New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 42

by Mj Fields

  “Jade’s birthday.” I shake my head and laugh. “He asked her to marry him, and she said yes. And, apparently, there’s a wedding tonight after work.”

  “He’s a good kid.” He laughs. “Knowing how you feel about Tommy, at one point, I expected you to switch up Ross’s.”

  I laugh, and not because it’s funny ha-ha, but because he hit the nail on the head.

  “Then I guess we owe him, don’t we?” I use the term we, because I know damn well he considers my football career partially his.

  “How about I give him and you the day off to take care of business?”

  “Generous,” I joke.

  “Give him tomorrow off. Paid, too.”

  “Keep it coming, old man.” The use of old man always stokes his fire.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “A job offer. Project manager on your next local job, salaried, with overtime, after I feel him out about his plans for school,” I tell him.

  He lifts his chin.

  “Benefits, company truck, cell phone, vacation time, and a big-ass bonus for getting this job done early.”

  He takes a sip from his travel mug then says, “I’ll consider it.”

  I look out the window and see Ryan rolling in. I look at the clock. He’s a minute early.

  “You won’t get a more loyal employee. Let me know.” I nod toward the window. “I’m going to catch him before he gets dirty.”

  “Use the card to get them something nice from Audri and me.”

  I grab my hat, walk to the door, and pat him on the shoulder. “Planned on it.”

  Standing at the end of the dock, the place that Ryan proposed, the place that Jade told him she wanted to be married, I see Tessa step out from the restaurant and onto the dock, walking toward me in a pale yellow sundress. For a moment, I get a déjà vu feeling, like it’s Tessa and I, instead of Jade and Ryan, getting married—the sun and water. A feeling that rolls through your stomach and makes you a bit dizzy. As quick as it came, however, it’s gone, and I take her hand.

  “You okay?” she whispers.

  I squeeze her hand.

  She looks down at my bare feet and whispers, “Did you and Ryan get pedicures?”

  I wink. “He didn’t want a bachelor party.”

  She grins.

  On her father’s arm, Jade then walks out in a long, flowing dress, same color as Tessa’s, and she looks like a goddess. I glance at Ryan, who swallows hard and looks at her like she is.

  The youth minister from their church does his thing, they exchange vows, and when they kiss, a breeze sweeps through and the family, all gathered on the deck, cheers.

  Tessa and I join the family inside the restaurant as they continue to suck face.

  When they come in, we all sit and eat, and that’s it.

  Ryan told me that, for their one year, he wants to do something big for her, and I know he will. He seems more relaxed around her, so much more, and happy, really fucking happy.

  Arms wrap around me from behind. “How you holding up?”

  “They look great together.” I reach in my pocket, pull out an envelope, and hand it to her as I turn around. “You wanna give this to them … from us?”

  “Um … Sure. What is it that we’re giving them?”

  I tuck her hair behind her ear and get that fucking feeling again.


  I shake my head. “A night at The Rose Inn. Everything’s all set. Food, non-alcohol champagne for Jade, the real shit for Ryan, big fat gift card from Dad and Audri, and even though he said he didn’t want to miss work, he’s got tomorrow off, paid.”

  “Do you know how much I love you?”

  “Yeah, baby, I do.” I’m gonna marry you by the water.

  She puts her hand over my heart. “I’m not sure you do.”

  I nod toward the exit. “Baby, they’re gonna leave, and I’m guessing they have some plans.”

  She grabs my hand and drags me behind her.

  As we wave goodbye, my phone rings. I pull it from my pocket.

  “It’s Dad. I gotta take this.”

  When I walk back in, Tessa is helping Maggie and Josie box up cake.

  I wrap my arms around her. “Cake?”

  She looks back at me and giggles then points to the top. “Make sure you—”

  “Box it up to freeze for their one-year anniversary.” Maggie nods. “We got it.”

  “Sorry, it’s just—”

  “It’s Jade, Tessa,” Josie cuts her off. “We know. You take good care of her.”

  “I think they have this covered, baby.”

