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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

Page 31

by Ahren Sanders

  "Nice job, Uncle Miller. Dad was wrong about her having to trade up."

  This brings a chorus of howls from every man in the group. My niece looks at her dad, and I know he did this on purpose.

  "No, Maya, she won't be trading up." I sucker punch Pierce in the arm.

  He grunts, giving her a fist bump. She shines under his praise. An unfamiliar form of envy rises in my chest and I immediately know why.

  My hand tugs Ashlyn from the group of women. All eyes are on us as I thread my fingers through her hair, then bring her forehead to mine, talking low. "You talk with these women tonight and figure out a way to get married soon. Whatever you want, but quick."

  Her breath hitches, and she squeezes my hand. "How quickly?"

  "Valentine's Day."

  She wobbles, using me for balance. "No way."

  "Yes!" Annie claps her hands, obviously hearing me. "We can do this!"

  I kiss her again and twist her toward the gaggle of women, noticing my mom's eyes glistening. "Take care of her."

  A loud roar of conversation erupts when I turn to the men. The only thing I distinctly hear is the weary cry from Ashlyn. "I'm marrying a man who never even asked."

  At that, my Dad wraps his arm around my shoulder and heads to the bar where Todd and Edward are waiting with shots lined up.

  "Excellent job, son." Dad approves, handing me a shot glass.

  Chapter 28


  The party is in full swing. My parents' backyard is crowded with people celebrating my upcoming nuptials.

  Tomorrow is my day. It's not only my wedding day, but it's also the anniversary of the night I met Miller. It's not the Valentine's wedding he wanted, but when I explained the significance of the date, he accepted it testily.

  After law school and starting at Redmond, my time became so scarce, and I lost touch with most of my classmates and friends. Therefore, I missed all the wedding craze in my twenties. Maybe if I’d paid better attention, the planning wouldn't have been overwhelming.

  Annie, Jill, and Mom have been relentless in their planning, making sure I have everything any bride could imagine. With Darby on maternity leave, she's been by my side every step of the way. If I thought I'd be bored after the house was complete, I was mistaken.

  There's a reason brides take six to twelve months to plan a wedding.

  Then again, those brides aren't marrying Miller Kendrick. Many times, I fell into bed exhausted and ready to elope. He'd take away the stress and convince me to deal with the insanity.

  And that's what this is. Insanity.

  That's why I'm hiding in my parents' kitchen, staring out the window at the party. The rehearsal went off without a hitch, but after dinner, when the formalities were over, I snuck off for a few minutes alone.

  My mind races, traveling back in time. One year ago, I had no clue how my life would implode. Even October seems like a lifetime ago when I drove into Charleston to reinvent myself.

  Tomorrow, I'm marrying the man who gave me my life back.

  It's overpowering and beautiful all at once.

  "Ashlyn?" Cole's quiet call breaks me out of my seclusion.

  "Hey, sweetie, what's up?"

  "Why are you in here? You're missing your own party."

  "I stepped away to check on something in the house."

  His blue eyes pierce into me, and like his uncle, he can tell I'm lying.

  "Uncle Miller sent me to bring you back."

  "Ahh, you were sent on a mission."

  He shrugs.

  In the seven months since I've known Cole, it's amazing how much he's changed. Sometimes he's a goofy eleven-year-old acting his age, but right now it's like staring at a mini-Pierce. He's young, yet handsome in his own way.

  "Should we practice for tomorrow?"

  He hitches his elbow my direction, and I link my arm through it. "You will be an excellent usher."

  He rolls his eyes at my praise. "I'm gonna rock that tux."

  My mouth splits into a wide smile. "You definitely inherited the Kendrick cockiness."

  "Dad says it's not cocky if it's true."

  "Mmhmm." I bump his shoulder, letting him lead us outside.

  Miller grins approvingly when he spots us.

  "She wasn't running away," Cole tattles.

  "Of course I wasn't running away. It was a quest for a little time alone."

  "Yeah, right," Cole mumbles, dislodging my arm and tipping his chin before leaving.

