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Suddenly Elizabeth

Page 5

by Anne Louise

  21 August 1809

  Dearest Lizzy,

  We received your letter telling about your mishap. I was saddened to learn you were confined to bed. It must be hard on you knowing how much you enjoy your long walks. We all miss you and father told me yesterday how he missed your talks before you would leave for those early morning walks. More than the others, he seems to be at a lost when you are gone. Please do not be obstinate and try to walk too soon. I know you, Lizzy. You might trip and actually break your ankle and end up as a cripple. That would certainly not work because of the news I am about to share.

  Mother learned that a single man of large fortune has applied to rent Netherfield Park and he is negotiating renting with an option to buy. We do not know any more about him but he supposedly is about twenty-four and is quite handsome and is very friendly. That sounds too good to be true but our mother is all excited and sees one of us marrying the man. It is too bad we never had a brother but our mother is still out on a mission to see us all married and you and me are her top candidates.

  That is why I want you to take care of your ankle. The next Meryton Assembly will be our best chance to meet the man and any friends he brings with him.

  I hope your weather is better than we have experienced lately. It has been very hot and the nights have been suffocating. There is little relief and the little breeze we get is when we get a thunderstorm but the next day follows with still more heat and humidity. Oh, there is some bad news, at least for you. The old tree you used to climb when you tried to hide from boys looking to call on you uprooted during a storm three days ago. I will never forget standing under that tree with Charley Johnson and him saying he had seen you walking nearby but suddenly you were gone. I told him that perhaps you had walked to Meryton and he left. Of course you were sitting on a limb just a few feet away. Anyway, Lizzy, I know this is a short letter but I wanted to write and tell you the news about Netherfield Park. Please write when you can and tell me any more news you have. Give all our love to the Gardiners and kisses for our younger cousins.

  All My Love,


  Elizabeth was happy to hear the news from home but upset to read that her favourite hiding place was no more. She was glad to be in town and could well imagine her mother’s excited state knowing a single man of wealth might soon occupy Netherfield Park.

  Her aunt next visited with her and brought her dinner.

  “Did you read your letter?”

  Elizabeth told her what Jane had written and that a single man from the north of England was likely to lease Netherfield Park with an option to buy. Both women exchanged nervous looks.

  “Mama has already been looking to marry off both Jane and I. Give my sisters a few years and she will be promoting them as well.”

  “Lizzy, you have a few years before she can do that, but you and Jane are of age to marry.”

  “Yes, but mama will make life hard for father with her ratcheting up things to promote Jane for marriage.”

  “Now Lizzy, you have nothing to fear. You said no one has met the man and so it is not definite that he will move there. Just because he is looking does not mean he will take the place. Also, he may be engaged or have another young woman he is interested in. Do you not see that his looking to move there by himself is strange unless he has heard of the two eldest Bennet daughters?”

  “Now you sound like my mother. When he does take possession of Netherfield, and I believe he will, my mother will insist that my father be his first visitor. She will make certain the man knows of her daughters. But you may be correct that he already has a woman in mind. If that is not the case, mama will not let it rest and father will likely be so agitated that he will not leave his library.”

  “It is likely you will learn more of this man before you return home. Now for another subject, Lizzy, what does the doctor say?”

  “He said I could try and stand but insists that I need a person on each side to hold onto me as I carefully try to put some weight on my foot.”

  “Very well, when Mr. Darcy next returns he and I will assist you. Lizzy, I will be severe with you and also insist that you wait to walk until you can do so with a person on each side providing assistance. We want no more falling, is that understood? You will keep that promise, will you not?”

  “Yes, Aunt, and thank you.”

  That evening, Mr. Gardiner wrote to his brother in Hertfordshire.


  A week later Jane arrived to stay until mid-September or a little longer and help with her cousins, but the real purpose was for her to be with her sister. Elizabeth was now making good progress in her walking and after a couple of days was able to walk with one person, Mr. Darcy, along with a cane, but she walked slowly and each day she improved. Jane’s arrival was a surprise to Elizabeth and that night the sisters discussed the recent events both in town and at Longbourn.

  “Lizzy, you did not trip on purpose, did you? The way you describe your new friend makes be think he is a perfect gentleman.”

  “No, but it is all surreal. He appeared out of nowhere and his horse got spooked and you know the rest.”

  “No, Lizzy, I only know the beginning of this story. I believe you are in danger of falling in love with the man.”

  “But I have just met him. How can that be? It bothered me that I could not write you about meeting the man, but mama would take the letter from you and read it to the others.”

  “Tis true what you say, Lizzy. These things are better discussed in private, so let us do that.”

  “Jane, I felt like a fool tripping as I ran toward the man. I was certain he would be injured but then came my stumble.”

