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Professor X

Page 23

by Kiki Leach

  "Truth be fuckin' told, motherfucker, I ain't lookin' for a goddamn relationship with your ass -- I'm seekin' a goddamn job on a campus you don't even own. You not wantin' to give it to me 'cause of where the fuck you think I'm from and what the fuck I looked like walkin' in here and takin' a seat in front of your messy ass desk is a form of discrimination, ain't it?"

  "'Ain't it'?"

  "Yeah, motherfucker." He jumped from the chair and slapped his hand on top of the desk, rattling the legs against the floor as Pugh flinched. "Ain't it? You keep tryin' to correct my ass, we're gonna have more of a problem movin' forward."

  "No problem at all as we won't be moving forward from here."

  Pugh gradually reached for a button near the corner of his desk while keeping eyes on Xavier as he sprinted to the door and turned the lock until it clicked.

  X peeked over his shoulder as Pugh dropped his hand and balled his fist. "You gonna wanna pull back on that shit." He returned to the desk while reaching into his side pocket for a burner. Pugh's eyes grew in size as X flipped it open and wagged his thumb above the SEND button; he smirked. "I got a number in here that I can dial up within less than a goddamn second; one that will connect me with another motherfucker ready to blow your ass up with information to send off to the President and anybody else with a goddamn email on this University 'bout you and some high school intern pussy runnin' 'round out here havin' a grand ol' time durin' off hours some years back. 'Bout ten or so?"

  Pugh stood up and leaned across his desk, gnashing his teeth. "You're a thug with no such information."

  "Yeah, motherfucker, I'm a goddamn thug and proud as fuck of that shit -- your mommy would be too once she got a good look at my cock 'fore it went slidin' down her goddamn throat like water. But my thug ass ain't ever messed around with some underage pussy; 'specially not in the same place I fuckin' work. Heard her name was Fallon Brooks 'fore she had it changed? Somethin' 'bout how you eventually had to send her ass off 'fore she turned eighteen in fear she'd spill 'bout all the fuckin' you two did in this very goddamn office; fuckin' that led to her gettin' knocked up with you payin' her family six figures to end the pregnancy and leave the state without a goddamn trace. Too bad for your ass that I found it."

  Pugh dropped back down to his chair like a stone and slumped forward as his shoulders sagged in defeat. "What the hell did you come here looking for, asshole?"

  "A job, just like what the fuck I said 'fore walkin' in here. You got that open position for teachin' pussy how to bake cakes and I need it today."

  "Why do you need a job here and why is pussy your hot spot?"

  "'Cause I like it. And my ass needs a restart, and I like helpin' people. Could help your ass in hirin' me too."

  "How is that?" he questioned.

  "A motherfucker won't make you swallow your whole goddamn tongue in sayin' no... Now when the fuck do I start?"

  He sighed heavily and looked to the corner of his office, quietly wrestling with revealing the truth. "Monday at 9am would the first scheduled class; we've had substitutes rotating between the days up to now. You show up on time and ready -- no swearing in front of the students -- no showing off the ink that I can see beneath the sleeves of your shirt."

  "Yeah..." He shrugged and stared down at himself. "Yeah, I can do that shit, what the fuck else?"

  Pugh dropped his elbows on top of his desk and thrusted his finger. "What you said about me stays between us. I let you in here to teach a class full of women, none of this goes past the room."

  A sly grin parted Xavier's lips as he snatched his folder from the desk and bobbed his head. "And you can make sure not a single one is under eighteen? I get one younger than that, they gotta go someplace else." Pugh nodded. "Alright then yeah, motherfucker, not a goddamn word of what I know 'bout you and young pussy goes past this room. Though I'm curious 'bout the one out there--"

  "She's of age."

  "Hm. Then I'm guessin' not your type. What kinda paperwork am I gonna need to sign -- What's the official process with all this shit?"

  Pugh sneered. "Your 'paperwork' can be signed on Monday, along with the information that will need to be filed for our records in order to make your position official. Be here at least two hours early to get started."

  "I can do that shit too."

