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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Ahren Sanders


  "We need to talk, privately." This comes from Dozer, who's five feet below me as I mud the last of the drywall on the staircase.

  "I'm done."

  "Meet me out back."

  I climb off the scaffold and check out front first. "You okay?" I question Andrew and Austin who are almost finished laying the new porch.

  They nod and I look to my nephew, who’s painting the columns with Pierce. "You good, buddy?"

  "Almost done, and Dad promised me when this is done I can mud the bathroom."

  "Owe you, Cole, thanks for your help."

  He beams, glancing up at his dad. "This is my company, too, right Dad?"

  "Yeah, son. It's yours." There's a load of pride in Pierce's answer, and I know I'm staring at the legacy of Kendrick Construction.

  I go to join Dozer in the back. He's at the fence, staring at the neighbor's house.

  "Everything good?"

  "When I was clearing the yard last month, a man caught me out front and wanted to know how much I charged to clear land. I explained this was my daughter's property and my company was in Georgia. We got to talking. Turns out he's the owner's son, and they want to sell. Mom and Dad are moving to some fancy assisted living place with a golf course."

  “That's a step up." I take in the old house and property. Like Ashlyn's place, it has been neglected for a long time. The house is dilapidated and most likely needs a total rebuild. The yard is the same. It's one of the only places on the block that hasn't had any updates in decades. Still, it has a certain appeal. More than once I've thought how the property value will rise once Ashlyn's house is completed. The problem is how close it sits to her property line. If the fence was gone, they'd share the patch of space.

  "It'll take the right buyer with a vision." I give my input.

  "I feel the same."

  "Why are you telling me this?"

  "The house itself will need a ton of work, but it has a garage, two bedrooms, two baths, a nice kitchen," he goes on.

  "You went inside?" I process the news, knowing it's significantly smaller than this house; the bonus is the garage.

  "Had to see for myself."

  "What exactly did you have to see?"

  "We will never get Ashlyn back home. I know that now. As hard as I tried, I get it. Now with you in the picture, she's found something she's not giving up. Friends, family, a sense of peace."

  "Pleased to see you got this, but I'm still confused."

  "My girl is ambitious, sometimes to a fault. She may have hidden it well over the last eight years, but I knew her dream of having a family and a career was always there. This house she's building is big and fancy, it has everything she wants, but I figure when you add children to the mix, it will get tight. Janie won’t stay away when those kids get here. I think this property next door may be a smart investment."

  My heart thunders in my chest, but I try to remain steady when I ask, "You want to buy the house next door?"

  He shrugs. "Not necessarily me. I think with the right plans, the place could house a nice-sized guesthouse, a big home office, and give her the garage she didn't get. It would take some work to get the property zoned correctly, but it could be done. Redo that place, build a breezeway from house to house attaching them, join the properties… the possibilities are endless."

  He's barely finished with his statement when the vision comes to me. "I can see it."

  "Figured you would."

  "It would be a mini-mansion."

  "You're gonna need it. You've only met us. Our family is big, sure she's told you about it."

  I nod my agreement.

  "Last time we were here, Janie and I rode around. Renos in this area are going wild."

  "In the business. Been watching it for years."

  "Seeing as you defy the speed of time, I figure there will be multiple kids in the next few years. Ashlyn is much like her mom. She'll want to be close, even as a working mother. The office will be essential. You're lucky to have your family local, but Janie won’t miss much. We'll be here a lot. Austin and Andrew love their sister, so they'll be here. Everyone needs space."

  "I'll look into it."

  "You let me know if you need help. I'll back you and front the money."

  "I don't need the money."

  He snaps his head to the side. "No?"

  "I've got money. Been out of college over fifteen years, working hard. My mortgage is almost paid off. Outside of my family, I rarely spend extravagantly. If I want, I could probably pay outright for the house and property."

  "You don't even know how much they want."

  "I can guess. With its condition and the work, plus the fact that it probably has to be rewired and plumbed. I know my shit."

