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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

Page 24

by SJ McCoy

  “That.” Elle smiled. “Exactly that. You get it.”

  Maria smiled back at her. “I do. You love him, but that means that you want him—not that you need him.”

  Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Would you both stop? I get it, you’re both madly in love with wonderful guys.”

  Elle laughed. “So, are you!”

  Tiffany shot her daggers. “I have a little crush. That’s all.”

  “Ooh! Who?” asked Maria.

  “No one!” Tiffany scowled at her, but she just laughed and looked at Elle who had now finished sweeping around her chair and come to join them.

  She shook her head. “Sorry. I can’t tell.” She smiled at Tiffany. “But I might not be able to hold off on meddling for much longer.”

  Tiffany laughed. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Don’t push me! I’m not the same Elle you used to know in the city.”

  “Yeah. No more cowering and crying for you, right?” Tiffany looked out the window and grinned. “It’s smiles and rainbows all the way now. Here comes Mr. Wonderful.”

  Elle couldn’t help but agree with her. That was exactly how she saw Donovan—Mr. Wonderful. Especially with her daughter sitting on his hip as he strode across the street from where he’d parked his truck. He was a mix of everything she’d ever wanted; a guy in a suit, who drove a truck, and who carried her daughter around—did everything with her daughter, including loving her—as if she were his own.

  She went to him as soon as he came in. He and Skye each planted a kiss on her cheek. She closed her eyes wanting to treasure the moment, like she did with so many moments these days. It was hard to believe that this was her life.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I am.” She looked back at Tiffany. “I’ll see you on Friday. Call me if you need anything, okay?”

  “I won’t! I want you to forget that this place even exists until you get back.” Tiff smiled at Donovan. “I’m putting you in charge of making sure she does, okay?”

  He smiled back at her. “I’m going to do my best.”

  “Are you guys going away?” asked Maria.

  “Yeah. We’re going down to the city to—”

  “We’re going to see the family judge,” Skye told her happily. “My old daddy was mean, and he doesn’t want to be my daddy anymore.” She smiled up at Donovan. “When the judge lady signs the papers, he won’t be. That’s good because Dondervan’s my daddy now.”

  Elle glanced at Maria, who grinned back at her. “That’s great Skye! I’m so pleased for you.”

  Skye nodded happily.

  Once they were out in the truck, Donovan leaned across the console and kissed her. She leaned back and looked into his big, brown eyes. “I love you.”

  He closed his hand around the back of her head and drew her closer until their foreheads were touching. “I love you more, Jellybean.”

  Skye laughed in the back. “Daddy loves Jellybean! I love jellybeans. Can I have some jellybeans?”

  “You can have some apple.”

  Donovan laughed when Skye groaned. “Maybe tomorrow, after we get done in court. We can have jellybeans to celebrate.” He winked at Elle and rested his hand on her thigh.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  It still caught in Elle’s chest every time Skye called him Daddy. She loved it! And so did he. Even if he hadn’t told her just how much it meant to him, his dimple gave him away every time.

  Once they were out on Route Twenty, he reached over and took hold of her hand. “Are you okay, are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “I am! More than ready. I just want it to be over with now.”

  He squeezed her hand. “This time tomorrow it will be. And then, when we get home, we can get started on our new life.”

  “I can’t wait.” She looked back at Skye, but she was engrossed in her book.

  Donovan glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow. “What’s up?”

  She spoke in a low voice so that Skye wouldn’t hear. “You really don’t think he’ll show his face tomorrow?”

  “No.” Donovan scowled at the road ahead. “There’s no reason for him to be there. He submitted all his paperwork. There’s nothing more for him to do and no benefit in it for him.”

  Elle blew out a sigh. “I know. Don’t be mad at me. I know you would have done it all for me if I’d let you, but I wanted to do it myself. I thought—”

  “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at him. Mad that he can still make you worried even now about whether he’s going to be there tomorrow.”

