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Silver Magi 1

Page 15

by D. Levesque

  “Yes!” she says with wide eyes.

  “All right, remember what you had me do the first time you met me? When you did the test for Mal Da Ja on me? What did you ask me to do?” I ask her gently.

  “I had you look inside you for a light,” she tells me, chagrined. “The student teaches the teacher now?” she says but smiles at the end.

  With that, she steps back from me and closes her eyes. I look at everyone around us and quietly say, “step back, just in case,” and with that, I shapeshift into my Half-Hybrid form, now towering over 7 feet tall.

  Then we see her transformation. She falls onto the ground, and she is moaning in pain. Yes, I remember that pain quite well. Her legs and arms start to stretch and almost break to change their shape, but I know that it’s just the bones moving around. But while it looks odd, it feels even more painful than it looks. I had never seen it on myself, so watching it happen was kind of an odd feeling. I know now it’s easier, and that I can transform instantly. But it seems there is an adjustment period—a very painful one.

  Slowly, and with a lot more painful moans, she finally is on all fours in front of us. Is she a lightly colored fox? Looking at my mother in shock, I blurt out, “What the fuck! She’s not a werewolf?”

  My mother says nothing, because she is looking at Silvana in so much shock that her mouth is opening and closing. Looking at the others, I can see that Emelia, Trent, and the Half-Elf girl are all doing the same thing. All right, then. I guess it is something different. Looking at Silvana, she is larger than what I would think a fox is, but her tail is amazing. She is golden, but has white on her front, black on her legs, and her tail is a combo of brown, blond, and black. And it’s large and for lack of a better word, puffy. She looks magnificent.

  “That really fucking hurt, Brandon,” she says, but it’s in a high-pitched voice. That makes her pause. “And why do I sound like that?” she continues, tilting her head at me.

  “That’s because Silvana, you have turned into a beautiful fox,” I tell her with a laugh.

  “I turned into what? I didn’t turn into a Werewolf?” she says, surprised.

  “That’s impossible,” Emilia says in awe.

  “What is?” I turn to her and ask her.

  “She’s a Werefox. That’s impossible!” she says now, frowning.

  “Hmm. How so?” I ask her for clarification.

  “They aren’t real,” my mother says to me, still in shock. Looking at me after staring at Silvana for so long, she continues. “Brandon, how many Werefolk do you think there are? What animals?”

  “Werewolves and Werelions?” I tell her since I have heard of both of those mentioned.

  “We only know of Werewolves, Werelions, Werebadgers, Werebears, and Wereleopards. Even you, in your Half-Hybrid form, have never been seen before. No one has ever seen one that is white like you,” she says, shaking her head.

  “So, does that mean I am the first of my kind?” Silvana asks, still in her high-pitched voice.

  “We aren’t sure,” says the Half-Elf slowly.

  “What do you mean, Lily?” my mother asks her. Finally! A fucking name. Lily! Yah Lily. Welcome to my world of Names I Now.

  “Some of the Elves' older records, which I know have been around longer than your Society’s, they talk about them, Werefoxes I mean. But even then, it’s obscure. I only know about it because, well, being a Half-Elf, I had an enormous interest in something that was different, especially about Were, since you know my, shall we say, preference,” she says, blushing at that last part.

  “So, how old was this record that spoke of Werefoxes?” my mother asks her curiously. Ignoring that the Half-Elf had just mentioned she had the hots for Werefolk.

  “Over 10,000 years old, and that was referencing an even older record that the writer had said was well over 5,000 years old,” Lily said.

  “Wonder what I can turn into?” Lina says behind us all. I had forgotten she was there; she was so quiet.

  “Did you want to try to see what you can be?” I ask her. At which point, she nods her head excitedly, which makes her breasts heave up and down. It seems someone isn’t wearing a bra, I think, with a smile.

  “Oh, and Silvana, it seems that Lina can now do magic also, and she is saying her pool is about the size of a large pool. Is yours still the same size?” I ask her curiously.

  “I don’t know, let me check,” she says and closes her eyes. Then they snap open in shock. “Brandon! It’s the same as hers! It’s bigger than before, and it seems to be the size of a large pool,” she tells me in shock.

