Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 8

by Adriadne LeFox

  Kirsten turned towards him. “Not yet. I keep toying between Winter and Artemis. Winter because I found her in the winter and Artemis, who is the Greek goddess of the hunt, and she is a hunter.”

  Dylan bent down to look at the fox. “What name calls to you more?”

  “Winter, even though she doesn’t have a wintry coat. She seems very fond of the name herself. And I can’t keep calling her fox.” Kirsten stepped around Dylan and went to her front door, taking the steps very carefully. She tried juggling the fox to get a hand free, but the fox was a stubborn creature.

  I stepped up behind her. “Need help?” I whispered in her ear, thrilled when she shivered.

  “I can’t get to my keys.” She responded in a breathy murmur. “They are in my front pocket…”

  My cock jumped at the idea of going so close to her core. My chest was pressed close to her when I reached down, slowly trailing my fingers along her hips and towards her pockets. I relished in the womanly curves her body had; her black sweater had ridden up in the struggle with her fox. Her skin was hot to the touch, sending electricity through my veins and straight to my hardened cock that pressed against her lower back. When she leaned back against me, I felt powerful. She was responding so well to my touch that I wanted to drag her inside alone and have my way with her.

  Kirsten let out a soft moan, her muscles relaxing against me. I could feel the other’s responding like I was, them coming nearer to bask in her glow. She was literally glowing.

  That snapped me out of it so fast that I nearly stumbled off the porch, slipping on the first step. Thankfully, Keegan was behind me and held me up, so I didn’t embarrass myself when I fell on my ass. The keys were just barely held by the tips of my fingers.

  “We need to get you inside, Kirsten. You’re glowing, like really glowing.” I stumbled out. She was giving off enough light to light up a whole room. Rushing to the front door, I tried a couple of keys before finding the right one. Grabbing the girl’s arm, I pulled her in with me, closing the door as soon as the others squeezed through.

  Kirsten was looking at herself with an awestruck expression. “This is new…” She muttered.


  Watching the whole spectacle with Kyler and Kirsten had me more aroused than I had ever felt before. But when she started glowing, I nearly had a heart attack. The others looked just as spooked. I had never heard of a witch glowing before, even when they found their Protectors, they didn’t glow, they just created a bond with them that was unbreakable. When Kyler pulled away so suddenly, I was left feeling vulnerable and neglected, like something was so close to being in my grasp but was snatched away at the last second.

  We all followed Kyler and Kirsten inside, trying to keep what she was doing away from the general public. She probably looked the most shocked out of all of us.

  She bent down to set the fox familiar down but stood up and stared straight at me. “Do you know what is happening to me?” Her voice trembled, and she was on the verge of tears.

  I rushed to her, grabbing her up in my arms. “I’m sorry. I have no answers for you. But I won’t rest until we do find out. There are so many books in the library back at my house that there is bound to be something in there. We just have to find it.”

  Keegan, Branden, Rhydian, and Kyler all came up and surrounded us, bringing us all into a big group hug. Kirsten was not going to be in this alone.




  I woke up in the morning, feeling drained and emotionally wrecked. Too much was happening too fast for me to keep up. My little fox was curled up at my side, her food bowl on the floor by my bed. I automatically reached out to scoop her into my arms, feeling protected with her in my embrace. Those boys made me feel the same way, but it was also very different. Protected, but also very aroused. I had never felt that way about someone before, so when I started feeling drawn to all five, I felt like running. My mother refused to have me go to school yesterday with the whole glowing aura thing that happened, and I refused to answer any of the texts from the guys that now had a special spot in my heart and mind.

  I needed some space, though. My mother had no answers about what happened, and I didn’t know if Dylan had found anything yet. It was tempting to take him up on his offer and look through his extensive library with him, but I didn’t want the same thing to happen. I had decided school could wait another day to prevent another mishap like the one in front of my house.

  My phone pinged again while I was rubbing my face into the fur of Winter. It was kind of ironic since she had more of an autumn coat based on her coloring, but the name had special meaning to me, and it gave me a little laugh. Plus, Winter approved of her name.

  The phone pinged again, and in annoyance, I yanked it off the charger.

  Kyler: How are you feeling this morning?

  Dylan: My offer is still up for grabs. Might give you some answers. I haven’t found anything, and I didn’t tell my parents like you asked.

  My phone dinged again with another text.

  Rhydian: Open your door. It’s colder than a frost giant’s home out here, and I think I might lose my dick in this weather.

  I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped.

  What makes you think I’m home?

  Rhydian: Your brother told us. I brought coffee and bagels. The bagels are very fresh, just made this morning.

  He had me at coffee. I rushed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth vigorously, and ran a comb through my long tresses. I didn’t care that I was in my pajamas, but morning breath and bed hair was a definite no.

  When I was presentable, I ran down the stairs, my fox close on my heels. I nearly skid right into the door when my stockinged feet couldn’t stop in time. Opening the door, Rhydian and the rest of them were standing on the steps to my house.

  “It better be good coffee to get me out of bed.” I scolded with a smile.

