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The Dragon Blade

Page 16

by P D Atkerson

  "Sh... don't speak such things." Queen Gance whispered, glancing towards the guards standing next to the door, staring out into nothingness. "You never know who might be listening."

  "I don't care!" Enrick cried, his eyes glossing over. "Here you are, sick and.... not well, and where is he? Off doing who knows what! Probably setting fire to something!"

  Using what little strength, she had left, she squeezed her son's hand harder. "Please. For my sake, be careful what you say about your father. I fear you already have enemies within the castle." Enrick sighed and nodded. "I cannot leave this wretched body, until I know you'll be alright, my dear son," the Queen said, lifting a shaking hand to his cheek. "I love you so. More than this life or anything in it."

  "I love you too, mother. But... I don't think I can bear to lose you. Not yet," Enrick said, glancing towards the castle guards. He hated to look weak in front of them. But he had to, he wanted his mother to know how he felt before it was too late to say it. He'd already lost a friend and now his mother. Who would be left in the castle that he cared about? "I can't live this life without your love and help."

  "Yes, you can," the queen whispered, forcing a smile. "Though I leave, you will always have my love and that of your father's."

  Enrick fought the urge to laugh. His father's love!? Ha! Right! He shook the thoughts away and looked at his mother. "I wish you could become well again. Is there no way?"

  "My time to pass through the gates of this life, has come," she said. "There is nothing anyone can do, not if it is the Creator's will."

  Enrick stood up stiffly. "Mother! You know not to say that name!" He hissed, bending closer to his mother. "You could bring bad fortune upon yourself."

  The Queen laughed softly. "Have you looked at me? When you're as close to the next life as I am, you start to wonder about what lies beyond."

  "And you believe in this... creator?"


  Enrick sighed, and rubbed his head. His mother really was slipping away from him. She was starting to believe in those made up stories and there was nothing he could do for her!

  "Find a gentle woman to marry, my son," Queen Gance whispered. "Do not marry her for her looks, or her status. For those can be taken away."

  "Yes, yes mother. I'll remember," he whispered, fighting back tears. "I love you, mother," Enrick said, kissing his mother on the forehead. "I'll be alright. I'm sure father and I will get through it together."

  "Thank you," she whispered, her breath starting to slow.

  An hour later she breathed her last and the light in the Dark Castle and in Enrick's heart, went out.

  Enrick blinked back tears and the sorrow that threatened to overtake him. He cleared his throat and pulled the blanket over the Queen's head. Then he stood and turned towards one of the guards standing next to the door. "Inform the King that... that Queen Gance is dead," he said, his voice faltering. His hands trembling.

  The guard looked at him sadly, then saluted, and hurried out of the room. The only other person to cry over the Queen's death, was her maid Alalia.

  Enrick looked down at the lump that had once been his mother, then he fled the room towards his chamber, where he locked himself in.

  Chapter 17


  It was the day of Queen Gance's funeral, but Enrick wouldn't attend the dark ceremony. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to her.

  Instead, Enrick spent that morning, beating his sword against the training dummy. He screamed and lunged towards it, quickly bringing his sword slamming towards one of the dummy's arms. There was a loud 'snap!' and a piece of the fighting dummy broke off.

  The stupid thing was a hundred years old, no wonder it was falling apart! His mother used to say...

  His mother...

  Enrick's hands were trembling, as he yanked the sword back out of the wood and stepped away from the fighting dummy. His mother always hated him fighting with the rest of the warriors, everyone other than Aroron, was at least ten years older than him and his mother was afraid one of them would hurt him.

  Sure, they'd given him a few sore muscles and broken bones, but in the end, by dying she'd hurt him in a way none of them ever could have.

  He dug his nails into the metal hilt of his sword and gritted his teeth.

  He hated this place! The castle was nothing to him without his mother. What reason did he have to stay? None. Maybe one night he'd just vanish. He doubted anyone would notice. With his mother gone, there was no one left that cared what happened to him. Certainly not his father.

  Enrick spun around to slam his sword into the wood dummy again, but instead his sword hit metal. Quickly, he twisted his sword and stepped back. Ready for anything.

