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A Carpino Series Collection, Books 1-3

Page 70

by Brynne Asher

  “What are you doing?” I know I keep asking this, but I find myself not knowing what to say and decide to ignore his comment about me being wet and making his cock hard.

  “I can’t get the hurt look on your face out of my head, especially knowing I put it there. I owe you an orgasm. I’m going to relax you and see what you look like when I make you come for me. That’s the last thing I want in my head tonight. Then we’re gonna sleep. Tomorrow morning, we’ll get the kids and drop them at camp before I take you to The Shed. You’re signed up for boot camp, we can’t be late.”

  Oh shit, there’s so much there. Sleep, hurt, relaxing me, his kids, not to mention orgasms. And I still can’t believe he’s in my bedroom looking nothing short of an underwear model.

  I feel his hands at my cotton shorts and trying not to think about him making me come for him, I decide to go with the obvious. “I told you I’m not doing a boot camp.”

  “You’ll like it,” he says into my neck and sticks his thumbs in my shorts to push them down.

  “Stop it,” I try to grab my shorts, but of course he’s stronger and yanks them out of my grasp. They fall to the floor and he wraps me up with both arms, lifting me. I let out a little surprised yelp as my feet leave the floor and he turns with me in his arms.

  “Paige.” He lowers his voice. “I told you to settle down.”

  “Quit telling me to settle down and you can’t just take my clothes off,” I sort of complain, but he’s walking backwards, moving us toward my bed.

  He ignores me as he plops me down, reaches under the back of my tank and the next thing I know my bra is loose. He slides his fingers in the armholes of my top and starts to rip my bra straps out and down my arms. “Let’s get this off of you.”

  “Quit,” I slap at his hand this time.

  “You can’t sleep in your bra,” he says, like he somehow knows it’s uncomfortable to sleep in a bra from experience, which seeing his body almost naked, he absolutely does not.

  Before I know it, he’s expertly removed my bra. I’d ponder his ability to easily do this if time allowed, but we’re going down, him first with me on top before he rolls us. The next thing I know, I’m on my back and Cam is lying half over me. He’s pinning me to my bed with his big thigh lying over both my legs.

  I take in where I am, who I’m with, and how I got here. As I try to calm myself, I know at any moment he would have stopped if I wanted him to, but he knows I didn’t want him to. He knows he hurt me last night and apologized for it. Well, he sort of apologized. He did it more with his actions and tone as opposed to actual words, but still. I knew it was an apology all the same and coming from what I’ve gotten to know of Cam in the last week, I found it sweet. I had a feeling he’d find a way to rip away my blue ribbon, but I’d never guess we’d be where we are now—stripped down to almost nothing in my bed.

  Cam is leaning on an elbow, gazing down where he has me pinned. He looks to his hand where I feel it drag up the side of my body, brushing the side of my breast making my heart race. Since he’s practically lying on top of me and I feel like my heart might beat out of my chest, I wonder if he can feel it, too. I shut my eyes and turn my head to the side, breathing deep to calm myself.

  His hand comes to my chin, tilting my face to his. I feel the goatee before his lips hit mine. He kisses me as his hand frames the side of my head before he says against my lips, “I want to see your face and I can’t do that when you keep looking away from me.”

  I open my eyes and his is soft as his hand makes its way back down the side of my body. He moves his thigh that’s pinning me and releases my far leg, keeping the other tucked tight. I shiver when I feel his hand come down my leg, where he lifts it behind my knee, hitching it high and far.

  Pushing the inside of my knee out and flat to the bed he says softly, “Keep this leg open wide for me. Try and hold it there, you’ll like it.”

  I moan. He doesn’t beat around the bush, figuratively speaking of course. I feel the anticipation of the Promised Land located south of the equator part and do a reverse gasp on an exhale. Closing my eyes, I can’t help but turn my head away.

  He brings my face back to his one more time with a small frown playing on his brow. “Quit looking away. I want to see your face when I touch you.”

