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Eye of the Goddess

Page 12

by Cat Wilder

  Tara watched the play of emotions on his face as he looked around his tossed room. They'd torn the room apart, so that everything he owned was scattered across the floor. Even the bed was stripped of its sheets and the mattress cut open in their search.

  "Your lap dogs seem to have failed again, Captain," Tara said with a smile.

  "Fools," he said. "You should have escaped while you had the chance. Now you’re doomed."

  "That’s not how we see it," Ciara said and stepped closer.

  "But that’s how it is." Padraig pressed himself against the wall and said a Word of Power, "Sinkinetooh!" Then he smiled evilly.

  Tara froze at the strange word. Ciara slanted a look over her shoulder, a questioning look on her face. Then the elfmaid's eyes looked past her and got huge.

  "Shit, shit, shit!" Ciara cried and pulled her sword. "Tara! Behind you!"

  Tara’s reaction was slowed by the alcohol. She turned and saw the glowing, bright white demon, the sight of which momentarily stunned her. Then pulling her blade, she stepped back beside Ciara.

  "Is that a demon?" Tara asked.

  "I don’t know," she replied nervously. "Just our luck to come across two in one night. I tell you, Kaliope is pissed off at us something terrible."

  "I call it Sentinel," Padraig said. "It is a very powerful demon."

  "If I get out of here alive," Tara said. "I’m making a generous donation to the Goddess of Chance, first thing."

  "Count me in."

  Both Padraig and Sentinel laughed. Sentinel was much larger than the creature they had encountered earlier in the kitchen. Unlike the otherworld creature, it was not a living breathing being. Sentinel was an entity of pure magic energy, a demon. Therefore, he could not be killed, perhaps vanquished from this realm of existence, but not completely destroyed.

  The demon was gigantic. Its head almost touched the ten foot ceiling and it had a thick, apelike body. It had short legs and a long, massive trunk. Four long thick arms spread out from its body. And there wasn’t a single hair visible on its entire body, a body that seemed to glow with an inner light.

  Ciara turned on Padraig and aimed her sword at his heart, "Call it off or you die!"

  She screamed as the sword was ripped from her grasp and flew across the chamber. She looked back at the demon with fear and dread. Tara’s attention was transfixed by the flying blade, so she didn’t see the demon moving towards her.

  "Tara! Watch out!"

  Tara spun back around just as one huge arm swung toward her. Not having time to react, she took the blow full in the chest and flew back into the empty wardrobe. She hit the wardrobe with a crash; it rocked back from the force and hit the wall as the doors slammed shut, and then rocked back forward. The closet tilted forward too much and fell, trapping a stunned Tara inside.

  "Varissa!" Ciara cried and launched herself at the demon.

  Ciara attacked with all the strength and fury she could muster. As she approached, Sentinel swung another backhand at her. She dived to the ground and rolled toward its feet in an attempt to trip it. The demon was quick and stomped down on her spinning body, stopping her under its foot. The force of the demon’s foot stomping down on the small of her back ripped the breath from her lungs and snapped her spine. She tried to scream, but couldn’t, as waves of searing pain shot through her already brutalized body.

  Paralyzed and gasping for breath, Ciara felt herself lifted up. It looked at her with coal black eyes a second. She was then lifted high over its head and thrown across the room. She hit the wall hard above the pirate captain’s bed and fell back on it. In a daze, she watched Sentinel stomp over to her. She was picked up again and thrown against the far wall, she hit the floor mercifully unconscious. The demon grabbed her by the hair and dragged her limp body back to the smiling pirate. Then it held her up high by the hair for Padraig to see.

  "Shall I kill her, Master?" it asked.

  "She lived through that?" he asked, studying the limp form hanging before him.

  "Yes, Master. Her back is broken in two places, she is bleeding very badly internally, and she has a massive concussion. She has only moments to live," he said in his booming voice.

  The pirate screwed up his face in thought. Tara could be heard screaming in her impotence, trapped. The auburn-haired pirate wasn’t really worth that much to him, but...

  "Can you heal her?" The demon nodded. "Do it. I would have her death be...slower."

