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The Obsidian Crown of the Lost Dominion

Page 16

by Akira Knightley

  “Well that doesn’t make sense. Whoever they were can’t just have disappeared,” Hailey said, still holding the doorknob as if unsure if she should come in or not.

  After a few seconds of silence, “Maybe it’s a trap door. Maybe if you step on that spot it opens and you go down below,” Hailey said, almost excited with her ingenious explanation.

  “That’s not actually helping me feel better,” I said, thinking she could really be right. “I’m not going to going there alone. Get over here.”

  As we stepped on the carpet, the whole room dissolved into a dark tunnel leading deeper into a lit cavern.

  “Holy moly!” Hailey said.

  “Oh my god! What just happened?” I said at the same time. Hailey’s eyes were bulging with surprise. So were mine.

  This is not good. We got transported into a different realm without us knowing it. We need to get out of here.

  Before I could say anything, a man’s hand pressed against my mouth. I tried pulling and tugging on it. I could tell Hailey was also fighting to get away from her attacker.

  “Don’t! It’s us!” Taylor whispered into Hailey’s ear.

  “Taylor?” Hailey asked.

  “Yes, I’m here with Blaise,” Taylor answered as she slackened her grip on Hailey.

  “Why are you guys here? How did you find this place?” I asked through Blaise’s fingers still over my mouth.

  “Because I want to prove to Taylor that I am not one of the hoods,” Blaise said as he released his hold.

  “It’s a long story, I’ll update you later. For now, keep it down! We’re not alone. Do you hear that?” Taylor asked. Blaise and Taylor were both looking towards the other end of the tunnel.

  Sure enough, we could hear what sounded like distant groaning and sobbing. Taylor turned around and pointed her finger where conversations could be heard and we started to walk towards it.

  Behind Taylor and Blaise’s back, Hailey raised an eyebrow at me, signaling to watch out for Blaise. I nodded.

  The same three hooded men, wearing daggers and holding swords were standing guard around Dr. McGrath and Kieran. Both the doctor and Kieran looked severely beaten lying on the ground. There was no sign of the Sorceress this time.

  “Dagger hoods,” Hailey said, pointing at their belts. “I think we should go in now before the Sorceress gets back. I mean, if we wait we might not be able to fight her magic.”

  “Well these guys have magic too!” argued Taylor. “What makes you think we can fight them? Why can’t we just call the police?”

  “And what would you tell them? Go through the magic door that takes you to the underworld?” Hailey said.

  “Okay, okay. What’s the plan?” Blaise said.

  “Look. Behind the third guard. It’s the crown sitting on the table.”

  “If we could only find a way around, behind the guards, we can get the crown from behind,” I said.

  “Wait, I thought we were rescuing Dr. McQuack Quack and the Wimpy Kid sans Diary?” Hailey said.

  I rolled my eyes despite the near-paralyzing dread I felt inside. “Yes, that too. But we need that crown if we are ever to get leverage for...” I let it trail off. I didn’t want to say anything about my parents right then.

  “I got it.”

  I searched for a way to sneak around the back. I noticed that surrounding the clearing were stalagmites and stalactites. The stalagmites protruding from the ground were only two to three high; I could easily get around by skipping from one to another. But I would have no cover as the stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the cave were only seven to eight feet off the ground.

  “I need to get to that stalactite. I will go from one to another until I get to the back,” I whispered.

  “Are you insane? You don’t even have gloves on! Your hands will be torn to pieces,” Hailey said.

  To my surprise, Taylor said, “She’s is right! I’ll do it. I’m more experienced and I came ready.” She wagged her gloves at us.

  I nodded at her. “Once you are in position, we will attack the guards.”

  Taylor nodded in agreement.

  Blaise gave Taylor a lift to the first stalactite and hurried back to the group. I held my breath as we watched Taylor swing from one stalactite to another. As soon as she was right behind the table, she gave us the signal and jumped down, hitting the third guard on the head. He came down easy.

