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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

Page 45

by Mj Fields

  Did not like the fuckwad touching her as she was bent over, stenciling and painting her. Really didn’t like the fact it took twice as long to do hers than mine, either.

  “Can you get that across your forehead, too?” I say, scowling at the asshole, and she sees me doing so.

  “Lucas, it’s already on my heart.” She bats her eyelashes.

  “Damn right it is,” I agree.

  We leave there and head to the Alpine lift. As soon as we’re out of sight, her hands are on my junk.

  “You’re a naughty little girl, Tessa Ross.”

  “This would be fun in the dark.” She grins then shrugs as she’s stroking me. “You know what? There’s a playground at the camp. I want to sit on your lap and swing tonight.”

  “Sounds like fun, baby.” I groan as my dick goes insta-stiff. “You got to stop. I need time to calm down.”

  “Fine.” She sighs as she tucks me all in then rests her head on my shoulder.

  And that’s how our day goes. Tessa teases the fuck out of me, and I think of dead puppies.

  Jade and Ryan left early to head back. She said she was tired, but we know otherwise. Molly and Cory went ahead of them, and so we lounge, holding each other and talking until the park closes.

  Walking back, she starts swinging our linked hands. “I had such a great time today, Lucas. Thank you.”

  “Me, too, baby. Well, all but the blue balls I’m lugging back to camp.”

  She pulls me off the trail, into the woods, and takes care of that, on her knees.

  When we walk back to camp, we see Alex, Phoebe, Kendall, and Jake.

  Phoebe hugs her tightly, and Tessa yelps.

  What the fuck?

  “Oh boy, Tessa, you got burnt today.” Phoebe cringes.

  “I guess I did.” Tessa nods.

  “We used sunscreen,” I say, pushing my shades up and cringing when I get a look at her. “Sorry, I thought I did a good job putting it on.”

  “Tessa, that’s going to hurt.” Jake’s face scrunches up.

  “I’ll be fine. Did you guys bring bikes?” Tessa asks, and Kendall and Jake nod their heads. “Well, let’s ride down to the little store and get some aloe. That’ll help.”

  They ride their bikes, and we walk behind them.

  The store is full of temptations for the kids. Tessa had no problem saying no. Me? Well, I went back while they were preoccupied and bought half the things they asked for. Plus the little pine-filled pillow that Tessa kept sniffing.

  When I walk out with a bag, Tessa shakes her head. “They are used to hearing no.”

  “Never a word I care to get acquainted with.”

  I watch her try to act like she’s not in pain, but I know damn well she is. Pisses me off that I let her get fried.

  “Lucas, not all of us tan in two seconds. This is on me,” she says, knowing what I’m thinking without me even saying a word.

  Phoebe, Jade, and Molly are setting up for dinner when we get back. Alex and Ryan play catch with the kids, and I take Tessa in the camp to help apply the aloe.

  She pulls her hair up in a bun and starts rubbing aloe on her face. I lock the door to the bedroom then carefully take her clothes off.

  “Lay down; I’ll take care of you.”

  She does, and I apply the lotion to her back and on her ass.

  “Lucas, that was covered.” She laughs.

  “Leave me alone, baby,” I scold, continuing to rub her butt, the back of her legs, and up her thighs.

  “Roll over, please,” I ask, voice strained like my cock is against my shorts

  “It needs to dry, Lucas.”

  I begin to lightly blow on her to dry it.

  “Lucas …” she whispers.

  “Shh …” I say, watching goosebumps raise on her petal-soft but fried skin while she lies there, enjoying it. And I can tell by her little mews.

  Once dry, she rolls over, and I squirt it on her belly, slowly rubbing it in. She closes her eyes and tries to relax as I move up and apply more. When I’m rubbing it on her tits, she opens her eyes.

  Dark pools of light blue beg. “Lucas, please.”

  “It has to dry.” I blow on them and watch her nipples strain even further.

  “You have to stop,” she whimpers.

  I leave her tits and travel lower, lower, and lower, until I am pussy to eye level, seeing her bare, tight little lips are beaded with wetness.

