Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 12

by Adriadne LeFox

  My mind whirled with the knowledge that they were so close to their target. I had to tell Kirsten, but my body wouldn’t move. “They are after a witch who just moved here… She is running from them. And no, she didn’t break any laws.”

  My mother was quick to smooth things over. “We didn’t jump to that conclusion, dear. We wouldn’t with this particular group.” She leaned forward to rub my knee, trying to offer comfort. I didn’t feel it though. I needed Kirsten, and for more than comfort, I needed to tell her the news. But this was going to break her heart.

  “I have to go.” I jumped from my seat, leaving my bag by the side of the chair for the maid, the move leaving a sour taste in my mouth. My father stopped me. “You know this witch, don’t you? She is someone special to you?”

  I nodded. “I am her Protector, and she is mine.” With that, I raced out the door.


  The terror and shock I felt from Kyler had me dropping my pencil on my desk where I sat doing my homework. I pulled out my cell and sent a text to him, asking if he was okay. Impatiently I waited, but within ten minutes, he still hadn’t responded, and it was starting to scare me. I even tried calling, but it just kept ringing until it went to voicemail.

  I hopped up from my chair, letting it roll backwards and strode out of my room, taking the stairs two at a time. By the time I reached the bottom, there was an urgent knocking at the front door. Kian was up in his room, so I answered it.

  Kyler stood there with a wild look in his eyes, and the rest of the guys were pulling up to the curb in succession. I quickly waved him in, leaving the door open for the others as I followed Kyler to the now-cleaned living room. The window was already repaired, and the walls were scheduled to be fixed tomorrow. It was a perk of having enough money to throw around like that. But I had to lose my father’s for that money. We inherited all their money and received life insurance funds from both. But it still didn’t make up for losing the only fathers I knew, and knowing it was my fault.

  I stood by the couch as Kyler paced in front of the fireplace, waiting for the others to join us. My back was to them, but I knew when they each came in, taking spots to sit or lean. Branden was the last, which was understandable since he had the farthest to travel, and he shut the door behind him, sitting in the armchair near me.

  “Kyler? What’s going on?” I couldn’t hold it in anymore.




  Kyler looked so worried and upset as he paced. Not only could I see the emotions on his face and in his body language, but I could feel them in my heart. This weird bond thing was going to take some getting used to. I sat on the couch, waiting for him to spill his news and explain why he called us in a panic, telling us to meet him at Kirsten’s house. I rushed over, dropping everything.

  Kirsten cut straight to the point, asking him point-blank why he was acting like that.

  It still took a moment for it to register with Kyler as he continued to pace. He ran his fingers through his hair, creating an unruly mess of his shoulder-blade length hair. His wild eyes turned towards Kirsten.

  “They are here. I had my father look into that faction that was bothering you. His scouts found them. They aren’t far from here… or rather they weren’t when the scouts found them. They escaped them but killed two Hunters in the process. They killed their own kind.” The horror of their actions washed through the bond, and the disgust. “You were right. They will stop at nothing to get to you. At least now, you have us to protect you.”

  Kirsten stared at Kyler, her face blank, but the color was completely drained, leaving her looking like a ghost. Her emotions were a jumbled mess that I couldn’t interpret.

  I couldn’t help but go to her, and I wasn’t the only one thinking it. We all moved towards her, creating a circle to shield her from the world. All of our hands reached out to her, letting her know we were here for her. She wasn’t alone.


  When Kyler spilled the news, my mind froze. They couldn’t have caught up already. They’ve never found me so quickly before… What was so different now?

  I could feel my Protectors surround me, trying to provide comfort, but I had my walls up, trying to shield myself from the pain. It was a defensive measure that I always employed, but this was different. I had my guys.

  Winter bumped her head against my legs, rubbing her face against my jean-clad shins. I didn’t see who picked her up, but they deposited her into my arms, and I was jolted out of my head.

  “How did they find me?” I whimpered.

  Branden’s face loomed in my blurry vision. I didn’t realize I had started crying, but it seemed like an appropriate response to this kind of news. “You have my pack’s strength and numbers behind you. I am the Alpha’s son, and you are my mate. They will protect you with their lives.”

  Shaking my head, I held Winter tighter. “I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands. If they died protecting me, that is on me, like those two scouts who died. I don’t even know their names, what they look like, or if they had a family…” Grief threatened to overwhelm me.

  I already had casualties in this war between those Witch Hunters and myself. My fathers died protecting my mother, brother and me. It was all because I was born special that they hunted me. I couldn’t handle any more deaths on my conscience.




  “Kirsten, maybe it’s time to meet my parents. They might have some insight into all of this. Maybe they can help. You are supposed to be someone very special in the witch community.” I rubbed my hand up and down her arm, goose pimples creating a bumpy sensation under my fingertips. “They can help. I am sure of it.”

  Kirsten leaned into me. “I trust you, but I don’t know your parents. How do I know I can trust them?” Her quiet voice whispered among us, leaving the air feeling heavy after the news that was just dumped on us all.

