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A Carpino Series Collection, Books 1-3

Page 43

by Brynne Asher

  “Ahh,” I moan and he slowly outlines everything between my legs with his tongue. I go from a slow burn to on fire in seconds. I throw my legs over his shoulders for better leverage and dig my heels into his back to lift my hips to his mouth.

  That’s all it took. All control flew out the window.

  He’s devouring me, ravenous, as if he’s starving. Between that and me rocking against his mouth, it doesn’t take long and I push my head back into my pillow, remotely hearing myself come long and hard.

  I’m trying to catch my breath and realize he’s up and over me, rolling on a condom. His hips fall between my legs and he gives me his weight, kissing me under my ear at my neck. I pull my knees up, wrapping my arms around him and stuff my hands in his hair.

  I feel the tip of him between my legs and look up. He’s looking down at me, his eyes warm and heavy as they sweep my face.

  “Love you, gem,” he whispers.

  Then, he slides into me, not slowly but not fast, filling me full and to the root. Filling me up.

  Complete. Right. Whole.


  But I’ll have to think about that later, because he’s moving now, creating the heat again.

  “Tone,” I barely get out before he takes my mouth. He moves faster and harder. I pull my knees up to get more of him, as much as I possibly can. The burn is building and I moan into his mouth.

  “Please,” I say against his lips.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, gem,” he says in a guttural voice.

  “Harder,” I beg.

  Tony gives me what I want and it pushes me over the edge. I gasp with my second orgasm of the night, but he kisses me hard, drinking up my moans.

  A minute later I get to watch Tony for the first time. The muscles in his corded throat strain as he slams into me, finally planting himself deep. He gives me his weight and gathers me up in his arms. I wrap him up and we lay like this for what seems like a long time, him still inside of me letting our breathing even out and hearts slow.

  “Gem.” He finally leans up to look at me. “You’re perfect for me. It cuts through me every single day trying to think how I can make you happy. If I do nothing else besides give you something beautiful, I’ll die a happy man.”

  Still coming down from my intense orgasms, finally doing the deed with Tony, and taking in all he just said, I look into his beautiful face with his hair falling onto his forehead. He’s gazing down at me and his olive skin seems darker than normal in the low light from the fire.

  “I want to be everything you need. I just hope I can.”

  His hand comes to the top of my head and he leans his forehead to mine. “You don’t get it. You already are.”

  I let his words flow through me as he kisses me. “I’ll be right back. Do not move this time. I’ve gotta take care of this condom and we’re sleeping naked. When we sleep that is.”

  I look up at him and he’s grinning now. “I won’t move this time. Promise.”

  He slides out of me slowly and I miss him as soon as he’s gone. Tony rolls off the bed and flips the covers over me. I pull them up to my chest and roll to my side and watch him from the back as he walks away from me. He’s in command of his tall, lean body as he strides to the bathroom. And that tall lean body with nothing on it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. That is, until he strides back wearing a possessive look that’s all for me.

  He pulls the covers away from me and climbs back in. Leaning down to kiss me, I feel his hand lightly between my breasts as he glides his fingers down my stomach, up to my hip, over my bottom, and down my thigh to the back of my knee. He moves closer, as usual except naked this time, pulling me to him tight while hitching my leg over his hip. I fit myself to him as I have for months and settle in silently. But Tony adds something new to our routine by running his fingers up and down my bottom from the small of my back to the top of my thigh. His touch is light, intimate, and very relaxing. So relaxing, I snuggle in deeper and sigh into his neck.

  “You good?” he whispers into my hair.

  “Mm-hmm,” I mumble.

  There were a few more moments of silence and I relax further into him. “I’ll make you happy, Leigh. I promise.”

  I hug him tighter as I pull up the courage to whisper back, “You already make me happy.”

  I feel him tense around my body and then pull away so he can look at me. “What?”

  I put my hand to his face and trace his jaw with my fingers. “I don’t know where I’d be without you. Gabby might have literally removed me from the prison of a marriage I was in, but you pulled me out of the prison I couldn’t escape in my head.”

