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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 2: Mine to Protect & Mine to Keep

Page 1

by Pritchard, Megs


  Mine to Protect

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Mine to Keep


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17



  About the Author

  Also by Megs Pritchard

  Mine to Protect

  Mine to Keep

  A Rescue Inc Novel

  Copyright © 2018 Megs Pritchard

  Edited by Jessica McKenna -

  Cover design by JC Clarke at The Graphics Shed

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. It is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot legally be loaned or given to others. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblances to the actual person, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This book contains explicit M/M sexual scenes and strong language. It is intended for mature, adult audiences only. Please be aware that this book contains a BDSM that may offend some readers.

  Thanks to Pauline for her amazing help and always being there to listen to me and encourage me to go on when I doubt myself.

  Dad, the bravest person I know. I love you.

  Ben and Luke, love you both so very, very much.

  Chapter One

  Chester sat in his car and stared at the house in front of him. His mate's house. The man who had saved his life, and then walked, without looking back.

  Sighing loudly, he ran a hand over his bald head and scratched it. Silas had told him under no circumstances was he to contact him, but Silas was his mate. How was he supposed to stay away from him? Everything in him pulled him to this place, to this man.

  Chester remembered the day Silas had saved his life and walked away. Rescue Inc. had been called in on a missing person's search, and when they had located the missing woman, they'd found out she wasn't missing but a hostage of her ex-boyfriend who hadn't accepted the fact their relationship was over.

  Chester had been shot while trying to negotiate the woman's release, completely unaware that she was already dead. He'd been dying when Silas had arrived at the hospital and changed everything between them, by giving Chester his blood and saving his life… and mating them in the process.

  As a vampire, he'd known the moment he'd woken up that things were different between them. He could feel Silas in a way he never had before and walking away was not an option. He had changed their relationship forever, and there was no turning back now.

  Sighing again, he glanced at the area the house was in. Trees and fields surrounded it, the house standing alone in the middle of it all. It was more of a farmhouse with a porch that ran along the front and sides and a balcony over it. Chester noticed the double glass doors that led to it and wondered if that was Silas' room. It definitely looked like a master bedroom from the front.

  How long was he going to sit in his car before he worked up the courage to go and see the man? He'd been in war zones, seen conflict, death, and destruction, yet here he was, unable to summon an ounce of courage to leave his car and knock on the front door.

  "Shit," he muttered.

  Rubbing his head again, Chester grabbed the handle and held it in a tight grip.

  "Come on."

  Finally mustering some courage to open the door, Chester stood, once again glancing around the area. It was so picturesque, a little slice of heaven, away from the pressures of the world.

  He heard laughter and looked towards the house, noticing the two cars in the driveway. Something he'd clearly overlooked, and a horrifying thought entered his mind, one he hadn't even considered before.

  "Shit," he muttered again. "He has someone."

  Why hadn't he thought about that possibility? That Silas was already in a relationship? Why hadn't he even considered it before? No wonder he'd refused to have anything to do with Chester and their mating. No wonder he'd walked away and hadn't looked back.

  He leaned back on his car and listened, hearing the muted voices coming from behind the house. The laughter sounded again, taunting him, and Chester gritted his teeth, his hands clenching into fists. His chest tightened, his heart pounding, and he fought the urge to go over and hit the other man. The man who had what Chester wanted. Silas.

  Silas had only ever mentioned in passing an incident with a vampire, a bad relationship, but had never given him any details, telling Chester it was none of his business. Not that it mattered now, they had to talk after what happened in the hospital. Silas had irrevocably changed them, and Chester was certain Silas didn't understand the implications of the act.

  You didn’t share blood with your mate unless you expected to complete the bond, yet Silas had, and then he’d walked away.

  Pushing away from the car, Chester strolled over to the house. Sweaty palms and a rapidly beating heart went with him, causing Chester to swallow hard.

  He took the two steps onto the porch and hesitated before knocking on the door. He lifted his hand, curled in a fist, and paused staring at the worn red door.

  "Just do it."

  Knocking, he took a step back and waited for Silas to answer. And he waited. And then waited some more.

  Eventually giving up, Chester walked around the side of the house, and when he reached the back, he stopped and stared in shock, his eyes widening in surprise at the scene in front of him.

  He never expected this.

  Silas was playing football, not with another man, but with a teenager. A teenager who looked a lot like Silas.

  Silas had a son.

  * * *

  Silas heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind and turned to see who was there.