  I warn her only once. “Pillow, baby.”

  And then I eat her pussy, like she ate my cock in the woods, until she explodes.

  Once she’s breathing about normal, I pull her up and dress her carefully.

  “Love you, baby,” I whisper.

  After we eat then go to bed early, we sleep only a little, and not because we’re fucking, but because she’s hurting, and her hurting sucks. So, I continue to apply aloe, which helps soothe her a little bit.

  But not enough.

  The next day, we hit the park. She is in misery but has a good time watching Kendall and Jake laughing and having fun, pushing through like the champ she is.

  When we arrive at the farm on Sunday afternoon, I help them carry their stuff inside and put things away.

  “I’m going to take off.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “I’ll see you tomorrow at about two?”

  “I want to go with you and help you get ready for the week.”

  “You should probably stay home. All I’m going to do is laundry. Oh, and go for a run a little later. I haven’t done that in a while. I’m probably going to regret that tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She nods. “Page when you get home?”

  “Of course.” I kiss her a little deeper, careful not to touch her too hard. “See you tomorrow. I love you.”

  Sucks leaving her, but it would suck worse trying to get my head in the game while watching her hurt.

  This isn’t gonna be easy, not one bit.

  The week was busy. I was in Syracuse from nine until two every day and should probably be staying with my team but wanted to be home. Tessa started helping coach Kendall’s field hockey team, and she was also helping Mom move out, in preparation of Jade and Ryan moving in two weeks from now.

  Life was changing. Everything around us was, and so were we.

  Friday afternoon, my text alert went off. Mom.

  - This is a little over the top, even for you … TR

  Mom and Bob decided to merge not only homes but a cell phone plan. I paid a year of ours with the stupid amount of money that Dad paid me over the summer. So, as instructed, Mom gave Tessa her old one.

  - What else would I do with it? And, by that, I mean I’m gonna be all up in your ear and inside you whenever I can be. Fuck distance. We got this. Love you baby … LL

  Texting is expensive. We do that after nine or you get this thing back. LYA … TR

  Chapter Forty Nine

  Walking into the mall, the cell phone rings and I jump.

  Kendall laughs at me.

  “Totally not funny. I was just getting used to the damn pager.”

  “I’ll take the damn pager off your hands,” Jake says.

  “Mouth, Jake,” I warn, pulling the phone from my pocket.

  “Hey,” I answer.

  “What are your plans for the weekend?” He doesn’t wait; he keeps going with all the excitement that has been the past four days, which tends to be contagious. “There’s a party up here Saturday night that a bunch of my team is getting together. Will you come with me?”

  “We’re just walking into the mall. If you’re still in Syracuse, you should meet us.”

  “Thought you were going to Ithaca?”

  “Kendall wanted to hit some of the newer shops. She’s grown now, you know,” I joke, and Kendall rolls her eyes at me. “And yeah, of course, tomorrow sounds good.”

  “Fucking love you, baby.” He sighs as if he wasn’t expecting me to say yes, and I laugh. “I’ll meet you at two-thirty. That work?”

  “Of course.”

  Kendall will be going into tenth grade, and right in front of my eyes has grown a lot over the summer. She is beautiful, tall, and thin. Luckily for her, doesn’t have huge tits to hide. Her hair is long and has taken on a curl, like mine, when her hormones changed. And now she wants a different style than last year. I get it totally and am so glad I’m here. It sucks not having someone to do this with.

  We go into the trendy stores and quickly spend the money our parents gave us for Kendall. Jake wants to wait for Lucas, thinking he may know a little more about guy clothes than Kendall and me. I couldn’t agree more.

  I jump again when the phone rings.

  “I’ll take the damn phone off your hands, too, if you’d like,” Jake jokes as I answer.

  I roll my eyes and stick out my tongue at him. “Hey.”

  “Where you at?” Lucas asks.

  “By the food court to grab a drink.”

  “Meet you in two,” he says. Then hands grab my hips and breath hits my neck. “Seconds,” Lucas says through the phone and at my ear.

