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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

Page 17

by Elle Boon

  Lennox smiled up at him, her legs moved next to his, soft soled feet gliding up the back of his legs until she had them locked around his back. “I’m more than good, baby.”

  “You mocking me, girl?” he growled down at her, kissing her sassy mouth.

  Fuck, his cock slipped through her folds, heat luring him inside her like a moth to a flame. He rocked back and forth, letting her juices coat him while tormenting them both with his movements. This woman, a girl who should be too young for him but was his none the less, destroyed him and put him back together again, making him whole. Duke would wreck the world for her.

  “Duke, please. I need,” she panted.

  “What do you need, Dancer?” he grunted.

  Her lips curled into a smile. “I need you in me now, or I’m going to go insane and do bad bad things.”

  He grinned down at her. “Oh, I’d like to see you do bad things, make no mistake about that. I was waiting for you to be ready for me.”

  “I’ve been ready for you for years, silly man. Can you do what you did before again?” she asked, wiggling her hips.

  Duke’s cockhead slipped part way inside her when she moved, her words nearly tossing him over the edge of crazy. If he was already buzzing, she’d literally become a live wire to his spark, making for the explosion of the century. “Dancer, I can do better than I did before, starting right fucking now.” He reached between them with one hand, guiding his dick to her opening. Holding her gaze with his, he watched her as he took her.

  “Duke, you might be too big,” she gasped.

  He kissed her nose, rocking his hips back and forth, taking his time. “We’re perfect for each other, Lennox. You calm the fucker in me.”

  His words made her laugh, allowing him to slip a little further inside her. They both groaned. Slowly he worked his dick in and out. Fucking hell, she was so tight. He watched her face crease with pain, making him pause to allow her to adjust before he eased in a little more, repeating the action again and again, pausing with each little bit so she could adjust to his size damn near killed him.

  Duke eased all the way in, holding still once he was resting balls deep. “Don’t move, baby.” He rested his forehead against hers, their eyes locked on one another. Never in his life had he ever felt a connection like he had as he’d slipped inside Lennox. Her heat surrounding him, her eyes holding him. He was her prisoner as much as she was his. His to treasure for the rest of his life. He used his thumb to wipe a stray tear from the corner of her eye. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Only a little.” She took a deep breath, licking her lips, then smiled up at him. “I’m good now.”

  Dear lord...this had to be what it was like to lose everything and gain it all back ten-fold.

  “You sure you’re good?” he asked, a shudder wracked him at the same time as one did her. How this one woman could turn his life upside down he didn’t know, but he was glad she was his.

  “Yeah, I’m good. You going to move?” She flexed her inner muscles.

  He eased up on his elbows. “You keep doing that, and this will be over in less than eight seconds, Dancer.”

  Lennox did it again, smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Duke rocked backward, the restraint he’d held in check up until that point, broke.

  Her nails scratched down his back as his hips pumped in and out, shoving in and out of her. With each downward stroke, he pressed against her clit, ensuring she got as much pleasure as he did. Duke was a giver as much as a taker. Lennox’s scream was his undoing, his balls drew up ready to shoot his come inside her. Her body arched, neck bared, his name echoing around them.

  “Sonofabitch, Lennox, fucking love feeling you come on my cock.” Her pussy clamped down on him, pulling his orgasm from him. A half a dozen rapid-fire thrusts and his come jetted out of him, filling her.

  Lennox shuddered beneath him. Her voice hoarse, she panted. “That was so good. Oh lord.” She lifted a shaky hand to touch his face. “Thank you, Duke”

  Duke barely kept from falling on Lennox, rolling to the side, taking Lennox with him without easing out of her. If he could, he’d stay buried in her forever. “Why are you thanking me?” He ran his hand down her back.

  Her sigh felt good on his overheated skin. “For making my first time so good.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for that, baby. I’ll always make it good for you, unless you’re in trouble. We’ll talk about that another time though. You wrecked me tonight.” His hand fell to the curve of her ass.

