Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 7

by Adriadne LeFox

  His response was to shrug again. “Something like that.”

  I almost stopped in the middle of the parking lot, stunned beyond comprehension. “You are a very important person in your pack, second to your father.” My understanding of pack dynamics may only come from the stories I’ve read, but there had to be a kernel of truth in there somewhere.

  “I guess.” His nonchalance about the whole subject was maddening, causing fury to build in my veins. “Can we just drop it? It’s just something I am. There’s no need for you to act like this. Plus, from what I gather about witch culture, you have got to be pretty important too with your power level. I can feel it zipping across my skin like a large bout of static electricity. You have more power in your pinky than most witches I’d presume.”

  Hanging my head in shame, I mumbled an apology. “I’m not that important anyway. I’m in hiding. It needs to stay that way. There is a group of Witch Hunters after my family and me, and I don’t need to out myself. And I don’t know how to use my magic under my own commands. It just sort of comes out when I have intense feelings, like fear, anger, or surprise. It’s why I left my last school so suddenly. I created a chasm in the middle of the football field when the mean girls of that school took my clothes and threw them in the toilet.”

  Branden grabbed my hand, pulling me close. “We won’t let that happen here. You are under our protection.”

  The thought had me feeling slightly giddy, but also a little overwhelmed, so I decided to act like he didn’t say it at all. “Let’s go and get the fox.” I gave him a weak smile.

  We hustled through the parking lot to his truck and climbed in, setting off with the flow of traffic. Thankfully, we got out of the school quick enough that we were missing the big rush off-campus, so it was relatively easy to get to the exit and merge into traffic. The road was almost empty at this time of day, but they were also icy. I could feel us occasionally slipping as we slowly took our time.

  I started getting a little bored at the silence in the cab, so I looked at the side mirror. “STOP!! Stop the truck!!” I screamed, grabbing at the handle of the door, ready to spring. Branden slammed on the brakes, causing us to skid for quite some ways before coming to a stop. My heart was in my throat as I jumped out.

  “What’s going on?” Branden was quick to follow me, coming to stand by my side.

  Pointing with a shaky finger, I watched as my fox came trotting up to me, her tail fluffy and wagging happily. “What are you doing here, sweetheart?” I crouched down, reaching my hand out to the creature. “Were you out here hunting?” I felt a small giggle escape me. “Probably. Or was it that you were following me this whole time?” The fox sniffed at my hand before rubbing her soft furry head against my hand and giving my wrist a small lick. It just happened to be the wrist that had the mark, which I didn’t realize at the time, but when she made contact with it, it sent a small zippy feeling across my skin and straight to my heart. I felt affection and curiosity that was not my own. “That’s new,” I muttered.

  The fox left me to sniff at Branden’s shoes, letting out a small huff before rolling over on her belly between us.

  Branden’s eyes widened at this sign of friendliness before he crouched down and tentatively reached out himself. “Animals don’t usually like us. It’s something about feeling threatened by a stronger predator. I’ve never had an animal do this.”

  I couldn’t hold in the smile at his confusion and happiness that was laced so strongly through his voice. “She likes you. Maybe that’s a sign. A sign of what, I don’t know, but I am sure going to find out.” I reached out to pet her belly with Branden, sharing in the love of such a beautiful creature of the world. “We should get going, though.” I scooped the playful creature up into my arms without a second thought and climbed back into the cab of the truck. Branden was quick to follow, and we were back on the road, heading towards pack lands, a fox curled up on the bench seat between us.





  I didn’t realize that the wolves’ land was so close to town. We went down a dirt road for a few minutes, amongst trees that had lost their leaves for winter, mixed with a spattering of evergreen trees of various kinds. I am no expert when it comes to trees, so I could only name a few. But the sight that greeted me was beautiful. It was like a winter wonderland that only got better when we left the close confines of the forest. Little cottages were laid out around the large clearing, smoke coming out of more than a few of the homes, white snow lay thickly on their roofs and the lawns. My mouth was hanging open by the sheer beauty of it all. I could stay here forever… well, except for the small fact that these were all werewolves. But the scene was worthy of a postcard.

  “You live here?” I stammered out, my hand resting on the sleeping fox who still had no name.

  Branden shrugged self-consciously. “Sometimes. We also have a home just outside the city that we spend most of our time at. Just until I graduate, at least. It was to provide a semblance of normalcy in case I wanted to bring friends over. I’m not supposed to share the secret with anyone, except for that special someone that all wolves have. My father’s mate is human, so she knows.” He was rambling a bit, but I shrugged it off as nerves from bringing me into this life.

  “And how did you get permission to bring me here?” I was curious about that.

  I watched his thumb knead the steering wheel as we slowly made our way through the dirt path that served as their road. “I kind of told them that you know the secret because you could be my mate.”

  That was a shock that left me frozen. “M-Mate? I’m only seventeen. How can I be your mate?”

  He pulled into one of the larger homes that lined the main strip before shutting off his engine. Turning to face me, he reached for both of my hands. “A wolf knows things. My wolf laid claim to you when I first met you. That’s how I know you are meant to be mine. But I also know that as a witch, you will have a Protector—or a few—and I am willing to share you. My wolf isn’t happy, but he wants you any way he can have you. I know it’s a shock, and I know you are going to need time, but I will always be here for you.”