  I turn and see a freshly showered hottie in track pants and a white tank, making his tan look even darker, that reads, “Syracuse” on it, smelling like something I want to get all up on.

  “You sure about this?” I ask.

  He kisses me quickly. “Yeah, it’ll be fun.”

  “I don’t know … Jake wants you to help him pick out stud clothes.” I giggle. “I want to take Kendall to get some new underclothes. Lucas … she has boobies now,” I whisper.

  He laughs. “All right. you go ahead. I got Jake.”

  An hour later, we meet back in the same spot. Jake has five bags, including one from the shoe store. Kendall hid her pink bag inside another bag, embarrassed.

  “Lucas bought me the sneakers Mom said I couldn’t waste money on,” Jake announces.

  “That was very nice of him.” I scowl at Lucas.

  “Tessa bought me some things Mom told me I couldn’t get, too.” Kendall smiles, and my face turns red. Busted.

  “Secret, Kendall?” I scold, and Lucas laughs.

  “Have you gotten your school clothes yet, Tessa?”

  “Not yet. I figured after I help you unpack Sunday, I would come over. Retail therapy will help distract me.”

  “Kendall and Jake, I think we should help her pick out some clothes. What do you think?” he asks.

  We hit a couple stores, and anything I try on that touches my body, he says no. He then hands me clothes a size bigger than I wore. When I come out of the fitting room, he gives me thumbs-up, and Kendall and Jake laugh.

  “Good. I think this is perfect to wear to your games.” I twirl around.

  “No, I’ll pick you up some game day clothes. I hope you like orange.” He winks.

  When we leave, I have a few pairs of jeans and some long-sleeved tees, all orange, that he thought they would be perfect for game days in the chilly fall Upstate New York weather.

  “You do know I’ll be coming back,” I inform him.

  “Weird to have her stuff gone.”

  “Lucas, she’s just twenty minutes away.” I smile, hoping it helps.

  “I know, and she has been doing really well.” He nods.

  “It’s time for you to worry about what Lucas needs,” I add.

  “I need one thing, Tessa—you.” He hugs me.

  “Food and water, too.” I laugh.

  “Do you know it has been a year, Tessa? A year ago, I saw you and knew I needed you. I just didn’t know how badly.”

  I hug him tighter. “The white hat boys.”

  “The scowling farm girl who had no idea how hot she was or how she could change this bad boy.” He kisses me. “It has been a crazy year, Tessa. I wouldn’t have made it without you. Thank you.”

  “Lucas, thank you. I’m so glad that, even though I never would have imagined life could be so perfect, even through the chaos, I love you more than I ever imagined possible.” I glide my hands up his abs, and he lifts me up, carrying me upstairs.

  Saturday morning, I wake to a situation that is very unfortunate. Well, at least last night was perfect. Every room in his house was used before I came home.

  My new phone rings, and it’s him.

  “Morning, Lucas.”

  “Good morning, baby. There is a bag in the back of your Jeep. Grab it. There’s an outfit and swimsuit for today. Call me back and tell me what you think? I’m going for a run.”

  “Love you,” I say.

  “You have no idea what that means to me, baby.”

  “If it means half as much as it means when I hear it, I totally do.”

  There isn’t a bag; there are three. Two are full of SU apparel and a note that says, “Game Day.” Another contains some of the clothes I tried on the day before that he nixed. Attached is another note. “I trust you, not the boys.” The other is obviously for today—a hot pink swim outfit; boy shorts and a halter top with a wrap skirt; a pair of khaki, loose-fitting, wide-legged pants, a black tight tank top, and a cropped denim jacket.

  I call him immediately.

  He answers, huffing a bit, “Baby?”

  “Seriously, Lucas, thank you. But I’m not sure about the swim attire. I have a sucky situation at a very unfortunate time.”

  He chuckles. “I’ll pick you up in an hour. The situation is unfortunate. Bring the suit, anyway. The fact that it sucks will make it much easier to deal with.”

  “How would you like my hair?”

  “Right now, I’m picturing soft curls wrapped around my hand, baby.” He grunts, and I hear feet hitting pavement.

