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The Dark Side of the Earl: Historical Regency Romance

Page 27

by Ella Edon

  “But you couldn’t let me know about it because you didn’t want to reveal what you had done,” Nathan murmured.

  The strange thing was, if Vanity had told him about Eric and that Eric wanted the title, Nathan would have given it to him. He never wanted it. In his eyes, it meant knowing that his father wasn’t around. Nathan preferred his army title. Eric could take what he wanted. Except Vanity’s pride had got in the way.

  “Then Eric had a better way of doing it.” Vanity was staring at the floor, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. “Simply replace one Earl with another. Seeing as you two are identical, it wouldn’t have been that difficult.”

  “You were going to help him lure me here to kill me, weren’t you?”

  Vanity didn’t immediately respond. Nathan’s heart sank. His own mother had been involved in bringing him back with the plan of killing him so another son could take his place. All because she didn’t want her past to catch up with her.

  Nathan felt sick.

  “Forgive me, Nathan.” Vanity burst into quiet sobs and buried her face in her hands. “Forgive me.”

  Nathan didn’t respond. He couldn’t respond. There wasn’t really anything he could say to that. Now he just felt numb. Very numb.

  His mother had been plotting with his long-lost brother to kill him for his title.

  And all because of someone’s pride and another’s greed.

  Some family he had.

  Eleanor stood at the doorway to one of the dorms and watched as the nuns got the children settled. There had been at least two dozen children who had been confined in that warehouse by the river who now resided at the orphanage, and there were going to be more, but this was a start.

  They would find the rest of them. Once Eric’s people had talked, they would find them all. Hopefully, not in shallow graves - or in the river like some of the children. Those who argued back and had a mind of their own didn’t last long in their world.

  Now these children would be able to get the care and attention they desperately needed. Eleanor was glad to have been there when they were found.

  She was still getting her head around the fact that the man who had taken these children for his own business dealings was the same man who had set Nathan up to be killed. Or that he was Nathan’s twin brother. Nathan looked in a state of shock himself when he told her. Eleanor could understand. That was some secret to have kept hidden for so long.

  Eric had been dragged out of the house, snarling and threatening to come back after Vanity to finish the job, declaring his birth right. For someone who seemed so controlled and put together for his business, he seemed a little unstable himself. Nathan had simply stood back, Eleanor with him, expressionless but he had been shaking. Eleanor didn’t know what to say to make him feel better.

  This was one mess that was going to take a while to unravel and sort out.

  Deciding that she couldn’t do anything more tonight, Eleanor headed downstairs, giving Sister Cecilia a wave as she went past. Nathan was pacing around in the lobby, going from one side of the room to the other. Eleanor slowed. She hadn’t expected to see him there. Nathan had gone along with the magistrate to put Eric in jail. From the way the judicial official had been staring at Nathan and Eric, he was equally baffled at it all as well.


  Nathan turned. His shoulders slumped, and he hurried to her. Eleanor accepted the embrace, hearing Nathan’s sigh of relief and his whole-body losing tension. They remained like that for a moment before Nathan eased back.

  “I didn’t want to go in there and frighten the children. How are they?”

  “Exhausted.” Eleanor covered her mouth as she yawned. “As am I. But they’re glad to be out of there.”

  “Then let’s get you home. You’ve had a trying couple of days.”

  “That sounds like the best thing you’ve said all day.” Eleanor patted his chest. “Let me get my things.”

  Two minutes later, the two of them stepped out into the cool evening air. Eleanor hadn’t realized that she had spent all afternoon and most of the evening getting the orphans who had been lured away by Eric into the orphanage, getting them settled and giving them cuddles when they needed them. It broke Eleanor’s heart that they had been lied to about a better life, when it was a situation worse than the one they had been in before.

  She linked her arm through Nathan’s, unable to stop herself from leaning her head on his shoulder. She was too tired to care what this might look like to anyone who might be out at this time of night.

  “Did you talk to Eric?”

  “I did.” Nathan let out a heavy sigh. He sounded just as worn out as she did. “He said that he was always told the truth about his parentage, and that he wanted the title once our father died. It was his right. But if he had simply come to me and explained himself, been a decent person about it, I would have handed the title over. There’s no way looking at him that I could have denied the fact he and I are brothers.”

  “Instead, he chose to make an elaborate plot to kill you and take your place,” Eleanor said bitterly.

  “Yes.” Nathan shook his head. “It’s really sad, because if he had gone about this legally, he could have gotten the title. It would have embarrassed Mother revealing that she had abandoned a new-born baby, no matter how unknowing it was. As it is, because of his...indiscretions, the title would have been stripped from him and given back to me, anyway.”