  “I can’t look at you when you’re talking to me all sexy like that,” I say, sort of breathy.

  The side of his mouth jumps and he leans to kiss me. His hand floats down to my chest where he cups my breast over my tank. He massages as he kisses before gently twisting my nipple. When he finally breaks his kiss, he informs me, “You’ll get used to it.”

  “I doubt it,” I mumble.

  I feel his fingers make their way down my body as he keeps torturing me with his words. “You touch yourself, baby?”

  “Seriously, would you stop?” I plead, turning my head the other way so I don’t have to look at him. I can’t take it.

  “You do,” he answers his own question again as he touches me between my legs but over my panties.

  “Stop talking,” I beg.

  “Stop looking away from me,” he demands.

  I slowly turn my head toward him and the second I catch his eyes, he kisses me while dipping his hand in my panties. I moan into his mouth as his fingers move, learning the lay of the land. Not that he’s not familiar with the land, I’m sure he’s well-traveled. But the way he’s touching me and taking his time makes me feel as if he’s getting to know me. But how would I know. Maybe everyone does it like this.

  What I do know is his fingers glide easily as they discover me, roaming and teasing as he barely drags a finger over my clit making me jerk. He slides a finger inside and it feels as good as it did last night, but I have to break his kiss to breathe.

  “You’re tight,” he says against my lips. He adds another finger and hits my clit with his thumb.

  “Cam.” I moan his name and can’t help but lift my hips to get more. It’s never felt this way. I didn’t know it was possible for it to feel this way. I’m heated—aching for his touch.

  “Take a deep breath,” he whispers against my mouth and it’s only then I realize I’m panting shallow puffs of air.

  I try to inhale deeper, not caring what he’s saying anymore because the future Promised Land is sweltering and I don’t know how much longer I can hold the fire at bay.

  “Grab hold of me, baby,” he orders softly.

  I drag my hands up to the back of his head to pull him close. He puts more pressure on my clit, back and forth, circles. North, south, east, west. Whichever way he goes, the spark ignites as his fingers continue to delve in and out of me.

  Then it happens.

  And I might as well have never had an orgasm before.

  When I touch myself I come gently, but there’s nothing gentle about this. I hear myself cry out as my body violently jerks under Cam’s touch and I can’t help myself from bringing my legs together to try to stop it. But even squeezing my legs, he keeps at me until he wrings me dry and finally takes my mouth in a deep kiss, not letting me pull away to gasp. I feel his hand leave and he wraps his arms around me with his erection pressing into my thigh.

  He breaks his searing kiss. “Fucking incredible.”

  I’m still coming down from the most intense orgasm ever, thinking I really must not know what I’m doing because it never feels like that when I do it. I pull my heavy eyelids open. “What?”

  “You came so fucking hard for me, your body was singing. I don’t know what you’ve done to get you to where you are now, but you’re a minefield. With the way you came on my hand, the promise of what you can do to my cock is a dream I hope I get to live.”

  At his words and knowing how hard I came, mortification pours over me and I let go, trying to pull myself out of his arms. “I need to get up.”

  He grabs and pulls me into him tighter. “Paige, stop.”

  “Let go.” I keep trying to pull away, even though there’s no question he’s too big
and strong for me.

  “You aren’t going anywhere.” Turning my face with his big hands, I have no choice but to look at him. “You know what you just gave me?”

  I sigh, feeling defeated, and shake my head.

  “No one’s touched you. That’s mine. No one’s seen you come, that’s mine. No one’s had you right here.” He gives me a squeeze, pressing into me to make his point. “Yeah, this is mine, too. You’re more beautiful than you’ve ever been lying here under me and, baby, you’re fucking beautiful. So don’t pull away from me. I’m pleased as shit all this is mine and I don’t care what happens next or when it happens. But don’t take this away from me and don’t ruin it by being uncomfortable about something that should be incredible. Wherever this goes, I never want you to be embarrassed. You understand?”