  “Well, it seems that we are going to have two new powerful mages now in you and Lina,” I tell them both with a grin.

  “Now, how do I do this?” Lina asks with pent up energy.

  “Here, come stand in front of me,” I tell her, and she skips to stand in front of my Half-Hybrid form. And with her being so short, she comes up to my belly, almost.

  “Now, close your eyes. Imagine in your mind that you are looking inward. You are looking for a light near your chest. Breathe deeply; that’s it. Now imagine you are reaching for that light, slowly, don’t rush it. Can you feel that light?” I ask her in a quiet voice.

  At her nod, I continue. “Now, I want you to embrace that light and bring it into you,” and just like that, Lina is now on the floor, just like Silvana was, and her transformation is taking place. She is also moaning in pain, and I wish there was something I could do, but Silvana had already told me that the healing spell did nothing for this. It was a rite of passage. I can see that the hair on her is turning black. Wow, is she going to be a black Werewolf? But wait. Something is off. Her hair is shorter than a wolf’s. Then the transformation is complete.

  “Holy fucking hell that hurt!” Lina screams in a purring voice. “Hey, why do I sound like that?” she asks quizzically.

  “I fucking give up,” my mother yells, throwing up her hands in the air.

  Grinning at my mom at first, I then look down at Lina. She is large for what she is, just like Silvana is large for a fox. “That’s because you are, from what I can tell from my mom’s reaction and her list earlier, a Werefolk never seen before. You’re a fucking cool looking Werejaguar.”

  “I’m a fucking what?” Lina says in awe.

  “Werejaguar,” I tell her again.

  Just then, she does this weird roll with her shoulders and falls down on her side. “Ouchie!”

  “Did you just try to do a fist pump into the air in your Were form?” I ask her, laughing.

  “Oh, shut up!” she pouts, but I can tell she is happy with her change.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Now, the next person we need to check on would be Johanne,” I say, but just then right on cue, we hear a scream from the other room, coming from where Johanne’s room is. Screamers, the lot of them, I think to myself with a grin.

  I run out of Silvana’s room with everyone in tow, including the two new Weregirls. Yeah, I will coin that one day, I think, and head towards Johanne’s room. Getting there, I see that Johanne is already in her Werewolf form, and is snapping at the orderlies.

  “Johanne, it’s all right, they are with my mother,” I tell her, walking into the room.

  “What the hell is going on? Why did I wake up in my Werewolf form? I remember falling asleep on you, and that was it. And then waking up to two strangers in my bedroom,” she says, and while I can’t see her blush, I can tell she is blushing from her tone. “And why do you have a fox and a jaguar with you?” she asks, confused now.

  “Hmm, those two are Silvana,” I say, pointing to the fox, “and Lina,” I then say, pointing to the jaguar. “It seems that what we did last night, not only did it work, it made them into Werefolk never seen before,” I say.

  “What!? Really?” she says, turning to both of them.

  “Yep! I am a fucking Werejaguar! Hear me, roar!” Lina says, and she does just that.

  “Yeah, it seems I am a Werefox, have to admit, I love it so m
uch, and I can run so fast!” and Silvana starts to dart in and around people’s feet. And yeah, she is damn fast.

  “Well, that is awesome. I mean, I am good with my wolf form, as I love being a Werewolf,” Johanne says, laughing. “But it’s nice that know my mate sisters can shapeshift.”

  “That’s not the half of it,” Lina says, padding to her and sitting down in front of her. “I can also do magic! Which, by the way things have been going, so should you!”

  Johanne, in her Werewolf form, snaps her head towards me. “Really?” she says in a hopeful voice.

  “No clue, but there is a way to find out,” I tell her. I shapeshift back into my human form since now with Johanne. We knew she would have no issues with her shapeshifting. I go and kneel in front of her and place my hand on her furred chest, just below the neckline.

  “Imagine right here there is a pool, or a well, of power. I want you to close your eyes and imagine it.” Johanne closes her eyes at my instructions.

  “I don’t see or feel anything,” she says in frustration.