  I understood why Kyler was so scared now. He didn't fear for himself. His fear went to the safety of Kirsten. Were we going to be enough to keep her safe and alive? Or were we going to lose her to those monsters?

  Pulling her and the fox into my arms, I just held her tightly in my arms. I couldn’t imagine a world without her in it now that had I found her. She was a very special woman.

  Kirsten finally pulled away. “Okay, I’m ready. Just let me put on my shoes and the new harness for Winter. She is coming with me.”

  I looked to the others who just shrugged their shoulders. I didn’t so much mind; I was just worried about my wolf familiar and how he would react to another familiar around. He was fine with my parents, but my mother had a falcon she carted everywhere, and my dad had a ferret that stayed to the beams and shelves my father created for him so he could climb wherever he pleased.

  My hand reached out to the fox in Kirsten’s arms, giving her a gentle scratch along her back. “We can wait here while you get the harness. Then we should go.” I didn’t want to make it seem like I was rushing her, but we did need to get ahead of this threat.


  I deposited Winter into Kyler’s arms so I could run up the stairs without jostling the furball too much. Slipping my boots back on, I snatched up the new equipment my mother surprised me with yesterday. Winter wasn’t a fan, but she tolerated it. Going back down the stairs, I jumped the last three steps and ran back over to my Protectors.

  Winter looked so peaceful just laying in Kyler’s arms. I hated to pester her, but we needed to go. I slid the top of the harness over her head and moved the back fasteners around the fox, meeting with my hand at her belly to fasten it in place. My little fox squirmed and nipped at the leash as I hooked it to the back of the material, securing it to the metal loop attached.

  “Ready to go.” Reaching for Winter, Kyler happily handed her over as she was still attacking the tether. “She will settle down. It will just take her a little bit to get used to it.” I scratched under her chin, stilling h
er antics as she leaned into my fingers.

  The guys surrounded me once again and led me out the door to Dylan’s vehicle. Branden opened the front passenger door for me since my hands were full. I leaned around the front seat to deposit the fox in the back seat, then slid into the front. I grabbed the seatbelt before Branden had the door shut and clicked it into place, waiting impatiently while the guys had a whispered conversation on the other side of the glass.

  Dylan finally peeled himself away from the group and walked around the front of the car and got in himself. I watched the others make their way to their separate cars.

  “You promise I’ll be safe?” I was putting my trust and my life in their hands, and I barely knew them. It was illogical, but the heart rarely agreed with the head.

  “Always. You can trust us. We are all connected.” Dylan leaned close to me, his face just inches from mine. I could smell his spicy breath as it washed over my face.

  My eyes roamed over every inch of his very handsome face. His lips were lush and ready for the taking, so I closed the distance between us and pressed my lips to his. He didn’t respond at first, but then it was like something clicked, and his hand came up to cradle my head, his fingers tangling in my hair as he took over. My brain shut off the moment he started kissing me back and all I felt was the desire to take it further.

  I suddenly pulled away, dropping a metaphorical bucket of cold water on our moment. “We need to go.” I breathed out between harsh intakes of much-needed air.

  Dylan pulled farther back, turning back around in his seat, rubbing his palms across his face. As he buckled, he spoke to me, “I am sorry if I did something that upset you. I don’t know what your triggers are, and I am trying to avoid them.”

  I reached out to him. “It wasn’t you…” Pulling my hand back, I rested them loosely in my lap. “I’m just not yet ready to take it past that. I have things in my past that are still affecting me. But I am doing everything I can to get past it; it’s just harder than I thought.” My shoulders drooped in defeat. “I am trying,” I muttered.

  I heard Dylan shuffle in his seat. “It is just going to take time and patience. I don’t mind, and neither do the others. I promise you that.” He turned the key in the ignition and started pulling out of the drive. “We aren’t going anywhere, Kirsten. We belong to you, even without the Protector’s bond.”

  We were the last ones to arrive at Dylan’s place. The others waited in their vehicles for us as Dylan pulled into the drive and parked. I was quick to get out of the car and get Winter out of the back. The drive was awkward for me after I ruined the moment between the two of us. I couldn’t even handle a touch during the ride, but the cold air was a shock that jolted me out of my self-pity party.

  “What took you so long?” Kyler hissed to Dylan. “I think your parents were a little weirded out by all of us just chilling on the side of the road.”

  Dylan shrugged. “Nah, they know your vehicles by sight now and don’t think twice about you four acting weird. They expect it.”

  I stepped between them. “Can we just go inside now?”

  The two guys shared a look before ushering me up the driveway, the others in tow. It almost felt like a funeral procession with how quiet everyone was.

  Dylan opened the front door and held it open so we could all pile in. I stamped my boots on the rug outside before I took the step to enter into another witch’s home, a witch’s sanctuary. A shiver made the hairs on my arms stand on end, and my neck hairs quivered in response.

  “Dylan, where did you go? You left in a hurry.” A feminine voice called down from the grand staircase in front of us. The owner of the voice entered into view, giving me an eyeful of cleavage and legs. “You brought company. Marvelous!”

