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Mr. Temptation

Page 15

by Rachael Stewart

  ‘Especially when desire is rushing through your veins.’ He reached around her, turning her into him. ‘I see no cameras now.’

  Desire wedged in her throat, the sun beating down into her back adding to the heat raging through her system. ‘No, no audience.’

  He walked her back against the glass, pressing her up against it, and the photo speared her mind, the pain crushing her with the reminder of who he’d been, who he still claimed to be. But that was before he’d proposed a date. Before they had spent so much time together. Before even her own feelings had changed.

  He frowned down at her, his eyes reading far too much. ‘What is it?’

  She looked into his soft amber gaze, his concern so evident, and hope flared. It was time to take work out of the equation.

  Nerves twisted in her belly but she held his eye. ‘We can’t carry on like this, you know. I have a business that needs my time.’

  He curved his hands around her waist, his eyes falling to her lips and back up. ‘You are doing business.’

  She laughed softly. ‘Not that kind of business.’ She hooked her hands around his neck. ‘You’re going to have to make a decision.’

  He raised his brow. ‘You mean, place an offer?’

  ‘If you’ve seen a place you like, which you clearly have, then yes,’ she said. ‘I have a business to think about and while I’m off with you, I’m not bringing in commission with other clients.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll place an offer. Perhaps Mayfair, perhaps here.’

  ‘That decisive, hey?’

  ‘Uh-huh.’ He kissed her gently. ‘But that makes one property. I still need the second.’

  ‘One is better than none.’ He leant in to kiss her again, but she pressed him away, forcing herself to stay focused and her voice serious. ‘But you will need to commit to a second soon or...’

  She couldn’t bring herself to say it and his grip on her waist tightened. Not a lot but enough to make her aware of the tension rippling through him. ‘Or what?’

  ‘I’ll be forced to move on to other clients,’ she said resolutely. ‘There are only so many properties in London to show you.’

  ‘And what if I decide to extend my requirements? What if I want somewhere in another city, another country even—will you come to my aid then?’

  She shook her head at him. ‘Why are you so determined to employ me?’

  His eyes raked over her face, his hesitation palpable.

  Please say the right thing...please give me something to cling to, something more...

  ‘Because I’m not ready to let you go.’

  Her heart sank in her chest. ‘And you think employing me is the only way to keep me?’ Did he not realise how it sounded? How cheap it made her feel?

  She extracted herself from his hold, creating some much-needed space between them. She couldn’t think straight when he was so close.

  ‘It’s the one way I know how,’ he said to her back.

  His words clashed with the emotions welling inside—he needed there to be a reason. He would always need a reason.

  And it would never be love.

  Love. Why was she even thinking on it? He’d made his attitude towards relationships abundantly clear. And she had been a fool. Going in with her eyes open and not keeping her heart from wanting more. She’d done exactly what she’d told herself she wouldn’t.

  ‘We should go. I promised the owners we wouldn’t stop long and I have the awards ceremony to prepare for.’ She headed for the lift, not caring if he followed or what he made of her reaction. The situation was impossible. He was impossible.

  Then why go ahead with this evening? Why let it go on at all?

  Because the alternative hurt too much...

  * * *

  Daniel watched her go, the chilling effect of her departure leaving him stock-still.

  He knew exactly how he’d sounded, every goddamn word colliding with the emotional turmoil within. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her. He’d just wanted a superficial reason to keep her tied to him, one that didn’t expose him and the feelings he’d sworn he’d never develop. He’d wanted the pretence of an excuse to avoid spelling out how he felt, to avoid laying his heart on the line, because once he did there was no going back—she would have the power to hurt him and it terrified him.

  But as he looked to her standing before the lift, her back turned to him in total rejection, his lungs constricted with the pain. It was one thing to live his life in fear, but when that fear had already been realised, surely his only option was to dive right in and hope she would join him.

