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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

Page 18

by SJ McCoy

  Ryan chuckled. “I couldn’t help it. I just had to test and see how you’d react to me telling you to man up.”

  Donovan smiled at him through pursed lips.

  “Now I know.”

  “Know what?”

  “That you are the man I thought you were and that you and Elle are going to get serious if you aren’t already.”

  Donovan nodded.

  Ryan laughed again. “I knew you weren’t a pussy. I mean, come on. You wouldn’t have survived working with Lee all these years if you were.”

  He had to laugh at that. “You’re not kidding there. She’s awesome.”

  “She is. And I’ve never said it, but thanks.” He nodded. “Thanks for having her back while I wasn’t around. She thinks the world of you, you know.”

  “Yeah. It’s mutual. She’s awesome, and I’m glad you guys were able to work it out.”

  “Not as glad as I am. Don’t worry about Cal. Not about the asshole ex or about you and Elle. I’m not sure I understand why Elle doesn’t want to say anything about the two of you it, I guess it’s a girl thing, huh?”

  “I guess.”

  “But I think you should tell her to relax. I don’t think anything’s going to derail Cal and Teresa at this point.”


  “And, however it all works out. I’m in your corner, okay? I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when Cal figures out what’s going on with you two—that you’ve been keeping it secret, I mean. Hopefully, you’ll be able to tell him yourself before some else does, but if you need back up, I’m there. I know him better than just about anyone, I can usually talk him down.”

  Donovan held his gaze for a moment. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

  Ryan nodded. “Yeah. Go on. Get out before we start hugging and promising to be best friends forever, would ya?”

  Donovan laughed and got to his feet. Just as he pulled the door open, Ryan called after him. “Once it’s out in the open, you guys should come over for dinner. I know Lee likes Elle, and I’m sure you and I could stand to have a beer together, right?”

  Donovan smiled back at him. “I think we probably could. Thanks.”

  As he walked back down the hallway to his office, he felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders—maybe a few weights. Ryan didn’t seem to think that Cal would be too put out by anything Elle’s dad did. He’d told Donovan that he was in his corner if Cal had a problem with him seeing Elle, and for the first time since Ryan and Leanne had gotten back together, he knew that Ryan saw him as something more than just that guy who worked for Leanne. He smiled at the thought of the four of them having dinner. He’d look forward to that, his smile turned to a chuckle at the thought of getting Leanne and Skye together.

  “What are you doing walking around laughing to yourself?” asked Brayden who was sitting in his office when he got back to it.

  “Nothing. Things are going well that’s all. How about you? What’s up?”

  “I came to see if you wanted to hang out when we finish. Seems to me that if I don’t get you at four on Fridays, I won’t be seeing much of you anymore. Elle works late, right?”

  “She does.” Donovan felt bad. Brayden had become a good friend since he’d arrived at the lake. He didn’t want to abandon him because of Elle.

  Brayden laughed. “Don’t look like that. I’m only yanking your chain.”

  Donovan made a face at him. “You kind of have a point though. Maybe I should see if she has a friend she could set you up with.”

  Brayden shook his head rapidly. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Why not. It’s only the same as you did for me. You set me up with Jade.”

  “Yeah. And that didn’t work out.”

  “No, but …” He shrugged and let it go.

  “Is it official that you two are together now?”

  Donovan glanced at the door. “It is official. But we’re not making it public yet.”

  “Why not? And how long do you think you’ll be able to keep it secret in this town?”

  Donovan pursed his lips. He should have thought about that. “Hopefully, until after next weekend. Then it won’t matter.”


  Donovan laughed. “You can ask the twenty questions when we get out of here at four. I don’t know about you, but I have work I need to get done before then.”

  Brayden got to his feet. “Okay. Come get me when you’re done.”

  “Yep. I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Elle smiled as she looked around the living room. She’d been inside the house before but that was a few years ago. She didn’t know that her mom had refurnished it since then. She loved it.

  Donovan had stayed at her mom’s with her again last night but he’d gone out to get them pastries early so that he wasn’t there when Skye got up. She thought he’d come over early with breakfast for them.

  Even though she was worried her dad might show up next weekend she couldn’t help being happy that he wasn’t here now—and that they got to spend the weekend with Donovan instead. He’d brought them over to his place and they’d walked up here to check out the new house.

  Skye tugged on her hand. “Can we go upstairs, Mommy?”

  “Yes, come on. Let’s go up.” She smiled at Donovan, wondering what he thought of the place.

  He smiled back at her and answered the question without her asking. “It’s great, isn’t it?”

  “I love it.”

  “I love it, too,” said Skye. “It’s our new house.” She smiled up at them. “Mommy and Dondervan and me!”

  Elle’s heart thudded to a halt. She didn’t even know why Skye would think that. She looked at him, but Donovan just smiled and shrugged.

  “No, Skye. This is our house, you and me.”

  Her little eyebrows knit together. “And Dondervan.”

  Elle sighed. She didn’t want to get into an argument with her. She’d been so happy just a minute ago. “Let’s go upstairs and see your bedroom, shall we?”

