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Professor X

Page 6

by Kiki Leach

  "Half of the white boys out here are criminals, Xavier," she said. "None seem to be hiding it much better than you've managed tonight."

  "The ones on your campus seem to be doin' a fine fuckin' job in their shit."

  "Maybe they were. But at some point, everybody slips. The truth of who they are and what they're doing will come to light in one way or another."

  "That one goddamn way or another gotta include my ass bein' out here to stop the shit 'fore it spreads and the club has no way of gettin' back what we lost," he replied.

  She nodded before turning from him and heading down the hill.

  When she finally reached the abandoned post office with Xavier close behind, she traipsed to his bike and swiped her hand across his back seat. "Still made for two?" she questioned.

  He rolled his eyes from hers and flashed a wide smile, beautiful enough to melt her from the inside out, enough to remember what the hell it felt like to have it pressed against her own. "Yeah, darlin', shit's always been made for two. Me and the goddamn beer I'm always shovin' behind my ass 'fore draggin' it back to the compound."

  "Right." She spun away from him and chuckled. "Where is Scooter?"

  Xavier made a face in realizing they were still alone, and groaned. "Shit. Motherfucker probably got his cock pumped in a tree to prepare for the open pussy back at your place."

  She whipped her head back around to him and scowled. "What?"

  "Don't ask me on that shit, darlin' -- ain't somethin' you're gonna be too goddamn eager in knowin'." He lifted his hand to his mouth, circling his lips to create a foghorn, and hollered. "YO! Motherfucker! Your ass down here yet? Someplace we can't see?!" A harsh wheezing sound rose up behind him seconds later. He looked over his shoulder and frowned as Scooter stumbled forward. "Shit." Asshole remained out of breath as he reached for the handles on his bike and dropped to the weight of his goddamn knees. Xavier squared his shoulders, dropped his hands to his hips and gnashed his teeth while glaring. "Did your stupid ass smoke an entire goddamn pack of red's 'fore headin' back down here or somethin'? We didn't see your ass on the goddamn way."

  "Comin' down is a fuck of alot harder than goin' up," he spat. "Much like my cock at the glimpse of tight, ripe pussy." Scooter grinned and peeked at Mariah, scanning his eyes across her bare legs and length of her skirt as it barely reached the middle of her thighs. He jerked his chin. "I... I see you managed to get your tight pussy locked down for the night, yeah? I was, uh... my ass was up there gettin' started on some shit."

  "After I told you what the fuck would be waitin' for you back at Mariah's place?"

  "Two separate fucks in one night ain't never killed a motherfucker."

  "Your ass looks about done the fuck in without a single cock suck to make up for all the heavy breathin', so I beg to fuckin' differ at the moment, dumbass." Xavier reached for his helmet and returned to Mariah, placing it inside her hands. "This one's all I've got for right now."

  She gripped it with hesitation and frowned. "You won't need it?"

  "Nah, darlin', your head is the only one that needs protectin' tonight. Slip it on and hop on behind me."

  Scooter dragged himself back to his feet and stared between them as Xavier slipped a small rubber band around his hair. "Only took her puttin' on some goddamn clothes and comin' to school to finally be on the back of the bike she wanted for longer than a few seconds to fuck," he said.

  Mariah nodded and dropped the helmet on top of her head. "Still an asshole, I see."

  He chuckled and threw a leg across his seat before plopping down and leaning aside to get a better look at her face beneath the light of the moon and streetlamps. "You're still pretty as fuck in the face; still look to have the best pair of tits I've ever seen on a bitch too. And that tight, sweet body -- a motherfucker would cum at even the hint of knowin' what it feels like against him. Knowin' how you look when you ride a cock... Jesus -- the kinda faces and sounds you make..." He snaked his tongue across his teeth and grinned. "Your mouth still able to do what it used to? In case that roommate of yours don't live up to knowin' how the fuck to get me off?"

  "If I remember what it takes to 'get you off', all she needs to do is look at you with her top down."

  He laughed aloud and dropped his hand on top of his pants. "Forgot how fuckin' funny you could be too, darlin'. Still ain't answered me about that mouth."

  "And she won't," said Xavier. "Fall back in askin', motherfucker."

