Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 10

by Adriadne LeFox

  “Branden! I can find him.” The tugging was still pulling me down into the forest, not far from where we were now. But I had to get dressed in warmer clothes if I was going to be going out in this weather. “I can’t explain it, but I feel him.” I bolted out of the room, running up the stairs with Dylan hot on my heels.

  “What are you talking about? How do you think you can find him?” He followed me right into my room. “The others are out there looking for him. They will bring him back.”

  I started pulling clothes out of my closet and drawers, looking for warm enough clothes, so I didn’t freeze. When I found one of my turtlenecks, I threw it on the chair by my desk and started looking for my thickest jeans. I grabbed undergarments next and immediately stripped off my pajamas which were soaking wet at the hems and speckled with blood.

  “What are you doing?” Dylan immediately turned away, his face turning redder than a tomato. I would have laughed if I wasn’t desperate to get dressed as fast as possible. In my rush, I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that I just got naked in front of a virtual stranger. I would probably freak about it later, but not at this moment.

  When I was fully dressed, two pairs of socks covering my bandaged feet to provide warmth and cushion to the damaged pads, I pulled on my snow boots, tugging them up before lacing them tight, my jeans tucked neatly inside and the fur trim wrapping tightly around my upper calves. “What does it look like I am doing? I am going to bring Branden back.” I snatched up my thick winter jacket and tugged it on, yanking my gloves and scarf out of one of the pockets. Those were pulled on as I sprinted down the stairs. I left Dylan to catch up since he still had to get his shoes back on, but I didn’t have time to wait. Every second, Branden went farther and farther away. I could feel the distance spanning between the two of us as I threw open the door and raced out into the snow and wind.




  The freedom of the wolf was exhilarating under all this open sky. I bounded around trees, sailing across the ground as fast as my paws could take me. But I also felt like I was missing something. My wolf was missing something.

  I stopped as I heard feet coming after me, sniffing the air around me. The smell was familiar, but my wolf didn’t want to be found, so he took off again. The snow and branches crunched under my feet.


  It was almost like the path was lit up for me as I ran through the trees. Dylan still hadn’t caught up to me, and that was over twenty minutes ago. But Dylan wasn’t my concern, Branden was. He went through the window and then disappeared. I was worried about him, especially with the turbulent emotions that I felt coming from him. I couldn’t explain what was happening. I’d have to ask my mother. Would she know what that was that exploded out of me, making the guys fly through the air?

  I ran as fast as my two human feet could carry me. Even though Branden was a wolf and could run faster, I still felt myself catching up. The trees around me threatened to knock me down at every turn, but I barely managed to dodge them in my mad dash through the forest. Running was a pastime of mine, and I could run for miles, but I never tried to do it in such a secluded area. There were too many places for Hunters to hide and catch me unawares. But this was different. I needed to find my wolf.

  That thought brought me up short, nearly causing me to trip. My wolf? When did he become my wolf? We barely knew each other.

  Shaking myself away from those thoughts, I took off running again towards where I could feel Branden’s confusion and anxiety. I really hoped he was okay.

  As I neared him, the forest grew quieter, the normal noises growing so quiet as to become nonexistent. Still, I followed the path. I could now see the crunched snow, turned rocks, and broken limbs that showed even the most amateur of hunters how easy it would be to track down this creature.

  When I got to the end of the path, a large wolf sat on its haunches, watching me with haunted, amber eyes. Stepping carefully, I walked with slow steps towards the beast that something inside of me told me it was Branden’s wolf form. Either way, I felt safe nearing it.

  “Branden, I was worried about you. When I couldn’t find you at the house, I feared you were hurt terribly. Fuck! I thought I had hurt you to the point that you would never forgive me. I honestly don’t know what that was back there, and I am so sorry it caused you pain.” I was rambling, but it was soothing me to voice these thoughts out loud. “Branden? Are you still you in there?” I was now within touching distance, so I hesitantly reached out, putting my hand within sniffing distance, but also within biting distance.

  He only stared at me as I stood there with my hand out. I started to pull my hand back, but the wolf reached out with its teeth, closing gently on my hand, keeping me from pulling away. It stood up and walked right up to me, still staring into my eyes the whole time. Something stirred within me, making my stomach feel like it was dropping, and my core heated up. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was Branden. Maybe it was this mate thing he was talking about or something within me, but it didn’t matter.

  I reached out with my other hand and pet the shaggy grey and black hair on his neck, digging my fingers in deep to reach the skin underneath.

  There was a loud series of pops, and Branden started growling deep within his chest, causing me to jerk both of my hands back, causing his sharp teeth to scrape across the back of my hand as I pulled my hand out of his mouth. Blood welled from the scratch, but I was more worried about the wolf as he writhed and twitched, his body morphing before my eyes.

  When the wolf was fully changed, Branden stood before me, not a stitch of clothing on his body. But that didn’t stop him from stalking towards me, determination and something else in his earthy eyes.

  He crowded me, causing me to back up, stumbling over the debris covering the ground, until my back hit a tree. His eyes flared as he cornered me, and suddenly, I felt like prey with no way to escape. I couldn’t run or he’d chase me.

