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Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology

Page 17

by Yolanda Olson

  “Sister Faith, I think you may need some lessons in holding your tongue and not interrupting,” Mother Bitch reprimands.

  I struggle not to think about where my roommate could be holding that quick tongue of hers.

  Mother Bitch throws a glare toward one of the other girls when she giggles. “As I was saying, while it's important to personify each of the heavenly virtues, you can not do so without showing true diligence in all areas. It’s my belief that diligence is the most important virtue, and it’s my task to ensure that each one of you excels in this aspect while serving our Lord. Now, I want each of you to explore the gardens and the abbey, and think about how you will fulfill your duties to our Lord and the Sisters of Our Lady of Heavenly Hope. Faith, you will remain behind, I need to discuss something with you.”

  As each of the girls files out of the room, some look thoughtful and others look confused; I ignore them in favor of Faith whose own expression is decidedly nervous. I linger outside the door, listening as I wait for Faith to finish with Mother Bitch. I’m not sure what makes me linger. Maybe it’s curiosity because I’ve never known Faith to behave in a manner that’s less than perfect before now.

  “Now, Faith. You must remember not to interrupt when I’m speaking. If you do so again I’ll have you on your knees with your backside bare, saying your Hail Mary’s while I whip your skin red. Do I make myself clear?” Mother Bitch scolds.

  I try hard not to imagine how pale the skin of Faith’s ass could be. If her creamy complexion is anything to go by, I imagine her buttocks would be like two beautifully unblemished moons. She’s unfailingly modest, so even though we’ve been sharing a room for two weeks, I’ve never seen her in anything less than a long cotton chemise. My imagination runs riot at the thought of Faith being punished like I’ve been so many times before. God, give me strength, I pray silently. I have to dismiss this train of thought before I delve even further into sin.

  “You’re dismissed, and you would do well to remember the rules in future,” Mother Bitch concludes.

  When Faith sees me loitering outside the door, she throws me a quick smile, and a knowing look, that almost begs me to ask what she’s thinking. I consider following Faith when she walks past me, no doubt going to find a quiet spot to pray and reflect, but instead, I choose to retire to my room to pray and reflect in my own way.

  I walk through the halls and corridors of our convent, my footsteps the only sound breaking the immaculate silence surrounding me. No one is around, and I slip further into my own thoughts, not paying attention until I stumble and nearly crash into Sister ‘Pally’ Paloma Grace, who quite frankly scares me even more than Mother Superior. There’s something about her which sends shivers down my spine. I straighten myself up and open my mouth to apologize, but she’s already turned the corner, hurrying away and leaving me alone again. Shaking off the eerie feeling she gives me, I continue heading up the stairs to my room.

  Lying on the soft mattress, I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I can’t help but eagerly contemplate how Faith’s skin would look beneath my palm if I were the one in a position to dole out her punishment.

  In spite of her outwardly meek appearance, I’ve now seen fleeting glimpses of Faith’s spirit underneath. I’m beginning to suspect she could prove more interesting than I’d initially anticipated. I wouldn’t mind carving into her soul to see what lies inside. I want to see if there’s a sinner lurking within her like there is inside me, no matter how hard I try to suppress it. When did I start to find her so fascinating?

  I’m taken aback by the sudden rush of darkness that’s swept over me, and I frown before sliding from my bed to my knees to pray for patience, strength, and the diligence I will need to stay on His true path.

  Chapter Four

  Sister Faith

  Of all the nuns in this place that Mother Superior could choose for me to be partnered with, she had to choose the one who is my polar opposite. Sister Emily is lazy, and I’ve seen how she slacks when doing her chores. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen her rush through her work so she can go back to our room. I prefer to think that she’s gone to pray, and certainly there are many of us who do so, multiple times a day, but I suspect that’s not the case with Emily.

