party.

  We start slowly, but then the song changes and we become to move faster and closer. The drink is already in my head because I feel dizzy. I didn’t know that I have weak head but damn this. I’m at the party. I spot Liam studying us and I decide to give him a little show.

  I start to dance seductively around Zac, and he loves it. His grin widens as he puts his hands on my hips. I swing them from side to side when my ass is closely situated on his crotch. Liam’s eyes flash with some dark emotion and soon after that, he is ripping me away from his best friend. That’s what I thought.

  “Who is jealous here, Liam?” I murmur into his ear. I kiss his cheek and stroll away. His hand stops me.

  “Don’t tempt me Morpho,” His husky voice melts my heart. Why do I react to him like that. I walk away from both of them and at the corner of my eye, I catch Tyler talking with Sophia. Her hair is wrapped around her finger and he is smiling down at her. Not on my watch bitch. I decide that this is the moment of revenge. I look around to find the microphone which I asked Zac to add to the party. He thought that my idea was a karaoke and he loved that, but I have something else in mind. I take the microphone and begin to speak.

  “Hello everyone! I have a little surprise for you all!” People leave what they were doing and turn to look at me. “I decide that this party would be much better when the real voices will sing, so that’s why we have a karaoke station right here!” The audience erupts in excitement. “To encourage you to sing, I will go first. I will sing some amazing song, with dedication to my brother Tyler! Tyler show yourself, don’t be shy!” People start to shout Ty’s name and his smiling face appeared before me. “Tyler, my darling this song is for you.” I look up at Liam and see his angry face. He is jealous.

  The melody starts to play. I chose ‘I see red’ by Everybody Loves an Outlaw, because oh, how this song suits our situation. Finally, it’s time for me to sing.

  “Did you really think
r />   I just forgive and forget, no.

  After catching you with her,

  Your blood should run cold, so cold.

  You, You two- timing, cheap lying, wannabe.

  You’re a fool…

  If you thought that I’d just let this go!”

  After the first stanza I remove my hoodie, because, under this potato bag, I’m wearing a sexy corset with red balconette. The bottom of the corset is finished with a tutu but it’s not like some ballerina tutu. The tutu I have is much shorter in diameter. The idea was to pose for a porcelain doll. My legs are covered by black fishnet stockings. I look sexy as hell and everyone can confirm that, because after I removed my hoodie everyone gasps and then whistled and howled.

  My eyes are focused on Tyler. His face is whiter with each sentence I’m singing. The song is about a broken girl who founds his boyfriend cheating on her. The girl is thirsty for revenge and so am I. I think, he didn’t know that I know, and of course, he didn’t want me to find out. Too late for that.

  The song finishes and I step out the stage with people jumping around me in excitement. They liked the show, I can tell. I walk to the table with drinks and start to pour myself a drink.

  “What the hell was that?!” Tyler shouts from behind me.

  “A song. Didn’t you like it? You always liked me singing, I think it has changed as well…” I gulp the whole liquid at once and start to prepare the next one.

  “I’m not stupid. I know it was a song but why did you do that?”

  “I think we both know the answer to that question. You lied to me, Ty. This is the only thing you do to me since you came here! I hate that you think that you can use me whenever you wish. I’m not your property and by coming to bed with that slut, you destroyed everything what could be between us. But I think I need to thank you, because I finally see who I am to you and that I never meant anything.” I take a whole bottle of something and drink straight from it. To hell with cups.

  “You know this is not true. You just don’t understand everything yet. I have a lot on my head right now. I’m working with our father, you know that…”

  “Yes, I do. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve been working with him in London as well, but you still had a time for me. You never lied to me before. Oh, my bad, you did but I didn’t find out since last week that you are a lying prick.” I take one more swing from the bottle and I can already feel my head spinning like crazy.

  “Em, please, you need to trust me with this one. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He pleads. Yeah, right. Maybe not intentionally but his actions… Maybe I didn’t see this before but every time he came back to me after his hookups with other girls, I’ve been devastated. He should put me on the first place. I should respect myself more because this is my fault. I am the reason why he thinks that he can use me whenever he wants. I didn’t respect myself and let him use me. But this is over, I will not let the man order me around.

  “I think you had enough.” Liam’s voice catches me off guard. Why he needs to be always so close. I turn to look at him and I see two of him.

  “Why the hell you here? Don’t you see that we’re talking?” Ty steps in front of me, but I push him back.

  “You know what? I had enough. To hell with both of you.” I storm away from them. I hate them. I hate that one of them is hurting me and the second doesn’t see me hurt. They both the reason I’m so weak and devastated.

  I move past the crowd and open the back door. I need some air. I walk outside and take a deep breath. Why is it always like that the man has power over the girls. I’m strong but sometimes I feel small and weak and this is because of their behaviour. I hate that I am so addicted of them hurting me. This is sick. My head is spinning like craze. Why the hell did I drink that much. Oh yeah, I know, because I wanted to forget, but you know what? It’s not working, more drank I am, then more I’m thinking about them. Suddenly, my phone rings in my pocket.

  “Hello?” My voice slurs. Shit.