  He stared at the sight of Chester and opened his mouth to shout when the football caught him on the side of his head.

  "Ow! Fuck, Troy!" he shouted, grabbing his head.

  "Oh my god, Pops. I got you good." Troy collapsed laughing on the ground, pointing up at Silas.

  He put his hands on his hips and glared at his son before looking back over his shoulder at Chester. He stormed over to him, knocking him back. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he demanded. "I told you never to contact me again."

  Silas saw Chester glance between him and Troy and stepped in front of his son, blocking him from sig

  "You expect me to stay away after what you did? You must have known I'd want to talk to you, about us."

  "No. I asked you to stay away, and I expected you to listen to me and to respect my fucking decision."

  "Is this him, Pops?"

  Without taking his eyes off of Chester, Silas said, "I need you to go into the house."

  "Pops," Troy whined. "Come on!"

  Silas glared at Chester then looked over his shoulder at Troy. "Now, please."

  As Troy stomped off, Silas heard him mutter, "I miss out on all the exciting shit around here."

  "Troy!" Silas glared at Chester and folded his arms across his chest. "Well?"

  Chester glanced away. "You knew I would come."

  "No, I didn't. I told you to stay the fuck away from me."

  Chester shoved his hands into his pockets. "You started the bond between us. You must be able to feel it."

  "Yes, I can, but I can ignore it too. You're alive. I did what I had to do, and now I want you to leave and never come back."

  "Silas, look. You're my-"

  "I'm nothing to you." Silas held his hand up stopping Chester's words. "Nothing. Now leave."

  Silas turned to walk away when Chester grabbed his arm. Silas threw it off and spun back around, pushing Chester back.

  "Don't you touch me. Who the fuck do you think you are?"

  "Your mate." Chester got into his face and glared at him, his eyes flashing red. "I only get one, and I'm not walking away until you tell me exactly why this won't work."

  "Pops, listen to the guy!"

  Silas glared at Troy, throwing his arms in the air. "What did I tell you?" Pointing back at the house, he said, "Get back in there."

  "No." Troy shrugged, a grin on his face. "I want to hear what the vampire has to say."

  Chester arched an eyebrow. "Vampire? My name's Chester."

  "Don't really give a shit what your name is. You're a vampire." Troy shrugged again, but glared at him, slivers of red appearing in his eyes.

  Silas heard Chester's sharp intake of breath, and he dropped his head, rubbing his hands over his face. "Troy."

  "Pops." Troy shoved his hands into his pockets and continued to grin, but the red remained in his eyes as he glared over at Chester.

  Sighing, Silas nodded his head towards the back door. "Come on in. Not like I have a choice, is it, Troy?"

  "Nah, not really. Wanna know what the vamp has to say."

  Silas walked to the door, grabbing Troy's shoulder and dragging him along. He heard Chester's footsteps behind him but didn't look back. He didn't want him here. He'd done what he needed to, he'd saved Chester's life, and that was it as far as he was concerned.

  Pulling the screen back, he walked through the open back door and straight into the kitchen until he reached the refrigerator. Pulling it open, he grabbed two bottles of water and slammed it shut. He needed something far stronger than water, but this would have to do for now.

  Handing one to Troy, he leaned back onto the counter and stared at Chester.

  "So, speak," he demanded.

  Taking several gulps of water, he watched Chester, never taking his eyes off him. A fucking vampire in his home. Yes, his son was one, but Troy was his blood, Chester wasn't.

  Chester flicked his eyes over to Troy. "Maybe we should do this in private."

  Silas shrugged. "Then you should have come to the Sheriff's office, not my home."

  When he heard a drawer open, he glanced over at Troy and saw him grab a knife. He reached over and gripped his wrist, shaking his head slowly. Troy glared at Chester then back at him.

  "No, Pops."

  "Troy. He's only come here to talk."

  "Yeah, I bet they all say that. Talk." Troy spat the word out.

  "Troy," Silas warned. He wasn't talking about her in front of Chester. It was none of his fucking business.

  He glared at Chester. "Speak, then get the fuck out and don't come back."

  "You think you're strong enough to ignore the pull? We exchanged blood, Silas, you-"

  Troy snatched his hand free. "What? Pops! How could you?"

  "He was dying, Troy."

  "And? So fucking what? One less of the fuckers."

  "Troy," Silas said wearily. "You are one of them."

  "Screwed up fucking genetics." Troy continued to glare at Chester, who ignored him, his eyes on Silas.