  She moved, making his dick slip out of her. “Oh,” she sputtered, blinking down at him.

  He eased his fingers between the crack of her ass, teasing the little rosette at her rear. “What’s the matter, Dancer?” He grinned as he teased the tiny opening.

  “You don’t think that you’re gonna go there?” Her clearly stunned expression said she didn’t think so.

  Duke used their combined fluid to show her he most definitely planned to do that, her body opening for his finger. “Yeah, I do, and you’ll like it.”

  She shimmied a little, eyes bright. “I have a feeling you plan to barrel past all my boundaries.”

  He fisted his hand in her hair, the other he slowly pumped in her ass. “Between you and I, there’ll be no boundaries, baby.” With a little pressure, he brought her down so he could claim her lips.

  “I love you, Duke,” she whispered.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lennox wanted to kick herself as soon as the words left her mouth. She felt Duke freeze beneath her. She waited for him to push her off him and tell her they were done, that their relationship wasn’t like that. Shit, she wasn’t sure what she was thinking. Obviously, she hadn’t been thinking. The man fried all her brain cells with his magic dick, dammit.

  Duke chuckled. “You think I have a magic dick?”

  She smacked his chest, tears threatening to fall. “I didn’t mean to say any of that.” She tried to move away from him and his too knowing eyes.

  “Stop moving or I’ll shove another finger up your ass,” Duke warned, moving the finger he still had up her ass a little farther inside her.

  “Can you please let me go?” she asked, mortified to hear the catch in her voice.

  “No. First of all, this body is mine. This ass right here is mine.” He kept moving his finger in and out. “That pussy I just claimed. Also mine. Your heart, the one you just said loved me? Mine. You know why? Because you’ve had mine since forever, baby. There are no takebacks. Not now, not ever.” Duke rolled them until he was on top of her, wedging his body between hers. “Do you understand me, Lennox?”

  “Are you saying it’s okay for me to love you?” He hadn’t said he loved her.

  He pulled her leg up, pressing his dick inside her. “Hell yes, you better love me, Lennox. I fucking love you so fucking much. I loved you enough to let you go. I love you too much to live without you. We have a lot of shit to work through. Love and all that comes with it ain’t easy. Hell, I ain’t easy. There’s still your dad we gotta deal with. No matter what it is, I don’t plan to let you go.” He pumped in and out with each statement.

  Her heart soared, knowing he felt the same about her as she did him. “I don’t care what my dad has to say, Duke. I’m not going back to New York. I can dance anywhere or open a dance studio around here.” She stopped being able to think with his next thrust, holding onto his shoulders and the man she loved. “God, yes, right there.”

  Duke slammed into her over and over, his grunts mingled with her cries until they were both coming, falling apart together. Again, he twisted, taking her with him while they panted, her laying over him with his dick twitching inside her. “You haven’t worn a condom with me.”

  His hand stilled its rubbing on her back. “I’m clean. I’ve never fucked anyone without a condom. I just had a checkup a few months ago, and well, you’re the first woman I’ve been with in three long damn years, Dancer.”

  She licked his chest, salty man, all Duke. “I trust you, Du
ke. It’s more about birth control. Aren’t you worried about little Duke swimmers?”

  He barked a laugh beneath her, nearly unseating her from his chest. “Hell no, I’d love to have a little Duke filling you. How about you?” He brushed the hair back from her forehead.

  Lennox couldn’t meet his gaze. Her uncertainty in the parental field was going to be an issue, because she wasn’t ready to be a mother. “I’m on the shot,” she blurted.

  His grip on her hair tugged harder. “Look at me, Lennox.” The order was stern, letting her know he meant business.

  She shifted so she could see his face. “What?”

  “If you knew there was no chance of pregnancy, then why did you bring it up, and be honest with me, or I’ll paddle this fine ass, baby.” Duke rubbed his free hand along her ass.