  “I’m not worried!”

  He glanced over at her. “This is me you’re talking to remember. We’re honest with each other—about everything.”

  She smiled. “Okay. So, I am worried. I just … you don’t know him, Donovan. He’s a bully. I don’t trust him not to show up, not to try to hurt Skye or me one last time.”

  “Well. I’ll warn you now. I won’t let him hurt either of you. I’ve respected everything you’ve asked of me, letting you take care of it all by yourself. I understand that he was your past and that you wanted and needed to do it. But if he shows up tomorrow and tries to hurt either of you—in any way—then …” He didn’t elaborate, but the look on his face told her all she needed to know.

  She chuckled, wanting to lighten things back up again. “You and Cal really are partners these days, you know. You look just like him.”

  He didn’t smile. “I feel just like him. There’s no way I’ll be able to stay quiet if Tristan shows up tomorrow and tries anything. I stood back and let you handle it when it was about your past. But tomorrow is about our present and our future, the three of us, as a family and that’s my business as much as it is yours.”

  She leaned across and kissed his cheek. “I know. It’s probably just me feeling nervous. But you’re right, and I wouldn’t try to stop you. I wanted to get rid of him by myself. I wanted to clear up my old mistakes so that we could be together as equals. We are. And if he tries anything now, he’d be doing it against us a couple, not just me. I wouldn’t want to keep you out of that.”


  ~ ~ ~

  Donovan looked around as they made their way from the parking lot to the family court. He’d been to LA before, but he’d never liked the place. He liked it even less today. It felt hot and oppressive.

  Elle was pushing Skye in her stroller. When they got inside the main lobby of the court building, she held her arms up to him. “Want out, Daddy.”

  He unfastened her and got her out. She clung tightly to him when he sat her on his hip. He clung to her, too. This hearing should only be a formality. Even if Tristan did show up, there was nothing he could do to stop the process now. He’d signed the papers. He hadn’t revoked his petition during the waiting period. The court had reviewed the case. Today should just be about getting everything rubber-stamped and legal.

  He sucked in a deep breath. Elle was seeing this hearing as an ending. It would close the door on the chapter of her life that Tristan had been a part of. Donovan was seeing it as a beginning. The papers that were filed today were the foundation piece for everything that he wanted the rest of his life to be built on.

  Elle looked up at him. “I think we’re that way.”

  He scanned the signs and nodded. “Come on. We’ll probably have to wait a while. He checked his watch. They were ten minutes early, and in his experience that meant they’d have at least an hour to wait.

  As he sat with his arm around Elle’s shoulders and Skye in his lap while they waited, he almost wished that they weren’t here. Leanne had told him that she could probably get the whole thing handled without them ever setting foot in family court. But when she’d told Elle that, Elle had wanted to go through the whole thing step by step. She was worried that it somehow wouldn’t be official if she allowed Leanne to take any shortcuts, as she’d called them. Donovan had gone along with what she’d wanted. He respected that she didn’t want him to be part of it. But the fact that Leanne
had offered Elle her services pro bono had made him breathe a lot easier.

  After months of build-up, it was all done in less than ten minutes. They stood before the judge who asked Elle a few questions, then spoke to Skye for a few minutes, and then smiled and signed the papers. Leanne had offered to be here, but Donovan was glad that they’d refused. He wouldn’t have wanted to share the moment they walked out of the courtroom with Leanne or anyone else.

  Elle was carrying Skye, and his heart clenched in his chest as he watched the two of them cling to each other once they were back out in the corridor. They looked small and lost amongst the crowds of people milling around. He put his arm around Elle’s shoulders and dropped a kiss on her lips and then another on Skye’s cheek.

  “Well, do you ladies want—”

  “So, that’s what it’s about, is it?”

  Elle went pale as she looked past Donovan. He spun around, knowing without a doubt that he was about to come face to face with the bastard who had hurt the two people he loved most in the world.