  "Very good, my lord," the man said, lowering his sword and clapping.

  "Dasety," Enrick said, lowering his sword and wiping his sleeve against his brow. "What brings you here? Is the funeral already over?"

  Dasety bowed and nodded. "Yes, my lord. It was a great honor to her."

  "I'd rather have her still alive," Enrick mumbled, tugging at his collar. He hadn't realized how warm he'd become fighting, until he'd stopped for a moment.

  His father's advisor looked at him sadly.

  "Did you come to speak with me about something?" Enrick asked, trying to change the subject. He didn't want Dasety feeling sorry for him. It was almost as bad as if he'd completely ignored the fact that the queen was dead.

  "Yes, your majesty," Dasety said, clearing his throat. "Next month is your fourteenth birthday."

  "So?" Enrick asked, sheathing his sword. "And next year I will turn fifteen, then sixteen the following year and so on till I die. What is your point?"

  Dasety pulled an old scroll out of his cloak. "This states that, as the king's son, you are entitled to be crowned prince now that Munay is the only one ruling."

  "You must be joking!" Enrick said, staring at the scroll. "Even if that scroll says such a thing, my father would never allow it. He won't share his power with anyone, definitely not me."

  "It is the law, even your father can't bend this one. It has been in place for over three hundred years," Dasety said, sliding it carefully back into his pocket.

  "My father doesn't bend the law, he breaks it," Enrick said, shrugging. "And that is what he will do with this law. Give it to him and it will be nothing but ash. How did you come across this 'law'? I've never heard of it before."

  "I knew you would think you had no reason to stay here without your mother." Gosh! Sometimes Enrick wondered if he could read his mind! It was kind of creepy. "So," Dasety continued. "I decided to look for a reason and I do believe I found one."

  "Have you told my father?"

  "No, I thought I should inform you first."

  Enrick sat down and rubbed his chin. It was more than he could handle. He'd never really thought about the fact that his mother had been crowned queen and now that she was gone, he would need to take her place when he turned of age. He'd always imagined he'd be much older when he was crowned prince.

  "What's the point in telling me?" Enrick asked, looking up. "My father will never allow it."

  "I believe I know a way where he won't be able to just ignore this law," Dasety said, his eyes glittering.

  Chapter 18

  The Crown

  Enrick glanced towards Dasety. It was almost time. He bit his lip, as his heart thudded in his chest. If everything went as planned, this time the following month, Enrick would be crowned prince and no longer just the king's son, with no power or control over anything.

  When they arrived at the throne room, the guards reached for the doors, but Enrick put up a hand to stop them, then he glanced towards Dasety again.

  "I don't think this is a good idea, Dasety," Enrick said, stepping back from the doors. "What... what if I make a fool of myself? No one else even knows about this law. I... I...!"

  "Calm down, my prince," Dasety said, placing his hand on Enrick's shoulder. "I'm sure you will do just fine, if you leave mo
st of the talking to me."

  "What?!" Enrick said, turning towards him. "What the heck are you talking about? Am I not to say anything?"

  "The less you say, the more likely they are to believe you." Dasety said, squeezing Enrick's shoulder. "I'll be there the whole time and I'll make sure your father knows I'm the one who found the scroll."

  Enrick swallowed and motioned to the guards to open the doors.

  Half a dozen Loyal Warriors sat around a table in front of the throne, where King Munay sat. They were talking intently, until they heard the doors opening, then all fell silent. The second he saw them, Enrick almost turned around and ran back to the safety of his chamber.

  "Prince Enrick, to see the king!" The guard called out, saluting towards the king as he quickly stepped out of the way and back towards the doors. King Munay glanced up and nodded his head, motioning them forwards.

  "You could have warned me, he was in a meeting," Enrick mumbled under his breath to Dasety, as they moved forwards and towards the throne.

  "Would you have come if you'd known?" He asked, Enrick glared at him in response. "Besides, this wouldn't work if they weren't here."