  Her throat felt dry. She swallowed, trying to figure out how to say what was on her mind without sounding like a brat. Finally, she licked her lips and took a deep breath. “I’m not sure if I want kids right away or ever.”

  “Lennox, I don’t give two shits if we have a kid now or in ten years. Hell, if we never have any, that’s cool too. For me, I want to fuck you anywhere, anytime, anyway I want. You down with that?” he asked.

  She wasn’t sure if he really meant what he said, or if they would want kids later. For now, she was happy to follow his lead. “I’m happy with anything that has to do with making you happy,” she agreed.

  Duke grunted, surprising her as he rolled them both over, getting to his feet at the side of the bed. “Good. We can start by taking a shower. Come on.” He held his hand out to her.

  The feel of their fluids between her thighs made her move gingerly across the bed. “That bed is a mess.” She pointed over her shoulder with her thumb.

  His lips tugged up in a sensual smile. “I know. We’re probably gonna need to order a few more sets of sheets. I plan to have that bed broke in just right.”

  She knew her cheeks were flaming by his frank talk and the images in her head. No matter what life tossed her way, with Duke at her side, she was guaranteed one hell of a ride.

  In the shower, he taught her there were definitely different ways to get clean, and he was a master at all of them. She’d always heard shower sex wasn’t good. Whoever said that had never been in one with Duke.

  “FUCK, I FEEL LIKE I’M a damn teenager again. You got my dick standing up like it hasn’t already come twice in the last hour.” When she’d been eighteen he hadn’t let her touch him. Shit, he’d been too worried he’d shove his cock inside her if he’d allowed his dick outside his jeans. Instead, he’d stripped her bare, worshipping every inch of her body with his hands, his mouth, his eyes. Over and over again. He should’ve gotten a medal for the restraint he’d exuded back then.

  Lennox ran a soapy hand down his chest, gripping his dick in one palm. “Ah, are you too tired? Let me take care of this for you. You might have to help me since I’ve never done it before.”

  He nearly told her to stop, but then she went to her knees, tightened her grip on his dick, and smiled up at him. “Do you like it like this?” she asked, stroking him up and down, twisting her wrist around the tip.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, the guttural words about the only thing he could get out.

  A bead of come pulsed out of the tip. He was sure she’d swipe it away with the tip of her finger. But no, his sexy little dancer caught it on the tip of her tongue, moaning like she loved the taste of him, laving the head of his cock before moving on to stroke him up and down. “Shit, you keep that up, and I’ll be coming down your throat,” he warned her.

  Her tongue swiped over his cockhead again, delving in the slit a little. “Mmm, you taste salty and sweet.”

  Duke heard a whooshing, wondered if he was going to pass out from the pleasure of her untrained mouth, but hell, if this was Lennox untrained, he was fucked. “Baby, if this is you not knowing what the fuck you’re doing, then I’ll be your slave for life. Oh, yeah, play with my balls.” He held her hair back so he could watch her face as she licked him up and down. “Suck one into your mouth.” He helped her fist his cock, moving her hand up and down in the motion he liked, loving the way her mouth looked full while she had one of his nuts in it.

  She released his left nut, taking the other into her mouth, lavishing attention on it.

  “Enough.” He felt his nuts drawing up ready to come. When she didn’t stop on his command, he tugged harder, her hum playing havoc with his control.

  “I want to do for you what you did for me.” She pouted up at him, her lips looking swollen from sucking his dick.

  “Fuck, baby, you do that already. I promise, I’ll let you suck me off anytime you want, but right now, I want my dick in you, making your pussy squeeze my come out of me.” His words made her shiver.

  She used his legs to get to her feet. “Put that way, count me all in.”

  He shook his head. “You really are a sassy little thing.” He slammed his mouth over hers, hiking her up against the wall, using his arms to hold her up, easing his cock inside. “Damn, sucking me off made you wet.” He’d already washed her before she’d began her ministrations of him, so he knew this moisture was new and welcoming.

  “I’m always wet for you, didn’t you know?” she gasped.