  “Gem.” His voice rough with emotion, but I won’t let him finish.

  “No, I don’t know what state I’d be in right now without you. And when I look back, you did it perfectly. Every step you took with me was what I needed. You gave to me in every way when I had nothing to give back and I took everything you gave. I need you to know you already make me happy. I feel a peace I shouldn’t feel but I do, and it’s all because of you.”

  Tony is looking into my face with a mixture of relief, surprise, and pure possession. The look on his face touches me because I needed to say what I said to give him that relief but I hate the surprise in his features because that means I haven’t given him anything in return. But my favorite part of his look is the pure possession.

  I’ve been possessed in many ways by many people. Preston possessed me with fear and control. My mom and sister possessed me with guilt and obligation. My dad, even though I hardly remember him, possessed me in his own way with abandonment. It’s never felt good to be possessed, but the way Tony does it feels amazing. He made me his by caring for me, being protective of me, and loving me. And after tonight, he’s possessed me in every way possible and nothing has ever felt better.

  “I’ve never been happier, Tony. I don’t think I’ve ever been happy now that I know what this feels like. Really, honey, you’ve got to quit knocking yourself out. You being you makes me happy, so you just need to be.”

  “You’re happy,” he states, in a rough voice.

  “Tony, yes.”

  He looks down and lowers his mouth on mine again. Rolling me to my back his tongue pushes mine back into my mouth as he kisses me. His hips fall between mine again and he’s hard again against my thigh.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna need another condom.”

  I smile against his lips as I feel his one hand move down by body as he supports most of his weight on his forearm beside my head. I lose his mouth as he tips his head down to watch his hand move down my body.

  Not taking his eyes off the trail of his hand, he murmurs, “You know what makes me happy, sweetheart?”

  “What makes you happy, Tone?” With everything he’s given me, I’d do backflips to make him happy.

  With his head still tipped watching his fingers trace my pubic bone to between my legs where he’s making me wet and fidget again, he answers with one word, “This.” He looks up with warm, dancing eyes as he keeps at me with his fingers and grins. “This is a surprise. And Gem, I haven’t had you but I have had my hands down your pants, so I know this is new.”

  I feel my face flush because, yes, he has had his hands down my pants many times over the past few weeks but I’m also really happy it makes him happy. But it’s still a little embarrassing, so for some reason I blurt, “Well … Gabby went to get a wax for the honeymoon and talked me into going with her.”

  His demeanor changes immediately and I feel his hand cup me firmly between the legs making me gasp. His mouth gets tight as he bites out, “That is shit I do not need to know about my cousin who I just walked down the aisle.”

  Because I can’t help it, I smile, biting my lip. When a giggle escapes he says, “You think that’s funny?”

  I nod through my laughter and my body keeps shaking. He looks down at me with a grin on his face while slowly shaking his head. But I feel his firm hand that’s cupping me betw
een my legs move and he fills me with two firm fingers with a firm thumb running over my clit.

  “I know you’re thick as thieves with my cousin, but that shit is off limits, Leigh,” he warns through his grin. “But, this still makes me happy,” he says on a delightful inward thrust of his firm fingers.

  “I want to make you happy, too.”

  “I’ll be happy as long as I’ve got you.”

  He leans in to kiss me as he creates more heat that eventually travels and shakes my body. Tony ends up needing another condom. Later, after being possessed by Tony in his perfect way, he wrapped me up, wedging a thigh between my legs just like always when tucking us in for bed. But this time we did it sleeping naked. And just like all things with Tony, it was perfect and I fell into a deep sleep thinking in some remote part of my brain that this is so good, there has to be a way to sleep naked after having kids. I just hope Tony can figure out a way to make that happen.


  “Did I do something to you, man? Do you hate me for some reason?”

  My brother-in-law shakes his head as he smiles, his body shaking with silent laughter.

  “I told you what I wanted.” I do not find one fucking thing funny right now.