  She held out her hand and Skye took it with a smile. “My new bedroom and Mommy and Dondervan’s new bedroom.”

  “Just Mommy’s bedroom,” she said as she followed her up the stairs.

  When they reached the top. Skye scowled up at her. “You said!”

  “What did I say, sweetie?”

  “That we’re going to live over here—where Dondervan lives.”

  “Yes, but I meant on this side of the lake, not in the same house.”

  “But I want to live with Dondervan.” She went to him and wrapped her arms around his legs. She looked up at him and melted Elle’s heart when she said. “I love you, Dondervan.”

  He melted the rest of her when he picked her daughter up and kissed her cheek. “I love you, too, Skye.”

  Skye rested her cheek against his and smiled at Elle. “I love you, too, Mommy.” She held her arm out and Elle went to them. Skye wrapped her arm around her neck and pulled her in close. “We’re such a cute little family.”

  Elle looked at her and then at Donovan. To her amazement, he just smiled and nodded. “I’d have to agree.”

  She couldn’t process his reaction, she had to deal with her daughter first. “Where did you hear that, Skye?”

  “That’s what Jackie said.”

  Crap! “Who to?”

  “Alyssa’s mommy.”

  Elle relaxed a little. She’d gone to school with Alyssa’s mom, Marina. She wasn’t a gossip, but Elle might just give her a call and ask her to keep whatever Jackie had said about her and Donovan to herself—if only for another week.

  Donovan put his hand on her arm. “I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  She nodded. He was probably right. It wasn’t like they were desperately trying to hide anything. She just didn’t want her mom and Cal’s focus to be on anything but each other this week.

  Skye wriggled to get down and when Donovan set her down, she went into the first bedroom she came
to. It was set up with a single bed, it’d be perfect for her.

  Donovan caught hold of Elle’s hand and pulled her back into the hallway as Skye disappeared into the closet.

  He closed his arms around her and landed a kiss on her lips. “Relax, Jellybean. Don’t look so worried. Even if it gets out that we’re seeing each other. It’s not the end of the world.”

  She reached up and kissed him back. “I know.” She held his gaze. “And what about you? Agreeing with her like that?”

  He raised his eyebrows and smiled a smile so big that his dimple appeared. She laughed. “Why are you looking so proud of yourself?”

  “Because I already have one cute blonde convinced that we make a cute little family. Now, I just have to convince her mom, too.”

  She held his gaze. “Are you serious?”

  He tightened his arms around her. “You know I am. Or you should know. I love you. I’ve told you; I don’t ever want to say goodbye to you—or to Skye. And if that’s how it’s going to be for us, then I’d say that we’re going to be a family. Wouldn’t you?”

  She nodded. “I would. I just don’t want you to feel like it’s all going too fast—like you’re getting landed with a woman and a child and …” She stopped when he rested his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. “Stop it.”

  She laughed. “Excuse me?”

  He smiled and shook his head without taking his forehead off hers. “I said stop it. I’m not a bossy man. But I just want you to stop and think a minute.”

  “What about?”

  “About what you’re saying. About me getting landed with you. You know I don’t feel that way, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “So why say it?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe because I think that’s how you should feel. Maybe because that’s how you’ll wake up one day and feel. Maybe because I love you so much that I can’t believe that something this good can last.” She looked up into his eyes. “Maybe because I love you so much that I want you to be happy and I’m not sure that you can be happy if you’re tied down to us.”

  “Now, we’re getting to the truth, huh?”

  “Yeah. But I wasn’t trying to hide it. I didn’t know until you asked.”

  “I know, Jellybean. That’s why I wanted to make you stop and think. Do you really think that I …” He smiled through pursed lips. “Dondervan, the guy you’ve gotten to know—you know that great guy who you think is so hot?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I know who you mean. You.”

  “Yeah. Do you think that I feel tied down to you? Do you think that I’d act the way I do with you and Skye if I didn’t love you as much as I do—if I didn’t want for the three of us to have a future together?”

  “No. I don’t. Not really.”

  “I didn’t think so. You’re not even thinking about me when you say stuff like that.”

  “I am!”

  “No. You’re thinking about your ex and your past and how you know someone like that would react. I need you to understand that I’m nothing like him.”

  She stared into his eyes. He was deadly serious. She nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “No need. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m trying to get you to the place where you can feel good—where you can relax and accept that I’m for real.”

  “I know you are! I know you’re for real and I do trust you. I just ... I’m sorry.”

  He hugged her closer. “I don’t want you to be sorry, I want you to relax and be happy.”

  Skye came out of the bedroom and smiled up at them. “I like my room. Do you like your room?”

  Elle laughed. “I don’t even know yet. Let’s go see.”

  The master was gorgeous. It was big and bright and airy, and it even had a view of the lake. She loved it.

  “Do you like your bedroom, Dondervan?”

  He caught Elle’s gaze. He was so good with that. He always tried to make sure that he wasn’t saying the wrong thing in front of Skye. They’d been careful not to let her find him in the house at her mom’s again this morning, but apparently, she’d decided all by herself that when they moved, he’d be moving with them. She didn’t want to keep forcing it on her that he wouldn’t be, that’d only break her little heart. And besides, Elle was starting to hope that maybe he would move in at some point.

