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Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5)

Page 24

by M Guida

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning,” we answered in unison.

  “I want to explain what will be happening today. Once I open up the catacombs, I will escort you down there. Cameras have been set up so your friends and family can watch.”

  Shit, if there were cameras, then they should have picked up Evan and Dr. Greenwood. Maybe they weren’t down there after all.

  I crossed my arms. “How big are the catacombs?”

  Anton scanned the grounds. “They are all over Legacy, but we are only racing through Shadow’s. Flags have been set up marking where you should turn, so not only do you have to be fast, you must also pay attention. It will be easy to get lost.”

  “Great,” Rusty grumbled.

  Anton looked at each of us. “You may not shift into any supernatural creatures or use magic. Doing so means instant disqualification. This task is based on speed and your ability to solve a puzzle. Am I clear?”

  “Yes,” we all said together.

  He turned around, facing Shadow Academy, and spread out his arms. “Flarorpus Contagectum.”

  The steps leading up into the academy slid deeper and deeper down into the ground. Another set of stairs appeared beneath them, lit by torches.

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Come. Follow me.”

  Gunnar came up next to me and we slowly descended into the catacombs. Cool air rushed over us, sending chills up my spine and making me break out in goosebumps. I rubbed my arms. I was glad Gunnar was next to me. He winked at me and gave me a reassuring smile that eased some of the chill. I made sure we didn’t hold hands or even talk to each other since I knew Dad would be watching.

  The first camera was set up in the corner. A starting line was painted on the floor and I was surprised to see that the catacombs had wide passageways.

  As if reading my mind, Anton explained, “The passageways were designed to be wide enough for a dragon to pass. Please line up and remember what I said. No magic. No shifting. The first one to touch the bell wins.”

  We all lined, ready to start. Rusty was on one side of me and Gunnar the other.

  Help us, please.

  I froze. The voice was back. I glanced at Anton but he was busy explaining more of the rules and didn’t act like he heard. Why was I the only one who could?

  I looked over at Rusty and silently mouthed, ‘They’re here.’

  He leaned closer. “Are you serious?”

  “I heard the voice,” I whispered.

  He cracked his neck. “I’ll find them. I don’t give a shit about winning the race.”

  “Me either.”

  Gunnar clasped my arm. “What’s going on?”

  I whispered in his ear. He jerked back and wariness flared in his eyes.

  “No collaborating,” Anton said as he looked sharply at Rusty, Gunnar, and I.

  I had a feeling Greenwood was watching and if we did anything rash, it could jeopardize the real Greenwood's life, and Evan’s as well.

  “Get ready. Set.” Anton stood against the wall, raised his arm, and then lowered it.


  With my heart thundering and energy surging through me, I poured on the speed and raced out in front of the others. There was a tiny flag in the corner, easy to miss, but I wasn’t worried about winning. I had to find Evan. I had to find Greenwood. I wouldn't let either of them die. We needed the good doctor.

  I whizzed down one of the opposite corridors and stopped, listening.

  Please, are you down here?

  I closed my eyes, straining to hear, but all I got was my blood thumping between my temples. I zipped back to where I had ventured off the main passage. Ahead of me was Artemis and some of the other students. I whizzed past them and then went down first one corridor, then another, but no matter which one I tried, the voice didn’t answer me.

  Maybe they were down at the end of the race by the bell.

  The voice called out again, but this time, it was weaker.

  Please, help us.

  Adrenaline pumped through, spurring me on. I swooshed past each one of my competitors, including Armond, Artemis, and the other students, leaving them far behind me. I hadn’t seen Rusty or Gunnar since the race began and I hoped they weren’t doing anything stupid.

  Up ahead, the bell was in sight. I stretched out my fingers to touch it.


  The wolf howl sent a chill down my spine and I slowed down. Something was wrong. We weren't supposed to shift.


  "Dammit, Rusty.”

  Armond was crumpled against the wall and a huge red wolf rushed toward me. All of sudden Hades flew past Armond and Rusty, blocking me from getting near the bell. He growled and spread his wings wide, preventing me from moving around him.

  I glared. “Hades, what are you doing?”

  Someone tackled me, knocking me to the floor.

  Gunnar was on top of me, pinning me to the floor. “No, you can’t touch the bell. It’s cursed.”

  Rusty leapt over us.

  Gunnar spun his head around toward the bell. “Rusty, no.”

  But he was too late. The wolf lunged at the bell and lightning flashed out of it, surrounding him.