  "Your partner was a vampire, Silas. Why didn't you tell me?" Chester frowned, glancing between Silas and Troy.

  "And yet again, it's none of your business, Chester."

  "Yes, it is. We're mates."

  "Go and don't come back. There's nothing for you here."

  Silas gritted his teeth when Chester leaned back against the wall, hands in his pockets. "I'm not walking away. Not until we’ve sat down and talked about this."

  "We don't need to hear anything you've got to say. Fuck off. Pops has told you to go, so go!"

  Chester ignored Troy. "Silas, please. Let's sit down and talk about this."

  "Fuck off!" Troy screamed, rushing at Chester.

  "Shit, Troy, no!" Silas shouted, trying to grab Troy.

  Troy dodged him and swung the knife at Chester, his eyes blood red, showing his anger and rage.

  Chester knocked the blade aside, spinning Troy around and wrapping an arm around his throat. "Stop!" he ordered.

  Troy continued to struggle as Silas stepped in front of him, taking the knife and grabbing his shoulders.

  "Son, calm down. Come on. Deep breaths in and out. This isn't helping anyone. Come on, Troy."

  Silas kept his eyes glued to Troy and sighed when the red slowly receded. Troy slumped forward and Chester released him, taking a cautious step back.

  Silas pulled him away, hugging him close and whispering, "I know how you feel, but he isn't her." Stepping back, he added, "Go to your room. Get some sleep."

  Troy nodded and Silas hugged him again, kissing his forehead. When Troy pulled free, Silas watched him leave the room with one last glare at Chester and listened to him walk up the stairs and close his bedroom door.

  Rubbing a hand over his forehead, Silas walked over to the table and sat down wearily in a chair. He heard Chester do the same and raised his head to stare at him from across the table.

  "What happened?" Chester asked quietly.

  Sighing, he leaned back. Watching Chester, he shook his head. What did it matter keeping it from him now? It was obvious Chester was here to stay. Maybe if he knew the truth, he'd realize there was nothing here for him.

  "My wife was a vampire." Closing his eyes briefly, he opened them and added, "One day she attacked Troy, and he had to kill her."

  Chapter Two

  "What? She attacked her own son?" Chester could hear the shock in his own voice.

  Silas nodded and rubbed his hands over his face. "Yeah. I was at work at the time. She knew it. That’s why she turned up when she did."

  "Why?" Chester shook his head. Why would she attack her own son?

  "I never found out. We'd split up, and Troy had wanted to stay with me. She'd become unstable, and I'd tried to persuade her to get some help. Even her mother asked her, but she refused. It got so bad that I took Troy and left, bought this place, and started to rebuild our lives."

  "And she found you."

  "I didn't know at the time, but she was feeding from Troy."

  Chester sat upright in shock, his eyes widening. "What? No parent feeds from their child."

  "Well, she was." Silas shook his head, looking down at the table, his shoulders slumped. "I should have known," he muttered.

  "How could you? Troy would have kept it quiet. She was his mother."

  "He should have been able to tell me, but I was never there. Always busy with work."

  "How much do you know about vampires, Silas? Did you learn everything from her?"

  Silas raised his head and Chester lifted his hand to touch him when he saw the look of defeat on his face. When Silas sat back, Chester d
ropped it, and Silas gave a small smile."Yeah."

  "You wouldn't have known what was right and wrong where vampires are concerned. You only knew what she told you."

  "I know that now. I've done my research, and I've seen someone about it."

  "What about Troy?"

  Silas glared, refusing to answer.

  "Please, Silas. This could have damaged-"

  "I know," Silas muttered harshly. "He's seen someone, and he talks to his grandmother."

  Chester nodded. "I'm glad he has her."

  "She loves Troy, and even though she loved her daughter, she hates her for what she did to him."

  "Was there more than her feeding?"

  Silas nodded, sighing deeply. "She took him out hunting."

  "Hunting?" Chester furrowed his brows. God, not hunting humans. "Humans?" he asked quietly.


  "Did he kill any?"

  "No, he wouldn’t, and she punished him for it." Silas stood abruptly and paced in front of the table. "How the fuck did I miss it? My own son was being abused right under my nose, and I did nothing."

  Chester stood and grabbed Silas by his shoulders, stopping him. "Why would you expect a mother to harm her child?"

  Silas shook his head. "I should have-"

  They looked up at the ceiling when they heard an anguished scream.

  "Shit. Troy."

  Silas ran from the kitchen, and Chester stood still, not knowing if he should follow.


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