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Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5)

Page 8

by M Guida

  I frowned and sat down. “Haven’t you guys picked out your weapons yet? Raven said they did that on their first day.”

  Cadye shook her head. “No. Montae’s just been lecturing for the last week or so. Super boring. To be honest, I think he was waiting for you to get out of the hospital before we chose our weapons.”


  “Hey, it’s okay,” Phoebe said. “I think it will be fun for us all to pick out our weapons together.”

  Nora, Victoria, and some of their clique walked past us and sat at a table not far away. For me, it was way too close.

  Kyle came over and sat with us. “Hey, guys. I think today we get to pick out our weapons. Montae said that the weapons will call to us. Wouldn’t it be cool if mine was the cannon?”

  There was indeed one ancient-looking cannon in the corner of the room that looked like it had seen better days.

  I cocked my eyebrow. “Seriously, Kyle? You want to drag a cannon around?”

  “I’d be the biggest badass ever.”

  We all looked at each other and laughed. Kyle was super sweet and he was a great fighter, but badass? No, that was Rusty or Montae.

  Montae stood at the front of the room and he didn’t have to say a word for a hush to roll over the classroom. With his golden eyes, long dark hair and bulging muscles, his menacing presence intimidated everyone but Rusty. He was the captain of the Golden Demon Guards at Havenwood Castle, but King Gregori had ordered him to come to Legacy because Armond and the rest of us were studying here now.

  “Today is the day you’ve all been waiting for.” He held up his hand. “Before you stampede over to the weapons, I want to caution you that you won’t hear your weapon call out to you. We’ve been studying this for over a week and I expect you to remember what you’ve learned and not rush over to the weapons like a herd of buffalo.”

  His warning tone sent chills down my back. I remembered Raven telling me how her crossbow had called to her. She had to go back to it several times before she realized it was hers. Something had happened when she touched it. I hoped I had the same luck as she had. Several crossbows laid on a table and more hung on a wall. that was the first place I would go.

  Montae lifted his palms slowly. “Exit from your tables calmly and find your weapon.”

  Kyle, Cadye, Phoebe, and I all looked at each other with excitement, but somehow we managed to leave our table without knocking over our chairs.

  Kyle immediately went over to the cannon, but when Montae came over and shook his head, disappointment brushed over him and he reluctantly left it alone. Poor guy.

  I brushed my hand experimentally over the crossbows lying on the table, but I didn’t feel a single quiver.

  “Did you actually think you’d be like your sister?”

  I jerked around to see Nora with a smug look on her face, holding a crossbow.

  Victoria had one as well. “You’ll probably get a dagger. That’s more your style.”

  Seriously? Those two got crossbows. I didn’t want a stupid dagger.

  “Don’t let them get to you.” Cadye came up alongside me. She had a battle ax in her hand.

  “Wow, that’s yours?”

  She grinned. “Yeah. Cool, huh?”

  Kyle rushed over to us with excitement in his eyes. “Look at my sword. It’s so cool. It glows and everything.”

  Montae came over. “That comes from the Timber Kingdom and was used in the last Dark Demon war. The blade served its owner well and now it has changed its allegiance to you.”

  Kyle puffed out his chest and smiled.

  Montae looked at me curiously. “Ebony, have you found your weapon yet?”

  “No, I thought it would be a crossbow like Raven’s.”

  He gripped my shoulder surprisingly gently for one so large. “But you’re not Raven. You’re Ebony. You must find your own way.”

  He was the first person at Legacy who had said that it to me in so many words. I could have cried with happiness.

  I nodded silently and moved away from Montae and the others. I brushed my palm over daggers, axes, and bows and arrows, but I didn’t feel the slightest tremor. Beads of sweat broke out over my forehead and my clothes were sticking to my clammy skin. Frowning, I headed to the swords, even though most had already been claimed.

  Once again, I slid my hand over the swords. Nothing.

  Crap, again? This sucked.

  Why couldn’t I find a weapon? Most of the class was sitting back down, all except for me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  Please, help.