  “Tristan.” He ground the word out through a clenched jaw. He couldn’t let himself call the guy everything he wanted to, not with Skye listening. His fists balled at his sides. He couldn’t swing for him either. Much as he wanted to.

  Tristan smirked at him. “That’s right.”

  “What are you doing here?” asked Elle. “You missed it.”

  Donovan wanted to take him by the throat as he let his gaze travel over Elle before he spoke. “I didn’t come for that. That’s all over. I just wanted to see you.”

  “Why?” she glared at him.

  He shrugged. “I thought you might want to …” He shot Donovan a sly glance. “You know. For old times’ sake.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Go to hell, Tristan!”

  He took a step toward her, but Donovan blocked him, taking hold of his lapels, and looking down into his eyes. “You don’t get to talk to her like that. And you don’t get to go anywhere near her—either of them. You hear me?”

  Tristan shoved him, but Donovan didn’t let go. “I said, do you hear me?”

  Tristan glared at him.


  Shit! What was he thinking? He shouldn’t be doing this in front of her.

  Donovan let go and turned back to her at the same time Tristan spoke. “That’s right, Skye. Daddy’s here.”

  Donovan froze. They all did, as they watched Skye, waiting for her reaction. She looked around at them, then nodded, not understanding what the big deal was.

  “I know!” She held her arms out to Donovan. “Can we go home now, Daddy?”

  Donovan sat her on his hip and wrapped his other arm around Elle’s shoulders, holding them both tight. He needed to reassure them both that he had them, to make damned sure that Tristan got the message that they were his now, and just to feel them both close—where they belonged.

  Tristan scowled at Skye. “He’s not really your daddy, you know. I am.”

  Skye glowered back at him. “Yes, he is! He is my Daddy. And he’s a good daddy. Not like you!”

  Tristan sneered as she clung to Donovan. Donovan held her closer and stroked her hair, soothing her.

  “You’re welcome to them.”

  Donovan nodded. He didn’t trust himself to speak. Nothing that came out of his mouth right now would be fit for Skye’s ears.

  “Just go,” Elle spat the words out.

  “Oh, I’m going.” Tristan gave her a sly smile that Donovan wanted to land his fist in the middle of. He took a step closer. “Goodbye, Skye.”

  Donovan braced himself, ready to comfort her. But to his surprise—and Elle’s, judging by the look on her face—Skye straightened up and looked Tristan in the eye and said, “Goodbye.”

  Tristan turned on his heel and left.

  The three of them stood there holding each other in stunned silence for a few moments, until Skye smiled. “Can we get jellybeans now?”

  Donovan laughed, and as Elle joined in, he felt the tension slipping away. “I think we should. And then let’s go home.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Elle was exhausted by the time they got back to Four Mile Creek. It wasn’t that late, but the build up to today, and then their encounter with Tristan had left her drained.

  Donovan smiled at her when she flopped down on the sofa. Do you want to crash there while we go and pick us up some dinner from the café?”

  She smiled back at him. “I’ll love you forever if you go get us some dinner. But you don’t need to take her. She can stay here with me.”

  He came and squatted down beside her, resting his hands on her knees as he kissed her. “I’m kind of hoping that you will love me forever anyway. I plan to love you forever.”

  “And meee!” Skye came and stood beside him, leaning against him as she smiled at Elle.

  Elle’s heart filled up and overflowed with love for the two of them as she nodded.

  “I want to go with Daddy.”


  Donovan raised his eyebrows at her, and she smiled.

  “You can do whatever Daddy says.”

  He laughed. “Come on then, madam. We know what we want to get don’t we?”

  Elle had to laugh at the way her daughter giggled gleefully and took hold of Donovan’s hand on the way out.

  It only took fifteen minutes before they were back with takeout from the café. The three of them sat out at the table on the back patio, enjoying the warmth of the evening.

  “Are you going to do it now, Daddy?”

  Elle looked at Skye and then at Donovan. “Do what?”