  "Freak out over?" Miller brushes his lips over my knuckles.

  "It wasn't a freak out. It was a few minutes of reflection. There's a vast difference."

  "I want to dance with my fiancée." Miller leads us to the middle of the set-up dance floor, wraps his arms around my waist, and presses me close. "Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?" His mouth grazes along my ear.

  "You may have mentioned it."

  "Did I also mention I fucking love your shoe collection?"

  I smile against his cheek, remembering the way his eyes smoldered when he saw the rhinestone stilettos with the dress. "Wait until you see what I have packed for our honeymoon."

  He moans, his chest rumbling against mine. "I'd planned on a naked honeymoon, but go ahead and pack the shoes."

  I angle my face to his, ready to comment, but the smart remark dies on my lips. He's gazing down at me with a look I've seen many times over the months. Most times, I'd be lost in my head and feel a warm sensation rushing through my system. He'd be close, staring at me as he is now.

  Possession, love, adoration… mostly happiness.

  The same sensation prickles, and I forget about the dozens of people around us. Memories of that first night replay through my mind. I stretch up the few inches, placing my lips on his. "A few minutes ago, I wasn't lying. It wasn't a freak out. I was watching my future play out. Blending our families, joining our lives. It was me taking it all in with gratitude and awe."

  His eyes crystalize, glittering as he runs the tip of his tongue across our lips. The faint hint of whiskey teases me. My heart swells and nerves go into overdrive.

  From the beginning, Miller has never shied away from expressing his feelings and intentions. At this moment, he needs to understand how much it means to me.

  "First you stole my breath, then you stole my heart. Thank you for falling for Lily and not giving up all the times I pushed you away. I am madly, over-the-top, crazy in love with you."

  He tenses for a millisecond before he hefts me off the ground, spinning us in a circle until I'm clinging to him and dizzy. Loud cheers erupt around us, but his gaze holds me hostage. He stops twirling, brushing his lips along mine in too short of a kiss.

  "My turn to talk," he says in a silky smooth tone. "You wanted something a while ago that I didn't give you."

  I rack my brain, but nothing comes to mind. "What's that? You've given me everything."

  "I've neglected one thing." He arches his neck, giving me full view of his face, and a lump lodges in my throat.

  This is it. I know what's coming.

  "It was you who did the stealing. Breezed into that bar and seized my attention. I never stood a chance. Knew it then as much as I know it now that you are the woman made for me. So, here's your question. Ashlyn Faith Rhodes, will you marry me?"

  I swallow hard, willing the tears away, but it's worthless. A few slide out of the corners of eyes as I shake my head, laughter bubbling up from my chest. "Now!?! You want to ask me that now?"

  "You wanted a story for our children."

  "I should say no out of principle."

  "You could do that, but you won't."

  He's right. I chew on my bottom lip, pretending to think about it until he loses patience and jostles me. "Ashlyn—"

  "Yes," comes out raspy. "Yes, I'll marry you."

  His mouth curls into a blinding smile right before he crashes his lips to mine.


  "Miller!" His name is a strangled whisper
as I try to squirm away.

  His forearms trap my thighs deeper into the mattress, spreading me wider. He licks and sucks greedily, increasing his speed with every stroke. Scorching sensations of pleasure blaze through my body when he slides his tongue deeper then brings it to flick over my clit, repeating over and over until I'm gasping. "Please, please, plea…" My begging dies when his fingertips graze along my slick center and massage lightly.

  It's been less than five minutes, and the familiar tingling builds back at the base of my spine. Involuntarily, my hips buck, chasing the pleasure. He groans his approval, continuing the tortuous assault until I'm shamelessly grinding into his face.

  I release the sheets, dragging my fingers to fist in his hair. He swirls his tongue inside me, the soft bristles of his beard scraping deliciously against the sensitive flesh. Small black dots pop into my vision until I squeeze my eyes shut, moaning unashamedly.

  My arms and legs tremble, my body twists, and toes curl as he continues to devour me. The orgasm rips through me with such force I crunch up, holding on to his head between my legs.

