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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

Page 22

by SJ McCoy

  “And Grandpa?”

  “No. Grandpa has to go to work today, too—with Donovan.”

  Skye’s lips worked as she thought that over. “Okay.” She planted a sloppy kiss on Donovan’s cheek. “See you later.”

  Donovan kissed her back before he set her down. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  “Okay.” Skye waved over her shoulder as she went back into the kitchen.

  He chuckled as he watched her go. “And I was worried she was going to kick up a fuss.”

  “So was I!” She went to him and slipped her arms around his waist. “I think it was the fact that you’re going to see Grandpa that did it.”

  “Yeah.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. But I am looking forward to having that conversation behind us.”

  “I told you. We can wait till tonight. Tell them together. We can go over there and …”

  He shook his head. “No. I need to go and see him myself, first thing. After yesterday, it’s obvious that he knows. And you were right, we didn’t need to ram it down their throats after all the drama. Just because it’s top priority for us, it wasn’t the most important thing on your mom and Cal’s minds yesterday.”

  “I’m sorry I made you wait until now.”

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. “It’s okay. But I won’t be able to think straight until I’ve talked to him.”

  “Okay. I’d better let you go then, huh?”

  He smiled. “Yeah. I’ll be home as early as I can.”

  Her heart clenched in her chest when he said it again. “And maybe we can talk about that tonight?”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “You calling this place home.” Her heart was racing with nerves when she said it, but the way he smiled set her at ease. The thundering beats turned to happy skipping.

  “As soon as you’re ready, I’m in.”


  They both laughed.

  “You go see to her. I’ll go see Cal.”

  “Okay. See you later.” She reached up to kiss him. “Call me when you get the chance? Let me know how it goes?”

  “I will.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Donovan took a deep breath as he opened the main door. He wasn’t even going to go to his own office. He was going to see Cal. Go directly to Cal. Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred. At least that thought made him smile.

  He stopped short when he reached Cal’s door and found it closed. Damn. It was usually open. Did that mean that knocking would disturb him? Interrupt a phone call or a meeting? He was going to find out because there was no way he was going to turn around and walk away.

  He gave two sharp raps with his knuckles and waited.



  He turned at the sound of Leanne’s laughter. “You thought he was in today?”

  Donovan’s heart sank. “He isn’t?”

  “Nope. Teresa doesn’t work Mondays and he decided last night that he’s not going to anymore either.”

  Donovan blew out a sigh.

  Leanne’s expression softened. “Come on. I’ll make you a coffee. Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh. But you looked like a man going to the gallows—and then you looked pissed that they’re not going to hang you today!”

  He made a face at her as he hurried down the hallway after her. “I just … I’ve waited for so long for Elle to give me the okay to talk to him. I thought I was finally going to get it over with and now …”

  “I know. I get it. But you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  “Are you telling me that he knows?”

  “Of course, he does. And after the way you saved the day yesterday—”

  “Saved the day?”

  She laughed. “Err, yeah! You stepped up and diffused the whole situation before it kicked off.”

  “I’d say it was Skye who did that.”

  “Only because you primed her to. I probably should have warned you that unless it’s a matter of national security, Ryan can’t keep a secret to save his life. He said that he and Manny were all set to ambush that Steve before he made it to the house. He was bragging about you—telling Cal that you’re smarter than all of them put together.”

  Donovan swallowed as he followed her into the breakroom where she poured two coffees. His mouth was dry, and his brain didn’t seem to be working. “Are you shitting me?”

  Leanne rolled her eyes. “Could you take a damned compliment? I thought you’d be thrilled.”

  “Sorry. I am ... I guess. I just …” He shrugged. “I was expecting to have to … I don’t know. Explain myself? Apologize?”

  “What the hell for?”

  “For not being straight with him all this time about Elle and me.”

  “Ha! He’s not stupid.”

  “I didn’t think he was.”

  Leanne handed him a cup of coffee. “I know he wants to talk to you, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about. At least, not with him.”

  Donovan took the coffee with a frown and followed her into her office. “What do I have to worry about then?”

  “You’re not allowed to be mad at me.” She sat down and stared at him over the rim of her mug.

  Donovan held her gaze as he sat down opposite. “I can’t make any promises until I know what you’re talking about. What have you done?”

  “I just did a little digging.”

  He didn’t need to ask. He knew what she meant. He’d told her that he wanted to talk to Elle about her ex—not go seeing what he could find out about him. But Leanne wasn’t great at holding off—on anything.

  He raised his eyebrows, not wanting to ask what she’d found. Not knowing if he should ask—or even if he wanted to know.

  Leanne made a face. “If you’re not asking, I’m not telling.”

  He waited, knowing she wouldn’t be able to leave it at that.

  “Well, I’m not telling anything other than the fact that if Elle wants him out of her life and out of Skye’s, I’m sure it’d be easy enough to persuade him.”

  Donovan frowned. “Are you talking blackmail?”

  She laughed out loud. “I’m talking finding a win-win situation for all concerned.” She smiled sweetly. “I’ll tell you if you want to know. Or I’ll keep quiet until you’ve talked to Elle and you think you need to know. Okay?”