  I look up and his eyes turned soft somewhere in the middle of his rant, his voice matching his eyes. I don’t want to be embarrassed, not to mention it’s not like me. I barely nod and whisper, “All right.”

  His soft look turns into a soft smile and then he shifts us up the bed, tossing my shams to the floor. Flipping the covers back, he pulls them over us and I realize he’s settling us in when he reaches over and flips off my lamp.

  This is all new for me, even if it’s sort of wonderful-weird being in my bed with Cam. However, I don’t lie when I say, “I’ve got to go to the store. I need pumpkin.”

  He stills his body. “Are you serious?”


  “Pumpkin beer?” He’s clearly confused by my request.

  “No, but thanks for remembering. I wish they sold pumpkin beer all year round. I need pumpkin for cookies. The dough needs to refrigerate overnight so I can make them tomorrow. They’ll turn out flat if you make them right after mixing the dough.”

  He frowns deeper. “You’re not leaving me to get pumpkin.”

  I frown back. “But I need it. My brother really likes them and I want to make them for his birthday.”

  “I worked hard getting you here, you aren’t getting up,” he insists.

  “But Cam—”

  “You were tired and I’m tired. Go to sleep.”

  “Are you really not going to let me up to get pumpkin for my brother?”

  “Yeah, really.” He arranges us and pulls me tight, his hand snaking around to my ass. “Get him a gift card.”

  “No way. A gift card is the worst gift ever, plus he has everything he wants. He just made partner at the firm, he doesn’t need a gift card.”

  “Whatever. Make him something else, but you’re not getting up.”

  I try to pull away again. “I at least need to brush my teeth.”

  “Paige.” He rolls to face me and pulls me in tight, looking determined. “You are not leaving this bed until it’s time to get up and get the kids. You’re not going to the store and you’re not brushing your teeth. You’ll find a way to get embarrassed or freaked about something else and I don’t have the energy to maneuver you back here. Last night I had to live with your hurt face in my head, but tonight I got to give you an earth-shattering orgasm. You’re ruining it by arguing about pumpkin and cookie dough and your teeth. I promise your teeth will be fine for one night. I wanted you relaxed and now you’re not relaxed. We’re going to sleep and we’re doin’ it now.”

  I glare and finally let my body slump in his arms. “If I get a cavity, I’m gonna be pissed. I hate the dentist and it’ll be your fault.”

  He narrows his eyes before falling to his back and brings his hand up to roughly rub his face. He pulls me in tight with his other arm and asks the ceiling, “Why in the hell do I like that?”

  I let my fingers wander up his chest for the first time, letting myself feel his rock hard muscles under smooth skin for the first time. “I’m serious. I hate the dentist.”

  I hear him sigh before I’m pulled up his body where he kisses me sweet.

  “Go to sleep,” he whispers and I can’t know for sure, but I think his sweet kiss and whisper is another apology. Or maybe it’s a thank you for being where we are in my bed. Or maybe, just maybe, this feels as good to him as it feels to me.

  I settle in, tucked tight to Cam as I continue letting my hand wander his chest, hoping it’s the latter.

  I call out quietly. “Cam?”

  “Hmm?” he hums sleepily.

  I press in closer, liking this even though I’ve never had this, but knowing I like it because it’s Cam and whisper, “You came back.” Pulling in a breath and smelling his clean smell, I go on. “Thank you for coming back.”

  Cam pulls me tighter and simply responds with a soft, “Baby.”

  Hours later in the parking lot.


  The lights never turn off in her family room windows.

  But fuck if they didn’t go out in her bedroom three hours and twenty-three minutes ago. I know this because there’s nothing to do but watch her windows and my clock.

  And her door that no one walked out of. It never opened.

  It never fucking opened.

  I toss my cell to the passenger seat. It ran out of juice hours ago. I grip my steering wheel trying hard not to pull it out of the dashboard, put my car in gear, and pull out. I’ll call her tomorrow. Or maybe I’ll come see her.

  Or maybe I’ll just watch.