  "Oh, God," I chant, barely aware of him unlatching my hands and kneeling before me.

  "All fucking mine," he rumbles, pressing my limp body to his.

  "Mmhmm," is the only response I can muster.

  Since the instant we walked into this bungalow, he's repeated the sentiment. For two days, he's had an insatiable hunger that leads to the same declaration.

  He lays me back, gently guiding himself inside.

  "So fucking wet, so hot," he groans, his eyes shimmering. "And mine."

  There it is again.

  "I think we've established that." Words finally come back to me and I wave my hand in his face.

  He dips down, placing his lips on my wedding set. The diamonds sparkle, casting glittery reflections in the sunlight. I'd like to think I was pretty composed on our wedding day, but when the preacher asked for the rings and Pierce handed him my band, I reacted like a fool.

  It wasn't enough that I hissed loud enough for everyone in the church to hear. Or that I let out a small shriek of surprise. It was when I wobbled and he had to wrap his arm around my waist to keep me standing that all our guests got a good laugh.

  I was trembling so hard it took both of us to slip my ring on his finger. He smiled at me with that wicked and cocky grin, knowing he'd gotten the reaction he wanted.

  Now, he runs his lips over the rings with a new purpose. His hips move slowly, his eyes staying locked with mine. I hook my ankles around his waist, arching into him, savoring the feeling of him gliding back and forth.

  I thrust upward, clenching down at the same time, and lose his gaze as he throws his head back on a groan. "Baby, shit. Your fucking pussy is sucking me deep."

  I take advantage of his distracted state, drop my feet to the bed, and turn us. "That's the point. You're not the only one who gets to have all the fun."

  His gaze grows molten as it drifts over me. "Best view in the world is seeing you on top, riding my dick."

  Tingling sensations ripple through my body at the raw, unfiltered hunger in his tone. I reach behind, cupping his balls.

  His muscles clench at the same time he hisses through his teeth. "Not a good idea."

  "You've teased me all morning."

  "You came twice on my tongue. How's that teasing?" His voice is strained as I increase pressure.

  "Like I said, you're not the only one who gets all the fun." My free hand moves between us, my thumb circling the base of his shaft.

  His animalistic groan sounds around the room, encouraging my inner vixen to continue. His hands go to my thighs and his jaw ticks as he struggles for control. I take the few seconds before he pounces to admire him laid out before me. The overgrown beard on his face is nothing short of exquisite against his tan skin. His blue eyes are clouded with passion and lust as I slowly swivel my hips. The way he licks his lips right before he drives upward.

  It's a losing battle, but oh so fun to keep him on the wire.

  "Five seconds, you have five seconds."

  I increase my rocking, angling my hips to take him deeper, and caress his balls once more before I'm flying to my back and reaching for him. He kneels between my legs and thrusts urgently.

  He's merciless, going deeper than possible until I can't take anymore. My entire body spasms as I arch back and shout his name. He is with me, his mouth going to the tendon on my neck as he stills, convulsing inside me.

  My brain short circuits and I hold on to him for dear life, needing to feel his hard body covering mine.

  "Swore to myself I would take my time this morning. Worship this body." He braces on his elbows above my shoulders, keeping the weight from crushing me.

  "Sweetie." I loosen my clutch around him. "You worship me all the time."

  "This is different."

  "Your determination has made you a caveman." My hand moves to sift through his hair and brings his face to mine. "We are leaving this room today, aren't we?"

  "Yes, in about thirty minutes, I plan on fucking you on the verandah." He twists his head to our private patio with a pool overlooking the Caribbean ocean.

  I turn to see the view we've enjoyed the last few days and burst into giggles. "We are leaving this room today."

  "Tried that once. Nope, not interested in doing it again," he grumbles, his gaze going dark.

  I know he's remembering the young man who flirted with me while we were checking in. His flattery ended quickly. "Not only are you a caveman, you're also a bully. He was harmless. It's his job to be charming to the clientele. I'm sure he got the message when you growled like a dog loud enough for everyone to hear."

