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Defiled Seduce Night

Page 183

by Marie Cisneros

  'Close your eyes' she whispers, her husky tones almost hypnotic, 'hands behind you and look up'. She moves behind him and kneels too. He feels the briefest imprint of the warmth of her fingers and then the cold shock of steel as she cuffs his wrists together.

  Standing again, she slowly, almost lazily, trails the cat across his shoulders and neck as she moves back round in front of him. She takes a glass and drinks, the ruby red liquid glowing warm as a promise in the firelight. Stepping forward, she takes his chin in her hand, a strong, sure touch, hinting at the physicality to come, tilting his face upwards to receive her kiss, allowing him to taste the oaky wine from her lips...


  Her mind is overflowing with possibilities. He needs to know that this game is not about the infliction of pain or humiliation, but about the creation of anticipation, the demonstration of strength, the art of the tease, an exercise in control for both of them.

  She reaches behind her and takes a silk scarf from the table, slowly twisting it around her fingers, while she holds his gaze. He's watching her, drinking her in now, committing her to memory, for he senses what is to come and lowers his head in anticipation. She leans in, her hair brushing his skin causing an involuntary shiver as she ties the scarf around his eyes. Now, cuffed and blinded, his vulnerability is amplified and her control complete. Slowly, she walks around him as if assessing her prize, or searching for his achilles heel. Her heavy, measured steps, pointed heels stabbing the stone floor provide the only sound; a metronome marking the rhythm of their music.

  She stops in front of him and he senses her kneeling. He feels the lightest touch on one shoulder, fingertips tracing lazy circles across his warm skin, tracing the line of his jaw, stopping to feel the pulse throbbing in his neck, then continuing onwards, circling first one nipple, then the other, before her tongue joins the dance.


  Her head is spinning, whirling, intoxicated by the heat of the fire, her sense of power, her unquestionable desire.

  She drinks him in with eyes, fingers and mouth, his skin, glowing golden in the light of the fire, smooth under her fingers and salty to the tongue. His head, bowed and bound, the submission there in complete contrast to the obvious strength of his physical masculinity, evidenced by the throbbing pulse in his neck, the strained muscles in his restrained arms, the stirring of his cock.

  She knows she's in control, revels in it, needs to arouse him to the level where to release him physically will also release his hunger, reverse their positions completely, demand instant satisfaction.

  Her tongue continues its voyage, enjoying the tang of his sweat, teasing his nipples, teeth joining the dance to first graze, almost gently, then nip, sharply and quickly.

  Her journey continues, not downwards, as he might hope, but upwards, her lips covering his chest with butterfly kisses, lingering in the hollow at the base of his throat, warm breath, warm lips, tracing a path along his neck and jaw line, before reaching his mouth.

  The lightest of kisses, one to each side of his mouth, then her tongue darts out to lick slowly but lightly across his lower lip, his mouth opening in anticipation.

  But no, she moves away again, leaving him open-mouthed, leaning in to her, a supplicant begging for alms.


  Restraining him, depriving his senses, forbidding him both sight and touch, is becoming as much of a torture for her as she hoped it would be for him. But, unlike him, she can do something to quench her thirst...

  Rising, she takes an ice cube from her collection of props and walks behind him, quietly this time, hoping he has no idea whether she is close, or where she is going.

  Holding the ice between finger and thumb, she kneels once more and without warning trails it slowly down the length of his spine. She feels him flinch at the contact, his back arching, shoulders tensing in response to the sudden cold.

  She follows the icy trail with her fingernail, while she whispers in his ear,

  'Your body is not yours to command, but mine. You will do as I choose, satisfy my wants, submit yourself to my wishes...'

  He nods his agreement and, his obedience guaranteed, she uncuffs him, the click of the mechanism almost mockingly indicating a freedom for which he has no desire.

  'Now, stand' she adds and he rises slowly, still unseeing, knees stiff after the cold hardness of the floor.