  Sentinel waved a finger and Ciara’s whole body jerked rigid a second. The demon dropped her to fall flat on her face at the pirate’s feet. Sprawled on the floor, she sucked in a deep breath and started moaning miserably.

  "It is done, Master."

  Tears rolling down her cheeks, Ciara struggled to her hands and knees. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She couldn’t stop shaking, but soon the pain eased. She looked up at the pirate captain.

  "I’ll kill you," she croaked out.

  "I’m not ready for her yet. Render her unconscious," he said.

  "Yes, Master."

  Sentinel pointed a finger at Ciara and a blue bolt shot out. She was consumed by the blue eldritch fires and threw her head back and screamed. It was the most soul agonizing scream Padraig had ever heard and a shiver ran up his spine. But he smiled with satisfaction as the auburn-haired beauty collapsed at his feet.

  After recovering inside the closet, Tara found herself trapped inside. She could hear all the conversations plainly and even the sound of Ciara’s body striking the walls. When the demon said her friend was near death and listed her injuries, tears flowed like rivers from her eyes as she tried to escape. She screamed her pain and rage. Then pressing her back against the back of the closet, she pushed with all the power of her legs and back to no avail. The heavy cedar closet wouldn’t give. In her efforts to break free, she never heard Padraig order the demon to heal Ciara.

  After several long minutes, Tara calmed down. She had to get control of her emotions. First and foremost, she had to find a way to defeat Padraig and his pet demon. Then she would deal with what they'd done to her friend. As her heart stopped hammering, and her breathing quieted, she heard them speaking.

  "I’m ready to deal with the other one now," he said.

  Tara's breath caught. Fear gripped her heart for a second. Then cold rage filled her heart and soul, as her hand tightened around Reaver and her eyes narrowed.

  "Yes, Master," the demon said.

  The wardrobe sprang upright and back into its original spot against the wall. The weight of Tara on the doors forced them open and she fell out. She fell face first and lay sprawled at the demon’s feet. Glancing up at the demon, she licked her lips nervously. Then she saw Ciara laying at Padraig's feet like some discarded doll. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the still body.

  "You bastards!" she leapt to her feet and kicked at the demon’s groin.

  Her kick landed solidly, but had no effect on the demon. It smiled and batted her across the room. Tara slammed into the door hard and fell to her knees. Then taking a deep breath, she stood up and gripped her sword in both hands. She would not leave there alive as long as the demon lived. Ciara would be avenged.

  Sentinel laughed as she stalked forward. It waited for her to come within striking distance and pointed a finger at her. A blue bolt of the eldritch fire shot out straight for her heart. Tara instinctively swung her blade to parry. The bolt struck the blade and vanished, much to the amazement of both the demon and Padraig. The demon stopped laughing and pointed a fist at her and a blue ball shot out. It screamed in rage when that bolt also dissipated.

  "What’s wrong? That’s not suppose to happen, is it?" Padraig asked.

  "No, Master," it growled low. "The female has some potent magicks at her disposal."

  "She’s a sorceress? I’ve never heard that about her."

  "No, Master, she is not a sorceress. I would be able to detect that. Spellcasters have an aura of magic about them. This female must have a passive talisman of so
me sort to protect her against magic."

  "Can you counter it?"

  "Yes, Master, in a way," it said. "I can beat her into submission and take it away from her."

  "Just you try," Tara said. "I’ll carve your hell-spawned ass up."

  The demon moved in slowly with its arms spread out. Its black eyes turned bright red and it began a low growl like distant thunder. She could see it was moving cautiously, maybe too cautiously for its own good. She moved forward to meet it.

  Padraig was watching Tara intently. The fact he wasn't arming himself to help the demon proved he had absolute confidence the demon would prevail.

  "Sentinel, it’s the blade," he shouted.

  Well, that sucks greasy demon balls, she thought.

  Tara attacked as the demon looked back at its master. She came in low and thrust her sword deep into its belly. The demon screamed in pain, something she figured it had never experienced before. Its inner light seemed to fade a second while the blade was deep inside it. The demon swatted her aside. She managed to keep hold of Reaver as it was pulled out. This time when she hit the wall, she was able to keep her feet and breath.

