Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology

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Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology Page 26

by Yolanda Olson

  “Humility is the quality of being humble. Humility comes from the Latin word humilis, which literally means low. If you feel humility in front of someone, you feel small in the scheme of things — that you are just a simple, insignificant person. Someone who spends his life taking care of others shows humility. I literally am no one, which is of course why I use that on my flesh.”

  Staring at her, I took her hand, leading her to the circle. She shrieked in fear. I was perplexed. I didn’t expect this reaction. It always made me feel so welcome. Sometimes, I swore I even heard whispering voices.

  Frowning at her, I looked at the circle, and it actually started to glow. She looked frozen in place with panic.

  “Please,” She begged, “we have to leave this evil place.”

  What an odd reaction to my safe place. Pure adrenaline surged through me. I kicked her kneecap hard, pushing her into the circle. Her body trembled, thrashed, and shook as electricity went through it.

  Staring at it with awe, I was stunned. It was a brilliant light display. Being beckoned to the circle didn’t bother me. I walked over to the pale body. Stripping her from her habit, I saw she was still taking small raspy breaths. The images in my head were leading me.

  I saw her heart laying on the center of the circle. Taking my small knife out, I knew it would be a big undertaking, but it was necessary. The circle demanded it.

  The energy in the circle helped me. My knife went through her flesh straight down to the organ I was picturing. It was still beating in my hand when I squeezed it and pulled her life source from her. The dimming of her eyes as her soul left her body and flew down the center of the circle was the most magical feeling.

  I looked at her body. Her breasts were close to my size. I reached out to squeeze her nipple which was stiffening in the cool air. A thought occurred to me. I wondered if she tasted the same as I did. Her pubic hair was strawberry blonde. She shaved hers thin to a landing strip.

  Pushing her legs apart, I slid in to check her folds out. Opening them up, I ran my finger up and down, then slipped them inside of her. Dipping my face down right in front of her pussy, I licked her juice that was running over my fingers. She did taste like me. It was intoxicating. Getting my fill, I slurped up what I wanted, then moved away from her.

  I wanted a souvenir, like a small bone to put in my box. To have to remember every time I looked at it. Her finger was pointing out. My mind went straight to that. She had a moonstone ring on it. Breaking her finger with my bare hands then cutting the skin and muscle with the knife, I took the offering and cleaned it up for my box.

  I needed to disperse of the body. But the images flying through my mind, only showed me leaving it there. The circle had other ideas for her corpse.

  Knowing I could take a human life, was all I needed to know, I could take any challenge on.

  Taking her discarded robe, and my souvenirs, I slipped back into my room. The next day was going to be a day of learning for many people. My voice would be heard and so help me, they would listen.

  Sister Purity

  Going through Hanleigh’s pockets, I had found lipstick. Why not? What better way to bring my voice loud and proud then with fuck me red lips?

  After dropping her robe off at her room, I walked to do my first prayers in front of the idol. It took everything I had not to smudge the stuff off my lips, not wanting to be a disgrace.

  Feeling unusually happy, I almost bumped into Sister Paloma. She looked down at me with irritation, asking me if I had seen Sister Hanleigh. I lied and said No. She raised her eyebrow at my speaking, but walked away. She scared the shit out of me. I never wanted to cross her.

  Father O’Rourke

  “We didn’t have an appointment right now did we, Purity?”

  “No, sir.” She purred.

  My dick got hard hearing her voice. Holy shit, she was so going to suck my dick and gag loud for me.

  “Need some extra attention?” I asked.

  “I was wondering if you could meet me at Father Clarence’s office in thirty minutes?”

  Curious, and stiff as a brick, I agreed.

  Chapter 9

  Father Clarence

  It was time for Purity's lesson. I needed it more than she most days. I was thrilled when I heard the rap on the door until I saw the ludicrous color on her face.

  “Take it off.” I ordered immediately.


  Whipping my head around at her voice, I glanced at the calendar realizing she could speak now.

  “Regardless if you can use your voice or not, you do not tell me no.”

  “No. I am no taking the lipstick off, now get on your knees, Sir”

  She walked over and locked my door. Not sure where she was going with it, but I saw her grab the mask, so hesitantly I undressed and dropped to my knees. This was a new game, and I wasn’t sure I was going to like it.

  “I invited a friend.” She said as another knock came at the door.

  Sister Purity

  Inviting Father O’Rourke was a stroke of genius. These two men needed to scratch each other’s itch as it were.

  “I don’t understand why I am here.” Father O’Rourke started in until he stopped when he saw the other on all fours.

  “Well I have a solution for you both.” I said conversationally.

  “Your voice is heavenly.” Father O’Rourke situated the bulge in his pants.

  “Father Clarence needs to be taken care of, by a man, as often as you can.” I nodded to the man who had not offered anything to say as of yet.

  “And what do I get out of it?” He said arrogantly.

  “Besides the obvious?” I scoffed.

  “I need some pain applied.” He shrugged.