  My dragon never appeared, but something tingled faintly on the tips of my fingers. I opened my eyes and my gaze fell on a light that glittered in a corner away from the swords. I was drawn to it. As I moved closer, I realized it was a sword with a twinkling red jewel in the hilt that was partially covered by a cloth. Why was it covered up? So strange.

  My heart beat faster and faster as I approached and something fluttered in my chest. My whole arm trembling, I reached for the sword and the cloth fell away as if to say ta-da. Pink and red sparkles shot out from the pinkish red stone in the center of the hilt and shimmered around the sword, making it glow. I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone else noticed, but the only one paying attention to me was Montae. I swear he was holding his breath.

  I clasped my hand one finger at a time around the hilt. Tingling sensations raced up and down my arm and then all over me, making me tremble.

  “Interesting…” Montae came up behind me.

  “What?” I turned around, still holding onto the sword—surprisingly, it wasn’t as heavy as I thought it would be.

  “That sword was a last addition to the weapons for you class. Anton brought it himself. I believe he thought a vampire would claim this sword, since this blade was used in the last vampire wars.”

  I frowned. “What?”

  He cocked his head. “Surely you know there are vampires that kill humans, and those who oppose them. Dark Demons and the Unseelie are not the only evil ones out there.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Strange, it feels so right. I saw red and pink sparkles around it. Is that normal?”

  “This sword earned a name in that Great Vampire War. It’s called Armageddon, Cry of the Stars. It will serve you well in battle, Ebony. Strange it’s chosen a dragon over a vampire.”

  “But I do have vampire blood, so maybe that’s why?.”

  “True,” he said slowly, but I got the feeling he was uneasy about this.

  If he was uneasy, maybe I should be too, but the sword felt so right in my palm. I felt like the sword and I had already bonded somehow. I don’t think I could give it up, even if I wanted to.

  He escorted me back to my table where my friends were examining their weapons. Phoebe had a bow and arrow and was admiring the bow, which had some kind of words scribbled on it.

  “That bow and arrow came from the Starlight Kingdom. Its arrows will fly straight and true,” Montae said.

  Phoebe looked up at him shyly and smiled. “I can hardly wait to use it.”

  “Which is what we are going to do now,” Montae said loudly.

  The door opened and both Evan and Rusty walked in. “I have asked these two seniors to help me today. Some of you will go with Evan, others with Rusty, and then the rest with me.”

  Montae motioned with his arms. “Swords and daggers will go with Rusty to the practice field. Axes will go with Evan to the archery range. Crossbows and bows and arrows will go with me to the archery range.”

  I groaned. Once again, I was with Rusty, but at least, so was Kyle.

  Rusty and his group filed out of the classroom toward the small practice field just behind the archery range. Just beyond the practice field was the arena and that’s where the Royals, including Gunnar, Armond, Jaxon, were practicing their weapons. I was glad they were separate from us but when we got onto the practice field, my heart sank. Anton was waiting. According to Raven, he always popped up at the most inconvenient

  Dressed in his long black robe, he waited patiently and didn’t make a move. I had the distinct feeling he had come here to watch me and all my muscles and nerves bunched together in one big tangled knot.

  “Fan out around me,” Rusty said as he unsheathed his sword. “I’m going to teach you some basic moves when using your blade. After I demonstrate, I want you to get into pairs.”

  Kyle glanced at me questioningly and I nodded.

  “I want you to do what I do. In a basic attack, your left foot is your leading foot while your right foot is in back. Your weight is distributed evenly. Make sure your hips are facing your partner.” He held up his sword with both hands. “Your sword should be held at shoulder level.”

  Kyle, me, and the others did as he said. The sword felt so right, and the tingling sensations ran from my hands through my body. I felt as if I was on fire. Maybe my dragon was finally waking up.

  “You want to bring your sword forward.” He turned around in the circle. “Good. Now I want you to face your partner, but spread out so you can still see me.”