  It’s weakening, I hope, she thought.

  "The blade is indeed the talisman," it rumbled. "And it is quite potent."

  "I want that blade, Sentinel," Padraig said.

  "Then it is yours, Master," the Sentinel said.

  It turned back toward Tara and started walking slowly toward her again. Sentinel came in crouched over with its arms spread wide. The magic blade forced a measure of respect out the arrogant demon.

  "You sure are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?" she taunted. It said nothing.

  Tara screamed and charged forward. Just outside its reach, she turned abruptly to the right and caused the demon to miss in a savage blow. She then cut back in before it could recover and stabbed it in the side as she ran by. As it turned around to confront her, she turned around too and stayed behind it. She kept stabbing it mercilessly until it reversed the direction of its turning and swept its right two arms around to strike her. Diving to the floor under the arms, she rolled to her feet and opened its belly. It threw back its head and screamed its pain and frustration.

  "You seem to be losing your attractive luster," Tara laughed. "I hope it is something I’m doing."

  "I will eat your soul, female," it declared and reached for her.

  Her flashing blade made short work of its hands. It pulled back the mutilated and now useless hands. As it looked at them in surprise, Tara dived between its legs and drove her blade to the hilt up into the groin. Then drawing her feet under her, she stood up and pulled the razor-edged blade up along its spine. The demon dropped to its knees as she pulled her blade free. Then with everything she had, Tara split its skull.

  Jumping back, Tara barely avoided the falling demon. It was now a dull gray and barely able to move. Sentinel tried once to lift itself up and failed. Then it relaxed and started to fade away. Both Tara and Padraig watched the huge demon evaporate into thin air with a sigh.

  Padraig recovered first and darted for the door. Tara cut him off and started stalking him. He backed up quickly, watching her warily. He offered to give her all his wealth. She said nothing, only glared at him with blood in her eyes. As he backed away from her, he stepped on Ciara and Tara screamed in rage. He jumped back, tripped, and hit his head on the window sill as he fell. He hit the floor unconscious.

  Seeing him out for the moment, Tara walked slowly to her friend. She knelt beside her as tears rolled down her face. She’s dead because of me. Stroking her cheeks, she thought of all the great times they had known together. Bending over her, Tara gently kissed her cheek and then hugged her.

  "I hope that’s a sisterly hug," Ciara said weakly. "I don’t intend to give up men. I don’t care how beautiful you are."

  "You’re alive!" Tara cried out and started hugging and kissing her friend. "God of Mercy, I thank you!"

  "Wrong god, I think," Ciara said.

  "I don’t care. I’m making donations to all of the gods when we get out of here."

  "Yeah, count me in," she said, then, "Just how much do we have to give to each anyway. I’m not as rich as you."

  "You greedy pig, I’ll pay for both of us," Tara laughed.

  "And I’m going to hold you to that, too."

  Chapter 16

  Ciara started to sit up and Tara held her down. She was afraid her friend might injure her back beyond even magical repair. It would be horrendously expensive, but the priests of Olarum, Goddess of Health and Healing, could mend her broken bones.

  "What?" Ciara asked, exasperated.

  "Your back is broken in two places," she explained, looking around.

  She needed something to immobilize Ciara’s back. The closet doors immediately came to mind. But then she’d have to figure a way to sneak her out of the house.

  "No it’s not," Ciara said. "The demon healed me, I think."

  She slowly rose up to a sitting position. Tara stared as Ciara sat up, twisted this way and that to test her body. She moved fine and didn't seem to be in pain at all.

  "You’re all right?"

  "Yes. I feel great. The bloody dog healed all my injuries," she said, then grinned wide. "It even cured my hangover!"

  "I should be so lucky," Tara said and rose to her feet with a grunt. "I hurt all over. And the world still moves weirdly around me at times."

  Tara walked over to the bed and sat down. She was tired and needed to rest so badly. Then she noticed Padraig starting to show signs of regaining consciousness. Her attention was pulled back to Ciara when she stood up and stretched. Ciara then promptly fell down. She landed on her rear end with a yelp.

