Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 11

by Adriadne LeFox

  I shuffled my feet. “That’s what I need to talk to you about… Something happened, and it’s changed us, changed me.” Pointing towards the kitchen, I led the way. “And to talk, we need room to do that. Let’s move to the kitchen.” Footsteps and the clicking of claws followed me as I walked to the kitchen island. I turned towards Kian, “Can you run up to your room and grab two sets of sweatpants or something?”

  Kian looked at me like I grew two heads. “What do you need those for?”

  “You’ll see.” I turned towards the guys that were somehow, inexplicably, linked to me. They just watched me with trust flowing between this weird connection we shared. I waited, impatiently tapping my fingernails on the countertop for Kian to return with the requested items. It seemed to take forever for him to reappear, but when he finally did, he handed me the clothes with a skeptical expression. I passed the clothes to the guys who helped Branden and Keegan grab them in their jaws.

  They walked out, searching for somewhere to shift back, their claws clicking on the tiles and then the wood floors. I could hear Branden’s growls and yips as he transformed, listening as they slowly turned to human groans, then cutting off.

  I shook off the phantom pain I could feel through the bond, still tapping away on the silver granite island top. My back was turned towards the archway to the hallway, but I could still feel them both coming down the hall and enter the kitchen. My focus was on Kian and my mother, so I saw when they put two and two together—canines leave the kitchen and humans return…

  My mother looked like she was about to collapse from the shock, her grip on the tabletop was fierce, her knuckles white. “What…? How…?”

  She couldn’t formulate the words, so I helped by jumping in. “Keegan is a shapeshifter, and Branden is a werewolf.” My eyes remained focused on my family as the news hit them both.

  Kian exploded out of his chair. “Is that why you were asking if there were other supernaturals in the world?” As always, he jumped straight to the point without all the jumbles that my mother was currently facing. Her eyes were now ping-ponging between all five of my guys.

  Nodding, I turned towards the others, asking with my eyes if they wanted to be the ones to break the news, or should I?

  Dylan stepped forward, his hand resting near mine. “I’m a witch like you three, but I can command Air and Water. It’s extremely rare, but I have been blessed by the Goddess herself, though not touched like your daughter or sister.” He bowed his head towards me and stepped back.

  Rhydian and Kyler shared a look, neither one of them wanting to step forward. But after a brief volley of non-verbal communication, Rhydian held up his head in defiance, letting his face shift to that of his vampire self. “I am a Camasotz, but I am no danger to any of you. I haven’t partaken in human blood for centuries.” After his confession, he let his face morph back to human.

  The shock just kept coming to my mom. She looked like she was going to pass out. I walked over and knelt in front of her because Kyler’s confession might just send her over the edge. Releasing Winter to her own devices, I put my hand on my mother’s knee.

  “I am a Witch Hunter, but I haven’t actually killed any witches yet. And most Witch Hunters only execute witches who haven’t followed the laws of the supernatural community. The ones hunting you and your family are a rogue faction. I already spoke to my parents, and they have Hunters out looking for them now.”

  I didn’t know that bit of information, but it did make me feel better. Maybe I’d be able to make a life for myself here in Greenville. Maybe I could actually settle down and stay without fearing for my life. When I looked at my mother, her eyes were bulging with the overload of information, information enough to shock even the strongest of minds, but my mother’s mind wasn’t strong anymore, not after losing her Protectors and familiar. It broke something inside her, made her a sliver of the person she used to be.

  “Mom, it’s going to be okay. They are safe. I trust them.” I didn’t know what caused me to trust them, but I did. I would trust them with my life. “I have some questions, though. Can you answer them?” My eyes glanced at my older brother as he moved to my mother’s side to help comfort her.

  Kian put his hand on my shoulder and my mom’s leg as he kneeled. “Mom, come back to us. Focus on our voice and come back to us.”

