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Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5)

Page 11

by M Guida

  “Not really.”

  He gave me a wink. “I’d eat if I was you. Otherwise, you’re going to get your cute little butt kicked in Defense and Battles class.”

  Rusty came in whistling, plopped his stuff down, and headed for the line. I hated to think of what he must have just done to put him in such a good mood.

  Sure enough, their faces pale, Victoria, Nora, and the rest of their friends walked right past me without even glancing my way. Nora sat next to Gunnar and promptly turned on the waterworks.

  Rusty came out with his plate full of barbecue chicken, baked beans, corn on the cob and heaping pile of potato salad. Armond got in his face and Rusty brushed past him, but Armond followed him back to our table.

  “Rusty, you can’t intimidate those girls like that.”

  Evan looked between Armond and Rusty. “Being the big bad wolf again, Owens?”

  “Shut up, Ellis.” Rusty sat down next to me and glared at Armond. “They’re bitches and their heads are so far up their asses I’m surprised they can even breathe.”

  I choked on a piece of my chicken.

  “Are you okay?” Armond shimmered and patted my back. The minute he did, warmth spread over me and I stopped choking. He must have used some of his healing powers.

  Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I put my hand on chest and grabbed for some water. “Yeah, just went down the wrong pipe.”

  “Nice work, Healer,” Evan said.

  Armond sat next to Evan and I could see the flush appear in his face. He’s always had a man crush on Evan. “I don’t mean your chicken going down the wrong way.” He tilted his head. “I mean those girls. You going to be able to handle them?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll survive.” I stabbed my mixture of coleslaw and potato salad. “How did Nora get out of suspension or whatever for what she did to Phoebe, anyway?”

  “It turns out that it actually wasn’t her fault. Her crossbow was cursed. Anton managed to break the spell but was puzzled why it had been cast on that one.” He gave me a hard stare. “I don’t think the curse was meant for Nora. I think whoever it was who cursed that crossbow thought you would get it.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck quivered. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. You think it’s because Raven had a crossbow and they thought that would be the weapon I would have gotten, too?”

  “Yeah, I do. To be honest, Darius, Kyle, Gunnar, Cadye, and I all think that.”

  Evan stopped talking to some of the other guys and Rusty lowered his fork, both listening intently.

  Rusty leaned close and spoke more softly. “Is that what Anton thinks too?”

  Armond shook his head. “That’s what’s bizarre. He doesn’t. I think there’s something off with Anton, to be honest. I can’t put my finger on it. According to Lucien, he was always on the grounds and in the cafeteria and these days he’s rarely seen anymore.”

  I pushed my half-eaten plate away. “You’re right. That’s what Raven used to say too. Professor Griffith said that he would have to report this whole candle business to Anton and I would be sent to office, but nothing’s happened.”

  “So far,” Rusty said.

  I shook my head. “But that’s not Anton. He’s always quick to respond to anything amiss, at least that’s what I’ve heard. Something’s off.”

  “I hadn’t noticed before, but now you mention it,” Evan said. “I haven’t seen Anton being around much, either.”

  Rusty leaned back in his chair. “Yeah, I haven’t seen Mr.-I-am-in-your-business anywhere. Something doesn’t smell right.”

  “It’s not just Anton.” I quickly filled in Evan and Rusty on Dr. Greenwood’s odd behavior.

  “This has gotta be one of dear old Ryker’s tricks,” Rusty muttered.

  “Or worse, Cormac,” Armond said in a soft voice, as if he was afraid the walls had ears.

  On impulse, I blurted, “Cadye and I and the rest of The Sentinels are meeting in the library after Defense and Battle class."

  Rusty cocked an eyebrow. “Who the hell are The Sentinels?”

  “All of the freshmen from Legacy.”

  Rusty gave Armond and I a stern glare. “Don’t even think about meeting without Evan and I. We’ll be there.”

  Armond lifted his chin. “The Sentinels include Gunnar. He’s one of us, whether you like or not.”

  My heartbeat quickened. “But my dad will put Gunnar in the Hollows if he finds out he’s meeting with me.”