  Shriek Shriek Shriek

  I inhaled the horrible, acrid smell of burnt fur. The lightning stopped and Rusty fell to the ground, motionless.

  I squirmed, trying to get Gunnar off me. “Let me up.”

  Gunnar released me and I rushed over to Rusty, crying. “No, no, no…” Rusty didn’t shift back to human form. “Please, Rusty. Can you hear me? Wake up.”

  Suddenly, a panel in the wall opened in front of us and Greenwood stepped out, holding a red stone. His features melted and twisted until it was Ari standing there, grinning. Evil flared in his gold eyes. “Thank you, fools. The Blood Stone required the sacrifice of a soul—and now I have it.”

  “You bastard,” I yelled.

  He tossed his head back and laughed. Before he could transport himself away, something snapped inside me. Faster than a speeding bullet, I changed into fog, swirling around him.

  “Get off me.”

  I snatched the Blood Stone out of his clawed hand. Colors spun around and within me as if something was chasing me. I whirled around the catacombs faster and faster, outrunning Ari.

  “No, give it back, you bitch.”

  A chaotic tumult of voices erupted in the tunnel, but I couldn’t make out who all was there. I dodged Ari and materialized where I thought where Gunnar was, but he was gone, and so was Hades. I had no idea where anyone had disappeared to.

  Ari materialized and lunged for me, but Anton and Costin used their vampire speed to grab his arms and prevent him from reaching me.

  Breathless, I gasped, “I have the Blood Stone.”

  Anton tilted his head. “Bring it to my quarters. Quickly."

  Costin narrowed his eyes. “Ari, you’re not going anywhere.” He and Anton dragged him kicking and screaming down the corridor.

  “Let go of me. You’re making a terrible mistake. King Cormac will be most displeased.” His voice sent terror bubbling inside me.

  Tears streaming down his face, Armond had Rusty’s head in his lap. “I can’t heal him. He won’t wake up. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  My legs crumbled and numbness moved from the tips of my fingers all the way down to my toes. I collapsed next to Armond, in disbelief that this was happening, too stunned to cry, too stunned to feel.

  Armond’s father King Gregori rushed over to us and gently scooped up Rusty’s limp form. “We need to take him to the infirmary. Don’t worry. It’s safe now.”

  Armond and I wrapped our arms around each other's waists as we followed King Gregori out of the catacombs. I think any minute we might have fallen down. I clutched the stone tightly in my hand.

  Armond hugged me and rested his head on shoulder. “I can’t believe this is all happening. Rusty dead, Gunnar arrested…”

  I stopped and snapped m
y head up to him. “What?”

  “You didn’t know? Your father came in here screaming. He said Gunnar attacked you and insisted charges be brought against him.”

  “But he didn't attack me. He's wrong.” Fury gave me fresh strength in my arms and legs and I rushed past King Gregori and out of the catacombs. Back outside, I looked around the grounds, panting hard.

  Raven raced over to me and grabbed my arms. “Ebony, I’m so sorry. Dad wouldn’t listen to reason.”

  “What?" I couldn’t take much more.

  “Dad and Montae have taken Gunnar to the Hollows.”

  Anger and hate surged through me. My fangs lengthened and I wanted to rip Dad into a million pieces for tearing the love of my life from me. I tilted my head back and screamed with rage. My horns shot up. “I’m going to kill him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.”

  Raven shook me. “Listen to me. You can’t go up against Dad. He’s the Golden Phoenix and wields political power. Mom even believes him now after seeing Gunnar attack you on camera. They both think Gunnar healing you changed you from a dragon to a vampire.”

  I couldn’t breathe, I was so mad. “That had nothing to do with it. Why does he hate vampires so much?”

  “I don’t know. But going off half-cocked isn’t going to change his mind. From what he saw on the camera, he thinks Gunner attacked you and believes he’s a traitor.” She grabbed my hand. “We need to speak to Anton. Come on.”

  Still clutching the Blood Stone, I forced myself to allow her to lead me to Anton’s. He and Costin were coming up from the dungeon.

  Breathless, Raven blurted out everything that happened.

  Costin stretched out his trembling hand. “Let me see the Blood Stone.” I handed it to him, and he held it up toward the flickering fireplace, examining it. “The Blood Stone keeps the soul and makes the person into a reaper.”

  Raven and I looked at each other and then back at Costin. Reaper?

  “Reaper, come forth.”

  A gaseous form flickered in front of the fireplace and then took form. Rusty stood there, but he looked younger.

  I ran over to him and stretched out my arms. “Rusty.” My arms went right through him as if he were mist. Cold tingles swept over me, making me shiver.