  The second guard noticed the commotion but Blaise was quick to respond. He hit him in the face with a thud. He didn’t go down right away so Blaise followed up with an uppercut, jumped up, and then hit the back of the guy’s neck with his elbow. The second guard was out.

  Hailey kicked the last guard in the knee while I made sure he didn’t make any sound. Hailey grabbed one of his swords and hit him the face with the handle. He went down with a groan. I surveyed the three huge men sprawled senseless on the floor.

  This is too easy.

  Taylor took the crown and handed it to me.

  “Thanks,” I whispered. We went to look at the prisoners.

  “Doctor, it’s us. We’ve come to rescue you and Kieran, but we’ve got to hurry. They’re not going be out for very long,” Hailey said.

  “You came for me?” Kieran said in disbelief.

  “Yes, we must go before they get back,” I said, trying to help Kieran up while holding on to the crown.

  “I’m too weak. Leave me here.”

  “Kieran, you must be strong. You are the third member of the Knights of the Crown. We can’t lose you,” I said. Then to Blaise and Taylor, I said, “You two lead the way. Hailey and I will bring up the rear.” I wanted Blaise where I could see him.

  “I can’t,” whimpered Kieran.

  “You can! Here put your shoulder around me,” I said. “Doctor, I will help Kieran, you’re with Hailey.” The doctor nodded and took her place with Hailey protecting the back of the group.

  I guided Kieran away from the unconscious guards and followed Taylor towards the tunnel. The doctor was right behind us. Kieran was limping as fast as he could. But as we were getting nearer the tunnel, he tripped. “Kieran, hold on,” I said. But he was too heavy and I hit my knee on the ground as I fell. From behind me, I saw the doctor and Hailey rushing forward to help.

  “I got him. We’re ok, go, you go! Lead the way,” the doctor told me as she took on trying to help Kieran. Hailey helped me up and we proceeded ahead.

  I saw Blaise and Taylor heading down the tunnel that led to the mansion’s sitting room exit. I need to get the crown out of this cave as soon as possible. But I could see from behind me that the doctor and Kieran were stumbling even with Hailey’s assistance. “Come on! We have to get out of here!” I whispered to them. Hailey and I exchanged glances and I could tell she was just as anxious but helpless in her situation.

  Again, I searched for Taylor and Blaise. How much farther to the entrance? I need to get the crown out of here. I saw the mottled light from the sitting room portal casting a dim light at the end of the tunnel. I felt the crown’s weight and was suddenly reminded of the magnitude of power I held in my hands. I need this crown out of here! My mind screamed a silent scream. It took every ounce of patience I had not to run full-speed into the tunnel and leave everyone else behind. But what I saw next stopped me where I stood. Three hooded figures materialized in the tunnel having entered from the sitting room portal and they were coming in fast.

  Oh no! My head screamed again. If we continue into the tunnel, we will be trapped between them and the Sorceress!

  The literal light at the end of the tunnel was obstructed by three hooded figures. One was short and stocky, the other one very tall and skinny, and a medium height man. They were coming towards us with a purpose.

  “Go back!” Retreat!” said Blaise in a loud whisper.

  I looked back to check if the guards were
still unconscious but they were no longer on the floor. They were getting up brushing themselves and laughing at us. Then the cold, icy truth hit me. We never knocked them down. It was all a ruse. But for what? The answer brought me to a level of terror I didn’t think was possible. I stood frozen in mid-gasp. My hands clenched so hard my nails were biting into my palms. I tried to breathe, but my lungs wouldn’t follow. My eyes, wild with fright, stared without blinking.

  Descending from the top of the cave was a dark form: a black and gauzy black apparition that lingered a few inches of the ground. The black soot soon became an oozing mass like a malignant spill from hell. It seemed to be collecting more darkness about it as it crept about the floor. Then, in a single blink, the form solidified and the Sorceress was standing there. She stooped over her cane, cowl covering the darkness within.

  A depressing, desolate voice that could only be described as coming from the dead, echoed within the cave. “So young. So gullible. So, very predictable. Did you really think it was going to be that easy? Bring me back the crown and my prisoners and you won’t get hurt!”


