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End of the Line

Page 33

by Ottilie Weber

Okay so those men really had no life or no better orders, I thought as the hung moon high in the sky. The specks of stars and a glowing moon were inspecting the scene almost eagerly to see what would happen. The night wasn’t what it used to be as I tried to wait for the men to give up and just let me get to the stupid porch so I could save my family! Finally the men started to go inside so there were fewer men on watch. I hoped I wouldn't have to wait much longer.

  Two of the men began to talk to each other and I figured if I didn’t break for it then, I might never get the chance. One of the men started to laugh as I bolted quietly to the broken cave of a porch. The area felt cramped beneath the dark porch. I had to swat my hands around the dirt to find something that I might have been able to use as a shovel. I knew this plan was unrealistic, but I had to try.

  I groped around on the floor to find something that I could use ‘til I found a piece of wood that might have been a board of the porch at one point and started to hack at the ground without bringing attention to myself with the shelter around me. I could feel the dirt and rocks move bit by bit as I assaulted the ground. I started to broaden the hole. I knew I had to be able to fit people through the gap.

  I tried to move faster in my attempt to remove the ground. The faster I moved the more that I knew I looked like a lunatic, but I was determined to get to the others to get away from this place. We needed to flee from the murderous Dean Manson and we had to do so quickly. The wood dulled as I attempted to shift more dirt and rocks ‘til I hit the wood too hard and the plank shattered.

  After cursing under my breath, I crawled into the partial hole to dig with my hands. Clawing at the ground like an animal made my hands hurt as I felt the ground tear at my skin in rebellion. Dirt was getting jabbed under the already jagged stubs of my fingernails. I hoped the cellar was near. It was amazing that no one heard me. Perhaps the followers were actually waiting for me with a trap in the cellar.

  The ground started to thin and I stopped. I moved a little. I kept my head low so that I wouldn't bump it on the floor of the porch, and put my feet at the bottom of the hole. Using as much force as I could, I kicked the bottom of the hole ‘til it give a little under the soles of my sneakers. One last kick and the bottom of the hole gave way. Working fast, I knew I had to hurry because someone must have heard the dirt below fragmenting as loose cement fell onto the ground.

  I swung into the dark quiet cellar. Finally, I spotted the dark shapes in the corner. I made my way over there. I tapped one of them on the shoulder, which make her jump and nearly scream. I pressed my hand against Jill’s mouth ‘til realization took over.

  “It’s just me. Are we all here?” I asked squinting in the dark.

  I tried to figure out how many bodies were there, but it seemed like few were missing. I noticed the heights of the lumps in the shadows.

  “Mr. Manson… he has Lauren and Sean. Mr. Manson almost got a hold of Paige too, but I was able to get her away and those runts almost got themselves killed!” Jill started out worried and then ended being furious at Tony and Kyle.

  I seriously wished I could go back in time and kick myself for allowing them to join us.

  “Damn it,” I whispered as I stared at the ceiling above me.

  I could hear the shuffling of a set of feet in motion above my head. Manson always seemed to be one step ahead of me, no matter what it was. I had to catch up and stop him from doing so. Manson had known I would come down there to get them, not that doing so wasn't an obvious plan, but he also had Lauren and her brother. He didn’t seem to be interested in the others and he had found out that those two were the closest to me. Manson even tried to get Paige, who was very attached to me.

  “You guys take the little ones out of the hole I came through and I’m going to go try to get the other two from inside. We will meet in the barn out back. I want you to try everything in your power to avoid getting caught.”

  Jill just nodded as she dragged the others near the opening. As I stood in my spot, I had trouble trying to figure out how to get up inside to save Lauren and Sean. Yet, I knew Manson would be waiting for me, since he seemed to have thought of every situation I could have used to get in. After cursing to myself again, I crept toward the hole, hoping that the group was long gone. I jumped up and crawled through the outlet to find that I was alone underneath the porch.

  Lying on my stomach, I crept toward the edge of the porch using my forearms. As I got to the frame, I saw the barn doors being closed in the distance while the same two men guarding the house. One leaned against the house as they spoke to each other. Working quickly and silently, I made my way to the front door. Using the most obvious way might throw Manson off, but then I saw a semi broken wicker chair just sitting by the edge of porch. I noticed right near the roof there was a window that was open just a crack. I smiled with some hope that I could use this.

  Moving fast, I stepped on the creaking chair and jumped up to grab onto the roof before the chair could break. Pretending I was doing the fitness test, I did a pull up to get myself onto the roof so I could swing my legs over and I worked myself over to the window. I wrapped my fingers on the bottom of the sill and tried to lift the glass up. The window seemed stuck as I heaved even harder. The window finally opened. I bent as I swung one leg over and walked into the empty room. I tiptoed toward the door of the dusty, shadowy chamber.

  There were a handful of men and a few women grouped together on the couches and chairs in the room next to the one I was in. I could see through the door as it was jarred. I turned my head to glance in the other direction and noticed Lauren sitting on the rim of a bed in another room with Sean in her lap wrapped tightly in her arms. A boom of laughter came from the other room as I rushed toward Lauren before I could get caught.

  I moved swiftly as I went through the door to see them sitting there. Lauren’s eyes went wide as Sean nearly screamed at the sight of me. Lauren covered Sean’s mouth before he could say anything. She followed me out back to the other room before anyone could get to us.

  I helped Lauren out of the window as Sean clung onto my back. We got off the roof and sprinted for dear life toward the barn to join the others. I could tell that we had gotten away much too easily.

  Chapter Thirteen



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