  “Your dad said you couldn’t hang out with him one on one,” Rusty said. “This is different. So, you’ll sit between Evan and I same as always and Gunnar will be at the end of the table. No sweat.”

  Just as we were done talking, Dr. Greenwood walked casually by and my stomach clenched. He didn’t even look at us, but a chill of fear still whooshed over my skin, making me break out in a cluster of goosebumps.

  Armond stood. “I’ll meet you in the library later to study.”

  Evan, Rusty and I nodded. I could tell from the tightness around their eyes and mouth, they were all thinking the same thing. Had Dr. Greenwood overheard?

  Chapter 17

  After lunch, I returned to my dorm to retrieve my sword. Luckily, there was no sign of Victoria. Rusty then shepherded me to the girls’ locker room. Once inside, I found a set of workout clothes—a purple shirt, sports bra, underwear, and a pair of shorts—and I quickly changed into them. I wished I wasn’t the only girl in this class. But Raven had gone down this path before me, and in a way, I was following in her footsteps. I didn’t think I minded that this time.

  I opened the door and ran into Anton. He had dark circles under his eyes and they were bloodshot, as if he’d hadn’t slept well.

  “Headmaster, were you coming to see me?”

  “Yes. Professor Griffith told me what happened with sleeping potions candle and I’m very disappointed in you. I can’t let this go unpunished.”

  I held my breath, waiting for him to say I was off to the Hollows or locked up in the dungeon. Neither was a pleasant prospect.

  “Today, you must race Darius until you can beat him.”

  “What? No one can beat him.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll be spending your whole classroom sprinting, won’t you?” With that, he left.

  Darius’ Golden Demon power was that he was a Runner. Not all Golden Demons possessed such a power, not eve Lucien, but Darius did. I’d never beat him.

  I sheathed my sword and followed Anton out onto the field where Darius waiting for me. By the end of class, I’d be heaving my guts out and my legs would be trembling. I shouldn’t be complaining—my punishment could have been a lot worse. All the guys, including Gunnar, were there and they looked at me sympathetically. Hades was there, too, and flew over to me. He tilted his head as if he could sense something was wrong. He nuzzled my leg.

  “Hey, Hades.” I scratched behind his ear. “Good to see you.”

  Darius gave me a sheepish look. “Hey, Ebony.”

  Anton glared at him. “Darius, don’t even think about giving her a break. I know how fast you can run and I expect you to do it. If you don’t, your head will be on the chopping block.”

  Hades let out a low growl.

  Anton pointed to Gunnar. “Home. Now. You will not interfere.”

  He lowered his head. “Yes, sir.”

  Gunnar patted his gorgeous chest. “Come, Hades.”

  Hades nuzzled me one more time before he flew to Gunnar and landed on his chest, turning into a tattoo.

  Anton turned to the others. “The rest of you—follow me.”

  Darius lowered his voice. “I’m sorry about this, Ebony.”

  I gave him a small smile. “Don’t be. It was a stupid thing to do. I shouldn’t have done it.”

  “But you got to kiss Gunnar, right?”

  My cheeks went up in flames. “He told you?”

  “Yeah, of course. It was the first time he’d ever kissed anyone.”

  I frowned. “But Victori
a said that he kisses Nora all the time.”

  He rolled his eyes. “And you believed her? Just for that, I’m going to leave you in the dust, girl.”

  He wasn’t kidding either. He was gone faster than I could blink my eyes.

  I took a deep breath, clasped my medallion, and called upon my dragon, even though I was almost positive she wouldn’t appear.

  I closed my eyes.

  Please, help. I need speed.

  To my complete surprise, tingling sensations whisked over me and I opened my eyes. Adrenaline fired inside me like a cannon. I broke out in a run and it was as if my feet suddenly grew a pair of wings. I ran faster than I ever had in my life. I ran faster than Captain America.

  And I passed Darius on the second lap.

  After five laps, Anton came over to the track and held up his palm. I skidded to halt. I hadn’t even broken a sweat.