  His eyes flare for a second before he gives me his look of approval. "Figured I should share." He hands me a business card. "That's the son's information."

  "Appreciate it."

  "Wedding present," he mumbles.


  "My sons said your place is the shit."

  "It should rent well." I give him the first clue of what I'm thinking.

  He smiles a knowing smile, tipping his hat.

  "I drive four hours to drop my woman off with her friends at a damn mall to come work? What the hell is going on?" A familiar voice calls behind me, and I spin to find Todd standing on the edge of the porch with his hands on his hips.

  "Beer's in the cooler. You know the drill. Grab a bottle, grab a paintbrush, and get your ass to work," I yell back and look at Dozer. "That's my buddy, Todd."

  "He who I need to kill for my baby meeting you?"

  Apparently, he's also heard the farce story. "Yeah, maybe Ashlyn will agree to name our first son after him."

  This earns me a hard shove, sending me to the fence, but I don't miss the grin as he walks away.

  Chapter 17


  "I got this, Annie. She won't lift a finger. I'll unload everything and she’ll rest," I assure her.

  "She's obstinate."

  "I agree, but with everything in the last few days, she's been more agreeable."

  "Humph! Agreeable my ass, she changed all the sheets in the house today, and I caught her on a video conference when I picked her up."

  "Maybe she's nesting?" I try to defend Darby, who's less than three feet away.

  "Mom! Stop harassing Ashlyn! It's one of the biggest weekends of Brasher's year. I was making sure we had the inventory to take care of the guests," Darby throws back.

  "Baby, you have got to slow down," her mom chides.

  "I am. I'm going home to relax until…"

  Her argument is drowned out by Stephanie pulling me aside. "You good with this?"

  "Absolutely. You guys help Renee finish here. I'll make sure she props her feet up, rests, and does absolutely nothing. Miller and Todd have strict instructions on what to bring for dinner, considering I left it all marinating in the refrigerator."

  "I'll be there soon to help."

  "Do what you need to do. And when you get there, we can finally get some alone time to discuss you and Toddddddd." I flutter my eyes and draw out a girly, sugary-pitched tone.

  She rolls her eyes, but not before I catch the dazzling glow.

  "Sweetie, I'll stay back, too. Help Annie clean so we can get to the house quicker," Mom pipes in.

  "Cool, Janie, thanks." Stephanie shoots me a look of appreciation and goes back in the house.

  Darby kisses her mother's cheek and pushes away, yanking my arm and shuffling us away. I wave over my shoulder to the women and get Darby in the car.

  The drive to her house is filled with talk of the last few days. The holiday tour, the shower, and when it goes to Todd and Stephanie, she sighs loudly.

  "I was petrified, but he seems really into her."

  "Miller told me Pierce was ready to go through the roof," I add.

  "That's because he was worried about me—as always. I don't know Todd well, but I kne
w of him. He sounded like… a bit… of a bachelor-for-life kind of guy."

  "Kinda like Miller?" I raise an eyebrow, glancing at her, then back to the road.

  "Yeah, but I don't mean to insinuate… For years, Pierce was right there, too."

  "Darby, those guys were non-paid gigolos, playboys, living life, and looking for no attachments. I think you're proof that changed."

  "Yeah, but I had history. You have a brief history…. Miller is head over heels. I didn't expect this with Todd. Stephanie is my most loyal and best friend. I needed to see he was good enough."


  "She's so happy." Emotions clog in her throat before the hiccup comes and she's got her hands over her face. "God! What's wrong with me? My best friend in the world is euphoric. She has found a man who is equally into her, and I'm a mess."

  "Sweetie," I reach across my console, gripping her wrist, "it's called love, and emotions are high."

  "I guess." She moves to squeeze my hand gratefully and then swipes at her face. "I like him. And even more, I like them together. She's dated guys over the years, but no one ever handled her like he has."

  "I can understand that." My mind goes to the parallels in our lives.

  "Yes, I guess you could understand that." Darby giggles, then hiccups again.