  He gave her a rueful smile. “I may have a bit of a surprise planned.”

  “Ooh.” She rested her hand on his knee. “You know I like surprises.” She waggled her eyebrows. “If I like it, I may have a surprise for you later, too.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her, as she slid her hand further up his thigh. “You know I’ll have to hold you to that.”

  She ran her finger over her bottom lip. “I’m hoping you will.”

  “But what about your surprise?” Skye asked impatiently.

  Donovan nodded. “Don’t get too bossy, madam. I have a surprise for you, too. If you can be patient. But Mommy’s first.”

  Skye nodded eagerly and watched Elle’s face as Donovan got up from his seat.

  Elle’s heart started to pound as she understood what he was doing. He caught hold of her hand and got down on one knee in front of her.

  “Elle …”

  “Yes! Oh, my God Donovan, yes!” Her hand came up to cover her mouth as tears flowed down her cheeks.

  He laughed. “Don’t you want to hear the whole big speech?”

  She shook her head and leaned forward to throw her arms around his neck. “You can tell me later. But I don’t need any of it. All I want is you to be my husband—and me to be your wife, and—”

  “And meee!” Skye threw her arms around them both.

  Elle nodded happily. “And you, of course.”

  Donovan’s eyes were so full of love as he smiled at her and Skye. “Would you like a ring as well?”

  “Wow! It’s gorgeous!” She watched him slide it onto her finger.

  “I’m glad you like it. I was going to ask Tiff and your mom to help me pick out something they thought you’d love. But Cal told me I had to do it myself—to go with my gut.” He shrugged. “So, I did.”

  Fresh tears ran down Elle’s face as she remembered telling Cal that she’d love to think that the ring her husband gave her was all his own idea.

  She reached up and traced his dimple before landing a kiss on his lips. “It’s perfect. I love it.”

  “And I love you.” He looked down at Skye. “We already talked about me asking Mommy to marry me, didn’t we?”

  Skye nodded happily at them both. “You should be married. Mommies and Daddies are supposed to be.”

  Elle nodded back at her, glad that Donovan had thought to talk to her about it first.

  “I do have one more thing to ask you, too, Skye.”

  He was grinning when they looked at him. “I asked Mommy to be my wife. And I want to ask you to be my daughter.”

  Elle’s tears flowed again at the sight of the big goofy smile on her daughter’s face as she nodded happily.

  “You’re my best friend and my daddy.”

  “I want to make it official.”

  Donovan held up a gold chain with a ring swinging from it that looked a lot like the one he’d just placed on her finger.

  Skye’s eyes grew wide. “Is that for me?”

  “It is.” He looked at Elle. “I don’t know what Mommy thinks about you wearing it …”

  They needn’t have worried. Skye shook her head rapidly. “Nooo! I might lose it. Jackie lost her necklace. We should keep it somewhere safe. Where we can see it but not lose it.”

  Elle couldn’t be more relieved at her reaction.

  The way Donovan winked at her made her wonder if Jackie’s story wasn’t something that they’d cooked up together.

  Skye wrapped her arms around them and drew them together so she could hug them both. Donovan landed a kiss on Elle’s lips and Skye kissed each of their cheeks before she giggled.

  “We are the cutest little family. And now we’re a fishal. Dondervan’s my daddy. And we said goodbye to my old daddy.”

  Elle looked into her eyes. She’d seemed so much older than her years when she’d said goodbye to Tristan. She had to ask.

  “Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes! I don’t like him.” She rested her head against Donovan’s shoulder. “You won’t say goodbye, will you?”

  Donovan shook his head solemnly. “I promise you.” He looked into her eyes and then into Elle’s. I love you both, and I’ll love you forever. I won’t ever say goodbye.”

  Elle kissed her daughter’s cheek and then kissed the man she loved with all her heart. “You told me that it’d be up to me to say it. I promise you that I won’t. Ever.”


  A Note from SJ


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