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Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5)

Page 17

by M Guida

  “Of course.”

  After I finished my meal, I ran off to my room to write Mom a letter, pleading with her to get Dad to change his mind about Gunnar. On impulse, I wrote one to Raven, too. We didn’t always get along but I was pretty sure in the matters of the heart my sister would stand by me. Lucien had been taken from her, just like Dad was threatening to take Gunnar from me. Hopefully, she could with Dad over and keep him from locking Gunnar up.

  Chapter 25

  Dad left early the next day before my first class started with my two sealed letters. I really hoped he didn’t try and read them, but there wasn’t anything I could do if he did. I’m sure he knew what I was asking from both Mom and Raven, but I had to try. I refused to have Gunnar locked up in the Hollows over Dad’s resentment of Ryker. Gunnar wasn’t Ryker. I had to make him understand that.

  Rusty was waiting for me outside Anton’s and I wasn’t sure if Montae was with him or not, but I decided to play the good girl for a while and not try to see Gunnar. On the way to class, I told Rusty everything Dad had told me about the stones.

  He scanned the courtyard as we walked. “Shit, that’s wild. So, do you think one of the stones is here?”

  “I do. I think that’s what Greenwood is looking for.”

  “Just to let you know, Ashton’s doing a lot better and was able to talk to us. He said that he saw Greenwood talking to someone with a gravelly voice when he was feverish, but wasn’t sure if it was real or if he imagined it.”

  “Who was he talking to? Someone at the infirmary?”

  He shook his head. “No. Greenwood was talking into some glass ball.”

  “Crap, just like Phoebe said. If only we could get our hands on that glass ball, then maybe we could prove Greenwood isn’t Greenwood.”

  “Yeah, good luck with that. Anything else happen while you were at Anton’s?”

  “No. My dad left, that’s all.”

  I wanted to tell Rusty about my dream and my letters to my mom and sister, but I wasn’t sure if Montae was following us or not, and that wasn’t something I wanted him to know just yet. When I got to Supernatural History, I pretended not to notice Gunnar. Similarly, he didn’t look in my direction.

  I sat down next to Cadye and told her about my dream.

  She frowned. “Do you think it was just a dream?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. It may have been a coincidence. Oh, and just to let you know, Dad said if I don’t stop hanging around Gunnar, he’s going to have him hauled off to the Hollows.”

  Her eyes widened. “He can’t do that, can he? Armond would be so pissed.”

  “He’s the Golden Phoenix, so yeah, he can. Who’s going to stop him?” My voice was loaded with misery. I couldn’t bear to think of Gunnar being locked up because of me.

  She gritted her teeth. “Armond’s dad King Gregori might.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. If my dad manages to convince him that Gunnar’s a traitor, then all bets are off.”

  “That’s so unfair.”

  I nodded sadly. “I know.”

  Classes was beginning, so we stopped talking. So much was happening, I just felt it was a snowball that was getting bigger and bigger with no way to stop it. For the whole next month, I played the part of the good girl to the hilt and didn’t step out of line once. I tried searching Anton’s place, but I came up with zilch.

  The funny thing was Dr. Greenwood rarely visited Anton anymore, and I wasn’t sure why. Maybe he was afraid Montae was lurking around, invisible, and would catch him in the act of doing something terrible.

  Before I knew it, November had arrived and the tryouts for the Academy Games were here. Tryouts were on Saturday and it was like Parents’ Day. Both of my parents were coming, and Raven and Lucien too—plus everyone and their brother, including kings and queens—yeah, no pressure there.

  Anton had set up special quarters for the parents and special guests to stay in so I hadn’t even seen any of my family yet. Visitors were asked not to associate with students until after the tryouts so we could concentrate. I hardly slept the night before and could barely eat my breakfast, I was such a jumble of nerves

  The early winter morning was chilly. The leaves had fallen from the aspens by now and last night’s snow had covered their bare branches. The dusting of white on the pines made them look like Christmas trees, and the sun was shining brightly. It was pretty, but I was too nervous to appreciate it properly.

