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A Sister's Sorrow

Page 20

by Kitty Neale

  Tommy returned with two ice-cream cones. It was clear he’d been licking them both. ‘It was dripping,’ he said to George as he handed him one.

  ‘I’ll see you later then,’ Sarah said, and grabbed Tommy’s hand to lead him away.

  ‘See ya, George,’ Tommy called.

  ‘Ta ta,’ George shouted, but they were soon lost from sight in the throng of shoppers. Oh well, he thought, he’d see her again soon and as far as he was concerned the rest of the day couldn’t pass quickly enough.

  ‘That was the bestest. Thanks, Mum,’ Tommy said as he licked melted ice-cream from between his fingers.

  They had walked a good way from the market, and the streets were quieter here. Sarah looked down at Tommy, took a handkerchief from her bag and lightly spat on it before crouching down to wipe his face. ‘Don’t thank me. George paid for it. Now look at the state of you! I reckon you must have more ice-cream on your face than in your belly.’

  ‘Ew, get off,’ Tommy moaned, as he tried to push away Sarah’s hand with the moistened handkerchief.

  Sarah stood up then gasped as she found a tall man blocking her path. She’d never seen Godfrey, but judging by the way he was dressed and the photograph, she instantly knew it was him.

  ‘You must be Sarah Jepson. I’ve been looking for you,’ Godfrey said with a sneer.

  ‘No, I think you’re mistaken. Excuse me, please,’ Sarah answered. Her heart pounded as she looked into his threatening eyes. She went to walk around him, but he stepped sideways, again blocking her.

  ‘I’m not mistaken. You weren’t that hard to find. You told my mother you live in Battersea, and I’ve been asking around. It didn’t take me long or cost much to find out that you often use that market. It seems people around here will quite happily open their rotten mouths for a cheap price.’

  Sarah looked around her. She didn’t recognise anyone, but that didn’t mean people wouldn’t know who she was. Gossip was rife in the area, but George had said no one would say anything. He’d obviously been mistaken.

  Tommy was standing by her side looking suspiciously at Godfrey. She hoped the man wouldn’t make a scene and scare her brother. ‘Yes, I’m Sarah Jepson. What of it?’ she said, trying to make herself sound more brazen than she felt.

  Godfrey didn’t answer, but she suddenly felt his tight grip on her arm, then he began to pull her off the street and down a narrow deserted alley. She tried to yank herself free, but his clutch was too strong. She couldn’t allow him to drag her into the alley. He could do anything to her and no one would see.

  Her mind raced. Tommy was standing as though transfixed, looking terrified so she daren’t scream or it would frighten him even more. ‘Get George,’ she called before Godfrey managed to overpower her.

  Sarah didn’t see if Tommy had run off, but then she was aware of a pain shooting across her shoulders as Godfrey slammed her against a brick wall. She gasped for breath, feeling winded, then felt the weight of Godfrey’s body as he pushed against her.

  ‘There’s no one to help you, and nobody will see us in here,’ he ground out, dragging her deeper into the gloom and behind a pile of rubbish.

  ‘Get off me,’ Sarah gasped.

  Godfrey’s fingers wrapped round her throat, forcing her head back and his face just inches from hers. His eyes looked hard and cold, like flints, as he tightened his grip. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t make another sound, her body trapped between the wall and the man who was trying to squeeze the life out of her.

  ‘You bitch!’ Godfrey hissed. ‘You’ve ruined my life. I’ve lost everything because of you. Did you think you would get away with it?’

  Sarah could feel his saliva on her face as he spat his words with such venom. She struggled for breath, knew she had to somehow placate him and managed to croak, ‘Sorry.’

  ‘Sorry! You’re sorry! I’ve been disinherited, thrown out of my home, and all you can say is you’re sorry! You fucking whore! I’m going to make sure you pay for this.’

  Sarah’s skirt was tight but she could feel his other hand roughly grabbing at the bare flesh on her thigh. She couldn’t scream for help and feared he was going to rape her. The more she fought against him, the tighter he gripped her throat, and she began to panic. She felt her windpipe being crushed, and as she desperately tried to suck in air, she became aware that the world around her was spinning until it slowly faded.

