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Boyfriend By The Hour: Bad Boy Russian Mafia Series (Minutemen Series Book 1)

Page 21

by L. L. Ash

  “You can still have a say about some things,” Robert told me as he slowly made his way around the room. “You just can’t be visible. You have to understand that. This is best for the company. Take that vacation and call in every once in a while. You do have majority shares and you do have some authority. Please don’t try and use it right now. Let us do damage control and you just...take some time.”

  “This is my whole life...” I breathed, feeling my tears crashing off my eyelashes, dragging mascara with them.

  “I know,” he patted my hand. “But you have a nice boy. Take a long vacation. Enjoy some time away. Maybe this will all blow over and we can reinstate you in a few months. People are fickle and so is their memory. Meanwhile, there’s nothing to be done. We’ve already voted.”

  I wiped at my cheeks hopelessly as Rachel put her arms around me.

  “But I’d suggest marrying the boy or getting rid of him. Boyfriends and girlfriends are worthless.”

  The boy.

  The boy who was fifteen years younger than me that made us look like a joke.

  A gold digging pretty boy willing to fuck for a comfortable life.

  That’s how they saw him.

  But he was so much more. Serge was so much more than that…

  I steeled my spine and nodded.

  “You all can say what you want, but this is still my business. You can’t push me out completely.”

  He grinned at me.

  “That’s my girl,” he patted my shoulder like he was my grandpa or something and nodded before leaving the room.

  “Keep me updated on everything,” I said to Rachel finally. “Don’t let them get away with shit. I’ll step in when I have to.”

  “What about Ryan?”

  My anger was bursting out of me now, my hands shaking with it.

  “He’ll be lucky if he lives to see tomorrow.”

  Rachel followed me down the elevator and into the town car again.

  “Please make sure that Darron is put to work somewhere,” I pleaded to my friend. “He’s been an amazing assistant and I don’t want him getting let go over this.”

  Rachel nodded.

  “I could actually use an assistant. I’ve been going through some interviews but Darron is perfect for the job. I’ll take him on. Don’t you even worry about him.”

  Sighing with relief, I sat back, fingers curled into fists as we hurled our way toward the studio again.

  When we pulled up to the big building, I stormed in past security. Taking my heels off so they didn’t rustle against the carpet, I stomped to the producer’s desk in the middle of the studio.

  Ryan was there as always, surrounded by assistants, tech gurus and all the help he liked to keep at the tips of his fingers.

  “Commercial, now,” I told one of the techs, who looked at me like I was crazy.

  “We just had one three minutes ago!”

  “Now,” I fairly growled.

  They gave the cue to the stage and sure enough, the saleswoman Jane who was selling spring cleaning supplies, said that she’d be back in a moment.

  The red light flicked off, so I had sixty, seconds to reap my wrath on my asshole employee.

  I still owned the company. Nobody would begrudge me this last show of authority.

  “You,” I pointed a finger at Ryan. “Pack up your shit. You’re fired!”

  The shout rang through the room, bringing several confused and worried expressions my way.

  “I can’t believe you’d do this! How could you go to a rag magazine and spout all these lies? You’ve not only broken your employment contract, but I’m going to sue the fuck out of you for defamation!” I raged further, still pointing at him. “And when I’m done? I’m going to have Serge do the same. You will not be able to get another job in this state, so you’d better start packing up and head to the country!”

  The countdown from ten started and I looked around.

  “Olivia, get on this chair. You’re promoted.”

  Olivia, Ryan’s junior producer, looked at me in shock. But she quickly did as I asked, putting on Ryan’s headphones and staring at the screen.

  Ryan stomped as the countdown hit one and we stepped away from the stage simultaneously.

  “You can’t do this,” he growled quietly. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “You call that article that just lost me my place on the board not doing anything wrong?” I growled back.

  “What?” he looked shocked.

  “They just voted,” I nodded. “And I’m on indefinite leave. So thanks, Ryan. Thanks a lot.”

  “I was just trying to get you to see...” he pushed his hand through his short hair.

  “Actually, if anything, you just pushed us together,” I chuckled lowly. “So I guess you can kick yourself in the balls now. Have a nice life, Ryan. We’ll see you in court.”

  With that, I moved to my desk, putting some things into my bag to take home since it would be a while until I was back at that desk. After that I went to the door, my phone to my ear as I called Serge.

  He answered all out of breath.

  “Hey, babe. You ok?”

  “I-uh,” I sighed, trying not to let my voice quiver with the new assault of tears working their way out of my eyes. “They voted me off the board. I’m not welcome at the studio right now.”

  “You’re fucking kidding,” he groaned. “Because of the article?”

  “It’s several articles now,” I told him. “All the trashy, social media ‘news’ blogs are sharing their own bend on the story.”

  “But it’s all hypothetical,” he said in a low voice.

  “Evidently it doesn’t matter anymore. If people believe it, it’s so. It was Ryan, by the way. He’s the one who contacted the magazine.”

  “The fucking-” he started, but I interrupted.

