Book Read Free

Country Storm

Page 1

by Cheyenne McCray

  Country Storm

  King Creek Cowboys

  Cheyenne McCray


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Excerpt: Hidden Prey

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Also by Cheyenne McCray

  About Cheyenne

  Chapter 1

  Frigid air conditioning chilled Rae Fox’s face as she guided her car toward King Creek. Arizona sunshine glared down from a clear blue sky as a mirage wavered ahead, like water running across the road. It was the first of June, and they were well into summer.

  What she wouldn’t give for a long drink of iced tea and a swim in her backyard pool.

  Ex-backyard pool. She swallowed. Was that life gone forever?

  Instead of a comfortable home, was a prison cell to be her new residence?

  Weight pressed down on her chest and she struggled to breathe. One night and her life had changed so drastically, she was afraid it would never be normal again.

  Marlee had been such a support to her through all of this. Rae’s cousin had encouraged her to move to King Creek to get away from the constant barrage from the news media and the bullying on social media. Rae had moved in with Marlee temporarily and had only been in King Creek for a week, but already it was a breath of fresh air being in this small community.

  Ahead a stopped car took up the right side of the two-lane road. The driver side door had been left open as a slight figure walked to the front of the vehicle.

  Rae frowned as she slowed her sportscar and came to a full stop. It was her first day on the job at Mickey’s Bar and Grill, and she couldn’t afford to be late. She’d been lucky that Mickey had just opened a restaurant attached to his bar, so he’d been hiring.

  She blew out her breath as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. The figure moved slowly and then stared down.

  Something had to be blocking the road. Rae climbed out or her car and shut the door. Heat blasted her like a furnace as she strode toward the little Nissan.

  “Hi,” Rae called out, but the person didn’t look at her. “Is everything okay?”

  As Rae gained ground, she realized it was an elderly woman who stood in front of the car.

  The woman looked at Rea, her lined features strained. “I don’t know what to do.” Her voice trembled, whether from age or emotion or both.

  Rae’s heart rate picked up as she jogged the rest of the way, thankful the country highway was otherwise deserted.

  When she rounded the car and the woman, she saw a mixed-breed brown dog stretched out on the road, its fur matted with blood. Her stomach dropped at the sight of the poor wounded creature.

  Her heart pounded faster as she knelt beside the animal that tried to raise its head. It sank back down, as if it had been too much effort.

  “He came out of nowhere,” the woman said. “I don’t know what to do,” she repeated.

  Rae glanced up into the woman’s tear-stained face. “Don’t worry, I’ll take him to a vet. Do you know one in the aRae?”

  The woman blinked, as if it hadn’t occurred to her. She must have been in too much shock at hitting the poor dog.

  “Doc McLeod.” The woman pointed in the direction Rae had been traveling. “Two miles up, you take a right on Thunderbird Trail. His practice is in the second building on the right.”

  “Got it.” Rae stood and droplets of sweat rolled between her breasts and down her back. “I’m going to grab a blanket from my trunk. Can you stay with him?”

  “Of course.” The woman nodded.

  Rae hurried to her little car, popped the trunk, and grabbed an old blanket she kept there. She hurried back to the woman and the dog before kneeling and putting the blanket on the road beside the dog. She hesitated. She’d heard that dogs in pain could bite a person trying to help them.

  There was nothing for it—she had to do whatever it took to save the animal. The dog whimpered but didn’t snap at her as she lifted him just enough to get him onto the blanket. Blood coated her hands and forearms as she moved him.

  “You’re a dear to take care of him,” the woman said.

  “I’d better hurry.” Rae scooped up the medium-sized dog and stood. “You take care,” she added to the woman.

  The woman held up an old-style flip phone in a shaking hand. “I’ll call Doc McLeod and let him know you’re on the way.”

  “Thank you,” Rae said.

  “Bless you, child,” the woman called after her.

  The dog whined as she carried him to the passenger side of her small car. “You’re going to be okay, boy. The vet is going to fix you right up.”

  She settled him in on the floorboard, tucked the blanket around him, and shut the door. She rushed to the driver’s side and climbed in.

  Rae carefully drove around the elderly woman’s car, then pressed down on the pedal, driving faster than she had been before stopping behind the woman’s car. Rae had to get the dog to the vet in time to save him.

  As she drove, she talked to the dog, trying to soothe him the best she could. She tried not to think of the fact she was late for work and wouldn’t be able to make it in on time for her first day. By the time she finished and went home for a shower, at least the first half of her shift would be over. She hoped he wouldn’t fire her.

  The important thing right now was that she had to get this little guy to the vet.

  In just short of two miles, Rae located Thunderbird Trail and took a right. She prayed she’d find the vet there. The woman had said she would call Doc McLeod, but that didn’t mean he’d be in.

  She parked in front of a small pale-yellow building with a hanging sign that read, “Superstition Veterinary Clinic, Dr. B. McLeod.”

