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Rival Magic

Page 21

by Deva Fagan

  “I—I thought maybe you didn’t think I was good enough,” I managed to spit out. “They didn’t give Benedict his mastery, and I’ve seen what he can do.”

  “The Schola didn’t deny Benedict his robes because of any failing in craft or power, Antonia. Sometimes, when we want things too badly, they poison us.”

  I cringed, thinking of how I’d envied Moppe. How I still, deep in my heart, yearned for her abilities. “I wish I were as powerful as Moppe,” I admitted. “But… I’m still a wizard. I’m still proud of who I am.”

  “As you should be.” The corner of her mouth quirked. “Moppe is in her own class. She’ll need careful instruction, and quickly. The last thing this island needs is a reckless, half-trained wizard-queen of unspeakable power.”

  I hoped her smile meant she was joking. It sounded a bit too believable for me to laugh.

  “So you’re staying here,” I said, gesturing to the gangplank, the docks, and Port Meda beyond. “On Medasia.”


  I thought she was going to simply go then. But she hesitated, brown eyes piercing mine deep. “Remember, Antonia. Power isn’t the key. It’s what you do with your power that matters. Choose wisely.”

  She fixed her gaze on something behind me. “I’ll take my leave now. There’s someone else who has come to say goodbye.” She departed, boots clicking across the deck. I turned, a desperate hope clogging my throat, to see who else had come.

  The early morning sun caught reddish glints in her black curls.

  “So,” I said, trying to grin, though it felt more like a grimace. “What’s the polite way to greet a queen? Should I bow?”

  Her own lips wobbled into something like a smile. “I’m not a queen right now.” She tapped her head. “See? No crown. Mama had it locked up in the treasury.”

  “I don’t think being a queen is something you get to take on and off,” I said. “I think you’re stuck with it.”

  Her jaw tightened. “It’s not like in the storybooks,” she said. “I tried to get them to bring me cakes for breakfast yesterday and Mama refused. And I—I can’t stop you from going away.”

  “It’s not forever,” I said, my voice rough. I held up the paper from Master Betrys. “Master Betrys gave me a recommendation. I’m going to go to the Schola Magica.”

  “And become even more insufferable,” she said, but with a smile. “You’ll be brilliant, Antonia. I know it.”

  “So will you,” I said.

  We stood along the railing, elbows propped along the smooth wood, shoulders brushing together, warm against the brisk ocean breeze.

  “Write me,” she said, with a high, desperate edge to the words. “I’m going to learn to read. Maybe I can get one of those fancy tutors. Whatever it takes. And I’ll write every week. I promise. I won’t forget.”

  “Good,” I said, and now my throat felt tight as a vise. “I’ll read them all. And I won’t forget. Not ever.”

  Her hand slid along the railing, gripping mine tight. I squeezed back, sealing the promise. It wasn’t a magical spell. And yet I believed it would hold fast.

  * * *

  We sailed from Port Meda later that morning. As the sails rippled taut, blowing us east to the mainland, I stood at the stern, looking back at the docks, and the small black-haired figure standing there. I waved and waved until my arm ached and Port Meda was merely a glimmer.

  Then I breathed deeply, filling my lungs with the salt air of my home, and turned around, ready to face the new life ahead.


  As lovely as it might be for a book to spring fully formed from one’s brain, that rarely happens. In this case, my story needed quite a lot of help to become what it is today. Thank you to everyone who provided helpful feedback on part or all of one of the many drafts along the way: R. J. Anderson, Lauren Bjorkman, Geoff Bottone, Stephanie Burgis, Melissa Caruso, Megan Crewe, Robin LaFevers, Anne Nesbet, Sarah Prineas, and Jenn Reese.

  I remain endlessly grateful to my agent, Hannah Fergesen, for being my advocate and adviser, and for her thoughtful insights on the manuscript. Big thanks as well to the entire team at kt literary for their efforts and ongoing support.

  Many thanks to my editors, Reka Simonsen and Julia McCarthy, who pushed me to make this book the best I could and inspired some of the best and most fitting improvements. Thank you to everyone who helped produce this book, including Valerie Shea, Jeannie Ng, and Rebecca Syracuse. Many thanks to Saoirse Lou for the gorgeous cover art.

  My family has provided invaluable support over the years, allowing me the security and energy to pursue my creative dreams. Thank you, Mom, Dad, and Dave!

  And to the ones who stood closest beside me as I worked on this book: my amazing husband, Bob, and my dog, Charlie, who remind me every day that the most important thing we can do in this world is love and be loved.

  about the author

  Deva Fagan Writes fantasy and science fiction for all ages. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading, doing geometry, playing video games, hiking, and drinking copious amounts of tea. Her other books include Fortune’s Folly, The Magical Misadventures of Prunella Bogthistle, and Circus Galacticus. She lives with her husband and her dog in Maine. You can find her online at

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Text copyright © 2020 by Deva Fagan

  Jacket illustrations copyright © 2020 by Saoirse Lou

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  Book design by Rebecca Syracuse

  Jacket design by Rebecca Syracuse

  Jacket illustration copyright © 2020 by Saoirse Lou

  The illustrations for this book were rendered digitally.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Fagan, Deva, author.

  Title: Rival magic / Deva Fagan.

  Description: First edition. | New York : Atheneum, [2020] | Summary: Apprentice wizards Antonia and Moppe must set aside their rivalry and unite their opposing skill sets to save Master Betrys, their island nation, and themselves.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2019001933 | ISBN 9781534439054 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781534439078 (eBook)

  Subjects: | CYAC: Wizards—Fiction. | Apprentices—Fiction. | Identity—Fiction. | Friendship—Fiction. | Fantasy.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.F136 Riv 2020 | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at



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