  My fingers dug into the rough bark that scraped against the fabric of my jacket, trying to find some kind of purchase to keep me upright, my knees nearly collapsing out from under me. “Branden, what are you doing? Aren’t you cold?” I tried to keep my eyes on his face, but I was finding it difficult with him so naked and his cock standing straight at attention, bouncing with each step he took. The rest of his body was in perfect form, sculpted muscles that stood out and flexed with each movement, his abs a flawless eight pack. He was a beautiful but deadly package all rolled into one. His predatory eyes speared me where I stood.

  “Mine.” He growled, before claiming my lips in a harsh kiss. This was so unlike his gentle nature, but it was intoxicating too.

  Our lips danced together, his lips crushing mine, causing me to bite the inside of my lip. The copper taste of blood filled my mouth, causing me to gasp at the sudden change, and the sting caused my eyes to water. Branden’s hot tongue invaded my mouth, dueling with my tongue, caressing at times, punishing the next. My mind went blank at the new sensations he invoked in me, fluttering away like a butterfly.

  Branden’s fingers went into my hair, grabbing fistfuls to steer my head where he wanted it to go before his lips released mine, and he planted kisses along my jaw. My breath came in fast pants as he peppered me with so much affection. His lips traveled down onto my neck, where he dragged his sharp teeth across my tender skin. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped again. These feelings were invigorating.

  It wasn’t until he started putting his free hand up my shirt that I started to panic, my mind shot back to the time at that party where I had been drugged and raped, my innocence taken so harshly from me at such a young age.

  My hands snapped down from his chest to his wrist, gripping tightly in desperation. “Branden, please… stop.” My heart started pounding for a different reason now as my whole body started quaking. The tree behind me even started to feel like it would shatter at any moment, and all I could focus on was the fact that B
randen didn’t stop. Tears sprang to my eyes as I yanked with all my might at his wrist. It didn’t slow him down a bit as he steadily made his way up, the tips of his fingers tracing the edge of my bra. “Branden… I need you to stop…” I begged.

  My eyes were wide open now, so I saw when a hand grabbed Branden by the back of the neck and yanked. Branden flew back, crashing to the ground.




  Seeing Rhydian there, I felt a whole lot better, but I still couldn’t move, my feet wouldn’t let me. Pulling deep lungfuls of air, I tried to get my feelings bottled back up where I could deal with them at a later time, but it was proving more difficult than I imagined.

  “How did you find us?” I breathed, knowing he would be able to hear us.

  Rhydian eyed Branden, who was still lying on the ground taking deep breaths himself before turning his attention on me. “We followed the path he so carelessly left us. What I would like to know is how did you find him?”

  “I don’t know. I was so worried about him, then I started to feel what he was feeling, and it turned into this pull that I followed. In my mind’s eye, I could see which direction he was, and I took the path straight to him…” Now that I was explaining it, it felt stupid. “But once I got him to turn human again… well, it started as an innocent kiss, or rather an intense kiss.”

  “Are you his wolf mate?”

  I turned at the new voice. Keegan stood naked as well, so I jerked myself back around to Rhydian, heat creeping up my neck and face. “He told me I was, but I don’t exactly hold much stock in mates or anything like that. Plus, I thought a wolf’s mate was supposed to be a wolf…”

  “In most cases, yes. But there have been rare instances of a wolf finding his or her mate outside of any pack.” Branden sounded normal now, which I was pleased about, but I was still wary of him. “They have to be a very special person, though. Wolves cannot procreate with humans, except in those rare cases.” He sat up, trying to cover his penis with his hand. “I’m sorry about that. My wolf took over, and he doesn’t understand the word no. It’s a fault of his.”

  I rubbed at my arms, trying to erase the fear that had been coursing through my veins not that long ago. “Well, I hope it doesn’t happen again. What caused your wolf to take over like that?”

  “You, I think. Whatever you did back there, caused something to happen to me, and my wolf panicked.” He stayed sitting on the ground, giving me space. “And whatever you did caused me to feel your desire, and then your fear.”

  When I glanced at Keegan and then Rhydian, I noticed them shuffling their feet. “You both too?” At their nod, I threw up my hands. “I don’t know what I did, though. Neither does Dylan.” I looked around. “Where is Kyler?”

  Keegan sniffed the air. “He will be here soon.” That was a little freaky that he could do that, but it was also probably a little helpful, too.

  I finally let my shaky knees go out as I collapsed to the ground. My poor body felt wrung out and tired, so did my brain. So much was happening today, and I just couldn’t keep up.

  When Rhydian stepped closer to me, I flinched. I was feeling too raw to be touched right now by any man, let alone one I was attracted to. But I couldn’t help feeling the knife slice deep in my heart as hurt crossed his features. It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t even Branden’s fault, but I was a broken girl who’s jagged pieces didn’t fit back together anymore.




  When I finally caught up to Rhydian and Keegan, Branden was sitting naked on the forest floor, covered in dirt, fragmented leaves and twigs littered his hair. What held me up was Kirsten sitting on the ground against a tree, her arms wrapped around her knees, and her face buried in the space that it provided. I could feel her anxiety from here, threatening to overwhelm her and drown her.