  I pointed to Father Clarence. He was used to pain because of his father. “Father Clarence can you handle letting Father O’Rourke take over my lessons? Then you won’t need this mask?” I threw the cherub face in the fire place.

  He answered yes as submissively as he could. I would come and make sure everyone was playing fair and no new girls were being put in their service.

  “Then all of our secrets are safe with me and as silent as my vow. We need not speak of past sins. This arrangement saves both of your souls as well as saving so many more.” I smiled at them both as I watched the first of many to come Preacher on Preacher fucking.

  Leaving the office satisfied, I went to do my afternoon prayers when Mother Superior found me.

  “Sister Purity could we take a walk please?”

  I rose from my spot, not missing the look of displeasure from her about my lipstick.

  “It is time to change your studies. Your vow is over. Let’s expand your privileges and get you a formal part of this church.”

  I nodded. “So, this means I can go outside?”

  “Yes. You may go out front to the florals or out back to our garden. Would you like a work assignment out there?” She asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  “We can arrange that.” She smiled. “Come by my office this afternoon and I will have your new assignment.

  Going to my room, I was ecstatic. I couldn’t wait to go outside. Smell the fresh air, see all the fresh vegetables, all the little critters running around. God was good.

  I wanted to go clean my mess up in my hidden area first. Going to my room, I slipped into the secret room. It was gone. Her body, her heart, all of the mess. The dust, the circle, and my mirror all looked untouched.

  A calming effect came over me, so I didn’t worry. Knowing I needed to absolve my sins, watching the two men together, I disrobed and used my whip. My back was bloody and ripped up by the time I was done. I could feel the legs of the bugs as the crawled up my body to get their fill when I started my prayers.

  Being covered in filth was the only time I felt clean. Standing up and shaking them off, I put my robe back on, then went back to my room, anxiously waiting to go outside.

  Stopping to look in the mirror, I couldn’t help but be
proud of the vision that looked back at me. No longer a meek mild lamb, but now a woman with a backbone to rival some of the toughest men I knew.

  Running my hands all over my body, I prayed for continued guidance from his love, and continued consternation to keep me on the right track.

  My lessons taught me to be stronger than they ever imagined. Lord help each one.

  Sister Purity

  After cleaning up, I went to Mother Superior to find out what my new plan would be. I had done everything I was supposed to do, I had listened to the Lord’s word, allowed my body to he used as a vessel, now I hoped to be rewarded.

  Walking to see her, I held my head high as I walked, unlike I usually did, looking at the floor. Meeting each one of them in the eye, they needed to know, I would not be ran over anymore.

  I thought my new self confidence would make me feel better, but my need to be outdoors, outweighed everything right now.

  Walking in her office, I could feel her eyes assessing me. I nodded slightly at her, then sat at the chair in front of her desk.

  A large calm settled over the space. It was like a cavern of darkness, but just beyond the edge, a simmering of darkness. That was my mind, how it always was inside since I came here to become a part of this unholy place.

  I could see her trying to stare a hole through me. It wasn’t going to work. Not now. Maybe when I first got here, but now I had resources, resources I hadn’t had when I first came. She was no longer looking at a meek humble girl.

  “You have been very studious in your studies. One would almost say pious – almost.” She said. “My question, though, are you still pure?”

  Zoning in on her face, I wanted her to know, I knew. “With all due respect, you know the training I was given in the past six months. My body is unclean, however my hymen remains intact.”

  Stiffly she nodded. “That was not my wish.”

  “Or your intention to stop it.” I countered.

  “Things are not as black and white here. We as women do not have the ability to over rule the men.”

  “Really? I, just today, gave rules to both of your priests that you allowed to abuse me. They both listened, as they should.” I sneered.

  “Young lady you have a lot to learn. Do not think you can come in here and tell me what is what in my world.” Mother Superior was pissed.

  “No ma’am, not at all.” My smile didn’t reach my eyes. “Just letting you know, I am in control of my own body now.”

  I held my hand out so she could give me my new rotation. “There is no more humility, no more being the humble little nun you wanted to create.” I laughed watching the anger seep to her face as her eyes narrowed.

  “I’m as prideful as they come. Get used to the lipstick. I will be using it daily, along with thigh high stockings to accentuate my obviously very beautiful legs.” And just to add coal to the fire, “I will sin with anyone I want to because I know the lord forgives each and every action I have ever partaken in. Can you say the same?” Standing up, I thrust my chest out, then turned and walked away.

  Walking by Father O’Rourke, he merely smiled as I passed by. Who would think that my altruistic behavior of them would turn into my complete control of our situation.

  My body had learned to enjoy some of the ministrations. I would be visiting Father O’Rourke quite often I imagined.

  Folding the new schedule up, I walked outside. The doors never had been locked to me. It was just an unwritten rule that I wasn’t allowed to step outside until after my training was finished. It’s not like a firing squad would’ve came after me. It just would’ve been frowned upon, and I had been determined to follow all the rules.