  "Fantastic, then we're done here for today and I'll see you back here on Monday. Please close the door when you leave."

  Xavier eyed him with caution and tapped his fingers against his folder, uncertain. "You don't need any other shit from me right this goddamn second--?"

  "No. But I have a meeting with various faculty soon. You can meet them come Monday as well. Until then, please shut the door on your way out."

  Xavier leaned his head aside and glared before turning on his heels and stepping out of the office, closing the door as asked.

  After strolling back through the building and dodging every eye that looked his way, he returned to Cheddar's waiting truck and tossed his folder back into the glove compartment, slamming it shut.

  Cheddar grimaced as X reached for his seatbelt, and jerked his chin. "That asshole get you fucked while in there?"

  "Not sure yet. I told him I had info on him if I didn't get the job as needed and got it."

  "That's a good thing then, yeah? Why the fuck did you roll back out here like the entire place recognized your ass from a mug book or somebody threw a brick at your cock?"

  "'Cause it was too fuckin' easy after the start of my conversation with this prick."

  He looked aside and furrowed his brows in question. "Again, ain't it a good thing that his ass came the fuck around with your threat?"


  "How the fuck could it not be when that asshole was caterin' to teenage pussy and knocked it up, X?"

  "I don't fuckin' know that shit just yet -- maybe bein' back with Mariah has got her extra senses shit rubbin' off on me now. But I am tellin' you, this Pugh motherfucker... somethin' ain't right with him; askin' me to come back to fill shit out on the day I start instead of gettin' shit together today? Or even havin' me come back later?"

  "When the fuck does he want your ass back here startin'?"

  "Monday. Asshole wasn't lookin' to have any of that shit happen today. We might need Tech to look into more of what he's got goin' beyond this job and lust for underage pussy."

  "Brother, if the motherfucker didn't like your ass anyway, he wasn't gonna beg for it to stick around. Look, let's just make sure you got everything squared away for Monday, yeah? Make sure the rest of the Nomads are still good with comin' down and rollin' through campus for pipe checks on the Kings before you step into the classroom. We got lucky havin' the few we got out here today last minute."

  "Yeah..." Xavier bobbed his head despite remaining uncertain. "Yeah, alright, we can deal with this shit further over the next few days. Just take my ass back home now so I can change the fuck outta these slacks and grab my cut."

  "Hell yeah, I need to drop by the house and snatch mine from around Kyla's titties too."

  "She wearin' it again?"

  "Fuck yeah, she is, motherfucker -- got it all pressed against that chocolate skin again; she sent me a pic of it while you were inside -- had me damn near whackin' off at the back of the lot. If Prez wouldn't be pissed, I'd make her wear it all goddamn night at the club while fuckin' me raw."

  "Get that motherfucker drunk enough and deep in fresh pussy for the night, it won't fuckin' matter."

  "Shit." Cheddar nodded. "Hopin' like hell you're right."

  X roared with laughter as Cheddar pushed the gear on his truck to 'drive', bolted from the parking lot and sped from campus.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  After a trail of quiet absence, I had finally made it back inside the only place I ever managed to call home:

  The Devils Playground.

  As Gabi pulled into the club's parking lot and slid into an empty spot between a horde of old choppers and the garage, a string of b
lue and white lights circling the roof of the clubhouse beamed across the front end of her car.

  With waves of darkness covering the pavement and strains of rock music blaring across the yard, a handful of old school, but barely recognizable club whores trickled outside half drunk and high, making their way around the lot for private rounds of beer, weed and double fisted blow jobs with a slew of retired members from the Texas and Kansas charters.

  After hopping outside, Gabi watched them in motion, her eyes flittering with envy as they began unzipping pants and shirts, removing bras and skirts before falling to their knees unfazed; she sighed. "Don't you miss all of this?" she questioned, her voice ticking at the last word. "Miss the action and smoke in the air of the club? All the fun that open sex can carry with no fears of someone attempting to break it up or the surprise of someone else willing to join in while you're already on all fours -- Don't you miss all of it?"