  George was surprised to see Tommy running towards him again, but soon became alarmed when he saw the child’s frightened face and no sign of Sarah.

  ‘George … George … a man’s got Mummy in an alley and he’s hurting her,’ Tommy shouted as he approached.

  He knew instantly that it must be that Godfrey bloke, and quickly yelled, ‘Roger, come with me. Sarah’s being attacked.’ He looked down at Tommy and grabbed the boy’s shoulders, ‘Wait here, don’t move and don’t worry,’ he said, before running off with Roger closely on his heels.

  ‘Move … move …’ George shouted as he charged through the crowd and waved his arms like a man possessed. Once away from the market, he ran the route that Sarah would have taken to go home. Tommy had said she was in an alley and he stopped to look up the first one he came to. There was nothing in it except empty boxes and a dustbin. His legs pumping like pistons, he ran to the next street, then the next, until he came to another alley. He paused, panting, sure he could see something at the back in the corner. He ran in, and behind some rubbish saw a man standing over something. His stomach lurched. It was Sarah.

  ‘Get your fucking hands off her,’ George yelled.

  Godfrey looked startled when he saw him, but as George pulled his arm back to punch Godfrey, he felt a blow to his stomach which knocked him off his feet. He landed with a thud on the floor. Had Godfrey punched him first? He was unsure of what had happened, but he was aware of pain. He sat up and looked down. Blood was beginning to spread across his white shirt. His hand was shaking as he tentatively touched the wound. It felt wet and strangely warm. Then he realised, he’d been stabbed. ‘Look out. He’s got a knife,’ George screeched as he saw Roger running towards Godfrey.

  Godfrey turned to look at George, and in that moment Roger swung his fist, landing it heavily on Godfrey’s jaw. The force of the blow sent him flying and as he landed close to George, the knife fell from his hand. George quickly grabbed it, and managed to get himself onto his knees. ‘Don’t move,’ George warned as he held the knife aggressively towards Godfrey.

  It had all happened in seconds, but it had felt like an eternity and had played out in slow motion in front of George’s eyes. He looked over at Sarah and was relieved to see she was pushing herself up from the floor with Roger gently helping. He could hear her coughing and her voice sounded raspy.

  ‘I thought he was going to kill me …’ she cried.

  ‘It’s all right, I’ve got you,’ Roger reassured her.

  ‘Roger, what am I going to do with him?’ George called.

  Roger turned to look and his face went pale. ‘You’re bleeding, George.’

  ‘I know, but what about him?’ George repeated and indicated with his head at Godfrey, who was sitting passively on the floor ‘What about you, Sarah, are you all right?’

  ‘Yes … I think so …’ Sarah said huskily, rubbing her neck. ‘Where’s Tommy?’

  ‘He’s safe, he’s at my stall. Roger, I think you’d better go and find a copper … and call me an ambulance.’ George could feel himself becoming weaker as blood began to pool on the floor next to him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold the knife at Godfrey.

  Roger had one arm under Sarah’s, and the other across her shoulder. She looked a bit unsteady on her feet and was leaning heavily on him. It was stupid, thought George, but even in this crazy situation he felt jealous and wished it was him helping Sarah.

  He’d taken his eye off his prisoner, and, with Roger concentrating on Sarah, Godfrey unexpectedly jumped to his feet and swiftly ran from the alley. ‘After him,’ Geor
ge shouted, but it was too late. Godfrey vanished out of the alley into the busy street.

  With that, George finally slumped. He closed his eyes and felt someone lift his head. With a force of will he managed to open his eyes again and saw Sarah’s face looking down on him.

  ‘It’s all right. George … hold on … you’re going to be all right …’

  Her voice sounded like the soft tones of an angel, but then, as everything around him seemed to darken, the last thing George heard was the sound of a siren.

  Chapter 32

  Lena held her son’s hand and willed him to wake up. He’s a strong lad, she thought, he’s had worse and pulled through, but she couldn’t help but worry at the sight of him laid in a hospital bed.

  ‘How is he?’

  Lena heard Sarah’s voice and spun around to see the girl, standing next to Roger. She’d been so absorbed, she hadn’t seen or heard them walking through the ward. ‘The doctors have said he’s going to be fine,’ she answered, then added, ‘What about you, love, are you all right?’