  The Loyal Warriors watched as Enrick and Dasety stepped in front of the throne and bowed. Enrick stood up again and looked at his father.

  "What is it, Enrick?" Munay asked, leaning back against his throne. Enrick could tell by the distant look in his eyes, that he was already ignoring him. Why had he let Dasety talk him into coming in the first place? This was a stupid idea! His father would never allow it.

  Enrick swallowed and glanced towards Dasety.

  Dasety nodded and Enrick began, "There is something I think you should be informed about..."

  "I've heard enough," King Munay said, cutting in. "You may leave now." He said, turning back towards his men, he motioned Enrick and Dasety away. "I know everything I need to know.

  "Father, for once, will you please just listen to me!" Enrick snapped, slamming his foot down. The second he said it, he instantly regretted it. The Loyal Warriors all looked towards him.

  King Munay shoved himself out of his throne and quickly moved towards Enrick, his eyes ablaze.

  "How dare you!" He hissed, grabbing Enrick by the collar. Enrick's eyes grew wide, as the flames licked between King Munay's fingers and towards his neck. The heat hitting him. "If you were not my son..." Munay whispered, letting go. The flames instantly extinguished. "You'll never yell at me again!" King Munay growled, shoving his finger in Enrick's face. "If you do, you will spend a week in the dungeon, without food."

  Rubbing his neck, Enrick stumbled back. The second he did, Dasety stepped forwards, between him and Munay.

  "My lord," Dasety said, bowing. "I have something of great importance to tell you," he said, clearing his throat, he drew out the scroll and proceeded to read it out loud, in front of the Loyal Warriors. Enrick now saw why he'd chosen then to tell the king, he couldn't pretend there wasn't such a law with these men watching the whole thing.

  When Dasety was finished, King Munay looked as taken aback as Enrick had been and for a long moment, he didn't speak.

  Munay glanced toward the Loyal Warriors and smiled politely, then he turned towards Dasety. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

  "I didn't know about it until now and I thought you should know as soon as could be, since next month, Enrick is of age to take the crown."

  "What? No! Enrick's only..." Slowly the king frowned. "How old is he now?"

  "I'm thirteen," Enrick hissed. "I have been for almost a year."

  King Munay glanced towards him but didn't say a word to him. "Is he ready for such an undertaking?" Munay asked Dasety, again as if Enrick wasn't even there.

  "He will have to prove it to you, my lord," Dasety said, bowing again. "Though, I am sure of it."

  "Ruling is not easy, Enrick, you must prove to yourself, and the people, that you are ready," King Munay said, not even looking towards his son. "You have until your birthday to do so. Do not disappoint me."

  Enrick saluted. Spun around and marched out of the throne room. As he did, a mixture of excitement and fear swelled up inside of him.

  Chapter 19


  Enrick wasn't sure if he wanted to scream for joy or cry out in terror.

  One month.

  That was all he had to prove he was worthy of the crown. Easy. Not!

  * * *

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  On impulse, Aroron's hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword, lying next to his straw bed, as the pounding continued on the cabin door. The fogginess of sleep quickly left him. He'd been staying with Hunter for almost two months and these strange visits had become normal to him. You never knew when someone might show up at Hunter's cabin, but Aroron was never allowed to listen in on their conversations.

  Hunter tumbled out of his bed and tripped over something on the ground. Slowly finding his way through the darkness and towards the door. Hunter lit a lamp and motioned for Aroron to be quiet, as he stepped towards the door. He hooked the lamp on the wall and drew his sword as he opened the door.

  The second it was open, a figure cloaked in fresh snow, pushed past Hunter and stepped into the cabin. "Man! It's freezing out there!"

  "Brody? What are you doing here?" Hunter asked, sheathing his sword. "Shouldn't you be in Karlay?"

  "Haven't you heard?" Brody asked, pulling his hood down and shaking the snow off onto the ground. "There's talk of the Elders breaking off from each other. That's why I was sent back here, being a Shenockien and all."

  Hunter's eyes went wide. "Why haven't I been told of this?!"

  "It started weeks ago," Brody said, shrugging. "I thought you would have been the first to hear about this."