  "No." I slammed my door and reached into the backseat for my duffle bag full of food planned for tonight's party, then looked into her face and shrugged. "I miss parts of the club," I said. "The brothers, the clubhouse itself, the friends I made while being here -- even the parties. But I never had open sex with anyone for fun. Being on your knees in front of fifty or so wagging dicks looking to get hard while tequila is being poured down your throat and across your bare breasts isn't ideal."

  She winced. "You always seemed to get off on it from the few times I saw out here, and the stories you told."

  "I got off on the fact that I was 'in' with the club. Being a 'never say no to a brother cock sucker' was the only way to guarantee that for the long haul."

  "Well, it worked."

  "To an extent." I leaned my head and swallowed hard, remembering. "Part of the reason I hooked up with Rocka on a permanent basis was to discontinue my role as Queen of the Club Whores. Some had the Nile, the Devils had me. I knew that he was never willing to truly settle down, but hoped he cared enough about me at the time to want me to himself more than he wanted to share me with his brothers or on stage for profit. I was wrong about all of that in spite of what he often said to get laid; you live and learn."

  "And what did you learn from all of that, Mariah?"

  "To trust less."

  "Even with X?"

  "No. I've never trusted anyone more than Francis 'Xavier' Davenport in my entire life."

  "Even now?"

  "Especially right now."

  She nodded without another word and cut her eyes across the yard. I studied her sudden change in expression and peered.

  "YO, MARIAH!" When a familiar voice called to me from the front of the club, I looked over my shoulder and shook my head with delight as Cheddar moved outside and jogged toward us. "About time your ass finally made it back down here, girl. Miss seein' it strollin' through."

  "Hey, Cheddar."

  "Hey." He stopped directly in front of me and brought his hands to his waist; then he snickered and jerked his chin. "If this shit were still three years ago, I'd expect an open greetin' with that mouth of yours too."

  "You seem to be doing just fine working with Kyla's from what I hear."

  "You bet the fuck I am... shit." He jerked his belt and gleefully wagged his brows. "She can suck me up like a motherfuckin' vacuum; hopin' to get some more of it tonight."

  "That's nice -- Is she inside with the others?" I asked.

  He nodded. "Helpin' set up. What time is X supposed to be makin' his way out with the rest of the booze? Motherfucker's changed up on my ass about six goddamn times since I dropped him off this afternoon and we're runnin' outta shit fast."

  "That was my fault -- we got... carried away with something while I was putting together a list of the food needed for tonight, but he will be here within the hour."

  He smirked and wagged his head, then looked over my head and glared at a suddenly red-faced Gabi. "What'd you bring out here besides a pair of tits and high ass?"

  "The one who brought the food," she shot back. "Is Scooter in there too?"

  "Somewhere, yeah. Better hit him up before another round of pussy starts rollin' through and offerin' to suck him off between titty fucks."

  She clutched her fists and sprint past him before he could say another word, then raced into the club and called for Scooter until her voice nearly gave out above the music.

  Cheddar pat his stomach and laughed, then folded his arms and bent forward, lowering his voice as he spoke. "Your girl thinks I don't remember her ass bein' outta here long before yours decided takin' off."

  I guffawed and tightened the strap of my duffle bag across my shoulder. "It was you?"

  He made a face and looked aside. "I don't need nothin' said about it if she ain't willin' to do the same in order to keep the peace; don't need Kyla flippin' herself out about old pussy tryin' to make itself new again out here and all that. But yeah, I'm the motherfucker that had her tossed out for pissin' me the fuck off."

  "Was it really about your phone?"

  "Some of it, yeah. She also asked alota questions about where I was stickin' my dick as if I owed her that shit -- I didn't owe her ass shit but a clean fuck and safe ride home; she got both times ten. Besides the fact she came off clingy as a motherfucker, there was somethin' not right in the head about her either."

  "We're all not right in the head for being out here," I replied.

  "Her shit's different, Mariah -- bitch is on another goddamn level of fuckin' strange. Like that Pugh motherfucker accordin' to X. He tell you the whole about that shit today?"

  "He did, and I don't trust that all of this is going off without a hitch on Monday because of it."