  “My God that man of yours; I could just eat him up,” Josie says.

  “Josie,” Maggie scolds her.

  “Oh please, like you don’t see it.” Josie rolls her eyes at her then looks me up and down. “Just too bad we can’t touch it.”

  “John!” Maggie calls to him, and when he looks, she points at Josie then stomps her foot, and I can’t help but laugh.

  Tessa drags me away. “You always take the Mom’s side.”

  “Baby, she stomped her foot, just like you do.”

  “I do not.”

  I look down at the exact moment she proves me right.

  “Like hell you don’t,” John says, walking past us.

  She shakes her head, and I put my finger over her lips. “I have some good news.”

  She dishes about her parents, and I love that for her, for all of them.

  Leaning back in my chair, I ask, “What are you plans for the weekend again?”

  “So business-like, Mr. Links. Kind of hot,” Tessa says from over the phone line.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Can’t take a compliment, all business. Fine, take notes. Work Thursday seven to three, booster club tent at the big fair from six to ten-ish. Between those hours, I plan to be on you, if your schedule allows.”

  Damn right you will be.

  “Friday, work from seven to three then wedding details. Again whenever I can see you, I will be showing you how much I miss you. Saturday, wedding—lots of those this week—from noon until five. I would love for you to work with me at the tent from six to ten that night, maybe sneak away for a little loving. Sunday, all yours.” She inhales a breath.

  “I’ll see what I can do about tonight. Not looking good, though.”

  She groans.

  “The rest of the time, I’m all yours.”

  “Come see me, pleeeease.”

  The door opens.

  “Ryan just walked in,” I tell Tessa. “He looks exhausted. Hmm … wonder how things went.”

  “I wish I could see his face when you tell him the news,” she squeals.

  “Wish you could, too. Talk to you soon. Love you, baby.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Hanging up the phone, I lean forward as Ryan sits down. He looks like he hasn’t slept a minute. “Hey, Ryan, how are you?”

  “Great,” he says, adjusting his hat.

  “I wonder if all the Ross girls are the same. I swear Tessa could outlast me from day one.”

  “Pretty sure it’s genetic.” He tries not to smile.

  “Are you happy, man?”


  “Cool. I want to know what you’re doing about school.” I open the desk drawer and pull out the file that Dad dropped off.

  “Well, I haven’t talked to Jade about it yet, but I was thinking of taking a few night classes the first semester. I saw four that I would have to attend one night a week for three hours, like seven to ten. That would keep me full-time. Thinking ball’s going to be out.”

  “You okay with that?”

  “Not going pro, and I’d rather chill with Jade than bust my ass.” He shrugs.

  “What about work?”

  “I have a couple applications to put in for jobs. My problem is going to be from like eight to ten thirty when Jade will be at school and I plan to take care of TJ. I don’t want that crazy bitch to have the op
portunity. But I’ll figure it out. We’ll be fine.”

  “Got something else for you to consider. I talked to my father today, and he has another job in Ithaca. It starts in two weeks. This one will be done by the middle of next week. Would you consider staying on with us?”

  “Lucas, I love this job, but I just don’t know how it’ll work.”

  “Can you give me a few hours to work on it?”

  “Sure, but—”

  “You’re good, Ryan, smart, fast, focused, and you actually want to learn. More importantly, you make them think about work. Basically, they like to school us. We don’t give them attitude, and that seems to make them actually want to work and not just fill out a time sheet. We’re thinking you’ll be a project manager. It’s better pay. You’d be salaried, have benefits, vacation time, company truck, and cell. And I talked him into overtime if you get stuck working weekends to get the job done on deadline, and you’ll get a bonus if done early.”

  “Lucas, that’s incredible. Four years from now, it would be a hell yes, but I want that piece of paper. Want Jade to be proud of me. I’ll do whatever I have to. Gotta work, but—”

  “I’ll talk to Dad and try to help figure it out. But one more thing; Mom is moving out officially in two weeks, the same time I do. So, to sweeten the pot, it’s yours and Jade’s; just pay utilities and maintain it. I’m going to ask the same thing as I did when I offered it to Tessa and Jade, that I be able to keep my room for when I’m on break or come home. I promise to not be a bother. I’ll throw a gag on Tessa when she’s over—she gets a bit loud.”