  He was right about the feelings that were now coursing through my heart, but I somehow knew he was right. Don’t ask because I don’t know. But I did know that I wasn’t ready for what being a mate entailed. I had my whole life ahead of me, hopefully, even if I was going to be on the run the whole time. It was no life for mates or children or anybody really. I knew I needed my Protectors so I could finally have some control over my powers instead of my powers controlling me, but that was all. I had no words to say to him, so instead, I stared at him with my mouth still hanging open, my hands still clasped in his.

  My fox broke the spell by climbing into my lap and giving my cheek a gentle lick. Blinking a few times, I pulled my hands from his grasp and wrapped my arms around her. “Let’s get her inside, please. I’m not ready to talk about this, so let’s table this discussion until a later date.” I turned away from him, pulled on the latch, and hopped out of the truck, my furry friend fully seated in my arms. She wasn’t all that heavy, and smaller than I thought. She had to be only a baby herself.

  Branden led me up the stone path to the wooden porch that surrounded the house and knocked on the door. It wasn’t long before the door opened on an older gentleman who had a kindly smile on his face.

  “Welcome, pup. My daughter is waiting for you in her workroom. You know where that is.” He let out a chuckle. “You’ve been there plenty of times in your younger years.”

  Cringing, Branden led me inside. “I remember, Elder Cramen. Thank you for letting us in.”

  Elder Cramen turned his smile on me before breaking out into a full grin at the furball in my arms. “Well, this is new. I don’t know if that animal will let Rhianna treat it, but it’s worth a try.”

  I bowed my head. “I just wanted to see if it is in good health and find out an approximate ag
e on my fox. She found me and won’t leave, so I want to make sure she is healthy.” I made sure to keep as much respect in my voice as I was capable; I was out of practice.

  “It’s worth a try, my dear. Anything for a witch’s familiar.”

  I froze at his comment, turning wide eyes on Branden, who shook his head. “How did you know?”

  Elder Cramen chuckled deeply. “It’s not hard to figure out from the power radiating off of you and the fact you have a fox clinging to you like you are her mother. I have been around for a long, long time. Don’t worry; you won’t be harmed here. We used to revere witches before they started being slaughtered. I apologize for that.”

  “Is it your fault?” I asked with curiosity. When he shook his head, I replied, “Then there is nothing for you to be sorry about. It is what it is.”

  Branden led me deeper into the house, skipping past closed doors until we got to the back of the home. A large archway led into a room where all I could see was a wooden table and chair pulled into the corner. He put his hand on my back and gave me a gentle push inside.

  A young woman was puttering around the room, setting out a white sheet on a bed that was pushed against the far wall, another table with various instruments sat within easy reach of that bed. Other than those few pieces of furniture, the walls were bare, not even a window to be seen.

  “Rhianna, it’s nice to see you again,” Branden spoke into the quiet of the room, leaving an echo of his deep voice bouncing across the walls.

  Rhianna turned with a smile on her face. “Branden, it was nice to hear from you. I am just glad I am not treating you today. I’ve done that plenty. Now, what is this about a wild animal?” Her smile slipped a little when she finally registered that Branden was not alone in the room with her. “Who is this? You know I don’t treat humans.”

  I stepped forward. “I don’t need a check-up or anything. It’s this fox. I found her and now she follows me everywhere.” I had to get Branden to move my hair since the fox had pulled it all around her since entering the house. She was shaking like a leaf blowing in the wind about to fall from the branch, and I could feel her fear and anxiety through the bond we shared. “I want to make sure she is healthy, and I can’t exactly take her to any vets in town.” Desperation filled me as I stepped closer. “Branden said you could help.”

  Rhianna eyed the fox with trepidation. “I have to warn you, animals don’t really like me, but I will do what I can.” She swept her hand towards the bed. “Please set the fox down so I can check it out.”

  “Her, the fox is a girl,” I said as I sat down on the edge of the bed, turning to bring one leg up so I could lay the fox between my legs, hoping it would provide some comfort to the poor creature. “Branden, can you come on the other side and help keep her calm?”

  Branden looked startled, but he slowly did as I asked, coming to the bottom of the bed and kneeling on the ground, bringing his top half onto the mattress so he could reach the trembling creature.

  “That’s different,” Rhianna commented quietly. “How can you be near it without it trying to bite you?” She directed the question to Branden, but I answered it instead.

  “The fox came to him earlier, and since then, she has been by both of our sides. She didn’t once try to attack him.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Must be something about him.”

  “Or you,” she pointed out. “I can tell there is something different about you. But I won’t ask. It would be rude.” She knelt at my side after grabbing a stethoscope. “I am just going to check her heartbeat. Can you keep her still for me?”

  “I’ll try.” I slowly ran my fingers down her back, giving her a good scratch by her jaw and moving behind her ear. She just laid there like a lump, fear still coursing through her tiny body, and I tried to send soothing thoughts her way. At least she wasn’t trying to bite the doctor.