  "I ain't too sure on that shit either, but didn't need him freakin' out on my ass anymore than he was doin' already. I ain't mentioned the shit to Scooter or anybody else yet, but you think that asshole might be tryin' to set our boy up with some shit in pushin' the paperwork out that far?"

  "He could. I'm not privy to anymore information than Gabi can find on her own and I don't want to push too much in asking for fear that she will start asking more questions of her own; we both know that I won't be allowed to answer anything without a fight first."

  His gaze tightened as he nodded. "You think we can keep trustin' her ass with what's been said so far?"

  "As long as we keep it to what she knows already. Anything more and she might try using it as leverage to make her way back inside on a full-time basis beyond Scooter."

  He rolled his eyes into his head and dropped his arms. "That motherfucker spends damn near every night face deep in her pussy, but I don't see it lastin' beyond fuckin'; she ain't the good kinda freak makin' your dick spin the fuck outta control, and don't believe 'em havin' what I got goin' so far with Kyla."

  I tilted my head and grinned, hopeful but unsure. "And what exactly do you have going so far with Kyla, Cheddar?"

  "Somethin' sweeter than a plate of honey biscuits on a Sunday mornin' post fuck. Shit like that." He reached for my duffle bag and slipped the strap onto his shoulder. "Maybe you can talk to her about what all this shit means -- bein' on the inside, an ol' lady and all that."

  "I barely know what being an official old lady is for myself," I replied. "But I can talk to her about what to expect from the brothers and from you; poke around for answers on what she wants outside of sex and random hang outs."

  "Don't give her marriage and baby ideas -- no shit like that; just need to know if she'd be good with bein' on the back of my bike as a permanent bitch. And uh, if you could ask her about LapDog, that'd be good too."

  "What exactly should I ask her about him?"

  "If he's been sniffin' around again. T-Bone sayin' what he did to you about 'em hookin' up only heightened X's paranoia with this shit. I thought about askin' her this afternoon for myself, but we started fuckin' and the shit slipped my mind right after. I thought again on the way here, but backed off 'cause I didn't want her gettin' freaked; comin' from me, she might be thinkin' I'm a jealous fuck and not say anything. Comi
n' from another pussy, she might be willin' to open up with somethin'."

  "I understand that. Meanwhile, try calling her a 'woman' every now and then, not just pussy. You'd get more of it with that reference."

  "I'm already gettin' my fair share every goddamn hour of every fuckin' night she's around--"

  "Okay, let's go inside--"

  "And then some, darlin'," he interjected. "And fuckin' then some."


  As he turned from me, I threw my hand against his back and shoved until he began moving toward the club.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  After taking time to fix his pants and comb through his hair, allowing the curls to fall around the frame of his face in the way he knew Mariah loved most, Xavier moved into his kitchen and reached inside the fridge for a variety of six packs and tequila ready to haul off to the club.

  When his doorbell rang unexpectedly, he grumbled and placed the bottles on top of the table, then reached inside his cut for his Glock and stepped into the living room. "Who the fuck is it?" he called.

  "Trac, motherfucker, open up," he replied.

  "Shit. Almost blew your goddamn head off, asshole." X released his hand from the grip and walked to the door, yanked it open and narrowed his eyes as Tractor stepped forward. "What the fuck are you doin' at my house when you shoulda been at the club with Prez by now?"

  "'Shoulda' bein' the operative word, me not bein' there is the goddamn problem. I need to talk to you about some shit -- step the fuck aside." He bumped his shoulder against X's arm while moving into the house and wrapped his hands around the collar of his cut.

  X took in a breath to keep from snapping his neck in two and gripped the knob. "What the fuck is your ass doin' here, Trac?" he asked again.

  "T-Bone paid me a goddamn visit."

  "What?" He slammed his door and turned on his heel, eyeing his brother with a sharp wave of suspicion. "What the fuck are you talkin' 'bout -- When?"

  "This afternoon; around the same time your ass was with Cheddar lookin' for that job on campus--"

  "What the fuck did he say?"


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