  He laughs. “All right, I should talk this over with my wife. Why are you doing this?”

  “I told you, you’re good. And your family now, Ryan. Tommy was like a brother to me, and in some way, you’ve become that, too.”

  “Thank you, Lucas.”

  An hour after he left, my phone rings.

  “Jade says—”

  “Hell yes!” I hear Jade in the background and laugh. “I’ll go to school days and—”

  “No need. My father wants to know if you would be willing to bring the baby with you when Jade is at school. He says babies sleep a lot, and with proper planning, you could use that time to do paperwork.”

  “Is that what you want?” he asks Jade.

  “If it’s all right with you?”

  “Well, it’s a pretty sweet deal,” I tell them.

  “Yeah, it is,” Ryan agrees.

  “Are you ready for all that?” Jade asks.

  “I have a wife and a baby on the way. I mean, a stepchild. I’m more than ready. And Jade, I can’t wait to be able to take care of you the way you should be taken care of.”

  I hear them kissing and laugh. “Still on the line here.”

  “Yes, and I have no problem coming in on the weekends to make up time,” Ryan says. “And Lucas, thank you.”

  Chapter Forty Six

  Missing my girl like crazy, I plan to surprise her by showing up at the fair. Apparently, I’m the one in for a surprise.

  Standing on stage, singing karaoke, looking like a dream—not the wet kind. In those, she’s wearing that black bustier—is my girl on stage.

  I love watching her sing. She’s a natural. It’s Tessa’s football. The only time I don’t like seeing her sing is when she’s with Ben. Although, that last time, at our party, it didn’t suck so bad.

  The surprise is when the song, “Fade Into You” ends, and a male voice from the crowd booms, “Come here, Tessa Ross.” Then … she grins and dives off the stage.

  My blood boils as I see her wrapped all around some tall, blond-haired fuck who’s smiling from ear-to-ear.

  When her eyes meet mine, I turn right the fuck around because, not only her whole family, but the whole damn town, is seeing this shit.

  “Catch that, man.” She laughs, and I keep on walking.

  “Lucas, hold on,” she says, still fucking laughing it up as the Ken doll cuts me off and she hops off his back.

  “Are you fucking high?”

  “Tessa, you smoke?” Ken asks, amused. Dick.

  “No.” She smiles at me. “And no!” She shoves him, and they both laugh.

  “Cute,” I seethe, attempting to turn and walk away.

  She dives on me, hugs me, and whispers, “You’re going to feel like an idiot.”

  I stiffen.

  She turns and laughs. “Troy, come here, you big stud. Meet my very hot, extremely annoyed boyfriend, Lucas. Lucas, this is my cousin, Troy, Aunt Josie’s son.”

  Yep, I feel like an idiot all right.

  I reach out my hand. “Sorry, man. Nice to meet you.”

  “You, too.” He shakes my hand then points at her. “Tessa, you grew boobies.”

  “Shut up.” She slaps his hand. Hard, too. “Let’s go get dinner and sit and chat.”

  “Sorry, baby.” I kiss her quickly.

  “And you kiss boys?” Troy laughs.

  She grins. “You think that’s bad? Jade is married.”

  “What?” Troy gasps.

  “You missed it by one day.” She takes his hand with her free one.

  “I thought I was coming home for Molly’s wedding.” Troy laughs. “When are you tying the knot, Lucas?”

  “Whenever she is ready,” I answer honestly.

  “Are you all crazy?” he asks. “You’re too young for all that shit.”

  “Lucas, Troy is a slut, big time. Kind of like you used to be.”

  For a second, it annoys me that she announces that like it’s no big deal, but the like you used to be is like a salve.

  “Hi-five for the boy whores.” Troy reaches out his hand.