  I faced Kyle and we angled so that we were parallel to Rusty. Anton had his hands behind his back and was walking around the circle silently. Each time he got closer to me and Kyle, my heart beat faster.

  “Now those facing south, take a step toward your opponent and move a little to the right.”

  I took a step toward Kyle.

  “Bring down your blade in a straight line, stretching out your arms, and hitting your opponent on his shoulder slowly and gently. We are not fighting yet. This move will protect you against any second counter attack. When your opponent strikes, the swords will cross and this will protect your head and your hands. Now, switch.”

  Kyle came toward me and I could see he was unsure, but he wasn’t only one. Rusty had us practice this slowly several times and inspected us.

  Energy was tingling through me like I had never felt before. This was so weird.

  “We are going to go into a basic attack. When I clap my hands, you’ll attack your opponent with the moves I’ve taught you. Watch your footwork.” He clapped his hands.

  Something took over me and when I lunged toward Kyle, I struck his sword several times and easily dislodged his from his grasp.

  Kyle’s face turned bright red and he glared as he picked up his sword for the third time. “You’re not supposed to do that yet, Ebony.”

  I shrugged. “Sorry.”

  I went into the lunge position again and tried to hold back to give Kyle a chance, but once again, I easily disarmed him. It was like something that wasn’t under my control took over.

  Rusty walked over. “Is there a problem?”

  Kyle snatched his sword up from the ground again. “She’s not going slow like you said.”

  Rusty cocked his eyebrow. “Really? Think you’re hot shit? Maybe you’d like to take me on, Ebony.” His condescending tone spiked a rush of anger through me and I could feel my horns budding out of my head.

  That’s the last thing I wanted to do, but before I could stop myself, I blurted, “Fine.”

  People around us had stopped practicing and were staring at us. Some of their eyes were wide, as if Rusty scared the shit out of them.

  Anton was only a few feet away and hadn’t said a word.

  Beads of sweat broke out over my forehead and my palms turned sweaty.

  Rusty quickly lunged at me and once again it was as if something in me took over.

  Clank Clank Clank

  I met him thrust for thrust. Sparks of pink and red glimmered around my sword. He had made me on the defensive. I didn’t know what I was doing, but my sword did. He forced me to back up but I remembered how Lucien fought, and his maneuvers. I twirled my sword around and with one final thrust, disarmed him.

  Gasps burst out around us. Murderous rage flared in Rusty’s eyes.

  I was about to apologize when Anton spoke. “Ebony, come with me. Rusty, continue with your lesson.” His stern voice made my insides quiver.

  With my head down and still gripping my sword, I followed him away from the practice field and my friends, wondering what rule I had broken now and what my punishment would be.

  Anton had always threatened Raven with going to the Hollows. Was that going to be my same fate as well?

  Chapter 13

  I followed Anton and my eyes widened in surprise. Instead of going to his tower, which was where he usually reprimanded people, he was headed toward the arena where the other Royals were practicing. I glanced over my shoulder to look longingly back at my class, but nobody was looking at me. They were too busy practicing with their new weapons.

  “Headmaster,” I asked timidly. “Where are we going?”

  He stopped and looked down at me with appreciation in his eyes. “You possess the same skills with your weaponry that your sister did with hers. I suspected you would be too advanced for that class, but I had to see for myself. With the Academy games fast approaching, we will need to hone your skills.”

  Uneasiness snaked through my body, making my lunch coil in my gut. “And that means—“

  “You will no longer be in Montae’s class. You will be practicing with the Royals.”

  I could feel the blood drain from my face. “But those guys are experts.”

  He put his hand gently on my shoulder. “So will you be, very soon. The Armageddon sword draws its power from you and then you both become one. You can tell this because of the pink and red sparks, coming from the blade when you use it. Anyone else who touched this sword would find it to be an ordinary sword.”

  I didn’t know what to say. He stopped in front of the women’s locker room. “I will provide you with suitable workout clothes tomorrow, just come here directly after lunch. For today, you’ll watch the boys practice. I will meet you in the arena.”