  I had put on thick sweats to keep the chill out of my muscles. Since I couldn’t enter the dragon competitions in the morning, I had to wait for the afternoon to compete.

  The last five weeks had been awful. I could only look at Gunnar from afar. I missed him so much it hurt, but we played by the rules and neither of us attempted to contact the other. I didn’t even see much of The Sentinels except for in class. My closest friend at this point was Rusty, and I didn’t know what I would have done without him. He was the only one that was keeping me sane.

  The only good thing was that Anton had announced that winter break would start after the tryouts. I’d be returning to Havenwood and so would Gunnar. Christmas was supposed to be the time of miracles, so maybe a miracle would happen and Dad would change his mind about Gunnar.

  Anton said I could enter the weapons, transmutations, and racing trials. The races would be contested by all supernatural being together, so I wouldn’t be just going up against just Darius, but vampires, witches, dragons, and wolves as well. I had no idea what to expect.

  The arena was packed and I was a bundle of nerves. The shifters had all gone first and no big surprise, all the Royals—Mace for the Fae, Zayne for the dragons, and Jaxon for the vampires, even Ashton for the wolves, who had made a full recovery—made it into competitions. Rusty did as well; Evan and Kyle didn’t make the cut. The wolves had to demonstrate strength in combat while in their animal form, and Rusty beat everyone except for Ashton.

  Armond and Gunnar also made it into the competition for the demons.

  Finally, I was up, competing in the weapons trial. And who did Anton pair me up with first? Gunnar. Not. Fair. Not fair at all.

  Anton stood on the platform with all the teachers. He looked like he was about to fall down, but Montae was at his side and keeping an eye on him. Dr. Greenwood was missing. I scanned the crowd and didn’t see the bastard anywhere.

  Anton raised his arms and the crowd settled down. “Welcome to the weapons trial. Students will compete to win a spot in the weapons competition, which contains four categories: sword, crossbow, bow and arrow, and ax. We will begin with the sword.”

  When I stepped out onto the field, there was huge applause from one section and I couldn’t help but look up to the seats and smile.

  Raven stood up clapping and holding her fist up in the air. “Yeah, Ebony.”

  Lucien whistled along with all the rest of the Defenders, who were seated with my family. I hadn’t even realized they had all come. My mom waved and Dad nodded silently.

  My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode. Clouds partly covered the sun and snowflakes drifted down. When Gunnar came out on the field, my heart almost stopped. He looked as handsome as ever, with his hair pulled back in a man bun and dressed in sweatpants and a tight black T-shirt. I could see his muscles bulge as held his sword. All I could think about was what a good kisser he’d been.

  He cast his gaze over me. “Ebony, I’ve missed you.” His voice was so low only I could hear.

  “And I you.”

  “The first two contestants for the best swordsmen are Ebony Erickson and Gunnar Khan.”

  I closed my eyes.

  Please, help.

  Like always these days I was careful not to use the word dragon when asking for help. I had learned the hard way that always backfired.

  Gunnar and I bowed to each other.

  I clutched the Armageddon sword. Gunnar struck first, taking the offensive, and determination glittered in his blue eyes.

  Clang Clang Clang<
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  Fiery sparks glanced off the metal and flew into the cold, crisp air as our blades met time and time again. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, but my arm remained strong. I met him thrust for thrust and forced him back. His foot slipped on the ice and with one swift swing, I disarmed him.

  Anton stood and announced, “The victory goes to Ebony Erickson.”

  Gunnar winked. “I knew you could do it.”

  “Did you—“

  He held up his palm. “Don’t even think I let you win. You really are the best swordsman here.”

  One by one, I defeated the Rusty, Evan, even the Royals. I was panting hard, my muscles twinge and despite the chilly air, I was sweating like a pig.

  “Let’s hear it for our best swordsman.” Anton clapped. “Three cheers for our best swordsman.”

  The roar from the crowd were deafening. “Our champion.” Evan grabbed my wrist and held it up. His fingernails dug into my flesh.

