Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology

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Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology Page 27

by Yolanda Olson

  Opening one eye, I peek around. I assume I’m alive since it hurts so damn bad. There is a doctor or someone right in my face talking to me, asking questions.

  I try to mod appropriately but I really just want them to go away. Then I see him. He is sitting by my side looking quite tired.

  “Father O’Rourke?” My voice sounds so scratchy.

  “Sean, please.” He said, smiling.

  “How long have you been here?”

  “I stayed overnight. I didn’t want you to be alone.” He shrugged.

  Nodding, I smiled at him with tears in my eyes.

  “It’s ok Purity. I won’t leave until you do.”

  “But, why?” I wasn’t sure why he would be so kind to me.

  “Because you were there when I needed you.” He said simply.

  He held his hand out, I laid mine in it, then cried myself out.

  As the doctor walked in, he looked at us, probably thinking we were a couple.

  “Your scans all look good. Nothing is broken but you will be sore for a couple of weeks. We sent the rape kit off with the police.”

  I squeezed Sean’s hand. He held on protectively.

  “Will I get pregnant?” I asked. My whole life would change. I would get kicked out of the convent, have to raise my attacker’s baby on my own, and never feel like I do when I am at my hidden place. My mind was a whirl of so many emotions.

  “No. Your attacker was sterile. We tested his sperm for diseases.” The doctor assured me.

  I sent a thank you prayer up to the heavens. Sean stayed by my side, helping me get dressed in scrubs, they needed my habit for evidence.

  The drive back to the convent was a painful one. I denied ro the doctor that I needed pain medication. I didn’t want anything distorting my thoughts. I needed to keep my head clear. Vengeance would be mine.

  Father O’Rourke

  Taking her in the side door seemed to be the best option. She insisted on going to her room, even though I tried to get her to stay with me. I promised she would be safe.

  “Thank you, for everything. I just need some time alone. You know?” She was emphatic.

  I did know. Sometimes when shit went bad, you just needed time alone. I knew she wouldn’t hurt herself. She had too strong of a will. I slipped her my cell phone.

  “My office phone is programmed in there. Also,” I programmed my bedroom phone in it, “this is my private line. If you need anything, anything at all, call me. I don’t care what time it is.”

  She threw her arms around me. I held her while she cried. “Thank you. Truly. No one has ever been so kind to me.” Then she turned away to get undressed for bed.

  I walked to the door, then thought of how it almost seemed like a setup of Sister Kaisha keeping me from going outside, “Lock your door. Just to be on the safe side.”

  She nodded. I walked out and waited until I heard the click of the lock before I walked away.

  Going straight to my room, I called Mary Margaret and explained I left my phone with Purity so she would feel safer. I requested a meeting first thing in the morning. After hanging up with her, I went to find Kaisha. I needed to know if there was anything nefarious going on, and if so, why.

  Kaisha was in her night gown when I arrived at her room. She looked frightened when I came to the door, as she should be.

  “Kaisha, we need to discuss your diversion from yesterday that got one of your sisters attacked.”

  She scoffed, “She is not my sister. There is something seriously wrong in the head with that one.” She smirked, smiling coyly at me, while she rubbed her fingers on her leg, inching her gown up a little higher.

  “You can quit your games.” I admonished her harshly, “you disgust me.”

  She looked crestfallen. With tears in her eyes, she explained that the kidnappers had told her in Purity's past life, she had stolen from them.

  “So you see,” Kaisha explained hastily, “I was only trying to help.”

  “You thought you were better than Mother Superior?” I deadpanned her.

  “Um…I mean….no,” She stumbled, “I swear I was only trying to help.” She had crocodile tears dripping down her face as she clung to my arm.

  I shook her off, disgust evident on my face. “You will come to my office tomorrow at 9 am for your penance.”

  “I have chores.” She said meekly.

  “No. You will be sequestered. The other girls shouldn’t be around filth like you that they can’t trust their lives to. If you behave, I may not tell all of them what you did.” Shaking my head, I walked out of the sobbing girl’s room.

  No one wanted to be ordered to be sequestered. It was a lonely path. If you chose it, it was one thing.

  Sister Purity

  The next morning, I felt a little better. Still sore, but I could move. I put a clean habit on, visited my happy place, then went to start my rounds.

  Passing Mother Superior’s office, I could hear Father O’Rourke inside. They were discussing me, so of course I had to eavesdrop. Somewhere in the Universe it was an unwritten law if someone said your name, you were allowed to know why.

  “Kaisha basically sold her up the river to those hooligans.” Sean sounded angry.

  “Why would she do that?”

  “They know she is different. But damn, you give her to people who are going to kill her? That is going too far.” He slammed his hand down on her desk.

  “I will take her out of rotation straight away.” Mother Superior assured him.

  “I already did. I am taking over her lessons. She will learn the true meaning of pennance.”


  “Mary Margaret there is no argument here. She is going to feel the same pain Purity felt with the exception she gets to keep her virginity.”