  This is exactly what happened to Raven, but once again, she’d been able to shift. I still don’t understand why my dragon was playing chicken and only coming out in bits and pieces.

  I entered the women’s locker room. Like the hospital room, it was pristine. Lockers were lined up and they were sparkling clean. Tile floors were polished and glistened. I took a deep breath and smelled lavender.

  This was like no locker room I had ever been in. Most of them all smelled of Tiger Balm and wet bodies.

  I made my way through the locker room and met Anton outside. He led me on to the field where I could better view of all the He-men, working with their weapons. There were probably seven guys practicing their skills in the arena. I spotted Darius, Jaxon, Armond, Zayne, and Gunnar, but there was a tall blonde with long hair and pointed ears, obviously a Fae and then a tall brownish blonde muscular guy that I didn’t know. A few were shooting with bows and arrows, some had axes, and others were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. All of them had their shirts off, muscles straining and bulging, sending a stream of desire rushing through me.

  But Gunnar was the one that truly made my heart sing. His thick hair was pulled back into a braid and I wanted nothing more than to run my hands over his slick skin.

  Control yourself, girl

  They hadn’t noticed us yet, but then Anton clapped his hands. “Gentlemen, I need you to stop a moment, please.”

  Bows ceased strumming and swords stopped clanking. All eyes were on us and my cheeks heated up faster than a gas log fireplace.

  “I have an announcement to make.” Anton put his hand on my shoulder. “Ebony has demonstrated that she is exceptionally gifted in sword fighting and will be joining you in this class. Please come over and meet her.”

  Gunnar’s and my eyes met and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He didn’t smile or say a word. The sun glistened off the tattoo of Hades on his chest. Hades’ eyes flickered and he shook his mane. The next moment, he peeled off Gunnar’s chest and flew toward me.

  Relief and delight flooded over me. “Hades!”

  Hades landed next to me and nuzzled my leg.

  Anton chuckled. �
�I think he’s glad you’re here.”

  Maybe Gunnar wasn’t happy to see me, but Hades always was. I loved that little dragon.

  Gunnar and Armond sheathed their swords and headed over to us.

  Darius ran over faster than anyone and flashed me a great big welcoming smile. “That’s great, Ebony.”

  The Fae and the handsome other guy came over as well. Anton motioned to the Fae. “Ebony, I’d like you to meet Mace. He is from the Starlight Kingdom and he’s Rhys’ cousin.” He turned to the other hot guy. “This is Prince Ashton. He’s a wolf, from the Tundra Kingdom.”

  They both nodded and smiled at me.

  Jaxon, and , Zayne came over as well.

  Zayne winked. “I knew you were going to be a badass. Just like your sister. I can’t wait to see what you do with that sword.”

  Jaxon’s eyes widened. “Headmaster, isn’t that the Armageddon sword?”

  Anton nodded. “Yes, it is.”

  He still looked puzzled. “I don’t understand. That’s a vampire sword. Why does a dragon have it?”

  Anton put his hand on my back. “Ebony, please allow Jaxon to try the sword.”

  I glanced up at him, bewildered, but he nodded toward Jaxon and I reluctantly gave him my weapon.

  Hades pulled back his lips and let out a low growl.

  “Hades, no.” Gunnar’s sharp voice made Hades wince.

  “It’s okay, Hades.” I scratched the back of his ear and he purred.

  Jaxon clasped the hilt and tried to slice through the air. None of the red or pink swirls came out of the stone.

  He frowned and his arms began to shake. “How are you lifting this? It’s damn heavy.”

  Mace laughed. “Don’t have any muscles, vampire?”

  Jaxon glared. “Okay, you try it.” He handed the sword to Mace.

  Mace tried to lift the sword, but his grin immediately faded away. His muscles strained as he tried to swing the sword. "Damn, how is she doing this?”

  One by one each of them tried lifting and using the sword, but each time, it was always the same. Muscles bulged and the guys grunted, but none of them could wield the sword like I did.


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