  My mother’s eyes slowly blinked into focus. “How did you find these men?” Her voice was slow coming, but at least it didn’t sound so weak.

  I looked over my shoulder at my men. I don’t even know when I started thinking of them as my men, but in my heart, they were. “They found me.” I gave them a tender smile. When I turned back towards my mother, my smile faded. “But something happened today. Well, something has been happening since I met them. First of all, I have been feeling this undeniable attraction to them all. And the glowing that happens when they get close and I really start feeling… things.” My face flamed at this part. I was not going to explain to my mom with all these witnesses that I think it is my desire for them that made me shine so bright. “And then, I found this prophecy, and I got really overwhelmed and they all came to comfort me. I felt this intense pain flare up and then explode out of me. They went flying and now I can feel where they are, what they feel…” I glanced back at them and they had the same look. They could feel my emotions too. If that wasn’t a huge invasion of privacy, I didn’t know what was.

  “They are your Protectors.” The awe in my mother’s voice was unmistakable.

  “But I thought other supernaturals couldn’t become linked to each other like that. It could upset the balance of nature.” Dylan, ever the smart witch, sounded surprised himself.

  My mother clasped my hand in a tight grip. “Maybe for a normal witch, but my daughter isn’t normal. She is the Protector of all Witches, or she will be when she figures out her powers.” She looked up at the guys. “Since she has her familiar and her Protectors, it’s time to send her to the Trinity Academy of Magic.”

  I had no idea what that was. She had never mentioned it before. When I looked back at Dylan, his mouth was hanging open.




  The news was a shock to me. I was still reeling from it even after having time to sleep off the surprise. It threw off everything I thought I knew. But to be honest, Kirsten was so much different than anything I expected too. She was strong in so many ways yet had a past that left its own scars on her soul. When Branden’s wolf had attacked her, her panic filled me to the point that I nearly buckled. But she held strong. I had no idea what I did to deserve such an amazing woman in my life. Even though we were still getting to know each other, I knew enough about her that I felt my heart attach itself to hers.

  I stepped out of my vehicle, the freshly fallen snow crunching under my shoes, and surveyed the parking lot for the rest of our group and Kirsten. I saw Branden getting out of his rig, but didn’t see the others, at least not yet. They would be here soon; I could feel it in my bones. It was probably another perk of being a bonded Protector to a powerful witch.

  Branden made his way over to me, his shoulders still hunched over, like he had the weight of the world on those broad shoulders. “Morning, Dylan.” He muttered as he came up to my side, giving me enough space to close my car door.

  “Still bearing the guilt of your wolf’s actions? You know she forgave you, right? I know it is probably a big deal, but she did forgive you. She doesn’t blame you.” I put my hand on his shoulder, giving him what strength I could. “Let’s head inside. The others can catch up. Kirsten is here already. I think she may be inside.” I reached deep inside myself to double-check. It was a new feeling, so interpreting it was proving a little difficult, but at least I could tell which general direction she was and if she was in any danger. It’s helped since finding out about that faction of Witch Hunters trying to kill her.


  I pulled my notebook out of my locker for my first class, sliding it
into my bag with my textbook and folder that held a copy of my resume that was due today in Homeroom. It was sparse since I had never held a job, but I had some skills, so I used those to fill in some of the undesirable blanks left on the page. When I closed my locker, Dylan was leaning on the locker next to mine.

  “Stalking me now?” I quipped.

  He threw his head back and laughed, causing students around us to look at us with interest. “It doesn’t take much. You were easy to find.”

  I looked around. “Where are the others?”

  “Branden is hiding around the corner, afraid to see you after yesterday, and the others aren’t here yet.” Dylan grabbed my hand and kissed my fox mark on my wrist, causing a shiver of desire to run straight down to my core, heating me up. “We need to talk, but when we all get here.”