  “Tony, this is a good dog. He’s house trained, but still a puppy at just eight months old. Since he’s my patient, I can vouch for his health. He’s from a good home with little kids so he’s a family dog. Lord knows we have enough kids for him to be around to keep him kid friendly until you have your own,” Lanny explains.

  “I cannot fucking believe you,” I mutter under my breath as I look out to the yard where Leigh is sitting, ass to the cold ground with a half-grown puppy jumping all over her licking her face.


  Making her mine last night for the first time was better than I imagined. Better than it’s ever been for me without question. Finally having her, tasting her, making her come while I’m moving inside her, I thought I knew before but I know now more than ever, I want her in my life. Forever. Now I just need to get her to take the next step.

  After I made love to her first thing this morning, we showered and had breakfast delivered to the cottage. Lanny called me yesterday before the wedding saying he had a good dog that needed a home he thought I should look at, so we came straight to his house after checking out of the cottage.

  Lanny is married to my oldest sister, Sophia. They live on a ranchette outside of town. It’s not big enough to be considered a ranch but no one in this neighborhood owns less than three acres. Lanny’s a veterinarian, always seems to have extra animals here, and loves to train hunting dogs. They have a small barn, not to mention the trees and woods surrounding their home are sweet. Their house, like many in this area, is a sprawling ranch with a basement.

  “I really need to know if you want him today,” Lanny continues. “My client has been looking for the perfect home for him. They start packing the week after next and don’t want to put the dog through the stress of being there with the movers in the house. They’re heartbroken they have to give him up, but he’s being transferred overseas. They’re moving to London, livin’ in the city and won’t have a yard. Feel it’s not fair to the dog, especially a puppy to not have that room to move and run. Their kids are heartbroken. I told the mom about you, she’s happy he’ll continue to be my patient with you bein’ my family. They aren’t even asking for a rehoming fee, just the perfect home.”

  “I told you I didn’t mind buying a dog,” I reiterate.

  Lanny sighs and turns fully to me. “Listen, Tone. You never know what you’ll get with a puppy. I should know, I’m a vet. Plus, you work long hours. I know you told me the other day you plan on Leigh moving in with you soon, but I heard her talkin’ about a new apartment at the reception last night—I know that’s not a done deal. If that happens,” I slice a menacing glare his way and he immediately holds up a placating hand and continues quickly, “sorry, man. When that happens, she works long hours, too. You two have no time to housetrain a puppy. This is the perfect scenario.”

  I look back out into Lanny and Sophia’s back yard from the patio where we’re watching the show Leigh, my nephews, and the puppy are putting on. I sigh and cross my arms. Leigh takes the tennis ball, throws it again and the damn puppy runs after it in his gangly, klutzy way, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Grabbing the ball, he heads straight back to Leigh, where he slams into her, rocking her back with all his force, sending her laughs ringing through the air. My nephews are running circles around them playing tag and screaming.

  Leigh looks to me, throws me a big smile, and yells, “He’s so sweet! Come play with him!”

  “Dude, look at her. She loves him,” Lanny says from beside me.

  I frown back at my brother-in-law. “Don’t call me ‘dude.’”

  Lanny laughs and slaps me on the back. “Whatever. Congratulations, Daddy. You got yourself a new puppy.”

  I shake my head and look back to Leigh. “A Golden-fucking-Doodle. I hate you, Lanny.”

  “How can you hate me when your woman looks like that?” he asks.

  He should know. He’s been married to my sister almost ten years. They just had their third kid and he’s as whipped as he was the day Sophia brought him home to meet my parents.

  “Can we at least change his name?” I ask.

  “You could, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It can take a couple months for dogs to learn a new name. It’s not a nice thing to do to the dog if you don’t have to.”

  “But, his name is Finland,” I bite. Looking back to him, I go on, “You got me a Golden Doodle named Finland. I hate you and I mean it.”

  “Good boy Finny! Get the ball!” Leigh yells from the yard.