  “I figured, since you’re now my personal stylist, I should ask.”

  “Down and wild, baby. Running while getting hard is a new feeling for me. Not real good with it. See you soon.”

  When I walk out of the house, he’s early and tossing the ball for Chewy. He looks me over appreciatively. “I do good work.”

  “Maybe you’ve missed your calling. This football thing doesn’t work, you show promise in becoming a stylist.”

  I blow him halfway to Syracuse, and I take my damn time doing so.

  When we pull across the street from a huge brick house that sticks out like a not so sore thumb from those we passed minutes ago, it’s loud, and I am immediately struck with bad butterflies.

  Lucas opens my door and holds his hand out for mine. “You all right?”

  I nod. “You?”

  “Perfect.” He winks as we cross the street and head down the brick drive to a fence where music, splashing, and laughter is promised just beyond the barrier.

  He opens it, and I see at least a hundred people, more than half of them wearing bikinis or dressed in something that manages to show even more skin than the swimsuits.

  “Number 12.” A really good-looking young man with dark skin comes toward us.

  I look up at Lucas, confused, and he chuckles then gives the guy a handshake and a half-hug.

  “José, this is Tessa. Tessa, this is José.”

  “Oh yes, the monkey tattooed on your back.” José laughs.

  “He’s on mine, too, José.” I turn and show him Lucas’s name. Then I turn back around with a smile, stretch out my hand, and ask, “Number twelve?”

  “Our boy Links’ number.”

  I can’t help but smile, and Lucas explains, “Ten was taken, baby.” His high school number. “Twelve was available.” He looks at José and explains, “Tessa’s field hockey and softball number was 12.”

  He does a sweep of me, but not in a cringy way, then nods at Lucas and asks, “So, this isn’t a monkey; this is—”

  “Mine for life.” He winks.

  “Understood, appreciated, and noted. Let’s go get something to eat.” He waves for us to follow him through the crowd.

  The thought of him choosing my number over it being chosen for him brings a sense of peace to me. Even though the number twelve where Lucas is involved isn’t always comforting, it is in this instance.

  As soon as I l
ook away from my guy and see all the bitches looking at him like they’re hungry but wouldn’t be caught dead eating even a piece of lettuce in front of him, I tug at my shirt, an old habit, but the shirt doesn’t move like the old security blankets I used to wear.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I whisper to Lucas.

  He looks at José and asks, “Ladies’ room?”

  I pee, even though I don’t really have to, and then I talk myself down from crying, which makes me want to even more. Then I realize I’ve been in here so long that he’s going to think I’m pooping and want to die of embarrassment.

  When I walk out, he asks, “You okay?”

  “Yes, I am fine,” I say, taking his hand.

  Outside, I force myself to eat a hot dog, even though I feel sick to my stomach, and I do it because I feel like shit about judging the girls; some of whom I am sure are bitches but others might be feeling like me and might not dare eat because they don’t want a hot dog sitting in their stomach to spew all over a party. This is college, not high school, I remind myself.

  Lucas won’t be the starting QB; the senior, Miles, is. He seems really nice. He smiles at Lucas and me often, and even gives him some advice which, to my surprise, Lucas listens to intently.

  I decide to go get a drink, give him team time, and I pass groups of girls, ones who, moments ago, I felt guilty over judging, whispering about my guy. Guilt vanishes.

  Bitches, everywhere …

  Standing in line at the cooler, I hear a group of them talking about the new hottie quarterback, and I stand and stew.

  “Hey, you’re new to the scene. What’s your name?” one of them asks.

  “Tessa”—I throw my thumb over my shoulder in Lucas’s direction—“hottie new quarterback’s girlfriend.”

  “So, you’ll be around a lot, then.” The brunette smiles tightly.

  “Absolutely,” I say with all the possessiveness I didn’t realize I held.

  “Well then, we should all get to know each other. We’re each here with our boyfriends,” she says with intent to clarify the situation. “We hope you’re not upset about the hottie new boyfriend thing; we didn’t mean anything by it.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Jenny, our hottie seasoned quarterback’s girlfriend.”


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