  My eyes narrowed on him before pulling my hand from his grasp. I stepped away, holding up a finger, and moved in the direction I felt Branden. Turning the corner fast, I startled him, nearly causing him to slide off the wall he leaned against. His phone almost fell from his hand, but his fast reflexes caught it and himself. He slid the phone into his front pocket and stood up tall, not hiding now that he had been found.

  “I hear you want to avoid me. I thought we went over this. I don’t hold you or your– well, I don’t hold either of you responsible. If anything, it was something I did, and it caused a massive shock to him. He reacted on pure instinct, now that we know what I did…” I put my hand on his chest, his pectoral muscle hard under my palm. “Don’t you trust me?”

  Branden’s face morphed into guilt and shame. “I do trust you, but what I did… what he did… it was abuse to you and your person. If Rhydian hadn’t shown up when he did, I don’t want to imagine what would have happened.” His voice grew very quiet towards the end, his eyes staying focused on the ground.

  I stepped closer, leaning into his view. “To be honest, it was wrong. But it wasn’t your fault, nor your wolf’s. The magic between the bond forming and our mate bond? It’s powerful, and he just reacted. It was his instinct to claim what he thought of as his. Now that we are bonded, we all belong to each other. We all need to protect and care for each other. You can’t do that if you have all this guilt bottled up inside you.”

  I watched as Branden slowly turned his focus towards me, staring into my eyes as what I said sank in. I smiled tenderly at him while I waited for him to realize that what I said was true and came from my heart. It was true; I barely knew them, but that didn’t stop my heart from forming its own attachments to these large men.

  “You really don’t resent me?” The hope there nearly broke my heart in two. To answer him, I threw my arms around his very broad shoulders, realizing too late that he was really tall, and it was a little awkward. But it didn’t matter to him. He scooped me up and swung me around, peppering kisses all over my face. I couldn’t help the girlish giggle that escaped.

  “I see you finally got him to stop pouting.” Rhydian’s voice had me turning my head towards him, a big smile cracking my face in two.

  “Nope,” I said slowly, popping the p. “I did no such thing.” That had me giggling all over again and the three guys smiling with me. I slid down Branden’s large body, him holding me until I was steady on my feet before throwing myself at Rhydian.

  “Well, good morning to you too, kitten.” I planted a kiss right on Rhydian’s mouth to shut him up. No one calls me a kitten and gets away with it. I was a total badass, and kitten was too cutesy for my tastes.

  Dylan came up behind me, making a Kirsten sandwich between him and Rhydian. I loved it. “Where is my kiss?”

  Smiling, I turned my head and kissed his jaw, then his cheek, and lastly, his lips. “There, everyone has gotten a ‘Good Morning’ kiss.” Another giggle escaped. Usually, I would cringe at this sort of display, but I couldn’t help it. I could stop it if I wanted to, but I wanted to show them how much I appreciated them. As long as I was the one initiating the intimacy, I felt safe. My anxiety didn’t kick in. Branden was the test subject and bouncing between the three; I felt free and powerful and very womanly.

  Keegan popped up beside me, creating a beautiful triangle that I was the center of. “Maybe we should go into that empty classroom before you give the rest of us our kisses too.”

  That idea intrigued me, so I grabbed Keegan’s and Rhydian’s hands and pulled them towards the closest classroom door, checking through the window to verify that it was indeed empty.

  Branden pulled it open and held it as we all went in, closing and locking the door behind him as he followed us.

  Kyler and Keegan were looking at me with lust in their eyes. That in and of itself was empowering, as long as I was the one who took the step forward myself. I slowly stalked up to Keegan, pulling Kyler in behind me as I planted a deep kiss on Keegan’s lips. Kyler kept his hands planted firmly on my hips, where I put them as he feathered kisses along my neck and up behind my ear. I arched my back at the feelings that move provoked. I couldn’t help it; it was intoxicating.

  When I pulled away, I was breathing hard, and my heart was pounding a fierce staccato in my chest. I felt so strong standing amongst the guys, them surrounding me like they couldn’t get enough. I stood in the middle, slowly turning to take them all in.