  "Oh?" He sniffed and locked his helmet. "You reclaimin' this again?"

  Xavier revved his engine as his cheeks flushed and his knuckles flashed white. Then he looked to Mariah and nodded. "Hop the fuck on behind me 'fore I lose my shit and cap a few in this asshole's cock to make it settle."

  Scooter gripped his handles and bellowed. "I'm only sayin' what the fuck you'd be thinkin' in my shoes, motherfucker."

  "The only shoes you need to be thinkin' 'bout right now are the pair that's gonna be shoved up your narrow ass if that mouth don't clamp shut 'fore we head the fuck off this goddamn campus."

  As Mariah settled in behind him, sliding her arms around his waist and clasping her hands, pressing her chest into his back and hiking her skirt until the trim reached her waist, a shiver rolled through his body, hard enough to damn near send him flying from his chair like a motherfucker. "Are you alright?" she asked, taking note of the sudden jerk that loosened her grip around him.

  He quickly nodded and exhaled. "Yeah, darlin'." He eyed Scooter, who rolled his lips into his mouth to conceal his smirk, and glowered. "Keep the fuck up behind me, asshole. You get lost, you're on your goddamn own out here."

  As they took off from the lot and swerved into the street, Mariah held onto the man she once loved for dear life as he held onto the woman now bound to help change the course of his own.

  Chapter Three


  After reaching the lot of her apartment complex, Mariah loosened her arms from around Xavier's waist and sat back.

  He whipped his chin over his shoulder to get a look at her face post-ride and clamped his teeth together as her eyes and face shined with a brightness he hadn't seen since knowing the taste of her sweetness across his tongue. "You still good back there, darlin'?"

  She nodded as a smile parted her lips, then rested her hands against his back and stood up from the bike. "It was a smooth ride all the way out here."

  He snickered and cut his engine, then lifted his helmet from her head and placed it along the edge of his handle. "You spend too many years with a pack of bottles behind you, darlin', shit becomes easier to manage overtime."

  "You're saying I'm as delicate as a beer bottle?"

  "I'm sayin' I ain't tryin't to break you up like one, doll."

  She looked directly into his eyes and smiled again as a flutter filled her chest, then reached into the corner of her bra for the key to her front door. "Any chance Scooter actually got lost along the way out here?"

  "Big fuckin' chance with no pussy on the side of the road to distract him from it. Shit." His shoulders dropped as he shook his head and chuckled. "I knew that motherfucker would make a wrong turn at some point. Fifteen fuckin' minutes and he lost my goddamn tail."

  "He'll either find us, or call you if he doesn't." She slipped her hand beneath his fingers and lifted them from his lap; his cock twitched at the lightness of her touch. "I can take you inside to wait? And to talk to Gabi before he shows up and throws her mind out of wack with the idea of his dick."

  He brushed the back of her hand with his thumb and grunted as he stood in front of her. She stepped back as his grip tightened, as he slipped his fingers between hers, and sucked in a breath as he nodded toward the complex. "Yeah, darlin', let's head up."


  After making their way upstairs, Mariah slipped her key into the door, unlocking and pushing back until it opened.

  Xavier stepped inside as she flipped on the light and gazed across her living room. He whistled. "Place is fuckin' nice, babe."r />
  "Thanks. Two bedroom, one bath, sizeable living room and kitchen... good enough for two people living on half a budget."

  "Nice furniture too. Leather couches and all that."

  "Pleather," she corrected. "The flea markets had a sale around the same time I was looking for two."

  "One for you and your girl?"

  She looked aside and bit back a smile. "Sure," she told him. "Something like that."

  He swallowed hard while taking note of her expression, then cleared his throat. "You sure she's up in here somewhere?" he questioned.

  "Her car was outside." She pointed to the parking lot and griped the doorknob with her free hand. "My guess is that she's in her bedroom sleeping or--" She stopped at the sound of a bike roaring into the lot, taking a spot alongside Xavier.

  "Shit." He rattled his head and walked to the door, peeked outside and frowned at Scooter as he jumped from his bike and rushed upstairs.