  “Macy, where are Mom and Dad? I need to talk to them.” Dylan stared at his sister with love in his eyes, but also worry for the news we had to break to the coven leaders in this area, Dylan’s parents.

  Macy took the steps gracefully, her heels making a sharp click as they hit each step. I wondered how she could walk in those ultra-skinny heels, but I bet they made great weapons to stab people with. “In their office, where else? They always seem to be working. I’m bored. What are you all up to?” Her eyes landed on me as she landed on the ground floor, steady and confident. “Who is she? She’s new.”

  Dylan stepped in front of me. “She is no one you need to concern yourself with.” He turned to me, grabbing my elbow to steer me deeper into the house, heading towards the back.

  “Who is she?” I whispered.

  He glanced back towards the front of the house before looking at me. “That would be my older, more annoying sister. Also, she is very nosy. Don’t mind her, but she does usually mean well… unless she gets jealous.” He added.

  I peeked over my shoulder, trying to see if I could get another glimpse of her. “She did seem nice.”

  Dylan stopped me suddenly, or at least it felt sudden to me since I wasn’t paying attention and knocked on a heavy-looking oak door. A muffled response came through the wood, and he opened the door, releasing my elbow to use both hands. “Mom. Dad.” He greeted solemnly.

  “What’s up, kiddo?” Dylan’s dad was a dark blond with short, shaggy hair. His face looked at his son kindly, showing thin lines around his eyes, which were currently crinkled from the smile he directed towards his son.

  Dylan gently tugged me in, and we all piled into the large office space that had shelves on every wall except the one overlooking a beautiful white wonderland that was probably a garden during the spring. My eyes kept traveling back to the window instead of looking at the leaders of the local coven.

  “Father, we just received some news that will not just affect this woman here, but most likely, all of us.” Dylan stood tall, his voice assertive as he spoke to his father. He quickly glanced at me before continuing. “She is a very powerful witch. There is a prophecy about a witch with the power of Earth, Fire and Spirit. I believe, whole-heartedly, that that prophecy was referring to her.” All five of my guys were now standing tall and at my back, putting me front and center. “We are her Protectors, already bonded to her.”

  That bit of information seemed to throw both of his parents for a loop. Their mouths dropped open, and I thought their eyes were going to bug out of their heads.

  His mother was the first to recover, her face still devoid of color. “How is that possible? You are all supernaturals.” The confusion was written all over her face, shown by her creased brows, squinted eyes, and tight lips.

  “Well, it kind of just happened. None of us know why or how.” Rhydian, ever the suave gentleman, couldn’t explain it any better than the rest of us.

  “Ma’am, sir…” I slowly began. “I am new to this whole bond thing myself. I don’t even know how this whole thing works. My mother couldn’t explain it to me either, and she has been bonded before.” I stepped away from the comfort my men provided to put myself at the mercy of these witches. It was a bold move, one I didn’t know if I was going to regret or not, but it was needed. I had to appear confident, even if my insides were squirming around like a pile of worms. “But that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that there is a faction of Witch Hunters out there hunting. They are very close, if not in, this very town. They won’t just kill me. They will go after my whole family, which now includes these boys. I cannot– no, will not let that happen. I am asking for your help.” During my speech, I pulled from the strength of my Protectors and the love of my familiar.

  Neither adults spoke, but I did feel a tap on my shoulder, drawing my attention. Kyler stood right behind me, close enough I could feel his body heat start soaking into me. “Kirsten, you’re glowing again. If that doesn’t convince them of anything, I don’t know what will…” He whispered in my ear, tickling the little hairs there.

  I caught sight of Dylan’s dark-haired bombshell of a sister, Macy, standing in the doorway, a smile on her face. It wasn’t an evil smile, more like one of amuse
ment. Turning my attention back to the adults, Dylan’s dad was standing up and walking towards me. I wanted to take a step back, but he didn’t look like he was going to harm me.

  He came to stand in front of me, Dylan’s mom right next to him. They both knelt at my feet, heads bowed. In unison, they spoke. “We pledge our lives, souls, and magic to you and your causes. Our coven is your coven. We are yours to command.”

  The silence that followed was intense. I didn’t know what to say to that, but I looked at Macy, and she was kneeling too. “Please stand. I don’t need this…” I didn’t know what to call it, but it was making me feel uncomfortable.

  Macy came to stand by her parents, her grin even larger. “I knew you were something special. As soon as I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were not some average witch or even one like my brother. I meant every word I said. I am yours. My sight is yours.”

  I turned to look at Dylan, confused.

  His eyes didn’t leave his sister’s face when he spoke. “She has the gift of sight, more so than any witch alive.”

  My gaze turned back to Macy in shock. “Thank you, Macy. But we need help with the Hunters. They are rogue and trying to kill me because my brother said I was special. They have already killed my fathers, and I don’t want any more blood on my hands.”

  Dylan’s dad pulled out his cell. “Do you know where they are now?”

  “Last place they were seen was an old abandoned manor outside of town. But they’ve moved on from there since they were discovered. We don’t know where they went from there.” Kyler stepped up to my side. He had more information on that than I did. I trusted him to coordinate with them about the details of finding them.


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