  “Hold on, boy.” She looked down at the dog who lay limp but with his eyes open. “I can’t get you and the door, so I’m going to see if I can get someone to hold the door open.”

  She climbed out and hurried the few steps to the clinic entrance. She opened the door just enough to look in. A tall man in a white lab coat stood just inside the door—the vet no doubt.

  “I have a dog that was hit by a car.” She rushed to get the words out.

  The big bear of a man had already been moving toward her the moment he looked at her, covered in blood.

  “Maude called a few moments ago,” the vet said as he hurried by, straight for her red sportscar. “This your car?”

  “Yes,” she said, and he opened the vehicle.

  In an easy movement, the big man gently scooped the animal into his arms, shut the car door, and turned toward the clinic. Just a few steps and he was headed away. “Thanks for bringing him in,” he said in a low drawl as he strode into the clinic.

  Rae re-parked her car in one of the parking spaces, grabbed her hobo-style handbag, used her key fob to lock the door, and hurried into the clinic.

  A vet tech in purple scrubs said to Rea, “I’ll be with you shortly,” before she left the room.

  Rae needed to wash off the blood that had dried on her hands and forearms. Nothing could be done for her T-shirt. She spotted a restroom sign across the room, through an archway, and made her way to it.

  She scrubbed off the blood with antibacterial soap and dried herself with paper towels. When she finished, she returned to the waiting room. She wanted to make sure the dog would be okay, so she intended to wait for news. She fished
her cell phone out of her purse and hit redial for the last number she’d called. Now that he was with the vet, she needed to contact Mickey.

  “Mickey’s Bar and Grill,” came a deep voice that she recognized as the owner.

  “Mickey, this is Rae.” She swallowed. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to be late.”

  “This is your first day,” the powerful man said. “I hope you have a good reason.”

  “An elderly woman hit a dog on the highway.” Rae tried not to rush her words. “I helped her and brought the dog to Doc McLeod.”

  “In that case, being late is understandable,” Mickey said. “When can you be here?”

  “I got blood on me and my clothes, so I need to run home to shower and put on a clean T-shirt and jeans.” She wrapped her arm around her belly. “I can still make it for the second half of my shift.”

  “That’s fine,” Mickey said. “We’re short-staffed for a Friday, so I appreciate you coming in as soon as you are able to.”

  “Thanks, Mickey,” she said before disconnecting the call.

  She let out a slow breath. From what she knew of the man from her interview and their subsequent phone conversations, he was a good guy, so she’d thought he would be understanding. She was glad she hadn’t been wrong.

  Her thoughts turned to the dog and she hoped he would be okay. The vet had looked like a man with a big heart, and she felt confident he would do anything to save the canine’s life.

  Now that she had a chance to work everything through her mind, the vet was one good-looking man. Light-brown hair with a slight wave and hazel eyes. She’d bet he had plenty of return business with female pet owners coming to see the sexy vet.

  Rae groaned and swiped hair from her face. She had no idea why her mind had just gone there.

  She needed to leave so that she could get to work, but she wanted to find out if the dog would be okay.

  Dogs had always held special meaning to her, likely from her father’s shared love for the four-legged creatures. She’d grown up running around his pet supply store and when she was a teenager helped him hold dog training and behavior modification classes.

  That had all ended when her dad passed away of complications from a routine surgery. Her world had shattered when he died. It had been fifteen years since then, but she still missed him so much.

  She’d always thought she’d be in the same business as her dad, but life happened, and she had ended up as a real estate agent for the largest Realtor in Lake Havasu City. Of course, she’d lost her job in the mess her life had become. So, she’d sold her home and fled to this small town to stay with her cousin, hoping she could get lost when she wasn’t having to travel three hours each way for the trial. It wouldn’t be long before she’d have to face that drive.

  “Ma’am?” A female voice drew Rae’s attention toward the archway, where the vet tech now stood, holding a chart.

  Rae gripped the strap of her handbag tightly in one fist. “Is he okay?”

  At the tech’s nod, a wave of relief flooded Rae.

  “Dr. McLeod will be out shortly to give you the full status.”

  “Thank you.” Rae knew she had to leave, but she wanted full confirmation from the vet. For the first time, she wondered about the dog’s owner. Did they even know their pet was missing to begin with? They would be relieved to hear he would make it.

  The vet walked through the archway, and when his hazel-green eyes met hers, Rae’s skin tingled head to toe. Dear God, the man was H.O.T., hot.

  He was so tall, and she was so short, it felt like she had to keep looking up, up, up. He stepped forward and held out his hand. “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself. I’m Dr. McLeod. I’ve never seen you around these parts.”

  “I’m Rae Fox.” She had a hard time catching her breath. “I just moved here. I’m staying with my cousin, Marlee.”

  “Marlee Fox?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I imagine you know her since this is such a small town.”

  “I sure do.” He slid his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. “I see her cats.” He smiled. “Welcome to King Creek,” he said.

  “Thank you.” She gripped her hands together. “How is the dog?”