  “I already fired him, and I’ll be suing him for defamation. This can’t be left unpunished.”

  “But the damage is done,” he stated.

  “Right. So if it doesn’t blow over, I’m out of the job. Permanently. I can’t do much as the majority shareholder unless I’m on the board.”

  “Adele… I’m sorry...” he started, but I cut him off again.

  “Don’t you apologize,” I told him in a stern voice, pushing down my anxiety and fear. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re a victim as much as I am.”

  “Suppose I might lose my sales job over this?” he said in a question that made me laugh.

  “Yeah, probably,” I sighed. “Guess you should sell your apartments and just move in with me forever.”

  He hummed, the conversation growing less intense and more lighthearted.

  It felt nice while the rest of the world was falling apart around me.

  He was my rock.

  “I’ll consider it. Though I’m pretty sure my housekeeper would be disappointed.”

  “Fine. Just give her one and we’ll only have to sell the other one.”

  He chuckled, then sighed.

  “This is fucked up, Ad.”

  “I know,” I sighed back, moving back toward home.

  “Let me get a shower really quick and I’ll head to the studio.”

  “I’m taking a taxi home,” I told him. “I’ll meet you there when you’re done working out. You know I like riding you when you’re all sore and sweaty.”

  He chuckled again and agreed.

  “See you soon. I’ll bring lunch when I’m done.”

  “No more Russian food,” I clipped.

  “No promises,” he shot back with a laugh before hanging up.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  She was in the dumps all week.

  We hung out at home, not sure what else to do as we waited out the police investigation and for the gossip rags to lose interest.

  There was nothing to substantiate either the investigation or the media’s interest, so things dwindled within the first couple weeks, but the board still wouldn’
t let her back on.

  Not yet, anyway.

  As I fingered the nicotine patch on my arm, I turned to Adele, who was staring at a blank wall without interest.

  “Let’s go,” I said finally.

  “Go where?” she sighed.

  I filled my lungs up and stuffed my hands in my pockets where the gift I bought her a long time ago laid cold in the depths.

  A second gift lay in the first; a newer addition.

  “I-uh. I meant to give this to you a long time ago,” I held out the necklace with the beautiful and intricate design.

  “It’s a Russian locket.”

  She took it gently from my hands with shock on her face.

  “Oh, Serge...It’s beautiful...”

  I smiled and crouched beside her where she laid on the couch.

  “Open it up,” I breathed, my heart pumping out of my chest in nervousness.

  She clicked open the little flip lock on the side and opened it.

  Inside was a diamond ring I’d picked out for her, only days before.

  “Oh my God...” she choked.

  I took the ring and held it up.

  “We don’t have to do it now,” I told her, “But I want to marry you. Adele. You’re everything I ever wanted and you’re… you’re everything to me. Will you marry me?”

  She choked on her words before simply nodding and holding out her hand.

  I slipped the big diamond on her finger and leaned forward, pressing my lips against hers.

  “I love you, Adele.”

  “I love you, too… So much!”

  I grinned and held her to me, relief flooding through me that she said yes.

  Holy shit...she said yes!

  I didn’t know what was in the future, but I did know that I didn’t want a future without her.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered again. “We have a shit ton of money between us, and we have all the time in the world. Let’s go! You said you want to explore. So let’s explore!”

  She sat up and grinned.

  “I’ll go pack,” she laughed, giving me another hug and kiss.

  I followed her upstairs and watched her put her suitcase together.

  Who knew where we’d end up, but at least we’d be together, having the adventures that we both wanted.

  Maybe we’d end up back in Bora Bora, and I’d marry her there, against the water and glowing sunset.

  Yeah. that sounded nice.

  “You coming?” Adele asked, handing me my duffel bag.

  I laughed and nodded, filling my own bag so we could get to the airport and take the next flight out of the country.



  We did it.

  Together me and my new wife stood against the vibrant sunset in Bora Bora after our wedding.

  Nobody attended besides us and witnesses, but that didn’t mean anything to me and Adele. Our wedding was about us, and just like our entire relationship, we kept it that way.

  We traveled all around Europe in the past few months, but finally ended up back where it all really started for us, on pristine beaches and clear, turquoise waters.

  Of course we weren’t prepared with a wedding certificate, so we flew back to the US, got a quick wedding in Vegas, then headed back over to Bora Bora and got our vows renewed like pros.

  “Are you ready for bed?” Adele asked as we lounged in our throne-like wicker chairs on the beach.

  Palm leaves were still spread over the white sand, but the dancers and natives were nowhere to be seen after the whole to-do they put on for us.

  I looked over at my wife and grinned.

  She was glowing with the white flower crown and lei wrapped around her, but it was the baby bump that really made my heart melt every time my eyes dropped from hers.

  We’d have a baby in a few more months, and we had no idea what it would be yet, but we didn’t really care, either.

  Now that we were married, we wanted to settle down somewhere for a little while, maybe in England or France. Hell, maybe even Australia.

  That was still undecided.