  My curiosity peaks every time she ducks out during her daily chores, whether it’s cleaning, making bread, or fixing clothes. So far I’ve managed to refrain from letting it get the better of me and going to find out what she’s up to. If she really is conversing with our Lord, then I’ll feel very wicked for doubting her. Emily chooses very inopportune moments to escape, though, and several times now I’ve had to finish both our chores to keep us under Mother Superior’s sharp radar.

  I should confront Emily about my concerns, or better yet, I should tell Mother Superior of them, but the responsibility bestowed on me by our Mother holds me back. I don’t want her to think I’m incapable of coping with the task she has entrusted to me. I was chosen by her to help Emily stay true to all we must uphold in our everyday lives and our faith; it’s my God given purpose to see it through. I hope I don’t let Mother Superior down, especially as it’s been hardly any time at all since I embarked on this mission. I shall bear my burden with dignity and patience and do everything I can to achieve what’s been asked of me.

  I wish we hadn’t been assigned to the same room, though. I know it’s for more than just the duration of our partnership, and I’m lamenting the lack of privacy. Not to mention that Emily looks at me strangely sometimes, and it makes me feel very exposed under her scrutiny. I’ve put it down to her annoyance at our situation, in much the same way I feel. I confess I don't like Emily, and sharing quarters and spending so much time in her company, when we are so different, is taxing in the extreme. However, this is the life I’ve chosen for myself, and like all worthwhile things, it doesn’t come easily. This task I’ve been given is no different. I have to work hard and prove myself to not only Mother Superior and our Lord but to myself as well, no matter how difficult the trials ahead may be.

  Thankful, that by the time Emily left earlier, our chores were nearly complete, I finish up for the day and decide to head back to our room. I need to change, find some solitude, and reflect on the meeting with Mother Superior and how I will move forward and overcome the challenges ahead of me.

  Chapter Five

  Sister Emily

  My roommate is slowly driving me insane. I feel like a rampant, hormonal teenager who has just discovered her sexuality rather than a twenty-two year old nun who has been suppressing it for most of her life. Sometimes I question my commitment to this life, but even if I don’t uphold every aspect of the code we choose to live by, my faith is strong. Maybe that’s why Mother Bitch hasn’t gotten rid of me, yet.

  I’ve begun watching Faith more closely, even talking to her a little when we’re in the room together. She’s not very responsive, though, and is often sharp and standoffish with me when it’s just the two of us. I’m sure she’s already tiring of me, but inexplicably, although I hate that I have to share quarters with her, I’ve grown accustomed to her and am beginning to like the innocent young nun. I miss the solitude and freedom I once had, but her company is still welcome. Despite sharing our sleeping quarters, I’ve managed to keep some of my secrets from her, and it gives me a thrill to know she’s in the dark about my sinful little habits and luxuries.

  It’s mesmerizing to watch Faith go about her daily duties with such care and grace. Working in the bakehouse, I catch myself staring at her hands as she kneads the dough with her delicate fingers, and I’m salivating by the time the loaves are baking. I’m certain it isn’t just the bread and ovens getting me hot and bothered, so much so, that I feel the need to slip away and return to our room. I still have chores to complete, but they’ll have to wait because there’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate while I’m slick with arousal and my pussy is aching for attention.

  I rush into our room, and closing the door behind me, I go to sit in my chair.
If I lie down, I might fall asleep after, and then I’ll be in trouble. It’s bad enough I’ve abandoned my duties for a self-indulgent break, but I mustn’t fail to return and complete them. I ruck my habit up around my waist and shove my underwear down my thighs to my knees. I don’t have time to tease myself toward release. Besides, with the way I’m feeling, fast and urgent is exactly what I need.

  I brush my fingers against my throbbing clit before delving them into the wetness coating the lips of my pussy. I let out a moan as I push my fingers in farther while continuously pumping them in a heavenly rhythm, I start to rub my clit with my other hand. I pant as I draw closer to my release, spurred on by a mental image of Faith using her skillful fingers to draw this orgasm from me.