  “Ex boy whore.” I give him a halfhearted hi-five.

  “Tessa needs to sing more tonight.” Troy nudges her.

  “Tessa needs to eat with you and Lucas,” she corrects him.

  So, we sit and eat while Troy tells us about his life in Fort Lauderdale, where he bartends and is having a great time. He and some buddies are renting a house on the beach, a two-year lease.

  “Hey, Lucas, you are going to college, right?”

  “Yes, SU.”

  “Tessa, you should come down the week before school starts. It would be great,” Troy all but insists.

  “I’ll think about it and get back to you,” she says, picking up her burger.

  “Gonna go grab a beer. Be back.” Troy stands up. “You two want one?”

  “We’re good,” I answer for both of us.

  Once he’s gone, I ask, a little annoyed by her even considering going to the beach bachelor pad, “So, did you think about it?”

  She sets down her burger and turns to me. “Yes. And no, I’m not going; just need to figure out what excuse to use.”

  “You want to go, Tessa?” I ask with a little bit of attitude.

  “Do you want me to?” she gives me hers.

  “If you want to.”

  “Lucas, I’d love to … with you. Maybe spring break?”


  She sighs. “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, I’m tired.” And irritated.

  She climbs on my lap and kisses my neck, then my lips, then bites, releases, and says, “Okay, I’m not sure what it is I did, but if you’re going to be grumpy …” She starts to slide off, and I pull her back.

  “Sorry, Tessa, I really am tired.”

  “Okay. Do you want to leave?”

  “Not without you.”

  “Lucas, I’m supposed to be here for a few more hours, and I have a lot of my family coming in over the next few nights. Go home and sleep. I’ll try to sneak over before you head to work in the morning.”

  I help her off my lap then start get up.

  “But I don’t want you to go.” She sighs then smiles brightly. “Compromise. Give me an hour, you stay with me, and then I’ll come over and read you a bedtime story.”

  “Fine,” I agree but really have no desire to.

  “You have to dance with me
.” She grabs our paper plates and one of my hands, and drags me toward the dance floor after dropping our plates in the trash.

  Still annoyed at what I walked into, and the thought of her possibly wanting to go to Florida yet Mexico is off the table, I try to push past it.

  She’s seeing it—my annoyance, not like I can hide it. Both are fucked up.

  She pushes up on her toes and whispers in my ear, “Lucas, do I need to kiss your cock? Will that make you happy?”

  I step back a bit and look down at her. “You could try that.”

  Smiling, she steps back, takes my hand, and pulls me through the crowd.

  Passing Troy, he says, “Hey, there you are.”

  “We are, but we have to run to the store really quick. Then Lucas has to get home and catch some Zs. He has work in the morning.” She pops a kiss to his cheek.

  I shake his hand. “See you later, man.”

  He holds up his beer and nods. “Sure thing.”

  Once in my vehicle and pulling out of the packed parking lot, she wastes no time.

  “Good God, Tessa,” I hiss when she’s mouth full of me, stroking, sucking, and doing it fast, like she’s in a hurry. “Baby, slow down.”

  She doesn’t listen and, within just a few minutes, I’m filling her demanding little mouth.

  Wiping her mouth, she moves upright. “Better?”

  “What the hell was that?”

  She looks shocked. “Are you being serious?”

  “Well, what the hell, Tessa?”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she snaps out, “Take me back now, Lucas.”

  Pissed that she doesn’t get it, I make a U-turn, hammer the gas, and have her back where she’d rather be. Before I have it in park, she hops out, and when she does, she wipes her eyes.

  “Fuck.” I throw the vehicle in park and get out.

  “Tessa, wait,” I call as she walks through the crowd and … flips me off?

  I lock the doors and try to catch up with her. All I catch is her little ass swaying as she stomps back to the tent then slides under the counter.

  Over the heads of people in front of me, I watch as she throws on an apron, pulls her hair into a ponytail, and turns, all smiles as she takes orders and I wait in line to fucking grovel.


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