  ‘Yes, thanks, Lena. I’m a bit on edge at the thought of Godfrey still being out there somewhere, but I’m sure the police will catch up with him soon. I don’t know what I would have done without George. He saved my life.’

  ‘That’s ’cos I’m Superman in my other job …’ George quietly groaned.

  Lena jumped up from the chair she’d been sitting on. ‘George, you’re awake,’ she exclaimed, and tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  ‘Yeah, but don’t look so sad about it.’

  ‘These are tears of happiness, not sadness,’ she said, and squeezed his hand tighter.

  ‘Oh, thank God, George. You had us all really worried for a while,’ Sarah said.

  Lena noticed her voice was still very raspy and the bruising around her neck was visible, though she’d attempted to hide it with a scarf.

  ‘I’m blinkin’ starving. Have I been out long?’ George asked.

  He was putting on a brave face, but Lena could hear his voice was weak and could tell by the way he winced that he was in discomfort. ‘It’s Sunday afternoon, George. Do you remember what happened yesterday?’ she asked gently.

  ‘Mum, he stabbed me in the stomach, not in the brain. Of course I remember. Did any of you bring me any fruit or biscuits?’

  Roger laughed. ‘Sorry, mate, we’ve come empty-handed. Trust you to be thinking of food at a time like this.’

  ‘I’ll go and fetch a nurse and see if I can’t get her to bring you a sandwich or something, but I’m not sure you’ll be allowed to eat just yet,’ Lena said, then turned to Sarah. ‘Keep an eye on him for me, and don’t let him try to get up.’

  When Lena got back to George’s bedside, she noticed a sad look in her son’s eyes and wondered if the shock of what had happened was beginning to surface. ‘The nurse has gone to fetch the doctor and will be here in a minute. I think you two should go now and let George get his rest. We don’t want him overdoing it.’

  ‘All right, but I’ll be back tomorrow, mate,’ Roger said. ‘Keep your chin up. It ain’t so bad having all these lovely nurses fussing over you.’

  Lena saw Sarah dig Roger in the ribs and thought they looked quite cosy together. Sarah leaned over to kiss George’s cheek and said, ‘I’ll bring Tommy up to see you tomorrow. He’s been asking after you.’

  ‘Thanks, you two,’ Lena said. ‘Don’t worry about coming to work for a few days, Sarah. Albert – I mean Mr Bosco – has got cover for both of us.’

  ‘See ya,’ George said.

  Lena sat beside her son again. Albert had been understanding about her predicament. Once she had explained what happened, he’d been gravely concerned for Sarah and George’s well-being, and insisted that she take all the time off she needed. She promised to have dinner with him once George was on the mend, though at the time of that conversation she hadn’t been convinced her son was going to be OK, and was worried sick.

  Lena watched George as his eyes followed Sarah and Roger leaving the ward. ‘You don’t have to put on a brave front now. Tell me how you really feel,’ she whispered to him.

  ‘Honest, Mum, I’m all right.’

  ‘You can’t pull the wool over my eyes. Are you worried about that man still being on the loose?’

  ‘No, don’t be daft. Truth is, I’m wondering what’s going on with them two.’

  So that was what was bothering her son. He was upset to see Roger getting his feet under Sarah’s table. It was bound to happen eventually. After all, Sarah had been harbouring feelings for the man for a long time now. She thought Sarah was a fool, but she was more concerned for George. It wasn’t just his stomach in pain. It was his heart too.

  Mo looked out of her window when she heard a vehicle pull up outside, and saw Roger’s van. ‘Your mum’s home,’ she called over her shoulder to Tommy.

  ‘Yes!’ Tommy squealed, and ran across the room and out of the door.

  She carried on looking, and saw Roger lean across and kiss Sarah on the lips. Tommy ran from the house, and Sarah climbed from the van, but she never took her eyes off Roger. She’s finally got her man, Mo thought, and felt a tinge of sadness. She should be happy for her friend, especially after everything she’d been through lately, but instead had a strange sensation, almost as if she were jealous. She chastised herself and when Sarah walked into the room she said, ‘Someone looks a bit happy.’

  ‘Tommy, do you want to go and play with Larry?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘Yeah, but what about George? Is he all right?’