  "He was ogling with sex on his mind."

  This is an argument I won't win, so I try a different tactic. "You bring me to a private villa in Antigua and think I want to stay locked away?"

  "Room service and housekeeping are all we need."

  "We'll see." I shoot him a noncommittal grin, loving the battle of wills that typically comes along with the 'we'll see' game.

  "Princess, we've been fucking slammed for weeks. I have you all to myself for nine days. No families, friends, weddings, work, remodeling—nothing but us enjoying our honeymoon. You want to ride my ass over wanting time alone with my new wife?"

  God, I don't know how it's possible to fall even more in love with him, but it happens frequently. Especially when he's like this. But I also know this is a lot more than wanting to stay holed away.

  First, he's a Kendrick.

  Second, he's a Kendrick on a mission.

  A specific mission.

  A few weeks ago, we talked and went birth control free. Actually, he decided and took matters into his own hands, telling me as he flushed my pills. I knew it was coming, I'd talked to my doctor already in preparation, and didn't put up a fight. My body may take some time to get on a cycle. It may have appeared I was a pushover, but he was very convincing.

  Miller wants to start a family, and I can't wait. I also knew coming into this honeymoon he'd set his sights and expectations.

  "I'm not riding your ass, sweetie. If you really want to stay secluded, it's not a hardship."

  "Glad you see things my way." He bends his head down, kissing me softly.

  There's a knock at the door, room service announcing our breakfast. Miller nips at my bottom lip before slipping out of me and off the bed, covering my naked body with the sheet. "Stay put. Breakfast in bed."

  He comes out of the closet a few seconds later in loose-fitting gym shorts and nothing else. My mouth waters at his toned body and rippling muscles with the slight sheen of sweat clinging to his skin. He catches me ogling, flashing me the same wicked grin that's always sent my heart and stomach into overdrive.

  He refuses the waiter's offer to deliver the food, instead rolling the cart in himself. His eyes pierce into mine. I break the connection and glance outside, standing and letting the sheet fall.

  "Jesus, fucking beautiful."
  In my head, I know that's impossible. My hair is a wild mane, my body flushed and splotched with small scrapes from his beard, and multiple marks and hickeys from days of his devotion. But he sees none of that.

  "The verandah?"

  He grunts his answer, rounding the cart.

  I step outside, completely nude with no inhibitions, knowing he's on my heels.

  Breakfast can wait.



  6 Weeks Later

  "You got it?" I ask my nephew, who's nodding proudly.

  "No room for mistakes, this has to go off without a hitch." I eye him skeptically. "I'm counting on you."

  "Jeez, Uncle Miller, I'm not a rookie. Dad and I do this kind of stuff all the time!" He's losing patience with me.

  I look to Pierce, who's grinning pompously at his son. "Yeah, I've trained him well. Maybe not in this specific circumstance, but trust it."

  I give a chin jerk, walking away to take my place, and glance around as I wait to give him the sign. Our backyard is loaded with our family and friends mingling around. But my eyes land on the sexy redhead wearing a black lace cover-up. It's translucent, showing the bright blue bikini underneath. When she came out of the bedroom dressed for the party, I told her to enjoy the bathing suit for the day. Because tonight I will take great enjoyment in ripping it off. She threatened something, but I tuned it out, staring at her perfect fucking body and wishing we had time before people arrived.

  Today is a day of multiple festivities.

  All construction and renovations on our guesthouse are done. It didn't happen as quickly as hoped, but once zoning and permits were approved we got to work. The week of the wedding, while we were in Atlanta, Ashlyn approached her dad about building us our own pool. We went to his office and designed exactly what we wanted. Dozer dropped the bomb he was giving this to us for our wedding present. He worked with my dad to hire a local crew, and while we were in Antigua, they broke ground.

  Andrew took the jump and relocated to Charleston in early March, renting my old house. Both Austin and Andrew were involved with the process of getting our backyard done. Austin came for a few weeks to oversee the work and manage the progress. I was grateful for their help. It freed me up to handle my workload at Kendrick Construction and cover renovations.


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