  “How did the man react?”

  “He apologized for not controlling his horse and was very kind and examined my ankle and removed my half boot. I must admit he did so very carefully but it was painful. He asked me what I wished to do and I said I could walk back slowly with some assistance but he suddenly picked me up in his arms and hoisted me onto his horse and next we were here.”

  “He made the correct decision, Lizzy. How did it feel being held in his arms?”

  “I was in pain but I also sensed his presence and was comforted by his desire to help me but I was not happy being put on the horse, but that was the best choice.”

  “Well, from what you have told me, he seems to like you. Tell me the truth, what are your feelings?”

  Jane watched as her sister wiped away an errant tear. “Jane, I do like him but this is a new experience for me. Maybe it is my being confined to my bed, but I miss him those days he does not visit and I often dream of him. I cannot stop thinking of him.”

  “Perhaps it is more serious than any feelings you have ever experienced. Do you think that he is the one?”

  “No, Jane, I would know if I am in love.”

  “How so, Lizzy, for you have never had romantic thoughts for any man until now?”

  “That is true, but I cannot think on things that will never occur. Jane, the man is likely very rich and he is very handsome and remember what papa says about rich men who have their way with young women.”

  “And do you consider that he is such a man?”

  “No, but perhaps he is waiting to seduce me after I am well enough to walk.”

  “Lizzy! What has come over you?”

  “You are right, Jane, that was a foolish thing to say. What I meant to say is that such a man could never be interested in a gentleman farmer’s daughter.”

  “There, Lizzy, that is much better. Let me correct you on one thing. He appears to have feelings for you as evidence that he brought his sister to town to see you. Do you like her?”

  “I like her very much. Both Georgiana and her brother will visit in the morning. The doctor has approved me to walk slowly with a cane in one hand and with Mr. Darcy holding onto my free arm. Mr. Darcy has come here nearly everyday to walk with me and twice on most days.”

  “And his sister, has she come too?”

s, Jane, and when I am walking with her brother she entertains our cousins. You should see the way they play together. Jane, Mr. Darcy said his sister has never been around children and it appears she is trying to make up for lost time. Of course the same holds true for Mr. Darcy and he also has played with the children and I can tell that he enjoys it very much and the children like both of them.”

  “So Lizzy, it does appear that you have found yourself a handsome young gentleman who cares for you. I suppose you fear the unknown but my advice is that you take things one day at a time. Now what is this about being invited to join him and his sister at their house in town?”

  “Jane, it all started when he mentioned that he enjoys working in his gardens and clearing brush and things like that. When I questioned him he said that he occasionally works in his gardens at his home and he and his sister specifically invited me to join them on a visit to Darcy House on Friday. Also, I spoke with our aunt and uncle and the doctor has approved my visit provided that Mr. Darcy assists me with my walking. I am certain that they will be more than willing to invite you as well.”

  Jane smiled at her sister but soon she saw the two books that Mr. Darcy had given Elizabeth.

  “Where did these come from, Lizzy?”

  “Jane, after I first hurt my ankle I asked our uncle if he had these two books and apparently he mentioned this to Mr. Darcy. The next day Mr. Darcy delivered these books. Have you ever seen any books as beautiful as these?”

  “No Lizzy, I do not believe that I have. They must be very expensive. I believe that you have found yourself a very rich man who cares for you. Now it is going to be difficult to keep this secret from our mother. Well, Lizzy, I am eager to meet the man and his sister and I hope that I can sleep with all this excitement of seeing you again and such anticipation for later.”


  The next morning Darcy and Georgiana again visited and Elizabeth introduced her new friends. Immediately Jane took Georgiana under her wing as Elizabeth and Darcy took a turn around the room.

  “Miss Darcy, I am happy to meet you and your brother. Lizzy told me the story of her accident and of meeting both of you. I feel as if you are another sister.”

  “That is very kind of you, but like your sister, please address me as Georgiana.”

  “That is no problem, Georgiana, and you should call me Jane.”

  “Jane, your sister described you as very kind, as well as beautiful. I have to agree with her description.”

  “Thank you, but I would rather have beauty inside. Looks fade with age but goodness is eternal if you train your heart and practice loving everyone. My sister does not know what to make of your brother. She has never had a male friend before and she has doubts that she could please your brother and fears getting hurt.”

  “But my brother would never hurt anyone and certainly not Elizabeth. I have never seen him so excited and I attribute it to her. All my life he has been a lonely man and he needed to meet someone like your sister.”

  “But he must have many women seeking him out. He is quite handsome.”

  “He usually avoids events during The Season and is uncomfortable around the many suffering mothers trying to make him a match with their daughters. He sees Elizabeth as refreshing and said he loves to hear her laugh. My brother and I have invited Elizabeth to visit Darcy House this Friday. We both wish to invite you as well.”