  Sin is rife within my body; it seeps out from my pussy and soaks my hand. I’m consumed with a desperate need, aching with desire as I furiously rub my clit to the face of the innocent little nun. Feeling the climax build, I close my eyes as the orgasm hits me like a tidal wave surging through my body.

  “Faith!” Her name escapes from my lips in a whimpering cry as I shudder through the aftershocks.

  I open my eyes to see a horrified Faith standing in our room with her mouth wide open in shock. Her eyes are locked onto my pussy, where the fingers of my one hand are still buried deep inside me while the fingers of the other are pressed firmly against my clit. Cheeks heating, I quickly pull my underwear up and drop my habit back into place. Faith remains frozen in the same place, watching in stunned silence.

  Once I’m covered up, she turns to open the door, and I launch myself across the room and slam my body against it, stopping her from leaving. I need to keep her from going to Mother Bitch. If she tells, then I’m done for. There’s no way I can talk myself out of this predicament.

  “Please don’t tell anyone,” I beg, my heart pounding in my chest as I scan her face to gauge her reaction beyond the initial shock.

  Faith continues to stare at me like she can’t believe her eyes. I’m sure it was the last thing she expected to catch me doing when she walked in here. In my urgency, I missed her entering the room. I have no idea how long she’s been there watching me, but she must have heard me moan her name when I came.

  “I should tell Mother Superior. Do you realize what you’ve done? You’ve disrespected God with your behavior. I knew you weren’t observing all the rules and virtues we’ve been taught, but I never expected this,” she says accusingly.

  I can hear the disappointment in her voice, and my stomach twists. I didn’t mean to upset her, but sometimes these urges manifest themselves so strongly that I can’t resist them. Sin has both hands on me, leading me inexorably away from everything I hold dear, and yet I find myself unable to remove its grip.

  There’s an innocence and goodness practically shining from Faith that drives me farther down the wrong path, and a part of me wants to drag her along with me.

  “Please, Faith. This life means everything to me, and I can’t lose it, not over this,” I beg, falling to my knees in front of her.

  “You should repent and be punished for your sin. I can’t keep this a secret,” she replies, sounding regretful.

  My heart skips a beat at her words.

  “You’re right, but you don’t have to tell Mother Superior. You should be the one to punish me for sullying our sanctuary with my misdeeds,” I suggest, looking up at her hopefully.

  Faith hesitates, “I’m not sure that will be the appropriate course. I’m not Mother Superior.”

  “No, you’re not. But like me, like the rest of us, you’re His daughter. You are an extension of Mother Superior, and you will be doing her work. Punishment is due, whether it be at her hands or yours, but it’s you I’ve disrespected in the sanctuary and home we share together, so it should be your hands that mete out the discipline.” I stare up at her, silently pleading with her to accept my repentance and the opportunity I’m offering her.

  I’m not sure what will happen if she chooses to punish me, but I’d rather be at her mercy than Mother Bitch’s. The thought of Faith’s hands on me, touching me, punishing me sets my heart racing. I can still feel the dampness of arousal coating my pussy from the orgasm I had while I called out her name. It has to be her, no one else.

  Chapter Six

  Sister Faith

  Emily’s asking me to punish her?

  First I walked into our room to see her ringing the devil’s doorbell, and then I heard her calling out my name as she came. I wouldn’t have thought Emily could shock me any more today, but she’s just proved me wrong with her request. I’m not sure what to think. A small part of me is flattered, but mostly I’m appalled.

  “I ought to go straight to Mother Superior about this. Is this what you’ve been doing every day, when you slip away from your chores?” I hiss, aghast.

  She shakes her head, “No! This is the first time. I usually come back here to pray and rest.”

  “I don’t believe you,” I say, frowning at her.

  “It’s the truth. I promise I’m telling you the truth, so please don’t go to Mother Superior,” Emily pleads, looking imploringly up at me from where she’s kneeling.

