Book Read Free

Second Chances

Page 6

by Kitty Berry

  “I didn’t know Bash was a real Dom. I knew Damian was, but I thought it was an image thing for Sebastian. Its weird looking back now how many times our lives intersected without us even knowing it, Pete.”

  “Bash is a natural. I trained him myself. He’s in love with the other girl from the video, Skyler. She was actually my last sub, or at least she was trying to be, she didn’t have it in her to submit to anyone but him. It all worked out in the end, it’s a long story and I’d rather focus on us right now. I’ll tell you all about them and the rest of my friends in the city another time. I need to actually call and check in with them in a few days. So, anything else I can tell you or are you ready to start doing some explaining of your own? I know you’re stalling.”

  “I have another question.”

  “You’re stalling.”

  “No, I’m serious. Just listen. Um, when you have sex, you need to control things, spank the girl, do other things to her, like what I was supposed to do in the video?”

  “I don’t have to. As you can see, I haven’t spanked you, as much as I’d had loved to, and I’m more than ready to go right now,” I say as I look down at my straining erection. “But it does heighten the experience for me. That shouldn’t surprise you. If I remember correctly, the last time we were together, you were blindfolded and handcuffed to your bed. You liked it too, Rain. I didn’t know then what I do now, but I’m positive you’ve always been submissive in bed. I’m not sure if it was just with me or if it’s a true part of you.”

  “It’s you.”

  I stand and pace the room. Those words are music to my ears but I’m not sure what to do with that information. Knowing that her submission has only been for me makes me harden even more and I know it’s time for the whole truth. I shift and lean against the wall; keeping my erection under wraps is growing more challenging by the second. “There’s something else I need you to know,” I sigh then take a deep cleansing breath. “I was a fucking prick. I let you talk me into the friends with benefits shit when what I really wanted was you to be mine. I’ve been in love with you since the second I laid eyes on you.”

  “What?” she screams. “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Pete? God, you’re a fucking asshole. You know that?”

  “I’m sorry, Raina. I didn’t know what I had when I had it and I didn’t know I was going to lose you. I know what I want now. I’ve known for a while, just couldn’t figure out what to do about it until I saw you again, then it became perfectly clear.”

  “Pete, you used me. You made me feel beautiful and special one second then like fucking shit the next. Do you know what it felt like to hear about you fucking other girls, to see it? And you never hid it from me, hell; you used to tell me all about it. When you asked Lora to be your girlfriend and she…” Raina stops herself, afraid to admit something and the idea pisses me off.

  I can’t and won’t have her holding back, not ever again. So even though whatever she was about to say happened years ago, I see red. “What the fuck did she do to you?”

  Raina sighs. “She didn’t do anything to me, Pete. She didn’t have to, you did. She just made me see what I really was to you, that’s all.”

  I make it to her in two strides. With no regard for holding my towel in place, I grab her arms and bring her up to stand, facing me. She lowers her eyes and I gently place a finger under her chin and bring her gaze up to meet mine. “Tell me what happened” I demand more gently but the authority never leaves my voice.

  “Fine, but maybe you should put on some pants first” she says while gazing down at my now naked body.

  “Sorry,” I let her go and cross the room to the dresser, grab a pair of boxers, and pull them on. “We good now?” I ask.

  “Maybe you should put more on, I can still…”

  I cut her off. “Deal with it. These are already putting more between us than I want, and I plan on having them off again real soon. Now, tell me what happened with Lora.”

  Raina reminds me of the day that summer after graduation. I went out with the guys and spent the day getting hammered down at Chris’s beach house. As nighttime fell, we were feeling no pain and horny from watching a bunch of girls sunbathing topless on their boat. When I got home, instead of heading to my own house, I went to Raina’s. I snuck in through her bedroom window and slipped into her bed looking to get laid. She was sleeping but woke up when she felt me press my stiff dick into her back. I lifted her hair off her neck and bit her behind her ear. Raina had since started sleeping naked upon my request so I didn’t have to deal with her clothes. I pulled my shirt over my head and slipped off my still damp bathing suit, throwing them both to the floor. I slipped the blindfold over her eyes and cuffed her to the headboard. I was feeling kinky and wanting to play, curious to see how far I could take her.

  Raina was still laying on her side, and when she arched into me, I slid inside her effortlessly. When we were done, I kissed her good-night, said I should go home, afraid I was too drunk to wake up before her parents woke, then I left. I never knew that my girlfriend at the time, Lora, called her moments later to warn her away from me.

  “The things she said about you and I hurt and I just lost it. She told me that she knew we hooked up. She said you were in love with her and just using me as a cheap fuck on the side like a whore, that I was nothing to you. She said I’d never been anything more to you than a casual piece of pussy.”

  “Raina, I’m sor…”

  She cuts me off mid-sentence, a habit she’s going to need to drop if she wants to be able to sit down. “I hadn’t wanted to tell you about the modeling offer in New York because I didn’t know if I was going to go. I didn’t want to leave you. But then when Lora called and said those things, I knew what I had to do for me.”

  “Raina, please” I beg.