  “But to involve your mother in this as well?” Eleanor shook her head. “That’s just cold.”

  “His way of making her pay for abandoning him, I suppose. I still can’t believe she actually went along with it because of her stupid pride.”

  Eleanor squeezed his arm. It had to hurt knowing that his own mother had been involved, even to a small capacity.

  “We never think we’ll be illogical during a stressful moment. By the time we are of our right mind, we’ve already been sucked in and there isn’t a way out.”

  “That sounds like the most sensible thing I’ve heard in a long time.”

  “Good.” Eleanor frowned. “I had a feeling he wasn’t you, but I wasn’t sure. He was wearing black, which you say you don’t wear unless you’re in mourning. He was brusque with me, quite sharp. And when he kissed me…”

  “Wait, what?” Nathan stopped short, spinning Eleanor around to face him. “He kissed you?”

  “Don’t look at me like that? I wasn’t a willing participant.” Eleanor pressed her hands to Nathan’s chest, wishing she could ease the scowl on his face. “He didn’t...well, he didn’t kiss like you. That’s what really gave it away.”

  Nathan’s eyes seemed to glow under the gaslight overhead. Then he gathered her into his arms.


  His kiss was sweet, but it certainly wasn’t gentle. Eleanor wasn’t about to complain. She ran her fingers through his hair, sinking into the kiss. It felt like forever since he had kissed her, and Eleanor found herself greedy for more. She had never been greedy for anything before.

  It shouldn’t be a bad thing to be greedy for this man, should it?

  “What was that for?” Eleanor asked when they came up for air.

  “I’m making up for the abysmal kiss you got from my brother.” Nathan grunted and shook his head. “Brother. My fellow soldiers are going to find this very amusing that I’m the twin brother of a criminal mastermind.”

  “But you’re also the better brother. The good one.” Eleanor smiled as she cupped his jaw. “The one I love.”

  Nathan grabbed her hand, pressing it to his cheek. His eyes never leaving hers.

  “Say that again.”

  “Which bit?”

  “The last bit.”

  Eleanor laughed. She reached up and tugged his head down. “I love you, Nathan Reynolds.” She kissed him. “Even if I want to knock your head against a wall.”

  Nathan smiled. “I’m sure you can do that all you want one day. We still have a lot to discuss.”

��I’m not changing my stance.”

  “I know.” Nathan lowered his head. “But we’ll talk about that later.”

  Two Months Later

  Eleanor smiled as she felt an arm slip around her waist, pulling her against a firm, hard body. Now this was a good way to wake up. She sighed as Nathan began kissing her neck.

  “I like this way of waking up in the morning.”

  “That’s good.” Nathan palmed her breast, nipping the lobe of her ear with his teeth. “Because I like doing this.”

  Eleanor could feel his hardness against the small of her back, and it sent a thrill through her body. Seeing her husband’s naked body for the first time the night before had been both exhilarating and a little nerve-wracking. She had never seen a naked body that wasn’t hers, and she had had no idea what to do. But Nathan had been so sweet, so gentle with her. He showed her how he liked to be touched, and Nathan had found out very quickly how Eleanor liked to be pleasured.

  It made Eleanor glad that she had asked to retreat from the wedding reception early, claiming to be tired. She knew that the guests were going to be whispering about the real reason she and Nathan left their own wedding reception before it was over, but Eleanor didn’t care. She had been sociable with everyone all day, and now she was exhausted. She just wanted time alone with her husband.

  She would’ve been happier if they went to Gretna Green. That was more Eleanor’s thing. But this was to keep Vanity Reynolds happy. The Dowager Countess wanted a big society wedding, and her son had urged Eleanor to oblige to keep her from sulking. Eleanor wasn’t sure about it, but she had reluctantly agreed. At least they had the house to themselves, her father offering to throw the wedding reception at his home with Vanity staying with a family friend.

  Good thing, too. Nathan had teased Eleanor about how loud she was.

  “God, Eleanor.” Nathan’s hand travelled down from her breast, over her belly, dipping between her legs. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Eleanor shivered as she parted her thighs, gasping as Nathan’s fingers thrust inside her.

  “You jest.”

  “Not a chance.” Nathan kissed her neck. “You’re beautiful, and you’re mine.”

  “Show me.”