  "You okay?"

  "I need to go to the restroom."

  "Good thing we're home." I drive around the house and get her as close to the back door as possible. "You need help?"

  "No, but if you give me a minute, I can help unload."

  "Darby, it's bags of lingerie and personal things. I think I can figure out it goes to your room."

  She throws me a look of gratitude before heading into the house. Runner bolts out, ready for attention.

  "Hey, pretty boy, you miss me?" I squat and give him a full body hug before he takes off to the outer yard.

  The shower was small and intimate, but Darby still has tons of gifts so I haul them into the house, directly to her closet. On the second load, she comes out of the bathroom looking relieved and holding her basketball stomach. "Thanks again."

  "One more load."

  "Ridiculous. I guess since Pierce wants to build an army it's expected, but this is it. No more showers after this boy."

  "I think you'd incite a war if the next is a girl and those women can't celebrate."

  "Nope!" She points at me. "I'm hoping their focus is on you at that point!"

  "Not on your life!" I joke, even though the thought sends a tingle down my spine.

  "Okay, I'll grab us drinks. Meet you on the front porch?"

  "It's a date."

  I leave, grabbing the last of the gifts and dropping them in her closet, then look around for Runner. No surprise I find him on the front porch with Darby, who's sitting on the amazing swing, staring into the night thoughtfully. The wine and water sit on the side table.

  "Miller said you guys are okay to take Runner for a few days when the baby comes?"

  "Absolutely, I can't wait."

  Something in the air changes, and Darby doubles over. Runner, on instinct, is on his feet, fretting at her knees.

  "Ashlyn?" My name comes out as more of a hiss.

  "Oh fuck." I lose my cool, rushing to her.

  She grips my arms to help her stand, and I feel the rush of wetness splashing on us. "I think it was more than me having to use the restroom."

  "Okay… Okay… We got this. I haven't ever had a baby before—"

  Her head flies up. "I haven't either, but everyone—I mean everyone is going to FREAK THE FUCK OUT! I need you to be my sanity."

  It's a slap in the face, and I know she needs calm right now. "Tell me what to do."

  "There are two bags in the bedroom, next to the door. Pierce has had them packed for weeks. Take them to your car. Get Runner inside. I'll meet you at the sidewalk, and we'll call the guys on the way to the hospital."

  "I can't leave you." Another gush comes down on us.

  She pins me with her copper eyes, pleading without words, laying her forehead to mine. "I'll wait at the edge of the porch, but seriously, I feel so much relief right now. And we have time. This is only the beginning."

  My heart knocks in my chest as I wrestle a fretting Runner back into the house, rush to get the bags, and think to grab my purse before I fly out the back door. When I drive around to the front, Darby is waiting at the edge of the driveway, looking composed.

  I jump out to help her, but she waves me away and slinks into the car. "I think you should call Miller first," she recommends.


  "Yes, he's the only one that will be able to wrangle things together. I trust in that."

  I do as she asks, clicking on my steering wheel to my latest contacts.

  "Hey, Princess, time to bring dinner?" There's a lot of chatter in the background, and I picture them sitting on my back deck drinking beer and rousing over another day of hard work.

  "Sweetie, I need you to casually walk somewhere private and listen to me, like now."

  A wave of tension comes through the car and it hits me when he curses, "What the fuck?"

  "I'm in the car with Darby. Her water broke. She's texting her doctors and we're headed to the hospital. She felt you might be able to handle the pandemonium."

  "Baby, you sure it broke? She's not due for weeks."

  "Baby," I mimic his words sarcastically. "I have evidence all over both of us. Her water has broken. She's having a baby. Are you on board to handle this, or do I need to manage the pregnant woman and the outrageous, protective father of her baby and husband? I will do it, but I'm counting on you."

  "Fuck! She okay?"

  "Yes, Miller, I'm good," Darby answers, and I momentarily forget we're on Bluetooth. "We have time, so please finesse it. Don't scare Cole."