  Darius came up alongside me, panting and heaving, and bent over and put his hands on his knees. He never panted. “How…did you…do that? No one…has ever beaten me.”

  Anton looked at me curiously. “Ebony, tell me what you just did.”

  The guys had stopped practicing with their weapons and were fanned out behind Anton.

  God, was I in trouble again? I slowly broke out in a hot sweat, not from running, but from everyone staring at me as if I were an alien from outer space.

  “I don’t know. I called upon my dragon to give me speed.” I looked over at Zayne. “And she did.”

  “This is really important,” Anton said. “Did you see her?”


  “I am beginning to think that you are not a silver dragon, Ebony. I believe you may be a bronze dragon, which is also rare and just as powerful as a silver one. Bronze dragons can hide in your psyche and they will not make an appearance until they are ready. Unfortunately, they can be dangerous and sometimes even evil. Perhaps that’s why you cursed your roommate.”

  I shook my head vehemently. “No. That’s not why.”

  He gave me a piercing gaze that made me squirm.

  Gunnar rushed over and stepped in front of me. “That’s not why she did it.”

  “Gunnar, no.” I tried to step around him, but he blocked me. Shit, he was going to land himself in the Hollows if he didn’t keep his trap shut.

  “She did it so we could meet out on the roof. It wasn’t to hurt Victoria. She would never do that. She just wanted her to stay asleep.”

  Anton looked between us. “I see. Victoria neglected to tell me this tidbit and I will speak to her about this later. But I must warn both of you not to do this again. You’re both walking on dangerous ground, especially you, Gunnar.”

  My heart sank. Shit, he was about to rat us out to my dad.

  “But, Headmaster—“

  He touched his sweaty forehead and swayed unsteadily. “No, buts, Ebony.” He looked toward a nearby bench. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to sit.” He slurred his words as if he were drunk, which was not like Anton.

  We all looked at each other questioningly.

  He sat on the bench and we followed him, not sure what else to do. It was so weird to see Anton like this.

  Anton glanced over his shoulder and waved his hand. “Continue with your practice.”

  I followed him to the bench. “Headmaster, you don’t look so good. Are you okay?”

  “I will be fine. I’ll check in with Dr. Greenwood.” He gave me a small smile. “You needn’t worry, Ebony. I’ll be okay.” He motioned with his hand. “Darius, I would like you to practice swords today with her. Use your powers.”

  Darius looked at him and then me. He shrugged. “Okay.” He grabbed his sword that was laying on a bench next mine. “Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’m going to be.” I clasped the Armageddon sword and immediately pulses went through me, making my muscles tingle again.

  I closed my eyes.

  Please bring forth my speed.

  I purposely didn’t use the word dragon, that seemed to make things worse. Because I’m a bronze dragon, I thought bitterly. That’s why I had horns and Raven didn’t. I’d never even heard of a bronze dragon before. When we were in the library tonight after I practice, I was going to comb through everything I could find on bronze dragons.

  Darius and I faced each other. I caught Gunnar sneaking glances at me rather than fencing with Armond.

  Beads of sweat broke out across my forehead and I licked my lips, tasting the salt.

  Darius sped past me, turning into a blur, but I sensed rather than saw him. It was as if my sword had a mind of its own.

  Clank Clank Clank

  Only the shock of contact between the two blades clashing together and the rays of blue sparks coming off the metal gave proof that I was matching Darius’ strikes. No matter how fast Darius was, I met him thrust per thrust. I could feel the strain in my wrist, but I refused to give up. In one last ditch effort, I spun away and Darius stumbled. I crouched and then I hit his sword, dislodging it from his hand.

  Darius ran his fingers through his hair. “Damn, girl, you’re a badass with that sword.” He picked up his weapon. “I can’t believe you even knew where I was.”

  We engaged again and again until pain pulsed through my strained muscles, and my fingers turned numb, but I never gave up. Sweat slipped into my eyes and it stung as I blinked it away.

  Anton finally clapped his hands, still sitting. “Very good. You all did well, especially you, Ebony. Even though you haven’t shifted, I believe you will have an excellent chance in qualifying for the weapons challenge in the Academy Games.”