  He stared at her for a long few moments. “Okay.” He wanted to know. But he’d rather talk to Elle first.

  Leanne slowly smiled back at him. “You can go now.”

  He laughed as he got to his feet. “Yes, boss lady. I shall consider myself dismissed.” As he said it, he remembered what she’d said about her not being his boss anymore. He turned back to find her still smiling.

  “I know what you’re thinking. And the answer is no, I won’t be your boss for much longer.” She held her hand up. “But you have nothing to worry about. There are only good things on your horizon. Now scoot, would you? You’re making my office look untidy.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Elle set her phone down and blew out a sigh. Skye was not going to be happy—neither was Donovan for that matter. She’d just spoken to her mom to see if she wanted to go to the beach with them. But Cal had taken the day off, and the two of them were going for a hike.

  She smiled. Skye wouldn’t get to go to the beach with Grandma. Donovan wouldn’t get to talk to Cal. But in the grand scheme of things, those were just little details. It was way more important to her that her mom was happy—and that she was with such an amazing guy as Cal who was rearranging his work schedule around her.

  She picked up her phone when it rang again and smiled when she saw the name on the display. “Tiff! How are you?”

  “Elle! I’m miserable without you, girlfriend! When are you coming back?”

  Elle laughed. “Never! I miss you, too, Tiffany Blue. But I’m settled right back in here. Life is good. I’m staying. You could come visit?”

  Tiffany’s laugh wa
s infectious. It was such a raunchy sound. “Me? Venture out into the sticks? You can’t be serious?”

  “I’m totally serious. Have you ever left the city even once in your life?”

  “Nope! I don’t see the need. Everything I could want is within one hundred yards of my apartment, and anything that isn’t is only an Uber away. Do you even have Uber out there?”

  “No. There’s no need. Most places are walkable. There is a cab company. But everyone drives anyway.”

  “Well, you know I don’t.”

  “I’ll play chauffeur if you come visit.”


  “You’re seriously considering it?”


  “Oh, my God, Tiff! You have to! Wait, would Enzo give you any time off? It doesn’t have to be a weekend.”

  “Enzo doesn’t get to dictate my life anymore.”

  “Wait, what? Why?”

  Tiffany sighed. “Because he fired me.”

  “Shit. Really?”

  “Yup. It’s okay. I’m glad. I mean, all the best salons are going to be lining up to hire an amazing stylist like me, who also happens to be the best nail-tech in LA, right?”

  Elle closed her eyes. “How long’s it been?”

  Tiffany didn’t answer.

  “Tell me, Tiff!”

  “Okay, so it’s been a month and I can’t find a damned thing. I’ve been working at the gas station … nights.”

  “No! That’s not safe.”

  “The odds of me dying from starvation are higher than the odds of me getting shot during my night shift.”

  “Oh, Tiff. What can I do? I’ll send you some money. I’m getting back on my feet now.”

  “You’ll do no such thing! Jesus, Elle. I mean, I love you for the offer and everything. But you can’t just do shit like that. You shouldn’t go around saying it. That’s why assholes like Tristan were so eager to get their hooks into you. You’re such an easy touch.”

  Elle made a face but didn’t say anything.

  “Sorry, girl. That wasn’t a great way to thank you for your kindness. But you have to take care of you—and that means you spend your money on you and my little Skye-princess. How is she?”

  “She’s great. She’d love to see you.”

  Tiffany blew out a sigh. “That’s cruel. Using my little buddy as bribery to get me out there.”

  Elle grinned. “I’m not using her as bribery. What I’m saying is that she’d love to see her Auntie Tiff. She’d love to have you around if you came here to work with me.”


  “You heard me. My mom wants to work less. She’s putting me in charge of the salon. I want to set up a nail bar. We need to bring in another stylist. Who better than you? We know we work well together. You used to run Enzo’s, so you can help keep me on track with Mom’s place.”


  “Yeah, if you could stand to move out here and live in the boonies.”

  “Is there a movie theater?”


  “Yoga studio?”

  “Nope. There is a gym.”

  “Ugh. Full of meatheads?”

  Elle laughed. “Err, no. One of my mom’s best friends owns it. He’s a big guy—former marine—but he’s no meathead. His place is all about everyone taking care of their body, not just about guys pumping iron. I promise.”

  “Hmm. You know I can’t stand meatheads.”

  Elle grinned as a thought struck her. “I know. And if it’ll help persuade you, there’s a whole bunch of techy guys who work with Donovan.”

  “Hold on a minute. First, Donovan? What are you not telling me? And second, what the hell? I’m in. A whole bunch of techy guys for me to prey on?” She laughed. “That’s worth moving out to the sticks for.”

  “Yay! I’ll tell you all about Donovan soon, but I’m going to have to go in a minute. Skye was coloring but she’s starting to get bored, and I’m supposed to be taking her to the beach.”

  “Okay. Call me when you get the time and we’ll set it all up. Thanks, Elle. But before I let you go I have to tell you that Whitney’s pregnant.”

  Elle sat down. “Oh, the poor thing.”