  He moved to go after her, his mind set on what he needed to do when his phone started to ring. He headed for her, retrieving his phone from his pocket and eyeing the screen as he went.

  His step faltered—vad fan?

  It was his mother. She never called. Would never dare...unless...

  He hesitated, not knowing what to do. Zara looked to him over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing. ‘What is it?’

  ‘My mother...’

  She turned to face him slowly, her features softening, her voice whisper-like. ‘Does she ever call?’


  She stepped forward, her hand curving over his arm. ‘You’d best take it. I’ll wait.’


  ‘ARE YOU READY for this?’

  Daniel turned to look at her across the back seat of his limo as he posed the question, his eyes drinking in every exquisite detail, and something inside him swelled, his collar suddenly too tight for the weird constriction taking up camp.

  ‘Yes,’ she said softly, her focus on the passing outside world, her body poised elegantly.

  He’d seen her professional, casual, naked even, but tonight, tonight he got to see her glammed up. The sparkling silver dress with its shoestring straps accentuated the delicate curve to her shoulders and collarbone, the low-dipped V at the front framed her slight curves to perfection and it glided effortlessly to the floor where her silver stilettos left her dainty toes on display.

  And yes, he desired her, but, more than that, there was a sense of pride, a feeling of excitement that soon the world would know to whom he was attached and this time he would welcome it. Not because of the negativity it would spark, but because he wanted them to know she was his.

  And he hoped that after tonight, after he got her back to his place and spilled his all, she would agree to be just that.

  She chose that moment to meet his eye, a nervous little glimmer in her dusky greys as they shone out amidst the smoky halo of her make-up, and his heart pulsed in his chest, his feelings for her blooming out of his control.

  She wet her soft pink lips and looked back to the window, her hand dropping to rest on the black leather seat between them and he reached out, lacing his fingers through hers. Was she nervous about the event, the press or him? No matter, she had him. He gave her a gentle squeeze of encouragement and she mimicked his move, her mutual response warming him through. This felt so right, so perfect.

  She turned to him again, her eyes hesitant. ‘You can tell me to mind my own business, but did you catch up with your brother after your mother called about his wife?’

  His heart stilled in his chest, the tension instinctive and short-lived as he remembered just how things had been left that day. How much better they’d been left.

  ‘Briefly, she’s been rushed into hospital with severe preeclampsia. They’re going to have to deliver the baby early.’

  ‘I don’t know much about pregnancy, but that doesn’t sound good.’

  ‘He didn’t sound good either, but both her and the baby are in the best place with the best medical team they can get.’

  ‘You sound like you know that for a fact.’

  ‘I made sure of it.’

  She gave a soft laugh. ‘I am so glad you spoke to t

  He met her eye, his heart constricting in his chest. ‘Me too.’

  He wanted to tell her it was thanks to her. Wanted to lay all manner of things at her feet but they were out of time. The car nudged to a gentle stop, outside people milled, but he was barely aware of anyone save her. He gave her hand another squeeze and looked to the door as Peters arrived to open it.

  There was a smattering of reporters and photographers, not the kind he was used to, but as soon as they spied him stepping out the clicks started up anyway, a hushed frenzy rippling down the pavement as they no doubt spied their unintentional jackpot. No one yelled at him, though. There was no abuse, and no one quizzed, Who’s the lucky lady this time? or How long do you give this one? and so on. For that he had to be grateful, but still his hand left hers to sweep around her waist as she stood, drawing her close.

  Possession warmed his core, compounded by the smile she sent up at him. ‘Are you ready for this?’

  She’d returned his question, but it felt loaded with meaning and his response came easy. ‘Never been more so.’

  She made a small sound in the back of her throat, her head turning to sweep the pavement and he found his eyes fixed on her, unable to move. She was stunning, all graceful and calm, and he thought his ribs might crack with the ballooning force deep inside. ‘You look stunning tonight,’ he murmured, pressing a kiss to her brow and ignoring the distant clicks.