  Rusty looked down at his hands. “What happened?”

  “I’m afraid you’re a reaper until all seven supernatural stones are found and brought together,” Costin said. “Only then will the Blood Stone release your soul.”

  Rusty frowned. “So I’m a ghost?”

  “No, a reaper,” Anton said softly. “And I see that someone has come to escort you to your next destination.” He pointed at a silver ball floating into the room. Suddenly a twenty-something blonde male appeared. He was wearing jeans and a red checkered shirt.

  He looked at Rusty and bowed slightly. “Hello, Reaper. I’m the Archangel Raphael and I’ve come to collect you.”

  Rusty glared. “Fuck that. I’m not going with you.”

  I gasped. “Rusty. That’s an archangel. You can't talk to him like that.”

  Rusty stuck out his chin. “I’m not leaving my family.”

  Raphael looked at him with pity. “I’m sorry. You don’t have a choice.” He waved his hand and Rusty vanished, cursing.

  I knelt in front of the Archangel. “Please don’t punish him. He gave his life to save us.”

  “I know, child. Fret not, he’s not hurt, and I promise you’ll see him again.” Just as fast as he came in, Raphael grew smaller until he changed into a ball and slipped out the window.

  I burst into tears. “Why is this happening?”

  “You have a choice, Ebony.” Costin put his hand on my shoulder. “You can wallow in your hate and despair or you can fight to save the man you love and free your friend’s soul.”

  I wiped my cheeks and took a quivering breath. I stared into his eyes. “I choose to fight.”

  Anton smiled, but then his eyes turned serious. “Good. You will have to prove to your father that Gunnar is innocent. He is blinded by his fear. By mastering your vampire powers, you will show him a new side to Gunnar.”

  I threw up my arms. “How?”

  “You’ll find out soon that not all is what it seems between your father and Gunnar.”

  I glared. “What does that mean?”

  Instead of answering my question, he gestured toward the Blood Stone. “According to Ari, if he can be believed, Cormac has three of the stones. We only have one. To banish Cormac and the Unseelie, you must retrieve the remaining stones. We will help you.”

  “And so will The Sentinels.”

  I looked between them and my sister. I was ready to save my friend and fight for the man I love.

  Do you love free books? Sign up for my newsletter and get Before Legacy: The Early Years!

  Want to find out more about Ebony and Gunnar? Get Ebony’s Legacy Year Two!

  You can also read about when they first met back at Havenwood. Check out Before Legacy: Armond and Before Legacy: Gunnar! You can also get Rusty’s story in Academy for Reapers Year One!

  Dear Reader

  I hoped you liked Ebony’s Legacy Year One! Surprise, she’s not a dragon—she’s a vampire! Her family had quite a shock, especially her dad!

  But don’t worry, things aren’t all as they seem, as Anton would say.

  I mentioned the Hollows, which is the supernatural prison, in all of Raven’s books, and now, you’re going to see what happens there.

  And so will Ebony and Gunnar. There will be twists in turns in Ebony’s second year, too!

  I’m super excited about writing Rusty’s story in Academy for Reapers Year One. He’s going to be paired up with Raven’s best friend—do you remember? Yes, it’s Julie Sumner.

  Of course, Rusty will want to get back to his friends. He’s never been in love before and never thought he was worthy. What do you think?

  If you want to know more about what’s happening in my books, sign up for my newsletter and you’ll get a free book, Before Legacy the Early Years! This is the first book that started it all.

  I’m so glad you took a chance on me. If you want to become a Legacy, swing by my private Facebook Group!

  Until then! Have a great day!!! M Guida

  About the Author

  M Guida has always loved fantasy and romance, especially dragons. Growing up, she devoured fantasy books and all kinds of young adult books. And then she found romance and a whole new world opened up to her.

  Now as an adult, she fell in love with academy romance and has blended all of her past loves into one compelling series. Dragons, vampires, elves, demons, and shifters all attend Legacy Academy.

  When she's not writing, she lives in the colorful Rocky Mountains with her fur baby, Raven, and enjoys taking her for walks.

  Also by M Guida

  Legacy Series:

  Before Legacy: The Early Years

  Legacy Year One

  Legacy Year Two

  Legacy Year Three

  Legacy Year Four

  Ebony’s Legacy Year One

  Ebony’s Legacy Year Two

  Before Legacy Series:

  Before Legacy: Armond

  Before Legacy: Gunnar

  Academy For Reapers

  Academy For Reapers Year One




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