  “You’re trying too hard. Now, close your eyes again and only listen to my voice. I want you to look inward, don’t rush it. Take your time. Imagine you are looking for a container filled with a blue liquid. I want you to look not with your mind, but with your soul. I want you to look with your inner thoughts. Imagine my hand, that is on your chest, is the guiding point of where the pool should be. Relax your muscles as you do this,” I say, in a voice that is soothing, or I hope it’s soothing, to her ears.

  No one in the room speaks or moves for several minutes, with Johanne doing what I ask of her. I can tell she is relaxed, since her Werewolf face is now calm and is not on the verge of snarling. Her breathing has become regular, almost like in a trance.

  Then her eyes fly open, and she squeals, “I found it! I have a pool! Does that mean I can do magic?” she says breathlessly.

  Without thinking about it, I hug her to me, feeling her fur against my face, and I say, “Yes, you can. Now that means Silvana will have to train two new magicians. How large is the pool you saw, would you say?” I ask her curiously.

  Closing her eyes again, Johanne looks inward. “I would say it’s almost the size of one of those public swimming pools my dad took me to once,” she says, opening her eyes again.

  “Yep, it seems that when I bit you all, you all turned into mages and Werefolk, well except you Johanne since you already were,” I tell her with a grin.

  “Only thing is, I don’t see the Vampire in you and Silvana. I guess that is something that only Lina will have, and myself,” I tell the group thoughtfully. “Too bad, would have been nice but it isn’t really required.”

  “Good, you can stop thinking about this Incubus thing then. With the three girls now, you should be more than powerful enough to fight this battle,” my mother says.

  “Wait. What?” Lina says in shock.

  “Well, Emilia thinks that, in my blood or the genetic makeup of it, I might have the ability to be many unique races, like how I am a Vampire, Werewolf, and Elf. One thing that was brought up was Incubus, the opposite of those sexy Succubi I have read about in stories,” I tell her. “Why, you seem to know what that is?”

  “As Vampires, we have always looked at Incubus and Succubi as a form we wished to achieve. They were the ultimate Vampires. Not only did they control someone using their blood, but also their emotions. We have stories that we have kept for eons on how we were created from them. Brandon, if you can become one, you would rule over the Vampires,” Lina says, still in Werejaguar form, but then she shapeshifts in front of me, “Fuck, that still hurts,” she says with a low growl, that still sounds like she is in her jaguar form.

  Walking up to me, she places her hand on my chest. “If for no other reason than that, I would say go ahead, bring it out,” she says pleadingly.

  “Issue is, my mother thinks that I might be too powerful and somehow lose control,” I tell her.

  Looking over at my mother, Lina says. “What if we can control his strength if he starts to lose it?”

  “How?” my mother asks curiously, not actually denying the request outright. Oh? So does she want me to, but is truthfully afraid for me?

  “I have watched Silvana and Brandon train. She had been teaching him how to cast a snaring spell and a circle of protection. Well, we now have three powerful mages in this room, not including your son. I am sure we can make it so that it protects him, and it protects us,” she offers, raising her eyebrows at my mother.

  “That might be doable,” Silvana says slowly. Looking over at her, I see she is rubbing her arms. She had shapeshifted back into her human form too. Guess she is feeling the pain.

  “If we cast a large enough snaring spell, it just means he won’t be able to move. And if I show Johanne and Lina how, we can layer it. With the amount of power we now have, it will be pretty big, and we can cast the same multiple layers of protection circles for us. If he does do anything, we have the sleeping spell. Which with three of us casting it and pushing so much power through it, even Brandon won’t resist it,” she says, thinking it over out loud.

  Wow, I think to myself. Is it going to be that bad? “What is so bad about an Incubus that you need that many layers of protection?” I ask around curiously.

  “We don’t know, that’s just it, Brandon. And we aren’t even sure what it will do to you personally. Also, you said you have changed, even in your mental state. What happens if you turn into an Incubus, and you lose total control of what makes you human, or you?” my mother whispers.

  She walks up to me, puts her hand on my cheek, and looks at me with love in her eyes. “I thought I had lost you once already and would never get to talk to you again, and here you are, looking to attempt something that not only might do that for real, but may, in the process, kill many of us as well,” she says quietly.