  She shrugs then holds up a hand to silence me. “If I stayed, I’d had been throwing away years of beauty pageants, modeling jobs, and not eating dessert for what, Pete? Hmmm, and all for a guy who didn’t love me. A guy who thought I was nothing more than his whore.”

  “Raina” I reprimand. “You’re not a whore. I don’t ever want to hear you say that about yourself.”

  “I wasn’t your girlfriend. You made it very clear when you asked Lora out that I wasn’t girlfriend material. And I couldn’t stay in our small town and go nowhere in life if I wasn’t going to at least have you. If I thought I had you, I would have thrown it all away. But that wasn’t the way it was. So that morning, I told my parents that I was leaving. I begged them not to tell you I left until I was in the city. I told them not to ever tell you where I was. I left and never looked back.”

  I run my hands through my hair. I can’t believe the damage we did when we were both clearly in love with the other. I guess being young and stupid could be an excuse, but if I’m being honest, I knew I was being a dick even when I was doing it. I knew Raina was more important than being cool and having twenty notches on my bedpost, but I thought I was invincible. I thought once the others had left for jobs and school was in our past, she would still be there like she always had been. Ironically, that day, the day before she left, I dumped Lora and was going to tell Raina my true feelings.

  “Raina, did your parents tell you that I came to see you?”

  “Yes. I flew to the city alone and my aunt that lived in Connecticut met me there. We talked to the people from the agency, Damian and his top photographer. He gave me the names of a few other girls and we met with them, too. Within a week, I had signed on with Hot Stones and had an apartment.”

  “I cannot fucking believe this. Princess, I woke up that morning feeling like shit. Not because of drinking too much, because of us. I knew I loved you; I was planning on telling you. I went to Lora’s and we got into a huge fight when I dumped her. She knew it was for you. She pretty much said the same things to me as she did to you and I realized how right she was. I had been treating you like shit and you deserved so much better than that. I was sick over what I had done t
o you. I couldn’t find the right words to tell you how sorry I was and ask you to forgive me, to give me a chance to treat you right. To treat you like the princess you are, my princess. Later that night, I finally grew a pair, bought you flowers, and knocked on your door.”

  “And I was gone.”

  “You were gone. I stayed in town while everyone slowly left for jobs. I waited another few months, then I packed up and headed to the city. It’s funny; at the time, I had no idea why I chose to go to New York. Not really the easiest of places to be a general contractor, but something was pulling me there. Now I know what. The fact that our paths almost crossed again there is crazy. I met Damian at The Society not long after I arrived and we became friends right away. Had you still been in the city, we would have run into each other.”

  “My mom told me when you left. I couldn’t believe it. I almost stayed to try and find you. Thought about telling you how I felt and seeing if we could maybe give it another try. Then my agent called with a job in a video. That turned into a few commercials then a pilot. When the pilot got picked up, I moved to California.”

  “I know the rest. I’ve followed everything you’ve done. I thought about contacting you a thousand times. I knew Todd and the others knew where you were and how to reach you, but I kept thinking that you were better off without me. I had hurt you enough. I just wanted you to be happy, but watching you romantically linked to co-stars killed me. I think I finally understood what I had done to you then. I’m so sorry, Rain. Can you ever forgive me and put the past behind us? Could we start over and try for a future?”

  Before she can answer me, we hear the sounds from the next room. Raina looks at me and raises her eyebrows as I shrug my shoulders and smile at her. The sound of a bed rhythmically shifting, and Amanda’s squeals of delight can be heard through the thin walls. Todd grunts loud enough to make me laugh. “Just like their first time” I reminisce.

  “This is not going to end well with them, Pete. He’s…and she’s having enough trouble with her marriage and trying to get pregnant.”

  “I agree, but it’s none of our business and you never answered me. Can you forgive me and give me a second chance? Or is there someone else?” I clear my throat and ask, “Nix?”

  “I still love you, Pete. God, I’ve always loved…” before she can finish, I have her in my arms and I cover her mouth with mine. I don’t need to hear anymore. The fact that she loved me once and still loves me now is all I need to know. As my hand slips past her waist and starts to travel up her shirt, she stops me. “Pete, wait. Stop” she orders and I have no choice but to listen to her.

  “I’m sorry. What’s the matter? Too much? I didn’t mean to overwhelm you.”

  “I want to explain.”

  “Okay. I’m listening” I say as I take her hand in mine.

  “First, no, I’m not with Nix. I met him through Todd when I was in London and we became friends. I admit, he tried to make us more, but that’s just how he is with women. After the initial awkwardness wore off, we became friends.”

  “Ok” I mumble, still not liking her having any connection to a guy that goes through women as fast as I have.

  “Pete, it can’t be like it was. I can’t feel like it has everything to do with sex and nothing to do with our feelings for each other. We have to take this slower this time. Get to know each other again. I don’t think we should have sex right away. I need time to process this. Time to forgive you, trust you again, and try to move on. I don’t even know if that means we move on together or if I find closure and we move on our separate ways. I’m willing to try, but slowly this time, Pete. We need to do this slowly.”