  She sighed loudly. “Not everyone can handle that much pain.”

  “My girl did. And never complained.” He said with pride.

  “Exactly. She is your girl. Your flesh and blood. What is going to happen when Purity finds out she is your daughter, conceived and born right here in this convent?” Mary Margaret pushed back.

  “When the time is right.” He murmured.

  I could hear him coming closer to the door, he must’ve heard my loud sigh when I heard all the information.

  I needed to get everything straight in my head. Rushing back to my room, everything was a whirlwind in my head. Kaisha, Sean being my dad, I was born here? Was that why I was so comfortable in the closed off place? I needed to sort things out one at a time or I was going to over load.

  Kaisha first. Going to her room, I didn’t have a plan at all. Passing the kitchen, it occurred to me a bigger knife may look more lethal.

  I peered inside her door and waited until she stood up and her back was to me. I came up behind her, put the blade to her neck, then told her to walk to my room.

  It was perfect timing because everyone was in prayer together. She looked around fearfully.

  “If you try anything, I will shove this in your carotid artery. Don’t run, don’t scream, don’t do anything except what I tell you. Understand?” Thank goodness for anatomy classes. They paid off if you were going to hold a knife on someone.

  She hung her head in defeat, then continued to my room. I pushed her against the panel that opened up into the closed off area. She sucked in a large breath as she crossed the threshold.

  I held onto her arm as I pushed the knife deeper into her skin.

  Pushing her towards the circle, “You wanted to sacrifice me, now I will sacrifice you.” Plunging the knife all the way through her neck then pulling it back out so the blood could run freely, her scream echoed in the dark room.

  I threw her in the circle. My head was pounding, so I sat down. There weren’t any voices, just garbled noises. I didn’t realize I was rocking back and forth until I felt a strong pair of arms around me.

  Looking up I saw it was Sean. “How did you find me?”

  “I knew you found this place from the fi
rst day you came back. Can you hand me the knife Purity?”

  Looking at my hand I saw I never let it go. Handing it to him, I looked at him with true sorrow in my eyes. “I had to kill her. She needed to pay.” I explained.

  “Had to kill who?” He asked.

  “Kaisha.” I pointed at the circle, seeing her bloody body.

  “It’s ok.”

  He helped me to my feet then we went back to my room.

  Chapter 12

  Father O’Rourke

  She was completely gone. Jabbering about the circle taking bodies, about how it lit up when she killed Hanleigh.

  She told me the next day she went to clean up and the circle had absorbed Hanleigh’s body.

  In reality, I had found what she did. I didn’t want her to be hospitalized so I took Hanleigh to the woods and buried her. I was able to pin that kill on her two attackers since they seemed to have a fetish with nuns.

  The circle lighting up, was in her mind. That circle was nothing more than a circle school children used to sit around and tell stories. Purity, well Julia had been there as a small child.

  I was at another parish so it seemed ok to send her here to be raised. When a tornado took out that part of the convent, a small boy was killed in the circle. Some said it was God’s way of closing the unnecessary school up and letting the convent focus on getting back to the basics. Julia got thrown into the foster system. I was in Rome at the time. When I got back, I couldn’t find her.

  I didn’t know right away who she was when she came back here. It was truly a twist of fate. Am I the world’s biggest asshole? Probably. I love my daughter, but Lord I love fucking my daughter.

  She has saved my soul many times over. For now, she will stay sequestered in her room in restraints.

  Sister Kaisha was in my office when Purity thought she killed her. That was one death we could stop.


  Father O’Rourke, Sean, or my daddy, whichever I prefer I guess, is trying to explain my history.

  Being a nun was a calling for me since my mother was a nun. I wondered why she didn’t want me. Now I know.

  I’m not allowed back to my circle. I stay in my bed. It keeps my thoughts towards all of my misdeeds. I pray for forgiveness. I know I should be burnt at the cross but I also know God has a plan for me. For all of his daughters here.

  Sometimes, the voices in my head allow me to hear his praise.

  I know my core burns for Father O’Rourke. I need his punishment, his pleasure. I moan for him. Beg for him.

  Father O’Rourke

  As for Purity? I hear her calling my name. I come in to check on her.

  Every day I walk into her room and get the same phrase:

  “Forgive me father, for it is with you I wish to sin.”

  And what kind of father would I be if I didn’t attend to my little girl?

  About Emery

  Emery LeeAnn is an International Best Selling Author who lives in Ohio with her family.

  Besides being addicted to coffee, she is a true believer that variety adds spice to your life. Writing in every genre gives her the variety she craves. Her characters like to invade her mind every hour of the day usually waking her up in the middle of the night.

  Loving the dark and gray side of things, she is exploring her passion with the written word. There are many wonders to come from her in her twisted Wonderland..... Stick around you may find you enjoy her special brand of torture.