  For Want Of A Crown...

  I felt everyone’s eyes on me. We were surrounded and my friends were waiting for me to make a move. I couldn’t. I had no more play. Game over. Then without warning, the tunnel lit up, bright white.

  A fireball in mid-air! The three hooded figures from inside the tunnel were attacking. We were out in the open.

  The Sorceress let out a terrifying screech. “The Brotherhood! Welcome to the Coven of the Dagger’s lair!” She gave an extravagant bow, waving her stickly right arm over her head, making the oversized sleeves of her robe flap about her.

  The hooded figures within the tunnel made no indication to respond to the Sorceress. They stood there, monolithic, quiet, and ready.

  “I thought you guys don’t like to fight. Oh, that’s right; you have your Knights to do the dirty work for you. Behold your Knights!” she bellowed. She let out another shriek at the same time she raised her crooked index finger and three blue-white balls of fire spun out from her outstretched hand.

  “Take cover!” I yelled. I put my hands over my ears as the whizzing of the fiery hot projectiles came hurtling towards us. I was too late.

  “Oww, Get it off me! Ahhhh!” cried Blaise as he stumbled forward with his jacket up in flames. Taylor quickly took off her coat and used it to snuff out the fire while Blaise was trying to roll on the dirt to put out the fire. Taylor rested him against the cave wall while she kept him covered with her coat.

  I looked at Blaise’s shoulder. He sat against the wall, holding his burned arm and reeling from the pain. He was just touched by the flame a few seconds but flame lapped at his shoulder and spread so fast. It’s not normal.

  “Get down! Take cover! The fireballs are imbued with some kind of liquid magic. It burns like fire and spreads like oil!” I yelled as I ducked to the side of the tunnel. I saw Blaise pull Taylor under his arms, push her towards the cave wall, and put his back closest the passing balls of flames. He was placing himself in harm’s way to protect her, despite his injury.

  Hailey was flat on the ground. I shuffled over to her.

  “Are you ok? Are you hurt?” I asked.

  “I’m ok. I’m ok,” Hailey answered. It was just then that I realized I still had the crown. I stuck my hand through the hole so that it circled my wrist like a bracelet.

  I looked in the tunnel. The Brotherhood were getting closer and closer. This time I saw the glowing purple orbs hanging from their golden belts.

  I turned my head to look behind us but the Sorceress and her guards were still there.

  We have nowhere to go. Both groups are after the crown. It will only be a matter of minutes before one of them kill us or take the crown; more likely do both.

  It reeked of burnt metal and the air was thick with the grayish-white residue of the blue-white explosives. I saw the Sorceress and her guards throwing fireballs at the Brotherhood. But the Brotherhood were just as powerful, skilled, and just as determined. I looked back to see that all three of the Sorceress’ guards were felled, one at a time. Finally leaving the Sorceress fighting alone.

  As the Brotherhood got closer to us, the Sorceress launched another salvo of attacks, this time more frenzied than before. The cave lit up like the Fourth of July as the two groups fought with ferocious intent. “Keep your heads down!” I yelled at my friends, every sinew of my body taut from the sustained adrenalin rush. All of sudden, I noticed that the Sorceress was the only one attacking anymore. The Brotherhood had an invisible shield in front of them. They were still coming fast but the attacks from the Sorceress were dissipating into the shield. The Sorceress must have sensed the change in tactic as well, because when I looked behind me, she had let her cane fall to the ground. She raised her right hand in my direction and I felt a sharp tug on my body. I slipped a few inches before I realized I was being dragged towards her.

  “Hold on! Don’t let go!” Hailey screamed as she caught my hands. The crown was digging through my jacket sleeve. I had to let go of that hand but made sure I still had the crown.