  Rhydian held a thermos out to me. “It’s from the best coffee place in town. I had them fill this one up just for you. Plain, black, and scalding. Just the way you like it.”

  I felt tears prick my eyes at that. It was such a small gesture, but oh so sweet. “That was very kind of you.” I snatched up the thermos before letting them all in. “Come in. Kitchen is to the left. Just to warn you, we only have three chairs. We don’t usually have guests.”

  They filed in one by one, heading into the kitchen, their own drinks wrapped in their hands. Dylan had some books in his arms and a backpack strapped to his back.

  “What’s that?” I asked, jutting my chin towards the books.

  Dylan paused, looking down at the items in his arms. “I found some books that might help, but I didn’t have time to go through them all. I made all the guys carry them in, so there are a lot of books. Maybe we can find something together.”

  I felt amazed that these guys would go to such lengths to help me out. They barely knew me, but they were willing to go out of their way to make me feel like I wasn’t ignorant, alone, and unwanted. I felt special in their eyes. “Okay… well, let's get breakfast out of the way and then we can go into the living room and spread out with the books. We can spend the day doing research.” I followed them all into the kitchen as Rhydian was opening the box full of bagels. The smell was so enticing that my mouth immediately started watering and my stomach growled so loud the guys started laughing.

  “Someone is hungry.” Kyler smirked at me, waving me over to the spot between him and Dylan. “It’s an assortment, so you’ll probably find one you like.”

  “Did you get cinnamon raisin?” I asked hesitantly. Not many people I knew liked that kind, but I was hopeful.

  Rhydian reached into the box and pulled out one, and I could smell the cinnamon as he cut it open and popped it in the toaster. He reached into the bag next to the box and pulled out three different types of cream cheese. “There is regular, chives and mixed berry.”

  “Mixed berry, please.” I licked my lips in anticipat
ion of such delicious food. All five of the guys let out various types of groans, causing me to look at them in confusion.

  Kyler reached out and gripped my chin, his thumb barely tracing my bottom lip, causing heat to bloom between my thighs. “Please don’t lick your lips. It makes you very sexy, and it’s already hard enough to keep our hands to ourselves.”

  My tongue flicked out, licking his thumb. I watched his pupils dilate as he watched my lips. “Why should you keep your hands off me?” My heart fluttered at the innuendo I gave off. I’d never had a boyfriend before, so I didn’t know how I would be able to handle five guys, but I was willing to try if they were.

  “Some of us are already eighteen,” his eyes cut to Rhydian briefly before landing back on me, “and you are only seventeen. It wouldn’t be right. It would be illegal. If we were caught, that would mean big trouble for all of us.”

  “My birthday is in June. It’s not that far away.” I murmured.

  Kyler leaned closer. “It’s far enough. Six months is a long time to keep it secret.”

  “It’s not fair. I feel very attracted to you, to all of you. I can’t seem to stop thinking about you. What if you are my Protectors? What then?”

  Dylan turned me around, and I immediately felt the loss of Kyler’s hand on my face. “Supernaturals aren’t meant to be Protectors of witches. And last time I checked, a witch cannot be the Protector of another witch. It’s never been done.”

  “There is always a first time for everything,” I replied vehemently. “I am not a natural witch. There is something different about me. So, who is to say you all cannot be my Protectors?”

  Rhydian came around the kitchen island and pulled me into a warm embrace. “I would love to be one of your Protectors, even if you have other Protectors, I will still be here.”




  After breakfast, we all piled into the living room, surrounding the coffee table. Books were pulled out of bags and stacked high. I didn’t realize that many books could fit in all their bags. I kept my coffee under the table so it wouldn’t tip over, but I was on my knees, anticipation making me very jumpy. Winter tried to get affection from the guys, but only some of them even noticed her as they got everything ready for a massive study session. It wasn’t schoolwork, but it was still studying nonetheless.

  Dylan passed me a couple of books after flipping through them, and I took them to the couch behind me to start reading through. My heart and mind were wanting this too much to wait on the likes of them. Now that I had other books I could look through for information; I was waiting for no man. Winter jumped up onto the couch and curled up on my outstretched legs, burrowing her way between my flannel pajama-clad limbs.

  When all the books were divvied out, leaving quite a few on the table still, everyone went to separate areas. Dylan took over the armchair, sitting sideways with his legs hanging over the arm. Keegan sprawled out on his belly on the plush carpet, one of the couch pillows under his chest, propping him up as he opened his first book. Branden took the armchair closest to the windows, sitting like a gentleman, a book on each of the arms, and one in his lap. Rhydian slid me forward on my cushion and sat between me and the arm of the couch, giving me a warmer, albeit sexier, place to lean against. And Kyler, the ever-present leader of the group, lifted up my feet to take up the other side. It was a little overwhelming to be surrounded by all these guys, but I forced myself back to the matter at hand, giving my heart a break from the constant need to pitter-patter around the five.

  My mind dove right into the pages of the first book, so deeply that I never noticed anything going on around me. I was a fast reader, but I also had to skim parts that weren’t relevant to me and what was going on. I didn’t really find much on witches with more than one power element; it was virtually unheard of. But here we were with two very powerful witches. One with two elements and the other with three, not that I knew what my third one was, just that it felt right.