  When Rhianna pulled away, she wrapped the stethoscope around her neck. “Her heartbeat sounds good—nice and strong—even if it is beating a little fast. But that is to be expected. She is afraid. Now, I need to feel her body and check for any signs of trauma, recent or past. It’s just routine for a new patient. I would like to ask that you please keep her teeth away from me. Those are going to be sharp. I will check her mouth last.” Rhianna started right away, running her hands slowly down the tiny, furry body, pressing in spots.

  I pulled the fox’s head up and looked it in the eye, driving all my feelings into the bond, showing how much I already loved her, even if we did just meet. She made me feel special and partially complete like I had never felt before. The fact that she was a wild animal did not seem to faze me in the least anymore. I know deep in my heart that she would never hurt me, just like I’d never hurt her. We were bonded and together for the rest of our lives.

  That is the thing about familiars. Once they are bonded, they live longer than any other creature of that species. They live as long as their witch. Sometimes that can be for hundreds of years if they are lucky. Sometimes it's only for about half a century. If the familiar dies, the witch lives on, but they feel broken and like a piece of their soul is missing. That’s what happened to my mother. She lost both of her Protectors and her German Shepard when Witch Hunters attacked us. I was really young, so I only remember flashes, but if it wasn’t for one of those Protectors, the men my brother and I called Dads, then I would have perished that night too.

  I snapped my mind out of the memory when I felt a wet tongue on my wrist, comfort flowing through the bond. Rubbing along the side of her jaw, I gave her a smile of thanks. I could have gone deep down memory lane, and it would have been hard for me to resurface.

  Rhianna waved her hand in my face, garnering my attention. “I need to check her mouth now if that’s okay.”

  Removing my hands from the face of my fox, I moved them to her paws, still providing comfort in this strange environment.

  The doctor was swift, yet thorough in her examination from there on out, checking her temperature and drawing some blood. That almost earned her a nip when the needle went in, but I was quick to grab her face and draw her attention away.

  When Rhianna finally got up, she stretched and set her instruments back on the table and threw the needle in the red biohazard waste box that sat there. “She appears healthy, but let’s wait until the bloodwork comes back. It should only be a few days. I can call Branden to let him know. I do have to let you know she is only a kit, maybe five or six months old. She even still has a lot of her baby teeth, so she may be younger. She is very fond of you. You said you only found her yesterday? It seems odd that she would attach herself so easily…” She trailed off into thought, not finishing her sentence.

  “If that’s all…” I waited to see if Rhianna had anything else to add, but she appeared to be in some other plane of existence.

  Branden stood up and hugged Rhianna. “Thanks, Doc. You’ve set our mind at ease. You’re the best.”

  Rhianna was yanked out of dreamland to return Branden’s hug. “It was no big deal. Nice change of pace from my usual patients.” She turned to me. "I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Kirsten.” I held my hand out to shake, which Rhianna happily did so.

  “You are one lucky lady to have snagged such an eligible bachelor. Treat him right, and he will worship you. And that fox is one special creature.” Her smile seemed distant.

  I scooped my fox up before standing up. “Thanks… I think…”

  Branden started steering me out of the room. “You were great. Thanks again. I’ll be waiting for that call.”




  The rest of us waited impatiently for Branden to bring Kirsten home. I was worried about what the wolves would do to her. It’s been over a century since they used to worship and protect them, so a lot won’t remember those times. Kirsten was a special witch, but I didn’t know how yet. I planned to find out.

  We all sat in our separate cars, texting each other in the bore
dom of the wait. My phone pinged as I stared at the road ahead. Looking down, I saw it was from Dylan.

  How much longer is she going to be? Maybe one of us should have gone with her and Branden.

  Keegan: And what would we tell the wolves when we invade their territory. Wolves don’t like us shapeshifters.

  Rhydian: For good reason. Jealousy can make people do stupid things. You can turn into almost any animal, where they are stuck as wolves when they turn. They must deal with a full moon, where you have freedom. Do you see how they would find you threatening?

  Keegan: I know exactly why, Rhy. You don’t need to give the shapeshifter a history lesson on shapeshifters.

  I finally pulled the messages up to text back.

  Chill out, guys. She is perfectly safe with Branden.

  Not that I was actually feeling confident in that statement. Branden would keep her safe, but there were more wolves there than he could fight off, even with his skills.

  Dylan: She’s coming. I see Branden’s truck!

  He was parked further down the road to act as the lookout. But with his text, I saw him scrambling to get out of his fancy sports car, unfolding himself like an accordion.

  The rest of us were quick to follow Dylan’s example and start up the icy sidewalk to her front steps, waiting for Branden to pull into the driveway.

  Kirsten jumped out of the truck, reaching back to grab something inside. When she turned back around, there was a small furry, black and red fox cuddled into her arms. My mouth dropped at the thing. It was a wild animal that was acting like a pet. I mean, I knew how familiars were supposed to act because of Dylan, but it was still a shock. I could chalk Dylan’s wolf up as a dog that looked like a wolf, but there was no getting around the fox.

  “Do you have a name for it yet?” Dylan piped up from the front of the truck as he came around.


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