  Her fingers brush the back of his thigh, nails raking up and over his buttocks to the base of his spine, then follow her around to his front, fingers fanning over his stomach, delighting in the tenseness of his muscles, reveling in the electricity that sparks from the contact.

  She continues to circle round him and begins to use her cat o'nine tails, wrist flicking, leather swatting his back and butt. She steps in and winds its tendrils around his cock, pulling it away from his body, before releasing it again, stepping away, smiling at the groan of frustration which escapes his lips.


  Unable to resist any longer, she must feel his touch, yet still retain the appearance of control. She reaches down and takes his hand, pulling it in front of him, palm down.

  She tries to hold out a little longer, taking time to slowly caress each of his fingers with her own, before she lifts his hand to her mouth, placing his index finger on her tongue, almost closing her mouth around it, gently sucking it in a promise of what will be, before allowing just that one finger to slowly circle her lips, then guiding its journey over the curve of her chin, marking a pathway down her neck, coming to a halt at the base of her throat.

  Her breathing has quickened; even unseeing, he must sense her desire in the flush of her skin, the warmth of her breath, the speed of the pulse that throbs in her throat, the almost undetectable trembling that is nonetheless betraying her.

  She covers his hand with her own, entwining their fingers and continues their journey. Achingly slowly, inch by inch, their fingers together trace the shape of her collar bone, from one side to the other and back again, before dropping to the warm, softness of the swell of her breasts, fingertips following the line of her bustier, palms cupped over the still enswathed fullness of her breasts.

  His other fist is clenching and unclenching, desperate to join the dance, but mindful of the potential consequences of disobedience....


  She can feel the heat of her passion surging through her body, urging her on, willing her to stop this exquisite teasing and allow their thirst to be slaked. At the same time, she is intoxicated by her sense of mastery, unwilling to surrender this feeling so newly-found, so profitably exercised.

  Taking his hand, she leads him over to the bed and instructs him to lie down.

  'You have touched but not looked' she murmurs, 'soon you will look but not touch'.

  She straddles him, one knee either side of his stomach and leans forward, her hair falling over his chest, her lips joining with his for the kiss which signals the sea change in their encounter. Deep and probing, intense and ardent, lips mash and mesh, tongues dance and savour, hot breath mingles. It is impossible for hands not to join the fray. He reaches up, all hesitancy forgotten, running his fingers through her hair, cupping her face in his hands. Her hands are grasping his shoulders, knuckles white, nails leaving half moons in his warm, moist skin.

  Finally her hands move to push his blindfold away from his eyes, she ends the kiss and sits up, moving his hands back to his side, pushing her hair back from her face. He looks up and sees the unadulterated lust in her wanton stance, her lips swollen, hair tousled, skin flushed, eyes bright.

  Slowly, he watches as she lifts her hands to her breasts, tracing the line across the top of her corset as she allowed him to do earlier. The memory makes his flesh stir and his breath catch. She smiles softly, reaches up for the ribbon, half-hidden in her cleavage and begins to tug on it....

  'Time to dance' she whispers...

  Study Break

  Another, long hard day studying, books and no
tes strewn across the floor. Vanessa and Steve sit across from one another, both looking downward at the work they must memorize before the working week begins once more. Feeling thirsty, Steve stands and walks into the kitchen, ready to pour two glasses of cool water for his lover and himself. Standing at the sink he looks out at the greenery of Brisbane, steam gently rising from cars, as the sun bakes there glossy surfaces. Slinking back into the room he looks out from the doorway. Eyes slowly following the line of Vanessa's tanned and toned thighs , up from her heels, to her knees, the strong muscles of her legs held firm by the tight skirt wrapped around her. He admires her slightly exposed stomach, and melts as he sees her hair flowing down over her left shoulder and down the front of her open shirt.