  The Brotherhood was upon us. I caught Taylor’s eyes, then Hailey’s, then Blaise’s. “I’m sorry! Don’t try to save me. They just want the crown. Save yourselves!” I yelled as I let go of Hailey’s hand. My body lurched backwards against my will. I turned on my stomach and dug my nails on the ground, trying to find a hold. I found a boulder protruding from the dirt and latched onto it. I saw the Sorceress straining to keep the attacks on the other group while using her power to pull me back to her. I decided there was only one thing I could do. I let the crown fall to my hand and threw it as far as I could into the tunnel. Immediately, the Sorceress released her hold on me, howling in anger. That must have ruined her concentration since she also stopped the attack on the Brotherhood. I relaxed my hold on the boulder and laid down on the ground, panting.

  Then I felt the warm magnetic charge from the invisible shield pass through me. I closed my eyes, hoping this was just a dream but it wasn’t. They are here. I got up on my knees and raised my hands in surrender. Taylor, Blaise, and Hailey started to do the same.

  To my absolute astonishment, the Brotherhood walked past us as if we weren’t even there. We all stared at them as they moved into the cavern. In the flickering light of the fire, I noticed the emblem of a black flower on their robes. It was a Black Rose. They surrounded the doctor who was flat on the ground with Kieran.

  “Hand over the Obsidian Crown,” demanded a tall hooded figure.

  “Oh no. They think she has the crown! They’re going to torture her again!” Hailey whispered to me.

  I looked at the crown on the ground. It’s my only leverage; my only way of finding out what happened to my parents and prove my innocence. But if don’t do give it up, those men would surely kill the doctor just like they killed Kieran.

  My friends were all looking at me. They knew what this means, for me and my parents.

  “Wait!” the doctor yelled. “I don’t—”

  The Sorceress lifted her hand and dragged the doctor’s body from the Brotherhood, sending her soaring far above the cave floor.

  The Brotherhood turned around ready to fight but before they could attack, her shrill voice flooded the cave. “Stand down! Don’t even think of throwing that fireball at me or I swear I will drop her into that pit and her death will be on your heads!” The Brotherhood kept their fighting stances but did not attack.

  The Sorceress’ right hand rose, holding the doctor suspended in the air. The doctor was holding her neck, trying to pry an invisible hand choking her. She kicked in the air while making gurgling sounds, still trying to undo some invisible noose. She arched her back, gasping for air.

  “You Knights have never been a match for me. Do you know how terribly tedious it is to deal with you?” the Sorceress spat.
r />   She walked a little closer to where Kieran was groveling on the ground in fear, still controlling the doctor with her hand like a rag doll.

  “Now, Abigail. Give me the crown or she dies,” the Sorceress said in a way that leftt no room for doubt she had no problems killing the doctor, or anyone for that matter.

  “No! You are evil and you will continue to do evil things if you get the crown! You will use it to kill countless more!”

  “So you are willing to kill the doctor for the crown? Who is the evil one now? Would you still make the same choice if I were to kill your mother and father? Will you sacrifice countless more to get the chance to have your beloved parents back? As you can see, we are all the same; the only thing that changes is the object of our desires.”

  “They are dead. You killed them!” I shouted at her. “And no, we are nothing alike,” I added in an icy tone.

  “We shall see.” The Sorceress’ voice chilled the room. She yanked the invisible cord that was keeping the doctor suspended in the air. The doctor’s body propelled towards the middle of the group, hanging over their heads like a grotesque chandelier. Her face was covered with matted blood and hair.

  “Tell her!” she shouted with fire and hate in her voice. When nothing happened, once more the Sorceress gave a quick tug that pulled the body forward, making her head snap back to show her severely injured face.

  The doctor gagged and choked from above. She was still trying to get lose from the invisible rope around her neck.

  Then, the Sorceress must have loosened the noose, because the doctor started to talk in a raspy, halting voice.

  “They are still alive. They are in—” She began gasping uncontrollably as the Sorceress closed her hand again. The Sorceress raised her arm and the body of the doctor rose into the air. The Sorceress laughed as if it was game.

  Then she directed her focus on me again. “Oh don’t you worry, Abigail. I can provide proof of life!” The darkness within the cowl couldn’t hide her elation that further contorted the writhing black ooze that should have been her face. As if concerned that I saw her appearance, she pulled her hood even lower.


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