  “Ow, Evan. Stop it, you’re hurting me.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” But something in his eyes made every one of my muscles tense, as if I was about to go into flight or fight mode.

  A low growl made Evan’s eyes widen. He turned around and Hades was giving him the evil eye and slowly approaching him as if about to attack.

  Evan immediately released me. “Hey, Hades, relax. I wasn’t hurting her.”

  “It’s okay, Hades.”

  Hades didn’t seem convinced and stood between me and Evan, as if to guard me. Then he followed me to the bench where we would await the other champions. What was up with this? Hades had never been like this with Evan, only Greenwood. I wished Hades could talk, but the little dragon just sat in front of me.

  The next contestants were Cadye and Nora, competing for the crossbow spot. Cadye out distanced Nora in every shot. She not only beat her, but some of the upper classmen as well. Cadye beamed as she sat down next to me.

  “I can’t believe I won,” she murmured.

  I patted her back. “I can. You’re fantastic with the crossbow. Great stuff, girl.”

  She smiled and ducked her chin. “Well to be fair, I’ve been shooting since I was four.”

  Cadye’s father had been a guard at Havenwood and taught her everything he knew. He’d been killed during a Dark Demon raid when Cadye was fourteen. She never gave up the crossbow and I think she practiced diligently to this day in honor of him.

  Mace, a Fae Royal, won the best bow and arrow and sat next to us. Rusty won the best ax throwing.

  Anton gestured with his arm. “We have our four champions for weapons.”

  The crowd clapped and cheered for us.

  Anton raised his arms again. “The next competition is best transmutation.”

  Cadye leaned next to me. “You’ve got this for sure.”

  Hades nuzzled my leg softly as if in agreement.

  I nodded, but my palms were clammy and I was still struggling to breathe after the last competition. My wrist hurt where Evan had dug his nails into my flesh. I wish I could figure out why he’d done that. That was so unlike him.

  Zayne was the only one competing against me. I trembled with excitement and fear. I was glad I’d made it into one competition, and didn’t expect to get into another.

  Zayne stripped off his sweats and shifted into his red dragon. I wished I could have done that, but I didn’t even bother trying. I refused to stand out here shivering, naked, showing everyone I was a failure at shifting.

  “Zayne, please change into an object,” Anton said.

  Zayne didn’t change into an object, he just got bigger and smaller, first changing into the dragon the size of a baseball and then a huge one the size of a house.

  Everyone cheered for him as he quietly got dressed. He gave me a great big warm grin. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”

  I took a deep breath. I glanced over at Gunnar who was sitting on a bench next to Armond. Hades thumped his tail and flapped his wings.

  “Now, Ebony, please change into an object,” Anton said.

  I closed my eyes and once again called upon the power within me.

  Please, help me.

  The familiar cold tingle moved from my toes all the way up to the ends of my hair. I changed into fog and drew on my speed.

  Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

  I whisked through the arena and couldn’t help whooshing past Gunnar, touching his cheek like a smooth caress as I passed. It was the first time I’d been near him in weeks and he smelled so damn good. I was rocking on cloud nine as I landed next to Zayne and changed back.

  The crowd roared and heat burned my cheeks like fire. I was never one for being the center of attention. I snuck another peek at Gunnar and he bowed slightly toward me, making me smile.

  “Ebony has qualified for the transmutation. Now, for the last event—the race.”

  Darius and several other students joined me on the field. Excitement surged through me as we lined up. Anton himself came over with a white flag.

  Please help.

  Anton raised the flag. “Ready, Set.” He lowered the flag.


  My arms and legs pumped faster and faster. The arena, the people, and the colors turned into one big blur. I had no idea where any of the competitors. I finished the race and skidded to a stop.

  Darius came up behind me and put his hand on my lower back. “Damn, girl.”

  Anton threw up his arms. “Ebony will represent Legacy and be our champion in the Grand Race in the Academy Games.”

  More cheers.