  Chewing gently at the end of her pen, reclining on the floor, her eyes rise up from the text and look across at her man. She sees his gaze at her, and the glasses in his hand, then notices the slight bulge forming beneath his shorts. Her eyes widening as Steve places the drinks down on the table and walks towards her. "This time", he thinks, "it's my turn to have some fun." Leaning down he drops his right arms to the carpet, the rough surface sliding against the back of his hand as it slips underneath Vanessa's legs, filling the nook of her knees. His other arm sweeping behind her back, he lift her up, into the air, holding her against his chest. Vanessa looks into the green of his eyes, wraps her arms up over his head and drops them down around his neck. Gently and effortlessly she leans up to kiss at his bottom lip, her lips smooth and soft as they press against his, the moisture transferring between them as she is held in his arms.

  Lovingly, Steve starts to carry Vanessa down the short hallway and into her room. Looking into her eyes, seeing the depth of the brown, lost within it, he lowers her to the soft comfort of the mattress, the springs shifting ever so slightly. There gaze locked on one another, he leans down once more and tilts his head just so as to push gently into her lips, his tongue gently sliding into her mouth, finding Vanessa's tongue, both moving together, there lips moving with each others, slippery and soft. Moving himself over, Steve finds himself wrapped in-between Vanessa's incredible legs, supporting himself up above her and kissing delicately. Kneeling up, Steve looks back down at his lovely girl and slides his hand up over her stomach.

  Lying on her back, Vanessa feels the cotton move up against her skin, his hands tracing over her stomach and up, in-between her breasts. His hands slide higher, around her neck before moving down again, brushing over her breasts as his fingers undo the buttons, one at a time. With each button the shirt opening more and more, the buttons replaced with his lips as they press down against her chest, down past her breast and over her stomach. In one smooth motion he opens her shirt fully, exposing her bare breasts to the soft light filtering through the blinds and down onto her smooth, curved body. As Vanessa starts to unbutton his shirt, starting at the bottom, Steve leans down again, hovering over her, kissing gently, his hand folded through her hair. Feeling his shirt pulled away he lowers himself slightly, his bare chest hovering gently on her breasts, only her hard nipples making contact with the skin.

  Feeling the sensation Vanessa lets out a small sharp breath, and leans up kissing harder and pushing her breast up against her lover. Kneeling up again, his arms lifting Vanessa with him, he slides their shirts off and throws them aside. Reaching over the bed side Steve lifts the soft handcuffs from the floor and holds them up for Vanessa to see. Lifting her hands up above her head, Vanessa kisses Steve deeply as she lowers her back onto the covers once more, her wrist finding the warmth of the bed head. Gently cuffing her to the bed Steve kisses more deeply, there tongues pushing into each other, her breasts hard up against the texture of his skin, stimulating her and causing short sharp breaths as they kiss.

  Sliding his chest down her body, down past her breast, and over her stomach, he slides her skirt and undies off in one smooth action, kissing at her thighs as they too are exposed to the soft light around them. Shifting off the bed, his feet touching down on the plush carpet, he raises two silk ribbons into the light, and starts to tie one around each of Vanessa's angular ankles, fastening her to the bed, leaving her completely helpless as her man begins to pleasure her. Sliding his shorts down his legs Vanessa sees, as they hit the carpet, his hard cock is exposed. Sliding back onto the bed Steve starts to kiss once again at her bottom lips, this time biting gently at it, the rough texture of his teeth against her lip making Vanessa melt. His lips tracing down her neck, his teeth nibbling at the muscle, following the contours up to her earlobes where his teeth bite down and gnaw gently at them. At the same time his leg swings over her body, and he sits up on top of her. Looking back down at his helpless girl, he slides his warm smooth hands up her body and across her sides. His hands flowing up and around her breasts, feeling their firm flesh in his hands, yet avoiding the nipples, Vanessa moving against the cuffs and ties, desperate for more. As his hands circle around the top of her breasts once more they slide down and cup them firmly. With this his lips come down, mouth opened wide as they surround her nipple, his tongue reaching out and licking at the nipple as his lips close, sucking gently before his teeth bite ever so lightly at them, hard between his teeth. As Vanessa moans gently, lying against the soft covers, he moves his hands and his lips away from her breasts. Pointing his tongue, he traces it down her body, over her stomach, kneeling between her thighs. His hands press against the warmth of her inner thighs and push them apart slowly, as his tongue traces down over her pubic bone.