  Now, breathing in the evening air, my mind was in a dozen different places. A journal. I needed to start writing. I could document my journey from this day forward.

  I could keep it in the room by the mirror so it would be safe. I felt special there by the circle anyway. It kept me energized, feeling like I was the only person in the sacred building who actually did adhere to God’s word.

  Chapter 10

  Sister Purity

  The next morning, my first stop is the florals outside. The birds chirping, and the fragrant smell of the flowers, take me away to an Island dream.

  Sitting on the bench, I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt a hand circle my arm. Opening my eyes, expecting to see Mother Superior coming to find me because I’d been slacking off on my first day back to the fold, I was shocked to see a mangy looking man holding onto me.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, trying to pull my arm free.

  “Yes, you can Julia.” He hissed.

  I looked at him, he did look familiar. I couldn’t quite pinpoint it though. “Do I know you?”

  “You got away. You made me lose a lot of money.” He squeezed my arm tighter. “Poisoning that bitch made me lose a lot of business. Now I’m going to take it out of your ass.”

  He was the guy that was with Rita who was taking the girls when they turned eighteen. I was losing feeling in my arm. “I don’t know what you are talking about. You have me mistaken.” I lied.

  Before I could say anything, a bag went over my head, and he clamped his hand over my mouth. Fear rushed through me when I felt another pair of hands in addition to his.

  I was whisked up and thrown into some kind of vehicle. All I had was my knife on me. It wasn’t enough to fend off two attackers. Maybe if I just went along with whatever they wanted, I could get away. Or, maybe they would kill me.


  “Seriously? A nun? Marco what the fuck?” I asked.

  “She wasn’t a fucking nun when I bought her from Rita.” He insisted.

  “So now what are you going to do with her?”

  “She is the reason I have this scar on my face. Pull the van over by the park. I am taking all the misery I had out of her ass, then I will dump her in the woods.” He shrugged.

  “And what am I supposed to do?” I scoffed.

  “You can join if you want to.”

  “Fuck off. I will stand guard for your stupid ass.”

  “I’ve waited for this retribution since the night my face was sliced by the smugglers who paid for her. She not only defected to the convent, but she killed the woman who was controlling the girls who we were trading.” He sounded so angry. I was glad I wasn’t on the receiving end.

  Pulling into the furthest parking spot, I nodded to let him know, it was his time to get his payback.


  Thrashing around in the back, I knew if I didn’t find a way out, I was signing my death warrant. I guess I had forgotten about Rita. No one had ever come by to question her death.

  I finally felt like I had found a place where I belonged, my secret happy place. Now, I would never see it again. This man had every intention of doing harm to me. I didn’t have anyone here to help me out.

  Praying was what felt natural. As he dragged me out of the back door of the van, I prayed for all my might. I asked the Lord to forgive me, to forgive my sisters back at the convent, and Mother Superior. As women, we were just trying to make our way.

  Flipping me over the back of the opened van door, the bag was removed from my head. His greasy hand held my face down so it couldn’t move. He pulled my robe up, yanking my panties down, then shoved his cock hard inside my pussy. My scream reverberated through the van as he ripped through my hymen. I could feel the blood dripping down my leg.

  “Ah shit, this cunt was a virgin.” He grunted as he thrust harder and harder.

  My mind went numb as he rutted me like an animal. It wasn’t like being with the priests. They made sure they didn’t take my innocence.

  This man, this animal, just took the chastity I held dear. I needed him to pay. To suffer horribly. His final grunt, as he shot his vile seed into me, made me vomit all over his van.

  He cursed, calling me a filthy cunt, then slammed me around so I was facing him. His disfigured face was seething in anger.

fist shot out connecting with my face. Then his other fist came right after. Tensing up, waiting for another round of pummeling, I was shocked when he was lifted off of me. Before I passed out, I could’ve swore I saw Father O’Rourke.

  Chapter 11

  Father O’Rourke

  Looking out the window, seeing the mutt put his hands on Purity made my blood boil. I was on my way out to see what was going on when I was stopped by Sister Kaisha. She wouldn’t stop yammering. It was almost as if she was trying to hold me up.

  I saw the van and only had time to jump in my car when I saw them speed away. Following them, I checked to make sure I had my cellphone on me. Calling the police, I told them who I was and what I had witnessed.

  Parking in the coverage of the trees, I slipped out of my car and took the driver by surprise. Putting my arm around her neck, I was able to knock her out. Squeezing just enough to block all the oxygen, she was down for the count.

  Seeing the cops pull up, I waved to them, then pointed to the back of the van. Two burly police officers grabbed the thug, then put him in cuffs. Running to the back, I saw Purity laying there covered in blood. The son of a bitch took her innocence. The ambulance came, took her to the nearest hospital.

  Calling Mother Superior, I assured her that Purity would be alright health wise. I advised her of the situation about him taking her without a condom.

  I was adamant about being there with her. She shouldn’t be alone.

  Sister Purity

  Waking up sucks after you’ve had the shit beat out of you. My head is pounding and everyone keeps saying my name.


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