  "What?" Scooter dropped back after sliding behind Mariah and opened his hands. "A motherfucker got lost for a bit, but I managed."

  Xavier pinched his brows and grimaced. "How the fuck did your ass manage to get lost in less than fifteen fuckin' minutes of bein' behind mine?!"

  "I looked down for two goddamn seconds and your ass had turned a fuckin' corner, asshole. Took a minute to get back on the same road and follow the fumes out here." He brushed past his brother to move inside the apartment, then fell to a couch in the middle of the living room and lifted his feet to the edge of a coffee table. "So." He placed his hands behind his head and jerked his shoulders. "Where's the roommate? And is she ready for my cock?"

  Mariah glanced at Xavier and slightly rolled her eyes, then shut the door and pointed down the hallway. "I'll need to let her know that you're here first, and the reason behind why."

  "No problem, babe."

  Scooter fixed his jeans and wiggled his brows as she hurried from the room.

  As silence erupted between them, Xavier stepped to the couch and crossed his arms. "You and this roommate need to make sure to keep your shit in the back while I talk to Mariah."

  "Sure thing, brother -- I'm sure my cock'll keep her mouth busy for the time bein'. But, uh..." He sat up straight and dropped his hands. "You never actually said what the fuck you told Mariah to get her ass out here. I mean, the shit was more than her needin' the ride home, yeah? So..." He made a face. "Does she know the full reason we were out there tonight? Know about Prez wantin' you to suit up in front a goddamn class full of young pussy in the hope one opens more than the set of lips between her legs to let us know what the fuck is up with the tighty whitey motherfuckers on campus?"

  "She knows." He sighed heavily and yanked at his hoodie. "This Gabi she's bringin' out here for your ass works on campus, and per Mariah, she used to hang around the club."

  "Christ." He slapped his knee with the palm of his hand and laughed aloud. "Were they girls back in the day or some shit? Worked together at ACE'S or the bitch just hung around for patched in cock like the rest?"

  "Sounded more like the latter 'til she fucked up by goin' through a brother's phone; he tossed her out and she found her way out to the city."

  "Who the fuck was she hookin' up with that gave enough of a damn to toss her out for good? 'Cause if the bitch knew what the fuck she was doin', she coulda shoved a loaded pistol up his ass and a brother would've still asked her to come back on all fours the next night. 'Specially a motherfucker like Coco or Cheddar."

  "Don't know which one she was fuckin' hard enough to piss off. Maybe once you get her in the back, she'll tell you."

  "Maybe if I let her up for air long enough to do it." He hopped up from the couch and dropped a hand on top of Xavier's shoulder. He dragged his eyes toward the hallway and glowered. "How the fuck did it feel havin' her behind you like that again? That warm, tight pussy... Even for fifteen goddamn minutes?"

  Xavier blinked once and locked his jaw. "How the fuck was it supposed to feel?"

  "Like your cock was on the verge of spinnin' right the fuck off at the thought of her seein' it again with her hands and mouth, brother. Swirlin' that motherfucker around like a goddamn popsicle." He leaned in and peered. "I know how the fuck you felt about her skippin' out after finally gettin' that taste--"

  Xavier jerked his shoulder, forcing Scooter's hand to drop back down to his side. He turned on his heel and strolled across the room. "Three goddamn years ago," he mumbled. "Shit no longer matters like it used to."

  "Mattered enough for your ass to bring her back home tonight."

  "Her roommate might be the reason for me gettin' on the inside of her campus, asshole."

  "Yeah, and this shit might be the reason for you gettin' right back inside her again too."

  "Excuse me." Xavier turned as Mariah stepped forward with a sharp twinkle in her eye and slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. She looked between the two men and wagged her head. "Gabi will be out here in a second, she just needs to freshen up and change into something else."

  "What the fuck was she wearin' before?" asked Scooter.

  "A blanket."

  "Fuck! That shit woulda worked for my ass!"

  "I bet--"

  "And you woulda won every fuckin' one of 'em too." His gaze shifted as she moved further into the room. "She still plannin' to suck me off or just rollin' out here to give info on your campus?"

  "Both. Do you want something to drink in the meantime?"

  "Vodka if you've got it, babe. Straight shit."