  I don’t want to agree to this, but I know she’s right. If this is what she needs to feel safe with me, to be comfortable, then a case of blue balls is the least I can do for her. I kiss her softly on the lips. “So a quick blow job then?” I tease her. She smacks my arm. “Oh, that reminds me, I remember saying something about having you over my knee and wet between the legs before this conversation was over. Come here, Raina. I think it's time for me to teach you how to take your punishment like a good girl.”

  December 2013


  I thought he was playing around when he called me to go over his knee. I should have known, as a sexual Dominant, he was serious…dead serious. Instead of telling him there was no chance in fucking hell that was going to happen, I tease him. I strut in front of him like I’m on the runway, swaying my hips and slightly shaking my ass. He moans deep in his chest and shifts in his boxers. I forgot how quick his hands are, and when I make another rotation around him, he reaches out and snatches me in his strong grasp. Before I know what’s happening, he has me turned over his legs and I feel his powerful arm pressing down on my lower back, holding me in place.

  “So this is how this is going to work,” he states, authority dripping from his deep baritone of a voice. “I’ll cut you some slack until I can train you correctly, but you’ll be silent and accept your punishment or I’ll start over. I determine how many spanks you’ve earned and you don’t argue with me. This time you’ll take five and I’m warning you, I’m not going to be easy on you. You deserve at least twenty-five. Now take a deep breath.”

  “Wait, Pete. I mean please, can’t we….Ouch! Holy shit that fucking hurt!”

  “Shh, breathe. I’m not warning you again or I’ll start back at one. You have four more.”

  Pete raises his palm and lowers it on my rapidly growing red ass four more times. I never thought I’d react so quickly, my body betraying me so fast under the spell of Pete Roman again. But here I am, after only three smacks of his hand, so wet and turned on that I can feel myself squirming, trying to catch some friction on his legs. He knows what I’m trying to do and warns me to knock it off. He spanks me two more times before he flips me off his lap and lays me down on the bed on my belly.

  “Stay like that. Don’t move” he commands in that voice, his voice that has always wrecked me.

  I don’t move, I obey like a good girl. I already understand how to play this game. Pete rummages through his bag, for what I don’t know, and then comes back over to the bed. I feel the mattress dip under his wait and I smell his scent, feel the heat radiating off his amped up body.

  “I’m going to slide your pants down so I can rub some of this lotion on you to ease the burn. I’m not going to try anything. I promise. You know you can trust me about that. Relax and just let me ease the sting a little” he says, his voice still commanding but softening with every passing second.

  I don’t want to let this happen. I don’t want to put myself in a position with him, where I know I won’t be able to refuse him if he tries to take me, but I do also need the soothing. My ass feels like it’s on fire, but where I really need soothing, is not up for discussion.

  I feel Pete’s hand run over my exposed ass and the cooling cream instantly calms the burn. He moans and I feel him shift on the bed. “God, Raina, I’m sorry, but damn, Princess, your ass is fucking amazing.”

  I don’t know if it’s his words, the spanking, or the ache it created deep in my belly, but I roll over and look into his eyes. I lift my head slightly and part my lips, begging him to kiss me. Pete’s tongue licks his lips as he lowers to take my mouth with his, his eyes fixated on my lips. His hands come to my face and he holds me tightly in place. He kisses me as he always did, taking me, owning me, making me his. My head is fuzzy and even though I know I shouldn’t let this start again, I can’t seem to break the spell he once again has over me.

  It’s Pete who finally breaks away. “Good night, Princess. Try to get some sleep” he says as he turns over and flicks off the light. Pete settles in next to me, probably very pleased with himself for frustrating me like he has.

  Get some sleep? Is he fucking kidding me? Now? How am I going to sleep riled up as much as I am? If I was home alone in bed feeling like this, I’d stretch over to my bedside table, open the draw, and pick one of my favorite BOBs. My batte
ry operated boyfriends have seen a lot of action over the last few years. But I’m in bed with Pete Roman, the man I’ve spent the last four years trying to forget.

  I don’t know how long I lay there listening to his steady breathing, watching his chiseled chest rise and fall, but I must finally fall asleep because I’m tossed into the past in a dream so realistic it brings me to an orgasm.

  Pete and the guys went to a dance club on campus. They got wasted at the frat house before they even went, so by the time they arrived, the party was in full swing. I remember it like it was yesterday.

  The girls are dressed in bikini tops and short shorts. They’re dancing with each other in little groups, most of them ignoring the guys. Until they spot Pete. I watch as he starts to dance, trying to be funny with the guys, but of course some of the girls notice that he can actually dance and they want to see more. The guys tell him he has the golden touch with girls and they dare him to go over and dance with them. He agrees and walks toward them with a confidence that only Pete Roman can exude. I watch as Pete dances with the girls, first one at a time then sandwiching himself between two of them. The one in front of him lifts her leg and he wraps it around his hip, notching himself between her legs. Her head falls back when he starts to grind in a steady pace. The girl behind him rubs his biceps and licks his neck, nibbles on his earlobe.

  This scene plays over and over in my dream, my subconscious mind remembering the event. This was just one of the many stories that Pete came home and told me about not minutes after fucking me in his bed in the middle of the night. Every story, like this one, breaks another little piece of my heart.


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