  I swiped the sweat off my brow with my shaking arm and I smiled tiredly. I was panting hard and all I wanted was a hot shower in the girls’ locker room. I jogged back, still gripping my sword.

  The locker room was fully equipped with towels, toiletries, and nice big brick showers with frosted doors. Not cement like the showers in regular school gyms, or plastic

  I immediately stripped off my sweaty clothes sticking into my skin and hopped into the shower. Steam rose from the heat. The shampoo pooled in my palms and smelled like jasmine. I took my time massaging it into my hair until it was squeaky clean. Then I lathered myself with the matching jasmine shower gel and washed away the dirt and grime sticking to my skin. By the time I was done, I was turning into a prune and the water was getting cool.

  I opened the door and grabbed a towel to dry myself off. I threaded my fingers through my hair and then slid lotion over my skin. I felt like a new woman, just finishing a day at the spa.

  I slipped on a fluffy white robe that hung next to the showers and headed out to change back into my clothes. I’d been in the shower so long steam had slipped into the locker room, making it damp.

  I stopped and gasped. “Gunnar.” I had forgotten he had said he would meet me in the locker room and secured the terrycloth belt around my waist tighter.

  He sat on a bench quietly. The dampness had made his white hair curl slightly and his deep blue eyes held my gaze. “You forgot I was coming?”

  Luckily the robe hit just above my quaking knees, but still I could barely breathe.

  Crap, I was completely naked underneath the robe and with one firm yank of his hand, I’d be standing here in all my glory. And yet, something inside me wanted him to do it. God, was it the bronze dragon making another appearance?

  No, this wasn’t happening. I wasn’t ready for this, not yet.

  Or was I?

  I licked my lips and scanned the locker room. “You shouldn’t….you shouldn’t be here. You heard what Anton said.”

  “Nothing will ever keep me from you.”

  My heart thundered and blood rushed through me as he closed the distance between us. He pushed a lock of hair behind my ear and brushed his lips over mine softly, teasing me with a taste of what would come. He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his broad chest, making my breasts tingle.

  “Why are you here?”

  He grinned mi
schievously. “What guy wouldn’t want to lurk in the girls’ bathroom to see a beautiful woman?”

  Heat burned my cheeks all the way down to my curled-up toes. “Did you watch me in the shower?"

  “No. I’ve been sitting here the whole time fighting, my desire.”

  His soft voice made my heart flutter. “Desire? Is that why you came?”

  “Partly. I also wanted to tell you I was able to sneak into Dr. Greenwood’s infirmary and saw Phoebe.”

  “And?” I could barely concentrated as he was kissing my throat, and I couldn’t resist running my fingers through his thick hair.

  He sighed and pulled away slowly, leaving me breathless.

  “I’m sorry. When I’m alone with you, all I want to do is kiss you.”

  I thought of Nora and what Victoria had told me and decided to be brave. “Gunnar, Victoria said that you kiss Nora all the time and you only wanted to kiss me to see what it was like to kiss the Golden Phoenix’s daughter.” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  He cocked his eyebrow. “And you believed her?”

  “Well, I, um…” I folded my arms across my chest, not able to meet his gaze.

  He lifted my chin and forced me to look into his beautiful eyes that made me think I was losing myself on the ocean. “Listen to me. I would never lie to you. Dark forces are pulling us apart.”

  I frowned at his ominous words. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not just your father who wants to keep us apart. I don’t think my father would like the idea of me mating with the Golden Phoenix’s daughter.”

  My eyes widened at the word mating and my mouth ran dry.

  “As to Phoebe, if I hadn’t snuck into the infirmary and healed her, I fear she would have died.”

  His words splashed icy water all over me, turning my blood and skin cold. A rash of goosebumps exploded all over me and I shivered. “Seriously?”

  “I could feel the darkness growing inside her, just like I did in you. Dr. Greenwood isn’t healing people anymore—he’s poisoning them. Do you remember how Hades inhales dead demon blood?”


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