  “You’re unbelievable! You should be gloating!”

  “Nah. I know he dumped me and Skye for her. But you have no idea just how miserable her life is going to be now that she’s stuck with him.”

  “She deserves everything she gets. The thing that pisses me off is that Tristan’s acting all proud father-to-be and telling everyone that his first child is on the way.”

  “His first?”

  “Yeah. I called him out on it. And do you want to know what the bastard said?”

  Elle shook her head. She really didn’t.

  “He said that he never knew if Skye was his anyway.”


  “Yeah. Sorry. I didn’t think you’d be so surprised.”

  Elle frowned. “I don’t think I would have been, but my dad was here this weekend and he said that he’d seen Tristan, and he was talking about coming up here to see Skye.”

  Tiffany laughed. “Sorry to say it, Elle, but you know I can’t stand your dad. He’s as much of a bullshitter as Tristan is. It’s anybody’s guess which of them is lying—but I’d put money on the fact that one or both of them is. Either your dad hasn’t even seen Tristan, and told you that … who knows why? Or he did see him, and Tristan wanted to pretend that he gives a shit in front of your dad. I wouldn’t worry about it either way.”

  Elle wished she didn’t have to worry about either of them anymore. She’d love it if she and Skye never had to see either of them again.

  “I just wish that him going around saying that he’s not her dad could somehow make it true.”

  “Yeah. So, do I. I bet he’s never given you a penny, has he?”

  Elle just laughed.

  “I know,” said Tiffany. “Dumb question.”

  “Maybe, if he’s claiming that Skye’s not his, he’ll be prepared to sign something that would make that legal?”

  “No! You can’t do that. Then you couldn’t ever get a penny from him for her.”

  “I don’t want a penny. I just want to make sure that he never has a right to come into her life and screw it up.”

  “You’re serious, then? You’d want him to terminate his rights?”

  “There’s nothing I’d love more.”

  “Mind if I get into his head about it? I can start telling him horror stories about baby-daddies being taken for most of their paycheck once the courts catch up with them.”

  Elle smiled. “If you can get into his head and plant the idea—especially if you can make him think that it’s his idea …”

  “I am on it, girl! You call me when you get a minute. I want to hear about this Donovan. And I want you to think about if you really meant that job offer. If you do, I’m there as soon as you need me. But I totally get it if it was just a nice idea.”

  “I mean it, Tiff! I want you here. I’ll help you find …”

  “I stand on my own two. You know that. Gotta go. Love ya, girl. Talk soon.”

  Elle smiled as her phone buzzed in her ear. She adored Tiffany. She was amazing. She’d had a rough life. But as she’d just said, she stood on her own two feet and wouldn’t accept anything she saw as charity. It’d be awesome if she accepted the job, though. Elle knew her mom would approve. She’d met Tiff several times when she’d been down to the city and liked her a lot.

  She got up and went through to the dining room where Skye was still coloring. “Are we going to the beach with Grandma now?”

  “We’re going to the beach. But just you and me. Grandma can’t come.” She braced herself, ready for I want Grandma to start.

  Instead, her heart melted when her beautiful little girl reached her arms up to her with a big smile.

  “Yay! Just you and me. I love you, Mommy!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Donovan parked in the driveway and
looked up at the house. The place even looked like it was Cal’s house. It was a very modern-looking design. All straight lines and right-angles. Big and imposing. Intimidating … no. There was nothing intimidating about the house at all. That was just him psyching himself out about the guy inside.

  At Leanne’s suggestion, and with Ryan’s agreement, he’d called Cal on his cellphone and asked if he could stop in to see him on his way home from work. He didn’t need to take up much of his time—unless Cal wanted to tear him a new one. But there was no way he was going to let another day go by without telling him about his relationship with Elle.

  He jumped when his phone beeped with a text. It was Elle. He’d talked to her this afternoon and told her what he planned to do.

  Elle: Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.

  He smiled.

  Donovan: If I don’t survive. Just know that I love you.

  Elle: I love you more. You will survive! Just do it.

  We’ll see you when you’re done.

  He got out of the car and started up the steps, taking deep breaths as he went and reminding himself that he needed to talk slowly and calmly. Not rush it all out.

  He stopped in his tracks at the sound of his name being called. Cal was standing in the side yard waving him over. He retraced his steps down the stairs and forced himself to smile.

  Cal greeted him with a nod. “Donovan.”

  “Hi Mr. … Cal.”

  He really did look like a different guy when he smiled. “I thought we’d gotten over that?”

  Donovan gave him a rueful smile. “So, did I. But I’m extra-nervous today.” He didn’t expect any sympathy, but there was no point trying to hide it.

  He swallowed when Cal’s—huge! Why had he never noticed that before?—hand came down on his shoulder.

  “Want to come walk on the beach with me?”

  Donovan chuckled. “To make it easier for you to dispose of my body after you’re done with me?”

  Cal laughed out loud. “I thought we’d gotten over that, too. Do I really give that impression? That I’d do that?”

  “No. Not really.”

  “Good. Come on.” Cal jerked his head and Donovan followed him down a path to the beach.


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