  As I read, I learned more about the elements that a witch could work with. Water and Air were the most common, with Fire coming up next. Earth was rare, powerful, and temperamental. No wonder I had so many issues. But there was another that would pop up once every thousand or so years. Spirit. Not much was known about it. Witches with Spirit were said to go mad, but those were witches with just Spirit. They couldn’t control the Spirit; it controlled them. But it also gave them extraordinary abilities. It didn't go much farther than that with the details, though.

  I felt chills run up my arms at reading about that particular element. But I nearly jumped out of my skin when Dylan suddenly sat up, knocking all his books to the floor to land in a cluttered heap, all except the book in his hand.

  “There is a prophecy. Did you know that, Kirsten?” His excitement seemed odd at first until he started reading it. “There comes a day when the sun turns dark, and trees shed their leaves, that the vessel with both the power of the Earth, Sun and Spirit shall usher forth a new age without the corruption of the Hunters.”

  “Do you even know what that means?” Rhydian gave Dylan a lazy look before snapping his book closed. “It sounds very gibberish to me.”

  I looked between Dylan and Rhydian. “I never knew anything about that prophecy. Only that I am meant to lead the witches. I don't know the wording of that prophecy, though. My brother and mother won't tell me. But I also know that I don't even believe in prophecies. They don’t always mean what they say. I know that from all the books I’ve read.”

  “Were they scholarly books?” Dylan retorted.

  I shrugged. “Well, no… but they did have some wisdom to them. And they were my only source of entertainment for so long. I was alone before you all came into my life.”

  Kyler squeezed my leg in comfort. “I agree with Kirsten. We don’t even know if that prophecy has anything to do with her, nor do we know what it means. We can’t take it at face value.”

  I struggled to sit up from my comfortable spot, sprawled out on top of Rhydian and Kyler. Somehow, I ended up lying in his lap. When; I do not know. “See? Plus, it mentions the corruption of the Hunters. Do they mean Witch Hunters or something else entirely…? It’s all too confusing.” I waved the matter out of my head. “I did find some information on a fifth element, Spirit. I don’t think it’s relevant, but it was saying how they have powers over the mind and soul, of themselves and others. They could use their own essence to create bonded armies. But not a bond like Protectors or familiars. This was almost like slavery. It drove them mad and in their hunger for power, they would kill thousands.”

  “Yeah, I am not sure how that is relevant…” Keegan sat up from his spot on the floor. “Where are you going with that?”

  I looked down at the book, trying to gather my thoughts. “I know I have the power of the Earth, but that’s it. My mom says I have more than two elemental gifts, but she won’t tell me. I am being left in the dark about a lot of things. Hunters chase me, but I don’t know why. So many questions float through my mind, and no one will answer them.” I felt desolate inside; my heart feeling wrung dry by my confession. “But it did mention why I have so much trouble with my Earth magic. It’s one of the hardest to master of the four main elements. And I can’t ask you, Dylan.” I looked up at the man in question. “You don’t have Earth magic, do you?”

  When he shook his head, Kyler rubbed soothing circles on my back. Rhydian pulled the book from my lap and set it on the coffee table, leaving it open to the spot I had left it. Branden moved to the floor right in front of me, kneeling by my side. Dylan and Keegan were quick to follow.

  “We are here for you. If you ever need help, you let us know.” Branden smiled up at me with his words.

  Their affection and comfort lifted my heart, making me feel desired. The light in the living room started to brighten as we sat there.

  Rhydian was the first to startle, which caused us all to jump. “Kirsten, you’re glowing again.” His voice made my
heart sink to my stomach.




  “What makes you so fearful of Spirit magic? Have you shown any signs that you have that?” Dylan asked hesitantly.

  Kirsten’s soulful, blue eyes held so much fear. “Not that I am aware of. But I only know of my Earth magic. I don’t know what other kinds of elements I am supposed to be able to use, not at this time anyway.” Her hands clenched so hard that her knuckles turned white. “But this glowing… I don’t know what to make of it. I don’t know what it means. I don’t know how to stop it. I don’t know anything about it, other than the only other time it showed up was around all five of you. Does it have anything to do with you all? I cannot answer that either.” She turned towards Dylan, but her eyes bounced between all of us. “Did any of you read anything about this? Know anything about this?”

  When none of us spoke up, I think that answered her question quite sufficiently. We all just shared a look, hoping one of us at least had an answer. None of us were of any help to the poor witch. Her heart was breaking at the uncertainty of what was happening, and all the help we could provide were books for research. But none of us were witches, except Dylan, and even he was stumped. This was a new situation for all of us.

  Kirsten got up, pacing in front of the fireplace in the living room. Kyler was quick to rush to the windows, drawing the curtains closed so no passersby would catch sight of the shining teenage girl walking around a house on the outskirts of the suburbs.

  The ethereal glow that encompassed her made everything about her that much brighter. Her black hair looked shinier; her eyes bluer. Even her skin shone from the inside out. My eyes followed her as she continued to pace, wringing her hands in front of her, then shaking them out like she was trying to shake the glow off.


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