  "Maybe the demon didn't heal my hangover," the elfmaid grumbled. She got back to her feet and joined Tara on the bed. "Yeah, I can feel my buzz now."

  "I swear, sometimes I think we shouldn't be allowed out unsupervised," Tara said. "I ache all over, but I'm still drunk enough to being having fun." She grinned at the elfmaid and shrugged. "I know, I'm crazy."

  "I love your crazy," Ciara said, wagging her brows. "I’ll never forget this night if I live to be a thousand."

  "Me either," Tara said. Padraig's breathing changed, telling her he was almost completely awake. Time to deal with him. "On your feet, Ciara. Our pointy-eared friend is waking up."

  Padraig jumped to his feet and started unlocking the window's shutters. His room was over the canal. She realized that he could jump out and go get the City Guard. The Guard had a post just two blocks away. They would have to help him. Despite being a pirate, he was too rich and powerful to ignore. Being a pirate was not illegal in Amana.

  "Stop him!" Tara said and charged the half-elf with sword drawn.

  The auburn-haired pirate jumped to her feet and went for the pirate captain as well. Tara kicked his feet out from under him just as he threw open the shutters. Padraig fell, hitting his chin on the sill. Tara scowled down at him a long minute.

  "Watch him closely," she commanded Ciara.

  Ciara shut the window and locked it. She kicked him in the side, "On your feet, dog."

  Tara started tearing a sheet into strips. Padraig watched her with confusion, and rising fear. She smiled at him when she started twisting and tying the pieces together to make a rope.

  "I’m waiting," Ciara said, anger clearly evident in her tone.

  Padraig broke out in a cold sweat. Tara let her smile turn cruel, just to stoke the fires of fear burning so brightly within him. He ran a trembling hand over his sweaty face. Ciara suddenly kicked him in the ribs again, harder.

  "On your feet, big boy." She pulled a dagger out of her left boot. "Don't make me carve you up like a New Year’s Day ham."

  Padraig glanced nervously at the bared blade and then rolled up to his knees. Her tone and manner left no doubt that she was capable and willing to carry out her threat. He slowly climbed to his feet without taking his eyes off the razor-edged sword and dagger.

  "I can make you both rich beyond your wildest dreams," he said.

  "We know," Tara said. "We saw your treasure chamber."

  "Besides," Ciara spat. "You would undoubtedly renege at the first opportunity. Pirates can’t be trusted."

  Tara barked a laugh.

  "I am a man of honor," he declared, pulling himself up to his full height. "I would never..."

  "Yeah, yeah. We know. Spare us, please," Tara said. She then patted the bed, "Just be a nice little boy and lay down here."

  He looked at the bed nervously. She wagged her brows at him, just to make him squirm. The mattress was ruined, but it would still serve her purpose.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Make passionate love to you, what else?" Tara smiled wickedly.

  Padraig stepped past Ciara and up to the bed. He looked at the bed and then the strips of cloth in Tara’s hand. He made a dash for the door. Tara and Ciara ran after him. Tara kicked his feet out from under him. Unable to stop, Ciara ran right over Padraig as he fell and lay sprawled on the floor. Tara kicked him in the temple when he lifted himself onto this hands and knees.

  The women each grabbed an arm and dragged the dazed half-elf back to the bed. He made half coherent pleas for mercy. They ignored him. Getting the barely coherent man to the bed was hard enough, but getting him on the bed was a chore and a half. They had a terrible time manhandling his limp body. Finally, after they pushed, pulled, and rolled him up, they sat down beside him, breathless.

  "Now I know why we keep men around," Ciara said.

  Tara nodded her agreement. She then handed Ciara half of the strips of cloth. Twisting several together, they tied one end around his wrists and ankles. Then they secured the other ends to the thick oak bed posts.

  By the time Padraig regained his faculties, he was tied down spread-eagle on the bed. One on each side, the women began cutting away his bed clothes. That done, Tara looked around and found a pair of dirty socks. She then sat at his right side and began playing with his flaccid cock and balls. Ciara took the opportunity to test the edge of her dagger with her thumb.


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