  ‘So do you,’ she said softly, a warmth in her returning gaze.

  Together they crossed the small pavement and headed through the entrance where a welcoming party greeted them, their fascination with his presence more than evident. But he took a back seat, playing the perfect date. Following her cue, talking to guests she chose to speak to and relaxing into it, a sense of calm befalling him, a sense of belonging at her side.

  They were now chatting to an elderly man, Matthew, who’d been introduced as Zara’s mentor back when she’d first started out, their conversation flowing easily. Daniel rested his fingers in the small of her back, toying with her above the thin fabric of her dress, his attention only half on the conversation, and then he felt her spine straighten, her words fall away with a sudden breath—vad fan?

  He looked down at her, watched her swiftly recover, but not soon enough, not for him. She was talking again now but he wasn’t listening; his eyes followed her line of sight from a second before. There were three men standing together talking, one with a blonde hooked over his arm.

  Was it...?

  Matthew started speaking. ‘Yes, I heard, it’s wonderful, I was just talking—’

  ‘Excuse me one moment,’ Daniel interrupted with an apologetic smile, lifting his empty glass. ‘Can I get you both a drink?’

  Matthew looked to his almost empty glass. ‘That’s very kind, thank you.’

  He nodded and looked to Zara, his blood racing with growing unease.

  ‘Please,’ she said.

  ‘Won’t be long.’ He swept away, towards the bar, towards the group that had unsettled her, his curiosity and another, far more fierce emotion mounting. He had his suspicions, but he wanted to know for sure; he needed to know.

  As he approached the blonde’s gaze landed on him, her mouth parting as she subtly pulled on her partner’s arm. He didn’t need to hear to know what was being said, was used to people trying to be subtle and failing miserably. What he didn’t anticipate was the man accompanying her to step into his path, almost causing them to collide.

  Daniel backed up a step, his brow raised in question. ‘Can I help you?’

  ‘Charles Eddison,’ he said, holding out his hand. ‘And I think it’s I that can help you.’

  It was him—His jaw pulsed with the confirmation, his eyes searing into the man’s proffered hand and tracing it right back to his face. He cocked his head to the side. ‘Is that so?’

  Charles cleared his throat as his woman sidled around him to offer up a smile. He was sure she intended it to be seductive; instead all he could see were surgically puffed lips, eyelashes that looked as if they weighed more than the hair on her head, and as for her age, she had to have only just hit the legal age to drink. ‘Aren’t you going to introduce me, Charles?’

  ‘Sure...erm...’ The man shifted nervously on his feet.

  How did one introduce someone when they hadn’t been introduced themselves?

  Daniel wanted to laugh; he probably would’ve done if it weren’t taking his all to hold back.

  ‘This is...’ the guy squirmed, looking to her and back to Daniel ‘... Claudia—er—my assistant.’

  ‘And his fiancée,’ the girl admonished with a giggle, her elbow digging into the guy’s ribs.

  Kristus, he felt sick, he could barely give her a nod in recognition, but it was hardly her fault she was associated with the man who’d broken Zara’s heart. Jealous anger consumed him, clouding his brain. He could feel it ringing in his ears, turning over his stomach.

  ‘So, as I was saying, Mr Lazenby,’ Charles continued, his voice suddenly steady, his recovery poking at Daniel’s anger. ‘I believe you are in the city looking for a home yourself.’

  ‘News travels fast,’ he clipped out, his hands slipping into his pockets, the move outwardly casual, but in reality he needed to lock them away; the urge to swipe the smarmy look off the guy’s face was burning into his fists.

  ‘My firm, Eddison Associates, is the best there is.’ He waved a flourish of a hand and Daniel felt his eyes glitter, his rage bloom—he knew where this was going. ‘You’ll see the evidence tonight in all the awards we scoop up.’