  “I am not sure because I do not wish to be interfere.”

  “No, our cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, will attend. Also, a friend of my brother has been invited but he has recently been out of town but is expected to be back in town that evening. Your presence will make for a good party. It will be good to celebrate your sister’s freedom from her confinement.”

  “Georgiana, my sister and I would like you to meet our other sisters. She said she has told you of our family.”

  “I think it is wonderful to have a big family. Of course there will be stressful moments, but at the end of the day, things seem to work out. My brother wishes a large family and so do I.”

  Darcy next returned to visit with the others. “Georgie, I see you and Miss Bennet have solved all the world’s problems, have you not?”

  “No, but we have talked on a number of things and I have invited her to join us at Darcy House this Friday but she does not want to be a third wheel.”

  “Nonsense, Miss Bennet, I insist that you join us. My cousin will attend and perhaps a friend of mine if he returns in time.”

  “Then I will accept your invitation.” She patted Georgiana’s hand and gave the young woman a big smile. Darcy next looked at Elizabeth and saw her happiness.

  The friends walked downstairs as Darcy assisted Elizabeth. It was awkward doing the stairs but she adjusted her step so as not to subject her foot to injury. Finally she went into the parlor and her aunt helped her onto a chair and propped up her leg with a pillow. She was pleased with that experiment and the friends talked of many things over the next two hours until Darcy and Georgiana rose to take their leave.

  “But Mr. Darcy, how shall I return to my room?”

  “I have it all figured out, Miss Elizabeth. I shall carry you.”

  She blushed crimson as Darcy lifted her into his arms as Georgiana and Jane smiled at the spectacle in front of them. They remained downstairs as Darcy whispered to her.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I do not think I could ever not want to hold you in my arms.”

  “Thank you for being my friend Mr. Darcy.”

  “And thank you for coming into my life.”

  All the while she wished he could stay longer but he promised to return later that afternoon to assist her in more walking.

  Darcy and his sister then left and returned to Darcy House as Elizabeth took a nap.

  “Jane, what do you think of Lizzy and her new friends?”

  Jane could not hide her pleasure and responded after a few seconds of thought.

  “Aunt, I like both Mr. Darcy and his sister. It is a surprise that a man of such consequence would meet Lizzy in such a way but he appears to care for her and even brought his younger sister to town to visit her. Lizzy said they get on well with the children and I can see that she likes Mr. Darcy and his sister, and so do I.”

  “Lizzy told me that you both have been invited to visit with them Friday at their home. That is something she is excited about and the reason he has visited nearly every day recently to help her practice her walking. Mr. Darcy provides a steady hand to keep Lizzy from falling and help her if her ankle cannot support her weight. Three of the last four days he has been here twice a day to walk with her.”

  “And Aunt, she appreciates his and Miss Darcy’s visits.”

  “Your sister can be downright grumpy on those days he does not visit, but as soon as he arrives, all is well again. I know she is frustrated with her ankle but I believe she also has feelings for him.”

  “Tell me more about the man, Aunt?”

  The woman’s reply was the same as she gave Elizabeth. She would not tell of Mr. Darcy’s great wealth and left it to her nieces to discover it for themselves. Much like Jane, Mrs. Gardiner was also convinced the couple liked one another. Madilyn Gardiner was aware that the man was very sought after by the fortune hunters of The Ton but would not mention it to either niece.


  That Friday at eleven, Georgiana and her brother arrived at the Gardiner home and the friends soon were on their way to Darcy House. It was a beautiful day with cool temperatures and a slight breeze under a clear sky. The sisters kept turning their heads to take in the sights as they passed the boutiques and other shops where the three women would visit the following week or as soon as Elizabeth’s ankle was better healed.

  “Miss Bennet, this is the park where your sister hurt her ankle.”

  “Oh my, it seems to be nearly a mile from our aunt’s home. It is a good thing you had your horse, Mr. Darcy.”

  “Jane, I must take exception to that. Had Mr. Darcy not been on his horse, I wo
uld not have tripped when I thought he would fall. Do you not agree?”

  “Yes, but it might have been another rider or perhaps you would have tripped anyway. It certainly is not the first time that you have sprained your ankle. Anyway, you are fortunate that Mr. Darcy came along and at least for that day you were able to ride on his horse to return to Gracechurch Street. It would have been too long a walk if he had to carry you.”

  “Miss Bennet, I could have carried her but her ankle was my first concern.”

  “And right you are, Mr. Darcy. I am surprised you were able to remove her half boot without having to cut it.”

  Darcy now turned to look at Elizabeth with much concern and he was serious.


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