  I moved closer to her, but Keegan grabbed my arm to stop me in my tracks. His eyes held sympathy for her and something else too. But he shook his head at me, letting me know she wouldn’t appreciate the comfort I could offer her.

  Instead, I stood there, shuffling my feet as I watched her drowning in her emotions. I wanted to do something, but I didn’t know what she needed.

  Dylan came sprinting up behind me, skidding to a stop a few feet from her, kneeling on the ground to get to her level. “What have I missed?” He may have been looking at the broken woman against the tree, but he was clearly talking to us.

  Branden was the first to speak up. “My wolf attacked her…” When Dylan inhaled sharply, Branden held up a hand. “Not the way you are clearly thinking. We kissed her, and I, or rather he, came on a little strong. He tried to take it past kissing, and she said no, but my wolf didn’t listen. He wanted to claim what, in his eyes, is his. Something triggered her though. She started to panic, and even then, he wouldn’t stop…” His voice held so much despair and his shoulders slumped in defeat. “I did this to her. Now she may never accept my wolf as a mate, and I wouldn’t blame her.”

  Kirsten’s face lifted toward the dejected wolf in front of her, still naked. “I’m not ready to accept any man in my life like that. There are things about me that happened that make me who I am, make me quiver in fear at a man’s touch. But I don’t blame you.” Her arms dropped from around her knees as she wiped the evidence of her crying from her face, but nothing could hide the red-rimmed eyes or the tears that still clung to her long, full lashes. Her stormy blue eyes were so bright as she took us all in, blushing as she caught Keegan’s naked flesh standing there in all his prideful glory. “But you know what you all could do? Get some clothes for Branden and Keegan. I think I have had my fill of nude men for the day.”

  Keegan smirked as he shifted back into an animal, a rather large German Shepherd with thick brown and black fur. Then he pranced over to Kirsten and bumped his wet dog nose against her face, gently licking the salty water from her cheeks. Kirsten giggled and scratched at his ear, giving him some attention that instantly made me jealous.


  I shifted back into my wolf with much reluctance. I didn’t need my beast taking over my mind again, not after what he did to our mate. I was distrustful of him now, and he didn’t understand why. It would be hard for a creature that thrives on instincts and primal desires to understand the complex emotions of humans, but he did understand I wasn’t happy with him and that we had hurt our mate, even if it wasn’t a physical hurt. He was upset about it and let me keep full control of everything as we trudged through the fluffy snow and darkening woods.

  I couldn’t even bring myself to be near her, guilt consumed me, nearly drowning me in the shame of what my wolf did to her. She didn’t blame me, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t put the responsibility on myself.

  Staying at the back of the group, I kept as much distance as my wolf would allow. He still needed her within his eyesight, or I feared that he would take over again, and we couldn’t have that.

  By the time we made it back to her house, two vehicles were parked in the driveway, and Kirsten’s brother was standing by the broken window, his back turned to us. Protective instincts reared up inside me. The wolf wanted no man near his mate except for his friends since he trusted them and considered them pack, but this man… he knew nothing about him. Admittedly, I knew nothing about him either, except he was a witch, like his sister—a weak witch, but a witch none-the-less.

  A growl bubbled up from deep in my chest, escaping when my wolf briefly took the reigns to show dominance towards the weaker creature.

  Kian turned towards the sound, his mouth dropping open at the unexpected sight of all of us with Kirsten, and to any outsider, it would appear that we were of one unit, of one mind, as we walked up to the house. All of our steps were in sync with one another, moving as one.

  Even to ourselves, we were one grouping. The fact that they all came looking for me when I ran off proved that if nothing else did.




  As I entered my house with the guys in tow, my brother and mother were waiting for me just inside the door. Winter came down the stairs, her fur fluffed up in agitation. When her little paws hit the bottom, she came sprinting over, rubbing herself against me until I picked her up and settled her fur down with a few strokes.

  “Where have you been? I was so worried. The living room is trashed, and there is blood. And don’t get me started on that window. I thought you were taken or killed.” My mother embraced me in a tight hug, squeezing the air from my lungs. I had to hand Winter off to Dylan to prevent the kit from being squeezed to death herself.

  I patted my mom’s arm, consoling her and getting her attention. “I need air to breathe, Mom.” When she let go, my brother was next to swallow me up in his warm arms, not squeezing me nearly as tightly as my mother did but letting me know by his hug alone that he had been extremely worried, even though his face said it all. “I’m okay. But I do need to talk to you.” I pulled away from Kian and ushered the men inside, taking Winter back from Dylan.

  My mother’s eyes widened at the sight of a very large wolf, a large German Shepherd, and three men who filed in one at a time, crowding us, even though it was a large entranceway. Kian took a couple of steps back from the animal shifters, fear making his eyes widen and his face turn an ashen grey color. My mother was a little more composed, but she did take a few steps back herself. She, at least, made it look like she was giving us room.

  “Kirsten, what are these animals and men doing here in our home, in our sanctuary?” Her voice trembled towards the end, giving away her inner feelings.


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