  As Vanessa lies there Steve lifts his head back up away from her. Knowing how wet her pussy is, and how much she wants more stimulation, he dips his head down and keeps his tongue soft and wide as he licks all the way up her tight pussy, tasting her juices as they flow onto his tongue and past his lips. Vanessa feels the dulled stimulation as his tongue glides slippery over her hood, applying just a tiny amount of pressure to her clit, yet causing her to moan gently. Pulling back once more Steve unties her legs, then slowly undoes the cuffs, his teasing over.

  Sitting away from Vanessa on the other side of the bed, his hard cock in front of him, he waits as Vanessa starts to move toward him. He raises his hand though, stopping her from moving further. A slightly confused look on her face, Vanessa soon realizes what is happening, as Steve takes his hard member in his hand and starts to gently stimulate himself. Noticing that he is playing another little teasing game, pushing there self control to the limit, Vanessa starts to do the same, reclining against the pillow and starting to gently flick at her clit with her middle finger feeling it slide wetly, the radiated heat rising from her pussy. Both across from one another, watching each other intensely, becoming more and more excited as they listen to one another moan, and their expressions changing.

  It soon get too much for either of them and they must have the other. They both stop and move toward each other, crawling across the covers, Steve rolls onto his back, Vanessa crawling over him. Leaning up he grasps at her arse and pulls her down onto his face, his nose pushing inside her as his tongue darts out in search of her clit. In a 69 position Vanessa sees Steve' hard cock pointing into the air in front of her. Feeling the jolt of stimulation through her as his tongue starts to flick feverishly against her clit, Vanessa grips his cock in both hands. Long, tight strokes around him, she leans her mouth down and starts to lap wetly against the head, soft and moist, her tongue swirling around the head, causing him to moan deeply into her as his tongue flicks faster and faster. As her tongue circles around the head she takes him into her mouth, both hands still stroking, sucking at him, and feeling as he bulges. Feeling the incredible sensation as Vanessa stimulates him, Steve plunges his tongue depply into her pussy, licking all around her tight walls. Licking up her lips, back to her engorged clit, he slides two fingers up deep inside Vanessa's pussy, finding the front wall where they make slow shuddering, rythmic cirlces. He pushes hard up into her as his tongue tickles the spot gaining speed as she starts to moan. Lifting her mouth from his cock Vanessa takes a sh
arp breath and moans loudly as her hips grind down onto his tongue. Speeding as fast as he can as he hears Vanessa take a final deep and sharp breath before she reaches climax, her rotates his fingers within her. Pusshing into him, Vanessa moans deeply as she comes, her juices flowing down into Steve' mouth as his tongue flicks faster, causing the orgasmic sensation to shudder through her again, trembling above him, hot juices running down his throat as his pushing his tongue into her pussy, tasting her eagerly.

  Lifting her hips from his face, Vanessa turns around, her legs either side of Steve, kneeling up high above him as his cock aims directly upward at her wet moistness. So close to coming he is desperate to be in side her. Slowly she lowers herself down on top of him, feeling the pressure as he fills her tight pussy entirely, sliding deep up within her before she reaches its base. With his hands on her hips lifting her softly, Vanessa rises up to head and slides back down him sharply, rotating as he enters her. She gains speed quickly, pumping harder and harder, feeling him shudder beneath her, hearing him moan loudly. In one sharp movement, leaning forward and pushing her breasts into his chest, she pumps down on top of him, his cock penetrating deeply as he lets his breath out in a loud, deep moan, arms wrapped around her, holding her hard against him as he explodes within her, shuddering and pulsating inside her hot moist walls. She is so tight, and he feels his cock throbbing inside her, his come squirting back down his hard shaft from her tight lips.


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