  There had been a lot of foreplay the night before, before they made love. It had been one of the sweetest moments of Eleanor’s life. Nathan knew how to make her body sing as he rocked her to an orgasm, his hips rolling enough to make Eleanor shiver. She had made noises she didn’t think was possible. Afterwards, Nathan had cleaned her up and tucked her in at his side as he settled into the bed, Eleanor drifting off into sleep. The day had completely worn her out.

  Now, even as she roused herself from sleep, Eleanor felt how aroused she was. She wanted more of her husband. A lot more.

  “I love how you feel, Eleanor.” Nathan flicked his fingers over a sensitive part of her body, making Eleanor gasp. “I want to feel it again.”

  “Please, Nathan.” Eleanor was aware that she was panting, but she didn’t care. Nathan lifted her leg, opening her wide as his member brushed against her. “Please…”

  Nathan thrust, burying himself deep. Eleanor broke off with a loud moan, her whole body shuddering. God, it still felt incredible. She clutched one hand onto the bed, the other reaching back and holding on to Nathan as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. He changed the angle slightly, and Eleanor felt the pleasure move up another notch. Then Nathan’s hand was reaching between her legs, pressing at her delicate flesh.

  That had Eleanor’s pleasure exploding. She screamed, arching into Nathan’s thrusts as her whole body felt like it was heating up, flames licking at her skin. Then there was a rush of cold before going hot again. Nathan wrapped an arm around her and held her close as his hips jerked, growling in her ear. He held her as she came down from her climax, his hand now stroking her belly.

  It took a moment for Eleanor to realize that he had held off on his own orgasm. He had focused his attention on her instead of looking after himself. Eleanor wriggled away, whimpering as Nathan’s cock left her.

  “What are you…?” Nathan began, but Eleanor rolled over and kissed him, biting down on his lower lip. She pushed his shoulders, pressing him onto his back. Then Eleanor straddled his waist, his cock brushing against her folds. Nathan’s hands went to her hips.

  “You want to try this way?”

  “You said this one was possible.” Eleanor rubbed herself along his length, which had Nathan groaning. “I want to make you feel good.”

  “You already make me feel good.” Nathan lifted her up, the tip of his member pressing against her lips. “Ride me, Eleanor.”

  Eleanor shuddered as she took him in. This felt even deeper than before, stretching her to the point of painful. Then the pain faded away and Eleanor felt the heat spread from her middle and up her body. She had to stop to get her breath back.

  “Oh, God!”

  Nathan growled. He was breathing heavily as he gripped her hips, lifting her up and slamming her back down. This resulted in both moaning, Nathan’s fingers digging into her flesh.

  “Just like that, Eleanor. Just like that.”

  Eleanor didn’t need to be told twice. She followed Nathan’s guiding hands until she found her own rhythm. The feel of Nathan’s cock inside her was incredible, and Eleanor’s head fell back as she greedily reached for that orgasm that was just out of reach.

  Nathan was practically writhing underneath her, his hips coming off the bed. Then his cock twitched inside her as he thrust deep, pressing Eleanor down as he let go with a shout. Eleanor felt his release and her own climax went off like a firework. The room began to spin, and Eleanor swayed. She could feel the sweat trickling down her back and between her breasts.

  She was unable to move. Not after that. That felt good. She wanted more.

  “Eleanor.” Nathan pulled her down to him. Then he rolled her onto her back, running his fingers through her hair as he kissed her, his cock still deep inside her. “I don’t think I’m going to get bored of this.”

  “I certainly won’t.” Eleanor ran her hands over his bare chest, feeling the soft hair between her fingers. “Do we have to go to this wedding breakfast?”

  Nathan grinned. “I’m sure people will understand if we don’t join them. I’ve got a few more things to show you.”

  “Really? And what would those things be?”

  Nathan’s eyes flashed. Then he kissed her, gently biting her lower lip.

  “Give me a moment to catch my breath and I’ll show you. I haven’t finished with you yet.”

  The End?

  Extended Epilogue

  Eager to learn what the future holds for Eleanor and Nathan?

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  Do you want more Romance?

  Turn on the next page to read the first chapters of my previous best-selling novel: The Rake’s Hesitant Bride

  This is the story of two people haunted by demons of the past who vowed never to let love in. But life works in mysterious ways and even though you want to run from passion, it will find you. And the more you deny it, the more it will consume you...

  The Rake’s Hesitant Bride

  Chapter One

  "Merope!" cried Mrs. Felicity Robbins, bustling out of the kitchen and drying her hands on her apron. She stood in the hallway of the Robbins Inn and looked towards the staircase that led upstairs. "Merope! Go and fetch the mail! After that, I will need you to go and inspect the rooms and make certain t
hey are clean!"


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