  "I'll take care of things here, and we'll meet you at the hospital soon. I got Pierce, Dad will have Cole."

  She nods beside me, and my heart melts a little more.

  "Princess?" he calls.


  "You're on. We're coming now, but you make sure she gets anything and everything she needs."

  I read into his words. My bitch may be needed and I'm ready. "You got it." I click off and look to Darby, who’s fingers are flying across her phone.

  "You feeling okay?"


  "Aren't you freaked?"

  "Nope. You handled the most stressful part. Someone else telling Pierce." Her phone blares with a personal ringtone, and she waves it at me. "Here he is. Miller worked quickly."

  "I'm good," she answers. "No, you need to calm down. We have time." She continues to talk to him, but my phone buzzes against my hip and I force myself to focus on the road.

  A few minutes later, we speed into the ER circle, and it's not surprising to find a man with a wheelchair waiting for her. He helps her out, and then my door is opened and a cute young boy is offering me his hand. "Miss Rhodes, we've been expecting you. I'll get the bags out, park your car, and bring your keys to Mr. Kendrick."

  "What the hell?" I jerk back.

  "Ma'am, Mrs. Jill Kendrick is auxiliary and had this set up."

  "Oh shit, of course!" I throw my fob at him unnecessarily, grab my phone and purse, and shove a wad of cash in his hand. "Thank You!"

  Darby is chatting casually with the man rolling her wheelchair when I catch up to them. The elevator ride is peaceful, and when we get to the maternity floor and the door opens, Darby is greeted by a bunch of smiling faces. She waves as she's taken to a room. I stand to the side, watching her take the gown offered and move to the bathroom to change. She is back in less than a minute, crawling in the bed.

  She's laughing while they take her vitals, get her hooked up to something, and then she knifes up, screeching in pain.

  That's when I'm on her, taking her hand. "What can I do?"

  "We need to examine her, ma'am. But this boy may be ready." A nurse steps in.

  "I can wait outside?"
It's an offer to give her privacy.

  Darby shakes her head, gripping my fingers fiercely.

  I don't pay attention to what's happening behind my back as they instruct and prep her. She listens and doesn't even flinch when they check her.

  "You can get an epidural anytime you're ready," the nurse says, and there's the first flare of panic in Darby's eyes.

  My phone buzzes in my dress pocket, and I'm grateful when Miller's name pops up. "Hey, we're in her room."

  "Traffic is closed off. I'm stopped but Pierce took off. He's running."

  "Running? He's running?"

  Darby giggles sweetly and releases my hand. "Of course he is."

  I don't see the humor and turn. "Miller, they may be ready for epidural. She's going quick."

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Don't leave her."


  "Be there." He disconnects, and I glance back at Darby, who remains calm.

  "Your husband is running because of traffic."

  "Got that."

  "You're stuck with me."

  "I'm happy to be with you, but how are you with needles?"

  I cringe overdramatically. "Better with assholes that need to be taken down a few notches because of their over-inflated egos."

  She lurches up, laughing so hard her nurse panics.

  "Mrs. Kendrick! You can't do that!"

  I zip my fingers across my mouth and give the 'stop' signal to the nurse who's getting her set up with machines. When she gives the IV, it gets real, and Darby motions to me from the other side of the bed.

  "He's coming," I try to assure her.

  As if on cue, the door flies open and sweaty, dirty, and very unnerved Pierce Kendrick appears. He's at her side in less than a second.


  "I'm good. The anesthesiologist can come anytime, but so far, it's bearable. Quick pinches of pain and some pressure with stinging."

  "No shame in getting ahead of it early. I don't want you to have unnecessary pain. Remember what the doctor told us." He bends, caressing her cheek affectionately.

  The room is full of people, but I begin to feel uncomfortable. This is an intimate moment. I step back, ready to slink out gracefully when Darby shocks me.

  "Get in that shower. I have Ashlyn for a few minutes," she instructs Pierce. "You're dirty, and he's got a while before he'll be here."


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