  Reaching up with my hand, I place it on hers. “Do you honestly think, with the upbringing you gave me, I would lose my humanity and go all hack and slash on you all?” I tell her with a smile.

  Without warning, my mother’s hand pulls back and slaps me in the face. Not hard, but with enough force to show she meant it. “If you do, I will put you over my knee,” she says with a warm smile. “Just be careful, Brandon, and we do it safely, all right? I don’t want to lose my only child to some new ‘toy’. And by the way? If you use the Incubus shit on me, your dad will not be pleased,” she finishes with a smirk.

  “Oh, come on! Why would I use the Incubus’ love mojo on my own mother! Oh seriously, mother,” I say rolling my eyes. “And yeah, my dad would kill me.”

  “And don’t roll your eyes at your mother,” she says with a laugh.

  “So how did we want to do this? And Johanne? You might want to wait and change into clothes after shapeshifting,” I tell her, heading towards the common room, as it’s now getting full inside Johanne’s room. Johanne nods her wolfish head vigorously.

  Once we are in the common room, I go back to the table and sit down, and everyone grabs a free seat, even on the sofa. By the time we are all settled, Johanne joins us.

  “Well, I would say the best way is outdoors. We can always use the sparring ring. It’s perfect for what we need,” Silvana says. “I will need some time with Lina and Johanne to teach them the spell. I would say a couple of days?”

  “That sounds good. That will give me time to set up other non-magical protections and safeguards,” my mother says cryptically.

  “Non-magical?” I ask her worriedly.

  “No need to think about it. It’s for our safety. What I would suggest then, Silvana trains with Lina and Johanne. Brandon, I would suggest you shapeshift into your wolf and run in the woods during that time. Honestly, you need to practice that as much as possible. Fighting in your Half-Hybrid is all well and good, but the wolf is your genuine soul, and you need to connect with it more,” she tells me.

  “That might be a good thing to do. Honestly, I have felt cooped up here, and
being able just to run would be nice,” I tell her, nodding. And honestly, it would. I have felt the need to shapeshift into my wolf for days and just run in the woods, with nothing else on my mind. No training, no responsibilities. Just run. Let my inner beast out.

  “Right, let’s do that. Silvana, can you get started now?” my mother asks her.

  “Hmm, can we eat first? We kind of had an enormous change on us, and I am starving,” she says, eyeing the plate of quiches I brought over earlier.

  My mother has the grace to blush at her. “Yes, that might be a good idea, seeing as I rushed here so fast after Trent came and told me that I did kind of miss a meal.”

  “Well, Miguel is on cook duty today,” I tell her, causing her eyes to open wide and a smile to spread across her face.

  “Well then, I shall have to pay Miguel a visit,” and with that, she hurries out the door to the second cabin.

  Looking at Trent with a raised eyebrow, he grins at me and says, “she hates that he volunteered with his brother to come here on Earth. He is her personal cook back home,” he says with a laugh.

  Once I am in my Werewolf form, I feel the need to run almost a physical thing. So, I do just that. Within seconds, the camp is behind me. I can feel the wind on my face as I run. Lowering my head, I smell the ground. That is one thing that is just amazing and still takes some getting used to. The smells, or how I can distinguish the smell of things with my nose.

  I can tell that there has been a deer, a rabbit, and even some of the staff on the trail I am on. Guess I am not the only Were going for runs. Picking up my speed, I want to see how fast I can go. And boy, can I ever go! The speed I am moving in the woods is astounding. I cannot even tell how fast I am going, but it feels like well over 40 miles an hour. I am able to avoid the trees coming at me, thanks to my new reflexes. Seeing a mountain top miles from where we are, I decide to run that way and see what the view is like.

  In the time it takes me to run there, I have scared the crap out of so many animals, I feel sorry for them. I even end up surprising a black bear, but I run by it so fast, it doesn’t even have time to blink. Good thing I’m not hunting for meat. Wait, where the hell did that thought come from? Must be my wolf. One thing that Johanne warned me about was letting my inner wolf out too much. I had to always be in control.


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