  "I don't know everything."

  "Well, you're sure good at acting like you do," Brody said, fighting a smile.

  Hunter didn't find it funny. "This isn't good. They can't do this to us. Not now!" He growled and began pacing, as Aroron watched silently from his corner. "I just need a little more time!"

  "There's nothing I can do about it, sir," Brody said. "If there was, I would have already done it."

  "What about Lady Orana, what does she say about this?" Hunter said, spinning around to face Brody again. "She would never agree to this." Lady Orana? Aroron had heard the name before, but he couldn't quite place it.

  Brody nodded. "She's tried to stop them, but she's only one person, she can't lead them on her own," he said. "Not all of them will follow a woman."

  "What about her own army? Surely she won't back off just because everyone else is!"

  "Well," Brody mumbled glancing towards the ground. "She really doesn't have any reason to keep fighting this battle. Not many people think it's worth fighting."

  "Lady Orana can't be one of them!" Hunter snapped. "I've known her since we were children. She is not one to follow others blindly and she still has a very strong reason to stay in this fight! She is a Theron!"

  That's when it snapped for Aroron. Lady Orana of Debel! That's where he'd heard the name before. She was the leader of the Therons, a small break off of Karlay. How did Hunter know her so well? Even King Munay only knew her by name.

  As long as Aroron could remember, she'd never been to the Dark Castle.

  "I know that look, Hunter. What are you thinking?" Brody asked. "You know she can't do anything without her husband's consent."

  "Yes, her husband. I think I know how to get her back into the fight, with or without that man's consent. Stay here," Hunter said, quickly grabbing his cloak and pulling it on. "I'll be back in a few days."

  "You're going to need more than that in this weather," Brody said, pulling his coat off. "Here take this."

  "I can't take your coat!" Hunter said, stepping back.

  "If you don't, you'll freeze to death before you even reach Debel. Take it! If I'm staying here, I won't need it."

  Hunter hesitated, then took it and thanked Brody. Aroron wasn't going to watch si
lently any longer. "Wait! What the heck is going on?" He said, jumping up and moving towards them. "It's winter, you're mad to go to Debel! You won't make it through the pass, let alone through the woods by yourself!"

  "What do you think, Brody? Will I make it to Debel?" Hunter asked, turning towards him. Still eyeing Aroron, Brody nodded. "See, he thinks I'll make it and he just came from that part of the realm."

  "Oh? So, he grew up in Karlay and saw how bad the winter can be there?" Aroron asked. "I've lived through winters where we couldn't step outside the castle for months!"

  "I'll be fine."

  "Why are you even leaving? What is going on here?" Aroron asked. "And who the heck are the Elders?"

  "Look, Aroron," Hunter said, placing his hand on Aroron's shoulder. "I promise I'll tell you when I get back. Can the two of you take care of things here for a few days?"

  "Yes, sir," Brody said, nodding. "We'll be fine."

  "Good. Then goodbye," he said, glancing towards Aroron and hurried towards the door.

  "But..." Before Aroron could say more, the door slammed closed behind Hunter. "Idiot!" He snapped, kicking the door. "He's going to get himself killed!"

  "Okay... well... hi. I'm Brody," he said, holding his hand out to Aroron.

  "Aroron," he mumbled, crossing his arms, ignoring Brody's out stretched hand. He watched out the window towards the blizzard brewing outside the cabin.

  "How do you know Hunter?" Brody asked, sitting down at the table. "I don't remember ever seeing you before and I've met most of the Rebels here."

  Aroron spun around towards him. "Rebels here? What are you talking about?"

  Brody frowned. "Aren't you a Rebel?"

  "No! I'm not a Rebel!" Aroron snapped.

  "If you're not a Rebel, what the heck are you doing here?" Brody asked, standing up, his body tense.

  Suddenly, everything that happened since he'd come to Hunter's cabin made sense.

  "I didn't come here to get stuck in the middle of things!" Aroron said, stepping back from Brody. "I left the Dark Castle because I didn't want to die! Not so I could join some cult!"


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