  ‘Yes, love, he’s going to be fine. I’ll take you to see him after school tomorrow.’

  Tommy’s face lit up. ‘Yay! Right, I’m going to see Larry.’

  As Tommy ran out, Mo watched as her friend walked across the room, then threw her arms in the air before falling back onto the sofa.

  ‘Oh, Mo … he’s so … so … I think I’m in love!’

  ‘Are you dating him now?’ Mo asked.

  ‘Yes, he’s asked me to be his girlfriend. I know I should be traumatised after what happened yesterday, but I feel like I’m in a dream world,’ Sarah said with an exaggerated sigh.

  ‘What a difference a day makes. You was a nervous wreck yesterday, what with the attack and having to give your statement to the police, and today you’re like a new woman. It’s amazing what an effect a man can have!’

  ‘I know, isn’t it! He’s only been gone five minutes and I’m missing him already. I can’t stop smiling, and I can’t stop thinking about him.’ Then she added gravely, ‘Still, it’s better than dwelling on Godfrey.’

  ‘How’s George?’ Mo asked.

  ‘He’s sore but on the mend. Thanks for looking after Tommy for me again.’

  ‘No problem. Sam won’t be back for hours yet. He’s earning a few extra bob helping one of his mates fix up his motorbike. Do you want something to drink?’

  ‘No, thanks. I’ve got company tonight so I’m going downstairs to give my room a good clean up, then I’m going to make the most of the taps being fixed and have a soak in the bath before my boyfriend visits. He knows I’ve got Tommy so he said he’ll call in with a Muffin the Mule toy for him … he’s so sweet and thoughtful, don’t you think?’

  ‘Seems to be,’ Mo said sceptically. ‘Just don’t go rushing in. He’s the first man you’ve ever dated, and you’ve got to watch some of these blokes. There’s plenty of them out there that are only after one thing.’

  ‘I know,’ Sarah said, ‘I’ve seen it often enough with my mum. Roger may be my first proper boyfriend, but I ain’t silly when it comes to men.’

  Mo wasn’t convinced, and a heartbroken blubbering woman was the last thing she wanted to put up with. She could only hope Sarah was as sensible as she sounded.

  That evening, Sarah had just applied a slick of pink lipstick when she heard Roger’s van outside. Her heart seemed to skip a beat, and though she couldn’t wait to see him, she was filled with nervous excitement.

went to the front door to let him in, and when she saw his masculine physique filling her doorway, all she wanted to do was run into his arms. ‘Hello, Roger,’ she said meekly.

  Roger had a box under his arm which he gave to Tommy. Sarah watched him eagerly opening it and then his voice rose in excitement, ‘Muffin! Can I go and show it to Larry?’

  ‘Yes, but I want you back in an hour, young man. You’ve got school in the morning.’

  Once Tommy had gone, Roger approached Sarah and pulled her towards him. She felt a quiver run down her back as he placed his lips on hers and tenderly kissed her.

  ‘It’s nice to have you all to myself for a while,’ he said, and kissed her again.

  This time she could feel his tongue parting her lips and pushing into her mouth. She’d heard about French kissing, but it felt odd, though she tingled with pleasure. He began to run his hands up and down her sides, then reached to the front and softly cupped her breast. She immediately pulled away and turned from him.

  ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You’re so gorgeous and it’s hard for me to keep my hands to myself.’

  She spun back around and saw the hungry look in his eyes. She’d seen that look before when some of her mother’s punters had eyed her. It was the same look Eddy used to stare at her with too. It made her feel uncomfortable, and she squirmed, but she didn’t want Roger to think she didn’t like him. ‘It’s all right,’ she said, ‘I just need to take things slowly.’

  ‘That’s fine,’ Roger said and lightly kissed her forehead.

  It was a relief to know he wasn’t going to try and push her into something she wasn’t yet ready for, especially after Mo’s warning. She’d enjoyed him kissing her and exploring her mouth though. It had left her quite breathless and wanting more, but she couldn’t shake her mother’s warning – keep your legs shut.

  Chapter 33

  In July, after a few complications, George had finally been discharged from hospital. He’d enjoyed his visits from Sarah. He hadn’t been so keen on Roger turning up with her on most occasions, but if there was something going on between them, they’d kept it to themselves.


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