  “Emlyn, princess. Where are you?” My father voice sounds in my ear. Oh hell, I’m done. If he knows that I came to Liam’s party, I would be dead. “Princess listen to me carefully. You need to take your brothers and hide. They found you. I know that you don’t understand anything, but I promise I would explain everything when I’m back. I’m already on my way home, but please, you need to trust me. You need to run and hide somewhere safe. Don’t come home because people who are looking for you, are already there.” I don’t understand what he’s saying. Who are those people? Who is looking for me?

  “Dad, I don’t understand. What is happening?” I ask.

  “Listen, there is no time to explain now. You need to run! Remember when I told you once, that when I will ask you to run You will? You see this is the moment. Don’t ask any questions just listen and do what you’re told.” His words are harsh, but I hear the concern in them. My father is scared, and he is never scared. Of course, I remember him telling me this, but I never thought that he knew that something like that would happen. I thought that this was a part of training or some shit.

  “Yes, dad. I’m going now. I will call as soon as I’m safe.”

  “No, don’t call me. I will contact you when it’s gonna be safe. Please destroy your phone after this conversation. Take your brothers with you and tell Tyler that the time came. He will know what to do. And Emlyn? I love you. Remember that, please don’t trust anyone, because no one can be trusted.” With that, the line went dead. I stamp on my phone and it crushes under my feet.

  I run inside and search for my brothers. Where the hell are, they? I spot Tyler still talking to Liam. They seem angry. I run to them and they both look at me concerned. They probably see my face because they both ask at the same time.

  “What is going on?”

  “Dad, he called, Tyler the time came.” His face pales. He quickly removed his gun from the back of his jeans and grabs my hand.

  “We need to go. Where is Tyler?” He asks.

  “I- I don’t know” I blur. Liam stops us.

  “What is going on. Why did you remove your gun?” Liam asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

  “Listen, boy, if you want to help, find Tobias. Emlyn is in danger; we need to run and hide before they will find us.” After Tyler’s sentence finishes a loud bang echo around. People start to scream and run in different directions. Someone falls on the ground and people start to run on him. Everything is a mess; I don’t know what is going on. I quickly remove my own weapons from my boots and step away from Tyler.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but they clearly found me already. We need to separate and look for Tobi. We gonna meet at Zac’s car in ten minutes.” I said and give one blade to Liam. “You gonna need this, do you know how to use it?” I ask. He removes his own gun from behind and smiles at me.

  “I’m always prepared for the situation Morpho.” He shocks me. I never seen him with a weapon and them my father’s words come to me, he said before that the guy is dangerous and knows how to fight. I think he weren’t wrong because damn how sexy he looks now. I shake my head to concentrate. We don’t have time for that now. I nod my head at him and walk to find Tobias.

  I run to the kitchen and a hand grabs my arm. I didn’t even think who it may be, I swing my blade at the attacker, and he groans in pain. It could mean that I slashed him. The man scowls at me and removes his gun. I didn’t wait long I swing again and cut his neck. The blood pours from it like a fountain. The guy starts to shake and fall on the ground, dead. Nice one, Em. I smile to myself and walk further the house. Everyone escape already and the house is quiet.

  A loud bang could be heard from the other side of the house. I run it this direction and spot a man lays on the ground in the pool of blood.

  “I know how to shoot; I had the same training you did Morpho.” I turn around to look at Liam. His face turns in ugly scowl and I know that someone is approaching me from behind. Before he could point his gun at the attacker, I back kick th
e person behind me and cross my two blades on the newcomer’s neck.

  “What do you want? Who send you?” I ask the guy. He smirks at me.

  “Your father wishes you happy birthday Amanda.” The guy says and I cut his neck deeply. The blood pours from him for a while and he stops moving.

  “It’s not my birthday, you dick,” I say and remove my blades from his wound. I step away from him and look at Liam who’s now looking at me with approval.

  “Nice one. You know how to use your weapons.” He says.

  “So, do you,” I smirk at him and we run outside. We spot Tyler and Tobias waiting near Zac’s car. Tyler points his gun at my head, and I kneel down. A bangs rings in my ears and someone behind us falls heavily on the ground. I didn’t even turn to check who it was. We jumped to the car with Zac on the driver side and we drive off.

  Chapter 20

  We drive for a long time in silence. The guy’s words still repeating inside my head like a mantra. ‘Your father wishes your happy birthday Amanda.’ Who the hell is Amanda and why her own father would send some creepers her way.

  “Can we talk about what’s going on?” I break the silence and look at everyone in the car. No one answers me. Liam looks at me with concern. He gives me a tissue. He gestures at my nose and then I feel the blood streaming down to my lips. I quickly put a tissue to it and wipe the blood off.

  “Why are you bleeding princess? Are you hurt?” Tobias who’s sitting next to me stares at me with pain in his eyes.

  “No, I’m fine. Just the stress. You didn’t answer my question. Who the hell was it and why father asked me to run? And where are we going?” I ask again with annoyance in my voice because why they’re keeping me in the dark.

  “Listen, our father will tell you everything as soon as we meet him. For now, you need to trust us and we need to abandon those guys because we don’t need them anymore.”


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