  Also by Emery LeeAnn

  Iniquity – Inferno World Series

  Dank: The Evolution of A Clown

  Disturbed (Permafree)


  Yolanda Olson


  The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.


  The following story is straight up fucked. I’m giving you a chance to keep on going right by me, however, if you’re feeling brave enough … be advised that this is the darkest story I’ve written to date.

  And considering it’s me, that’s saying something.

  If you do decide to continue with Nefarious, be very careful around Sister Paloma Grace.

  Let’s just say all the trigger warnings and call it a day.


  Before I was discarded for the final time on the doorstep of this place, I had been treated as a hand me down.

  A pushover that no one wanted and needed to get rid of, but I was happier then. The rules were never as strict, the punishments nowhere near as brutal, and no unkind word was ever spoken to me above a whisper.

  Things changed after I felt the cane for the first time.

  Spare the rod and spoil the child extends far greater than anyone can know inside the walls of Our Lady of Heavenly Hope—a place where no such thing exists, and if it does, it died inside of me such a long time ago that I can't remember what it feels like.

  The halls have gone silent lately and I like it best this way.

  I'll learn to be kind again and I'll bestow it on the person that needs it the most.

  And in the end, everything will be okay.

  A Prayer Under Pressure

  Hail Mary full of hate

  The Lord has abandoned us

  Bless this rotten little girl

  Who above all else wishes to die

  Bless this act of rage

  Committed in the name of all that is unholy

  Corrupt Mary

  Mother of the disgraced

  Prey on the sinners now

  And at the hour of our death


  Chapter One

  I push my long, white-blonde hair back with bloody hands. The show will start soon and I have to pick my perfect prop. I have a multitude of caged animals; feral cats and abandoned dogs. Precious little teacup hogs; furry hamsters, and tropical birds; reptiles, insects, and the wounded unfortunate that I’ve nursed back to health.

  I’ve already set the camera up and I’m ready to perform, I just need to figure out which one … I let out a heavy sigh as I decide that nothing before me will help me tonight. Luckily for me, I’m very fond of waste not, want not; so I leave the room of animals, heading into kitchen through the next door.

  Once inside the small room, I walk over to the refrigerator and open the freezer. I let my fingers graze along the corpses of animals that have died in their confines, then smile slightly when my hand stops on a neatly wrapped package. I can’t exactly see what’s inside of it, but I like to surprise myself as much as I do my audience sometimes, and my voyeurs pay a high price for watching my show.

  I’m one of seven of the nuns that resides inside Our Lady of Heavenly Hope Convent, and while there are more of us than just us, we’re the ones that run wild. The ones that no one can contain and the ones that know our worth is far above being nothing more than Brides of Christ.

  I close my eyes for a moment, shake my head quickly back and forth until I feel better, then open them again. The world looks different in an instant. Black and white instead of color; monotone, bland, and a little angry.

  Once I’ve closed the freezer door, I turn around and start walking toward my showroom. Beneath the halls of Our Lady of Heavenly Hope, I hide my dark indiscretions from Mother Superior—Mary Margaret, the bitch that tries her best to make sure we’re all pious little girls.

  I took my own chastity long ago when I performed my first show, and I haven’t stopped raking in the money ever since.

  I can’t quite remember why my hands are already bloody, and I hope my viewers won’t be too upset that I’m not using a live prop. This will be the first time I use one long since dead, and I can only hope that they’ll be just as pleased. Word of mouth travels quickly and can build or destroy a business.

  My body shivers slightly as I walk into the showroom and place the package down behind the camera. I have to put on my habit, dress like the holy little girl they all expect me to be, then perform a feast for their eyes and ravage their souls as they watch.<
br />
  Tonight, I’ve chosen to wear an all-white habit complete with a Leviathan cross design on the front. They know better than to expect acts of righteousness, though I think some of them still hope.

  Their love of innocence lost lies in my age, having joined the convent when I was orphaned at fifteen years of age, I still look as youthful as the day I was found. My body is slim, my breasts are small, and I keep my pussy shaved to look as prepubescent as I know they would like me to be.

  Two years of live shows after stumbling on some of the darkest, most depraved websites on the internet and I’ve become a sensation to those that know where to look for me.

  I slip my panties off, kick them to the side, then pull on a white pair of fishnet stockings. Once those are firmly in place, I look at the row of heels I have hidden at the bottom of the closet where I keep my garments, then retrieve a pair of white, thick and tall, heeled shoes and step into them.

  As I make my way back toward the camera, I pick up my package, flip on the live button on the camera and sit down on the floor in front of the screen. I’ll wait patiently until at least one of my customers joins me, then I’ll open the package to show them what we’ll be playing with tonight.

  Chapter Two

  A number of glances at the screen tells me that I’ve been alone for the last five minutes since I’ve positioned myself in front of the camera. That doesn’t bother me; what does is that I can’t remember what was in this package and I’m eager to unwrap what I’m sure will be a surprise to me as well.


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