  Gunnar saluted me and I smiled. Without even thinking I started to head toward him, wanting to feel his arms around me, but suddenly Montae appeared.

  “You’ll put him in danger if you go any closer.” He looked up into the stands. “Your father is watching.”

  I didn’t follow his gaze. “I wasn’t going to him.” Such a big fat lie.

  Montae looked at me kindly but sadly. “Ebony, your father read the letters.”

  He might as well as have thrown a bucket of ice water all over my joy and happiness. “Did my mom or Raven see them?”

  “I honestly don’t know. But stay away with Gunnar. Your father is a very determined man.”

  Tell me something I don’t know.

  Chapter 26

  After the tryouts, my family gathered around me outside the arena. Snow was falling steadily by now and Anton had finally let us see our visitors. I could barely look at my dad and concentrated instead on the others.

  Raven gave me a tight bear hug. “I’m so proud of you. You did great. We’re going to have so much fun in New Orleans.”

  I withdrew from her embrace. “What?”

  Mom pushed my hair off my sweaty face. “Won’t it be wonderful? New Orleans is so much fun during the holidays.”

  I looked at dad who gazed back at me steadily. There was only one reason he wanted to take me to New Orleans, and it wasn’t to eat beignets. He was determined to keep me and Gunnar apart. Fury surged through me like a rocket, making my face burn hot. My horns made another appearance, betraying me.

  I struggled to keep tears from forming in the corner of my eyes. Armond’s parents, King Gregori and Queen Abrianna, were making their way over toward me with Lucien, Armond, and Gunnar, and I needed to keep it together, but if I stayed in a longer, I didn’t know if I would be able to. I missed Gunnar so much it hurt.

  Raven clasped my arm. “Ebony, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go change.” I broke from her gasp and poured on the speed as I charged toward Anton’s. I threw open the door and headed toward my room.

  Ebony, please, help us.

  “Who said that?” I stopped dead in my tracks and whirled around to see who called out. It was the same voice I heard in my dream but this time I knew for sure I wasn’t asleep.

  Find us. We won’t last much longer.

  I didn’t know if this was a trap or not. Maybe Greenwood had new tricks up his sleeve. �
�Where are you?”

  The voice didn’t answer.

  The door behind me flew open. “Ebony?” My dad walked over to me. “Let me explain.”

  “No.” I turned on my heel and headed toward my room, still pondering that voice. I hadn’t heard it since my dream.

  I disappeared into my room and slammed the door, but that didn’t stop my dad.

  “Ebony, will you listen to me?” He came in and shut the door behind him softly.

  “I get it, Dad. What do you want me to do? Jump for joy because we’re going to New Orleans? I know you’re only doing this so I can’t see Gunnar.” I sat on my bed and folded my arms, so frustrated I could scream.

  “Ebony, please calm down. That’s not why we’re going to New Orleans. We’re going down there so I can talk to a great vampire about Anton,” he said quietly.

  “What? Who?”

  “Costin Tarus. He’s the Headmaster of Red Rose Academy, and he may have some answers on why Anton is acting so strangely.”

  I frowned. “Why didn’t you visit him earlier?”

  He sat next to me. “Because I was hoping either you or Montae would have discovered something, but unfortunately, neither of you have. I also need a cover story on why we’re going to New Orleans. A Christmas vacation seemed the most logical one that no one would suspect.”

  “So this really has nothing to do with Gunnar?”

  He pressed his finger and thumb together. “Maybe a little, but even if we were just going to Havenwood, I would have kept you two apart.”

  I sighed heavily. Any hope of getting Dad to change his mind was slipping through my fingers like water. “Why do you hate him so much?”

  “I don’t hate him. I don’t trust him. That’s different. And I want better for you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I know. You want me to marry a prince.”

  “Ebony, I want you to be safe. Gunnar will always have a target on his back and I don’t want that for you.”

  I clasped his arm. “But Dad I already do, because of you and Raven.”

  He took my hand and looked at me. “I’m really proud of you, Ebony. You did great today.” He gave me a quick hug and I didn’t pull away.


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