  Duke pumped in and out, no rhythm, just the need to fuck and fuck hard the woman who took his control and shredded it.

  “Yes, Duke, fuck me harder.”

  He loved hearing her beg him to fuck her. He could fuck her for hours, tease them both until the point of madness, but hearing her beg him would always be his favorite thing. He’d give her the fucking world if he could. “You like that?” he asked, swiveling his hips against her pelvis.

  “Duke,” she moaned. Her breath came out a little sob.

  The shower began to cool the water pelting their sides. He didn’t let up. Every vein in his body seemed to pulse with the need to come. He held it back, waiting for her. His cock slammed back home, time and time again, needing to feel her muscles clamping on him.

  Her head tilted back, hitting the tile wall, making her eyes pop open. “Harder,” she demanded.

  He hiked her up higher, bent his head into the crook of her neck, kissing the tender flesh there, then gave her a little nip, feeling her shudder. He smiled at the feel of her reflexive pulse around his cock as he continued to pound in and out. Moving his lips up, he nipped her ear, nibbled on the little bit of flesh. “You ready to come, baby?” he whispered.

  She nodded, her eyes wild and glossy with need.

  Duke was too, his dick harder than it had ever been, speared deep, plunging in and out of her, hammering deep again and again. He held her pinned against the wall and between his body, effectively his prisoner, unable to do anything but take what he gave her. With each slam of his body, her perfect little tits bounced, making him wish he had another set of hands so he could hold them at the same time. Fuck, he had so many to do lists with Lennox it would take years before he was finished, and by then, he’d have a new list.

  Before he could form another thought, her body began to seize on his. “I’m coming, Duke. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  “Never.” He kept the pace that she needed, every brutal slam making her scream his name in ecstasy.

  Fire raced up his spine feeling like lightning arcing out of him into her. Hell, if he was a superstitious man, he’d think their souls had linked. He wheezed air out of his lungs, feared his legs wouldn’t hold them both as he shifted to sit on the bench in the shower. “Shit, baby, that was...” He couldn’t find the words to finish the sentence.

  “It was perfect.” She sniffed.

  He lifted her chin with a finger, wiping away a tear. “What’s the matter, did I hurt you?” Duke lifted her off him, moving the handle to the hottest setting so the water would get a little warmer. He used his hands to wash Lennox quickly before the water turned freezing cold again, waiting for her to answer him. As the minute stretched to two, he s
napped the water off.

  Grabbing a towel, he dried Lennox off first, a chore he’d gladly do every day. He tossed the wet towel down then snagged another and wrapped her in it. He then pulled another one for himself off the rack, making quick work of drying himself all while she stood there, staring at him with tears in her eyes.

  “Lennox, you’re freaking me the fuck out.” He lifted her into his arms, walking back out to the bed with the wrecked fucking sheets. “Shit.” He tossed the top sheet off, looked at the fitted one deemed it clean before tucking Lennox in. “Stay right there.” He went back into the bathroom, scooped up the mess they made, putting it in the hamper. When he came back out, Lennox was where he’d put her with the comforter pulled up around her.

  “Alright, let’s talk.” Fuck, where the hell did those words come from?

  She laughed. “You look like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming semi-truck.”

  Duke settled in beside her, taking her teasing as a good sign. “What’s with the tears?” He was sure he hadn’t hurt her physically, but shit, she’d been a virgin up until tonight, yet he’d fucked her like a damn machine three times.

  “I keep thinking I’m going to wake up and this is going to be a dream,” she whispered.

  “You think me fucking you like an animal is a dream? Damn, I like the way your mind works.” He trailed his hand down her side. “Go to sleep, Lennox. My dick is sore.” It wasn’t really, but he knew her pussy had to be.

  “Pour BD, we need to take care of him.” She patted his dick over the towel.

  Duke raised his brows. “BD?” he questioned.

  “Big Dick. I didn’t want to call him Big Duke, that seemed so passé.” She yawned, shivering slightly.


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