  “Finny? Fuck me, it gets worse.”

  “Man, don’t talk that way around my kids, your sister’ll have your balls.” Lanny starts walking out into the yard toward my nephews, my woman, and my new dog that from the sounds of it, Leigh has nicknamed Finny.

  I’m not calling him Finland. And I’m definitely not calling him Finny.

  Fin will have to do.

  I move my legs to my damn designer dog with his silly ass name. His only saving grace is he’s already big and he’ll get bigger. Shit, Jude is stuck with Gabby’s small, silly-ass designer dog. It could be worse.

  But I look at Leigh again, who’s nothing but happy at the moment and I can’t help but smile. I guess I shouldn’t complain about Fin if he’s gonna move my master plan along faster.

  Leigh smiles big as soon as she sees me approach. “Are you going to take him?”

  She’s still sitting on the ground but now the dog is on his back with his head lying across her lap and she’s scratching his belly. He looks like he’s in Golden Doodle Heaven, which I understand since I felt that way last night and this morning when Leigh had her hands on me.

  “Do you like him?” I ask, standing over her.

  She tips her head to the side, telling me she’s totally on to my master plan. “Tony.”

  I bend to squat down next to them and scratch the dog’s ears but don’t take my eyes off of her. “Gem, do you like him?”

  She lets out a sigh as she shakes her head. “What’s not to like? He’s perfect.”

  “Then, yeah. I’m takin’ him.”

  I barely get a chance to see the perfect happy smile creep over her face before I’m tackled from the side by my six and four-year-old nephews.

  “Uncle Tony!” they both scream and before I know it I’m on the ground. I hear the dog bark and jump in to join the fun.

  “That’s it,” I yell and roll to my side before they can escape. I grab them by their waists and stand picking them both up, one under each arm. “Who wants to go shopping for dog stuff?”

  “Me!” Cayden yells.

  “I do!” Noah yells louder.

  “Go tell your mom. We’ll bring you home after.” I set them down to run in the house. I put a hand out for Leigh to pull her up off the ground and into my
arms to kiss her. “After we go shopping, I’m taking you home with me.”

  “But I haven’t slept in my apartment yet.”

  I sigh. Here we go again, back to two beds.

  “Fine,” I say. “After shopping, we’ll go to your apartment. But tomorrow, I want you in my bed.”

  I lean down to kiss her and the dog starts jumping on our legs barking. A smile spreads across my lips and I say against hers, “I told you not to get an apartment. Fin comes home in a week, what are you gonna do then?”

  I feel her slump in my arms and her head falls, resting her forehead on my shoulder. She shakes her head while saying, “I don’t know.”

  But her ‘I don’t know’ is a resigned ‘I don’t know’ which means she knows exactly what’s going to happen in a week.

  I give her a squeeze and chuckle. “Come on. Let’s go shopping. Then we get to christen your apartment, not many more days to do that sweetheart.” She looks up at me in a glare this time, not resigned but definitely vexed.

  “Fine,” she huffs and moves out of my arms toward the house. I lean to grab her hand and pull her to my side as we walk to the house to get the boys with Fin lumbering at our feet.

  “I’m glad you like my new dog, gem.”

  “Don’t ‘gem’ me, Tony Carpino. I know what you’re doing. I cannot just move in with you.”

  “You can,” I respond easily.

  “Well, I won’t,” she corrects me. I put my arm around her neck to pull her to me and kiss her temple. I can’t help but smile because she’s cute when she’s pissed.

  She walks rigidly in my arm as I move her toward the house. “Whatever you say. But you promised not to take yourself away from me, I’m holding you to that. And now I have Fin. What are we going to do without you?”

  We walk in and I yell, “Soph, is it okay if we take the boys shopping with us?”

  “Twist my arm!” Sophia yells back from the kitchen.

  I grin down at Leigh. “Come on, let’s go shopping for my new dog.”

  Leigh gives me a half grin while shaking her head.

  Yeah, totally resigned. She’ll admit it soon enough.


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