  “I don’t know what happened, but I am so glad I found you all. The Goddess blessed me more than I ever expected. She is supposed to reward, but all I have done is run for my life and act like a coward.” I ran my hands across each of their chests, moving to touch their faces. “I’m blessed…” I whispered.




  When we left the classroom, my face was still red from the passion I shared with my men, and my lips were swollen from the harsh kisses we shared—that I steered. They were so thoughtful, being careful not to go past my comfort zones and letting me decide what we did and how fast.

  We all split in different directions, Kyler and I walking to homeroom together and the others going to their own homeroom classes. I tried to ignore the stares we were receiving as we made our way down the hall. They were filled with disgust and intrigue, making me slightly uncomfortable. I stared down the ones who got too close, making them look away fast and back away even faster. I was not going to allow my fellow students to shame me with my choices. The guys were mine.

  Elena and her bitch squad stepped into my path with a smug expression on her face. “I just knew you were a slut. I heard you have been sleeping with five different guys. Who is to say those are the only guys you’ve slept with at this school? You can’t sleep your way to popularity, Kirsten.”

  My inner bitch came up, sarcasm flowing from my mouth. “I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you appear unarmed.” I gave her a smirk as her mouth dropped open. “Might want to close your mouth before someone thinks you’re open for business.” With that last parting comment, I stepped around her and continued on my way to class.

  Kyler snickered as he stayed in stride with me. “That was funny. You had those students around us waiting for her to respond. But I think you finally got Elena to stop talking. It was priceless.” I could feel his amusement through the bond, even if I wasn’t looking at his face.

  “That’s me, the Queen of Sarcasm and Amusing Comments.” I held my hand out for a high five, and Kyler didn’t disappoint. I couldn’t help the evil smile that crossed my face.




  When I got home from school, I was in a great mood, going so far as to whistle up the white stone path. Even when he looked up at the enormous — and in his opinion, way to modern looking with all its steel, glass — white brick manor, it didn’t put the usual scowl on his face. Kirsten seemed to have grown more confident, or at least let more of herself out, let us see into the shell that kept her safe from the outside world. What I saw inside her was a beautiful, powerful woman, just waiting to flourish.

  “Good, you are home.” My fa
ther’s gruff voice came from the sitting room. “Please come here.”

  I followed the sound of my father and my mother’s soft whispers. The hardwood floors echoed eerily through the house, with only the whispers of the servants to accompany my steps. Rounding the corner, I saw them both sitting on the white leather couch with dour expressions on their faces. “What’s going on? What happened?”

  Father’s black hair was littered with grey and white hair, showing the stress that being the leader of the largest group of Witch Hunters was no easy task. His wrinkled face made him look far older than his forty-two years. My mother, the ever-doting woman that she was, sat with her hands in her lap, a crisp business suit clad her body, her blonde hair pulled into a loose bun on the top of her head. Only her eyes and the corner of her lips had wrinkles from her constant smiling. Gerard and Maryanne were amazing parents and strong leaders. I was proud to be their son. But their faces right now showed that they did not have good news to share.

  “Kyler, can you please sit?” Mother pointed at the matching armchair adjacent to them. “The news we have may require you to sit for you to hear.”

  I slowly made my way over the Persian rug to the chair, watching them the whole time. My mind whirled with the possibilities that had them looking like this. Nothing I came up with prepared me for the reality that was about to rock my world…

  "That rogue faction you were asking about? We found them… and they murdered two of our scouts. The team was only miles from Greenville when they encountered them. They are holed up in an abandoned manor there, just off the lake. Well, they were when the scouts found them. Since they were discovered, they have probably abandoned that location. Finding them is imperative.” The news sent me reeling and I was thankful I was already sitting, or my knees wouldn’t have been able to hold me up anymore. “Do you know why they are here? They’ve always left us alone before.”


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