  Fortunately, she’d let the silence go on so long that Skye got bored. She was pushing the door open on her way into the master bathroom.

  “Ooh, Mommy! Look at your tub! And your shower!”

  They went in after her. It was beautiful.

  “And look. Two sinks. Which one do you want, Mommy?”

  Elle pointed at the one closest to the window.

  “You can have that one, Dondervan.” Skye pointed at the other. “Can we stay here tonight?”

  “No, we just came to look around. We’ll move in next weekend.”

  “But I want to!”

  “I thought you wanted to have dinner at my house?” said Donovan.

  She frowned at him. “This is your house, too.”

  Elle rolled her eyes. Maybe it was time to sit her down and explain to her that Donovan wasn’t …

  She held her breath as he squatted down in front of Skye and said, “Not yet.”

  It was the perfect answer—at least for now. She’d no doubt start asking him again when they moved in. But at least, he’d bought them some peace for tonight, and for the rest of the week. A shiver of anticipation ran through her at the thought that just maybe, he was telling her the truth.

  ~ ~ ~

  When they got back to his place, Donovan sat Skye up on one of the stools at the counter.

  “Can we go to the beach now?” she asked.

  “No, sweetie. We have to go home soon.”

  She scowled, but Donovan distracted her by picking her back up and spinning her around, making her giggle.

  “You only get to sleep at your old house for one more week. You should make the most of it.”

  She gave him a puzzled look, but Elle smiled, her eyes thanking him.

  “That’s right,” she said. “Only one more week until we move over here.”

  Skye frowned. “Will we still see Grandma and Grandpa?”

  “Of course! Grandpa lives over here, too.”

  Skye smiled at that. “Yes! By the beach. And we’ll live by the beach, too. I love Grandma and Grandpa. Their house is on the beach.”

  Donovan was hoping that her train of thought wasn’t leading back to another plea to go to the beach.

  Apparently, it wasn’t. Her smile faded and she looked at Elle. “Is Papa Steve coming?”

  “No. He couldn’t make it,” said Elle.

  Donovan caught Elle’s gaze over the top of Skye’s head. It turned out that he needn’t have had his little chat with Ryan yesterday. Steve had called Elle and said that he wasn’t coming—but that he might come next weekend. She’d told him that she was moving, but she still wasn’t convinced that he wouldn’t show up.

  The look on her face said that was exactly what she was worrying about. He gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile, but didn’t know what he could say, especially in front of Skye.

  She shrugged. “It’ll all be okay.”

  His phone rang and he pulled it out of his back pocket wondering who it might be. He didn’t get many calls since he’d moved here.

  He frowned when he saw Jade’s name on the display. He looked at Elle.

  “We can go outside if you like.”

  He caught hold of her hand. “No. I’d rather you stayed right here. Don’t start down that path again. It’s Jade. I’m going to see what she wants.”

  He couldn’t figure out the look on Elle’s face as he answered.

  “Hi Jade.”

  “Hey Donovan.” She laughed. “Don’t sound so worried. I’m not looking for another date.”

  He had to laugh with her. She wasn’t his type at all, but he liked her as a person. He met
Elle’s gaze as he spoke.

  “That’s a relief. We both know there’s no second date in the cards, right.”

  The corners of Elle’s lips curled up in the hint of a smile.

  Jade’s laugh rang down the line. “Oh, my God! Elle’s there isn’t she? Hand the phone over. I only called you because I couldn’t get hold of her.”

  “I’d be glad to.” He chuckled and handed the phone to Elle. “She wants to talk to you.”

  She took it with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Hey, Jade … No, that’s okay …” she glanced at him “… yes, we are, but do me a favor? Don’t say anything? I don’t want to introduce him to my mom and Cal as my boyfriend just yet. And until I do, I don’t want Cal to find out from anyone else.”

  She laughed and looked up at Donovan. “No, he’s not worried. He’d rather tell them now. I’m the one who wants to wait. Mom has some stuff going on this week and I’d rather wait until that’s all sorted.”

  Donovan relaxed. He had no doubt that Jade would be calling him a coward for not wanting to tell Cal. He was glad that Elle had set her straight, more so that she understood how he felt. He didn’t like hiding from Cal.

  Elle laughed again and her cheeks turned pink. He had to wonder what Jade was saying. “Yeah. If it’s the weekend after next, then I’ll see what I can do. We should be out in the open by then.”

  “Who is it, Mommy?”

  “It’s Jade, sweetie. My friend.”

  Skye looked up at Donovan. “Do you know Jade?”

  He shrugged.

  “Can we go outside?”

  He smiled and lifted her down from the stool, then dropped a peck on Elle’s cheek before they went out into the back yard. She’d probably appreciate a minute by herself to talk to Jade.

  Skye ran over to the sofa on the patio and climbed up onto it. When he sat down beside her, she crawled up into his lap and wrapped her arms around him.

  “One more week until we move into our new house.”

  “That’s right.”

  She looked up at him. “When we all live in our new house, will you be my daddy?”


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