  I bite my lip, uncertainly. I’m unwilling to create an even wider chasm between us by calling for Mother Superior to deal with the situation. Plus, I’m being relied upon to bring Emily into line by showing her what it means to be truly diligent to our Lord and Covenant. I can feel myself caving to her pleas because it’s not only Emily who’ll have failed in the eyes of our Mother Superior. Decision made. I’ll do it just this once, but next time I won’t hesitate to take it further.

  “Fine,” I say, grudgingly, noting the look of surprise and relief on Emily’s face at my acquiescence.

  “Thank you,” she replies, and genuine gratitude bleeds through her tone.

  “Have you got a cane, or should I just use my hand?” I question, glancing around at our meager belongings for something I could use and feeling like a complete novice at this, which I am.

  I’m already having second thoughts, but I’ve told her I’ll do it, so I will.

  “You can use your hand. The cane is much louder, and I will be too if you use one. Considering we are keeping this between ourselves, I think subtlety and stealth would be best. Besides, it’s not the implement you use, it’s the punishment that matters,” she reasons.

  I nod in agreement, wondering what on earth I’ve gotten myself into with Sister Emily. This woman is nothing like I expected, she’s a pious sinner and it’s a completely bizarre combination of qualities to witness in a nun.

  “Umm, bend over the bed when you’re ready,” I instruct her while trying to keep my voice steady and not let my nervousness show.

  Emily doesn’t answer but simply does as I order, and I’m thankful when she bends over her own bed and not mine; I don’t think I could do this if she was on my bed. I move closer to her, and knowing what I’m about to do makes my heart start pounding. Before I completely lose my nerve, I bend forward and grasp the hem of her habit and lift it to her waist, exposing her barely clothed behind. Emily then grabs the habit with one hand, holding it in place for me, and with the other hand, she lowers her underwear, unveiling her ass.

  Lifting my hand, I send up a quick prayer for patience and guidance before landing the first spank. It’s not hard, and she barely makes a sound. I’ll have to be harsher if this is to make her repent her sins and help me step into the role of teacher for her. The second spank makes the globe of her butt jiggle, and Emily lets out a small puff of air. Not enough.

  Three, four, five...each harder than the last until my hand is beginning to sting, and Emily is now letting out more than airy gasps with each blow.

  “Keep going,” she urges, and I do.

  I keep punishing her until my palm is pink and throbbing, and I can see the matching glow on Emily’s asscheeks. I’m losing myself to the punishment, relishing the power of being the one in control of this…of Emily. What’s happening to me?
/>   Emily is whimpering now, and the last spank garnered a small sob. I’ve lost count, and it feels like we’ve been here for hours with me beating on her ass with the palm of my hand. My next strike misses its target, landing lower on the curve of her ass above her thigh, and she lets out a small shriek of pain. Encouraged, I repeat the action on the other cheek until Emily is white-knuckling her habit and weeping, the sound muffled by her blankets.

  “Enough,” Emily sobs breathlessly, dropping the habit over her bright-pink ass.

  I step away from where she remains bent over the bed, my eyes widening when she turns her head to face me, and I see her teary eyes and swollen lips.

  “I-I’m sorry, I’m not sure what came over me,” I stammer, reaching out to her.

  Emily lets me wrap my arms around her, and even though I’ve just spanked the devil out of her, I’m compelled to reassure her that my actions don’t reflect my personal feelings toward her. After a moment’s hesitation, she returns the embrace. I look at her countenance, our faces almost level, and I see the lingering sin lurking within her eyes. Then something switches within her, and leaning forward, she brushes her lips over mine.

  I gasp and back away. “Are you truly repentant for what you did? It seems to me you’re uncaring of the effect your actions will have upon your soul should you continue down this path.”

  It’s wrong. All of this is wrong, and she’s going to drag me down to hell with her if I don’t put a stop to it. I refuse to walk down this wicked path, not with her or anyone else. I pull myself away from her, and moving to my side of the room, I kneel beside my bed, press my palms together, and I pray.


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