  Chapter Twelve

  Boot Camp


  I walk into The Shed with Cam.

  Well, sort of.

  Cam walks into The Shed pulling me along while holding my hand. I haven’t had the chance to interrogate him about his past with other women, but from the reaction around us, I don’t think he walks into his own establishment often holding a woman’s hand. This is because everyone—and I mean young, old, and all those in between—stops what they’re doing and stares. Baseball bats drop, football players stop beating the shit out of one other, and even a group of kids who look as if they could be in middle school, cease their fancy footwork in and out of old tires. But what’s most interesting is a group of middle aged women who look to be on the low end of the middle-aged-spectrum, stop chit-chatting and turn to gape. Most glare, a couple grin. I have a feeling these are the boot camp moms.


  I guess it’s a good thing everyone’s surprised by Cam holding a woman’s hand.

  Cam doesn’t miss a beat, lifting his other arm and pointing to the man-boy football players to yell, “You taking a potty break? Get going.”

  They commence beating the shit out of each other, baseball bats start swinging, and middle schoolers go back to their fancy footwork. The women, however, start to hover. And I’m a woman so I know what that means: gossip.

  Well then.

  Good to know what I’m getting into. Or more specifically—what Cam’s throwing me into.

  This is all after my sleepover with Cam. I slept like a log after my earth-shattering orgasm and woke up on my stomach, lying crooked, and facing away from Cam with my arm hanging off the bed. But I did wake up with his hand on my ass so I knew he was still there. Pulling me into his arms with his sleepy but warm, blue eyes, he kissed me good morning. Yes, he kissed me with an open mouth and tongue when we both had morning breath that was off the charts since neither of us practiced good dental hygiene before sleep. You’d think it would’ve been gross, but it just wasn’t. I think I’d take any kiss from Cam, any day, any time.

  I made some quick eggs and coffee after Cam bossed me to get dressed for boot camp. I informed him, again, that I wasn’t going. I even lied and said I didn’t have any workout clothes, which I do, but not because I work out. I lounge in them, they’re comfortable.

  He called me on my lie and started to rummage through my drawers until I slapped his hands away and got my workout clothes. I didn’t need him going through my drawers, I have my vibrator in here somewhere and Cam doesn’t need any fuel for his sexy talk. Plus, he was messing up my stuff.

  I dressed in my favorite leggings that hit me at the knees with lime green
piping down the sides and matching tank with a strappy sports bra underneath. I’d like to see Cam get this one off. We stopped by his house to take care of Ariel and I made him take me to the grocery store on the way to get the kids so I could buy pumpkin. I’ll just have to freeze the dough for a quick chill and make do. The kids were happy to see me, however, Bekki was not. She didn’t verbalize it this time, but I got “the glare” that would’ve disintegrated me on the spot.

  Like a good dad, Cam lied to his kids and told them he picked me up this morning for boot camp instead of filling them in about our sleepover. We dropped the kids at camp where he informed Jordy and Cara that they would see me tonight at Tony’s birthday party. I completely forgot they were invited and now I have to worry about being with Cam in front of my family. Especially Sophia since she’s called a gazillion times last night and has already texted me twice this morning, all of which I’ve ignored. It’s not like me not to answer the phone or respond to texts, but what can I say? I’ve been busy being angry at Cam, fighting with Cam, making up with Cam, getting a Cam orgasm, sleeping with Cam, and spending the morning with Cam. All in all, I’m learning Cam Montgomery can be overwhelming.

  Cam dragged me behind a big counter with a desk and office area behind it. Taking my purse from me, he throws it in a safe with his wallet and keys. Then he opens a small fridge under the counter, yanks out a big bottle of water and thrusts it my way. “You ready?”

  What? No way. I am absolutely not ready.

  “Not really. Can I just sit here and organize your desk for you?” Looking around, I notice that Cam has cleaning issues. His desk looks a little like his kitchen last week before I cleaned it. I don’t understand why he can’t throw away trash.


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