  "Sure. X?"

  "Water is good for me, darlin'," he replied. "The hard shit might put me on my ass 'fore we head back outta here tonight."


  She stepped to a small, homemade bar in the corner of the room and fixed their drinks before pouring a shot of tequila for herself.

  After gulping back his vodka and swiping the back of his arm across his mouth, Scooter spotted Gabi making her way down the hall and nearly dropped his glass to the floor.

  "Holy. Fuckin'. Shit." His mouth fell open as his eyes damn near bugged out of his head.

  She yanked at the straps of her lace black tank and sank her teeth into her bottom lip while moving forward, then trailed her fingers along the corners of her matching lace underwear. "Which one of you does my mouth have the pleasure of knowing all over again tonight?" she asked, her green eyes flickering between each man.

  "Fuck, bitch, that'd be my ass." Scooter sat his glass on top of the coffee table and raised his hand, then slid it to his pants. "Jesus, you are sexy as fuck. Just the way my ass likes 'em. Fat tits, sizable ass... Cock suckin' lips painted red and made just for mine."

  "Hold on, motherfucker," snapped Xavier. "Cool your cock." He eyed Gabi with a sneer and grumbled. "Mariah tell you why the fuck we're here? Outside of you havin' a party in your mouth with my boy's cock over here?"

  She placed her hands behind herself and nodded, allowing the jet black curls of her hair to fall across naturally tanned shoulders and down the center of her back. "She told me as much as you told her."

  "And? What the fuck do you know 'bout an asshole like me bein' able to make his way onto a campus like yours to teach somethin' beyond mechanics?"

  "More like something 'pussy oriented'?" she asked. "I know that your application is liable to get lost in a pile of others sent online, mailed or handed over in person unless you can give them a reason to hire you on the spot. Especially as a man when they're often looking for women to helm classes geared toward them."

  "Shit. How the fuck can I make somethin' like that happen without a single motherfuckin' credential attached to my goddamn name? Right along with my cock and lack of tits."

  "Your best bet is to make something up that couldn't be easily found out as a lie via a quick search on Google. Something that gives you an edge above anyone else applying for the same position, which I can find out. That, um..." She snapped her fingers. "Big Tech is still a prospect for your club?" Xavier nodded. "He'll need to help you showcase a
clean slate -- I'm talking scrubbed to the bone with bleach. Because between your personal history and the club itself, someone in the front office is liable to call OKCPD before you walk through the front doors."

  He pushed his hand across his forehead and grunted. "I need this shit to happen quick."

  "It won't happen overnight -- I'm not a miracle worker."

  "You're gonna need to do somethin' in record time. My club and our money is on the goddamn line with this shit. Without the latter to keep us goin', only thing you'll be showin' up to after tonight is a couple of chairs and an unstocked bar. Get info on anybody else applyin' for a pussy oriented position out there and make sure the motherfucker stays at bay 'til I can get my shit worked out with Tech."

  She swallowed hard and nodded. "I'll do my best--"

  "A motherfucker's gonna need more than that shit. I say once you're finished gaggin' on my boy's cock, figure out what the fuck needs to be done on your end and get the shit handled by the AM. I can handle the rest once I know where the fuck I'm standin'."

  Gabi bobbed her head and looked to Mariah. "Have you told him anything about--?"

  "No." She peeked at Scooter and frowned. "But I'd actually like to talk to him in private."

  "Say no fuckin' more." Scooter stepped in front of Gabi and reached for her hand. He brought it to his mouth and kissed her fingers, then lowered it to his cock and groaned. "Latch on and lead the goddamn way for me, darlin'."

  After watching them disappear down the hallway and into Gabi's bedroom, Mariah glanced at Xavier and folded her arms.

  He leaned his head aside and eyed her, curious. "What the fuck was your girl talkin' 'bout 'fore headin' off to the back with that asshole?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "The shit of you not tellin' me somethin'." She lowered her eyes from his and crossed the room in silence to grab her remote for the television. He grimaced as she tossed it to the couch and rolled her tongue along the roof of her mouth, remaining silent. "Mariah."

  "I need help too," she blurted. "Not the same as what you're needing from me, but--"


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