  “Our little friend is going to be just fine,” Dr. McLeod said. “He has lacerations, bruising, and leg fractures. He’s young and he’ll heal up well.”

  “Thank goodness.” Rae relaxed. “His owners will be glad he’s going to make it.”

  “I’ve never seen him in my practice, and he doesn’t have a collar or tags,” the vet said. “I’m the only vet in the area, so I see most of the pets in our town. By his size and how thin he is, I think he might be a stray.”

  Rae frowned. “I hope not. He deserves a loving family.”

  “If we don’t locate an existing owner, we’ll try to find him a good home.”

  “That’s a relief.” She smiled at the vet. “Thank you, Dr. McLeod.”

  He returned her smile. “You have a good day, Ms. Fox.”

  She felt a strange urge to continue their conversation, despite needing to hurry so that she could get to work. “Call me Rea, please.”

  He gave a slow nod. “You can call me Bear.”

  The name fit the big man who looked like a huggable Teddy bear. “Thanks, Bear.” She stepped back, feeling suddenly nervous and shy. “I’m late for work. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

  “In this small town,” he said, “You probably will.”

  Rae backed up, having a hard time taking her eyes off Bear. She ran smack up against the front door and banged the back of her head. Heat flushed her cheeks. “Bye,” she threw out before turning and fleeing his practice.

  * * *

  Bear watched the pretty redhead leave. She had a sexy, curvy figure and a smile that could light the whole town at night. He didn’t remember ever having such a strong, instant attraction to a woman, at least not like the one he’d had when he’d taken her hand in his. Damn, but she had him thinking of moonlit nights on sandy beaches and fruity drinks with little umbrellas.

  If he’d had the guts, he would have asked Rae if she’d like to meet him someplace for a drink. He could have offered to buy her something cool for helping save the dog’s life.

  Of course, he hadn’t. His brothers would have given him a hard time for missing out on the opportunity. He just wasn’t as good with women as they were.

  He faced his tech, Marie. “It looks like our last appointment is late.”

  Marie flopped in the office manager’s chair behind the computer monitor. She squinted at the screen. “Bailey has Mrs. Clawson and Butch down for an appointment that was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago.” She looked at Bear. “I’ll give Mrs. Clawson a call.”

  “I bet you miss Bailey right about now,” he said.

  Marie rolled her eyes. “She’d better get her butt back in the office soon. She’s not allowed to go on vacation again ever.”

  Bear grinned. “I’m gonna check in on the little guy and see how he’s doing.”

  Marie picked up the office phone’s receiver. “I’ll let you know if I get ahold of Mrs. Clawson.”

  He gave a nod and strode to the back to the bank of kennels. He reached the young dog’s spot and smiled when he saw the name on the small chalk sign, Arthur. Marie always gave human names to pets that were brought in with no tags.

  Arthur lay motionless, still under sedation. His chest rose and fell in a deep, even rhythm. “The lady who brought you in is gorgeous,” Bear said to the sleeping dog. “Seems like a real sweetheart, too. Maybe I’ll even see her around town.”

  He couldn’t help thinking of all of that soft skin that he’d love to touch, and long red hair that would feel silky running through his fingers. He’d bet her head would rest nicely against his chest if they danced and her body would mold perfectly to his. The red shade of her hair was unusual, and he didn’t think it was natural. It was cute, but it made him wonder what her natural hair color was.

p; What was her story? Where had she come from? What brought her to King Creek? Was she just here for a short time to visit with Marlee, or did Rae planning on staying a good long while?

  Marie’s footsteps came from the hallway and he looked over his shoulder.

  “Mrs. Clawson forgot about Butch’s appointment.” Marie changed from speaking in her Hispanic accent to a southern drawl that was a perfect imitation of Abilene Clawson’s voice, “She’s right sorry to miss her appointment and hoped you wouldn’t mind if she reschedules.” Marie dropped the drawl. “She’s set for Wednesday morning.”

  Bear did his best to not laugh. “Looks like our Friday is ending early.” He inclined his head in the direction of the wounded dog. “I’ll take Arthur to the ranch so I can keep an eye on him over the weekend.”

  “Sounds good, Doc.” Marie pulled her long, dark ponytail over her shoulder and slid the elastic band off and over her hand to rest on her wrist. She fluffed out her hair. “I’m glad to get out of here early. Candy set me up on a blind date for tonight, so with not-so-high hopes for this latest guy, I’m going to head home and soak in a long hot bath and hope he cancels.”

  Bear grinned. “Where’s he from?”

  “Chandler.” Marie sighed. “City boy.”

  “You’ll have a good time.” Bear added in a teasing tone, “Even if his neighborhood’s probably the size of King Creek.”

  “Unfortunately, it probably is.” Marie shook her head. “I’ll see you Monday.”

  “You have a good weekend and hope your date is fun.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled and grabbed her purse out of her desk drawer. “Go find that cute redhead who brought Arthur in. You could use a night out.”

  Bear mumbled a response as heat crawled up his neck. It was bad enough his brothers teased him, but now his tech, too?


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