  “Ready, wife,” I nodded in agreement, standing and moving in front of her while still wrapped in my white sarong from the ceremony.

  Her white sarong dress almost hid the baby when she stood, so we’d have wedding pictures that didn’t show our little bundle of love, which was nice, but honestly, it wouldn’t have hurt my feelings to have a picture of all three of us, front and center.

  I loved that baby and I didn’t even know if it’d be a Lukov or a Natasha, both of which names Adele had already tossed out of the running.

  “I don’t know why all people don’t get married in these things,” she said as I pulled her up, taking her in my arms. “Seriously, women can save a bundle on a wedding dress, and who doesn’t want to stare at their future husband-slash-brand new husband without a shirt on? I mean, look at those abs!”

  She poked me in the belly and I laughed, holding her tighter as I carried her up the steps to our over-the-water bungalow, the same one from our first visit.

  “I don’t know, malishka,” I nuzzled my nose in her floral smelling hair, getting a nose full of flowers. “Pretty sure men don’t think about the wedding so much as the wedding night.”

  “You already had your wedding night,” she winked at me.

  “Hey, this was our wedding, too,” I pouted at her, settling her body on the flower petal strewn about the bed.

  Getting on my knees on the bed, I hovered over her as she pretended to think about it.

  “I don’t know… I’m thinking about pulling the pregnant lady card. My feet are awful swollen from sitting down so long...”

  I stuck my tongue out at her and she giggled, taking my face between her hands and lowering my head to kiss me.

  I allowed it.

  We paused for just a moment in our kisses to take off the flowers from around our heads and necks and settled them in a chair nearby before digging into the white fabric swathing our bodies, which was a feat in and of itself.

  “I love you, you beautiful, infuriating, wonderful woman,” I told her, pressing a gentle hand on the cute little bump on her belly. “And I love you too, munchkin.”

  Adele laughed, pressing her hand on top of mine.

  “I love you so much, and you’ve made me so happy, Serge,” she told me with twinkling eyes. “Thank you for loving me. I hope I can make you this happy for the rest of our lives.”

  “As long as you stay alive for me, old lady, you will,” I winked at her and she gasped in feigned shock and horror.

  “We were having a moment, you asshole!” she shrieked and started wailing her fists into me.

  My little malishka was a real wildcat.

  And it was sexy as hell.

  Laughing, I took her hands in mine and pressed them above her head, taking control, just like she wanted.

  Most of the time.

  She was giggling as I gained control of her, pinning down my little Koshka, full with my own cub.

  “Ready to consummate this thing?” I asked her grinning lips.

  “You’re such a horndog,” she rolled her eyes at me, but she couldn’t hide how much she loved it.

  “In all seriousness,” I touched my nose to hers, “You have made me the happiest man on earth. And I can’t wait ‘til our baby gets here and we get to share our abundant love with our little boy.”

  I called it a boy just to piss her off, and it worked every time.

  “It could be a girl,” she gave a haughty snort.

  “Could be,” I nodded, pressing my lips to hers.

  She melted immediately.

  “You’re damn frustrating and rage inducing,” she muttered against my lips.

  “Better get used to it, babe,” I grinned, nibbling on her bottom lip. “You got me forever.”

  A big, brilliant smile burst across her gorgeous face as she murmured, “I like the sound of that.”


Keep reading for a sneak peek at The Minutemen Series Book 2, A Second Too Late!

  PLUS continue to read for the first chapter of my standalone novel, For The Money!

  A Second Too Late

  The Minutemen Series Book 2


  My phone ringing woke me up out of a dead sleep.

  Fumbling around for the thing on my nightstand beside me, I yanked the charging cable out and lifted the phone to my ear, swiping the green circle to answer.

  “It’s time,” a voice came over the line. “Vishka is calling in his favor.”

  I’d changed my phone number since we left for Europe, and after two years of living side by side, enjoying a permanent vacation, I had almost forgotten about that dark spot in my past.

  “He needs you in New York,” was all he said.


  Vishka needed me in New York.


  I moved away from Adele who was sleeping peacefully on the bed next to me, still facing the Eiffel Tower, framed in our rented condo’s window.

  Locking myself in the bathroom, I asked for the details.

  “Your flight is in twenty-four hours,” was all the voice added. “Be here or we will come after her.”

  My heart picked up its pace.

  “I’ll be there.”

  The line clicked and died as I slowly dropped my phone from my ear.

  My eyes met my reflection in the mirror; hair still wild from Adele’s hands, and lip swollen from her insistent kisses.

  Heading into forty-four did nothing but make my woman more exotic and beautiful.


  I scrubbed my hands up and down my face.

  The ring on my left ring finger glinted in the light, reminding me that if Adele knew about this, she’d fuck me up. Like, seriously fuck me up. With her fists. Or a blunt object.

  Despite everything I’d learned by growing up with mob kids and working with them, I was still defenseless to the woman I loved.

  As it was, I had to leave her in Paris with our one year old daughter to fend for themselves for who the fuck knew how long.


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