  Charles paused, waiting for Daniel to say something, anything, to acknowledge his sweeping statement. A stony silence ensued. Daniel spied Charles’ throat bob, his girl toyed with her drink, and he relished their discomfort, saying nothing.

  ‘Anyway,’ Charles blurted, first to snap, a hand rummaging into the internal pocket of his jacket, ‘please allow me to give you my card and we can arrange—’

  ‘You can keep your card.’

  Charles stilled, a small cough erupting.

  ‘I’m not int—’

  ‘Daniel, is everything okay?’ Zara’s calming voice washed over him, her arrival radiating down his back and cutting his rebuke short. He turned into her, his smile warm but not enough to fool her as she frowned back at him.

  ‘Absolutely, darling, come here.’ He drew his arm around her, pulling her close, bringing her in to face Charles off together. ‘Mr Eddison here was just offering me his services.’

  He felt her tense beneath his palm and he stroked at her. ‘But as you can see, Mr Eddison, I already have the best there is.’

  He smiled down at her, his words sinking deep into his soul. He really did, and he wanted this fool of a man to know it, to recognise his mistake and rub salt in the wound. She met his eye, her gaze clouding over with some unguarded emotion, and it held him captive as he tried to read it—to read her.

  Charles coughed uncomfortably, pulling his attention annoyingly away and, smile still in place, Daniel gave him a cold look. ‘Thanks to the talents of Anders Estates, I’m about to make two significant purchases.’

  ‘Two?’ Charles practically squeaked, his brow raised.

  ‘Yes, two, and rest assured the whole industry will learn just how good this firm is.’ Daniel’s smile grew. ‘So enjoy the evening and the awards, Mr Eddison. Something tells me next year will be a whole other ballgame.’

  He didn’t wait for the man to recover, not this time. ‘Shall we?’ he said, gesturing to Zara to move off to the bar. ‘I think we have some champagne with your name on it.’

  ‘Of course,’ she said. ‘You go ahead. I just need to have a private word.’

  He hesitated, his eyes flitting between her and a squirming Charles.

  Hell, she has him by the balls. She doesn’t need you.

He headed to the bar, not looking back until he’d placed their order. Then he turned to find Zara walking elegantly towards him, the dress casting a mystical light around her and drawing the eye of many males and females alike. Kristus, she was stunning. The scene topped off only by the sight of Charles gawping after her. Whatever she’d said, he looked like a man about to be strung up.

  Go, baby.

  Pride flooded his chest, and a new, more powerful emotion took hold, warming his grin as she approached.

  And then his eyes met hers, and he chilled. She didn’t look like the cat that had got the cream; she looked as if she was ready to commit murder and it was directed at him.

  ‘What is it?’ He took up the glasses that had just arrived and offered one out to her.

  She took it but didn’t smile, didn’t thank him. Anxiety fizzled in his blood, his frown heavy as he contemplated her over his glass.

  She took a sip, her gaze leaving him to scan their nearby neighbours before speaking in a tone low enough for only him to hear. ‘I don’t need you to fight my battles for me.’

  ‘What?’ He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his tone. She had to be kidding. ‘The man was being a smarmy twat. I gave him what he deserved.’

  ‘You gave him the impression I only got the job for what I do for you in the bedroom.’ She sent him a look and then her eyes were back on the room, their solemn depths haunting him. ‘And he would be right.’

  Daniel had to strain to hear but there was no mistaking it. And now he’d given Charles the ammunition to believe it too—fuck.

  ‘It’s not true.’

  ‘No.’ She sent him a bitter look, her eyes glittering. ‘Didn’t you pretty much tell me the same today when you asked to extend my services? Or have you conveniently forgotten that?’

  ‘I know what I said, and I shouldn’t have.’ He shook his head. Now wasn’t the time or the place for this discussion.

  ‘No, you shouldn’t have,’ she agreed icily. ‘But then, I shouldn’t have been stupid enough to invite you. I only have myself to blame.’


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