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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 2: Mine to Protect & Mine to Keep

Page 9

by Pritchard, Megs

  Chester cried out when Silas pummeled him and he thrust back onto Silas' dick, the sounds of the skin slapping echoing around the bedroom. Silas didn't slow down, but leaned over him, forcing Chester to lay on the bed.

  "Spread those legs, ass in the air."

  Chester moved into position and closed his eyes as ecstasy flowed through him. Silas hit his prostate every time, and Chester lay there, letting him own his body.

  His fangs descended, and he looked back over his shoulder, gasping at the almost feral look on Silas' face. Sweat covered his skin, his lips pulled back from his teeth, his eyes glued to Chester's ass.

  "Fuck, I love watching your ass stretch around my cock. Fucking love it, Chester. So dark and fucking gorgeous."

  Chester moaned. He loved dirty sex talk and Silas made no secret about how much he enjoyed Chester's body.

  "Silas," he murmured.

  "Yeah, mate. Gonna fuck you harder now. Need to feel you squeeze my dick."

  Chester whimpered and buried his face into the pillow, grunting with every pounding thrust into his ass.

  "Fuck, yeah. Your ass, mate."

  Sweat dripped onto his back to mingle with his own, and Chester panted, struggling to get air into his lungs.

  Suddenly, Silas pulled out and spun Chester over onto his back. He grabbed Chester's legs, throwing them over his shoulder and shoved his dick back into Chester's hole. He leaned over Chester, almost bending him in half, and kissed him hard, his tongue thrusting into Chester's mouth.

  Chester moaned into the kiss, loving the demanding hardness.

  Silas pulled back, muttering, "Bite me, Chester."

  Chester growled and lunged forward, piercing Silas' flesh and drinking his blood. Silas cried out, his hips jerking before pushing into Chester's ass and staying there. Chester moaned and shuddered, his dick shooting ribbons of come between them. He eventually lay on the bed breathing heavily.

  Silas collapsed on top of Chester and Chester wrapped his arms around him as he licked the bite marks on Silas' neck. He panted harshly, his chest heaving with every breath, and he held his mate, nuzzling his neck and kissing across his shoulder.

  He loved Silas so much, it was almost impossible to put into words.

  "I love you too, Chester." Chester closed his eyes, an itch developing in them. "Shh. I've got you."

  "I love you so much, Silas," Chester mumbled. "So much."

  Silas held him tighter and turned his head, kissing Chester's lips. "Always, Chester."

  * * *

  Silas looked up from the report he was reading when his cell rang. He glanced at the screen, his frown deepening when he saw Troy’s number. Troy was rock climbing, and Silas wasn’t expecting to hear from him for a few more hours.

  "Hey, Troy. What's up?" he asked, when he answered.

  Static on the line caused Silas to wince and pull the cell away. He carefully listened in, not hearing every word Troy said.

  "What? Troy, the line’s bad. I can't hear you."

  "... accident..."

  "Accident?" Silas stood. "Where are you?"

  "... Ridge... hurt..."

  "Which one, Troy?"

  The line dropped, and Silas immediately redialed his cell, but all he heard was beeps.

  Silas. I can feel how worried you are. What's wrong?

  Troy just called, but the line was bad. Something about an accident and one of the ridges.

  Did he go alone?

  He did today. Wanted to clear his mind, but he's an experienced climber, and his strength is phenomenal.

  He's a vampire. If he is injured, he'll need help. GPS on his cell?

  Yes! I'll track it now and let you know.

  Silas quickly logged into Troy's cell to check the location. Riley's Ridge. "Shit."

  Of course Troy would climb one of the more challenging mountains in the area.

  Riley's Ridge. Shit, Chester, it's a tough one.

  He'd want to challenge himself. He's a vampire, Silas, he'd need something more difficult.

  Well, he picked one of the worst. It's going to be hard to get to him before nightfall.

  I'll call in the team. We've done this before.

  Please hurry, Chester.

  I'm on it, Silas. He's my son too.

  Chester broke the contact and Silas paced his office, waiting for an update. He knew Chester would have Rescue Inc. arrive as soon as possible, but every minute Troy was up on the ridge injured was a minute too long. Silas didn't know how badly Troy was injured. He could be bleeding to death up there.

  Silas flung open his office door and stormed out of the precinct, ignoring the startled looks thrown his way. He jumped into his Jeep and sped out of the parking bay, heading to Riley's Ridge. He needed to be closer to his son.

  It took him almost an hour to get there and when he did he saw Chester, Jared and Donnie already there and checking equipment.

  He quickly parked and ran over to them.

  "We have the most rock climbing experience, so we're gonna head up there now. Stay here, Silas, and let the others know when they get here. Ale is about five minutes away."

  Silas nodded, running a hand over his head. "Chester-"

  "We'll get him back, Silas."

  Silas nodded again but followed Chester everywhere he went. Eventually, Chester grabbed him by the shoulders and gave him a not-so-gentle shake.

  "I know you're worried, I am too, but you need to calm down and focus. Let us use our training and do our job."

  "I know, Chester. I just can't stop it."

  Chester gave him a bruising kiss. "Stay here. Ale should be here any minute now. We're heading up. Tell Ale we're on the usual channel."

  Chester gave him a final kiss, then he, Jared, and Donnie walked away towards the Ridge. Silas had overheard their plan and knew at some point they would spread out but remain in sight of each other.

  Alejandro arrived, and Silas passed on the information. Ale immediately got down to work, contacting Chester for an update.

  Time slowed to a crawl and Silas couldn't stand still. He paced around the parking lot, constantly reaching out to Chester for updates. He knew he should let Chester do his job, but that was his son up there, who was injured and hurt.

  Silas. I've found him, but we're struggling to reach him. It looks like he slipped down the rock face and landed on a ridge. I'm going down to him, and Donnie is arranging for air support.

  Silas legs almost gave out when Chester spoke, the relief so strong that Troy was alive.

  How is he?

  Says leg's broken. I'm going down now.

  "Silas! Look up?"

  Silas frowned at Ale but did as he asked and saw what he'd missed. The weather had changed. "Shit."

  "Yeah. I'm pulling Donnie and Jared back, but Chester is staying with Troy. He has the equipment to keep them safe until air support can come in and get them."

  "What? You can't leave them up there!"

  "Chester is trained for it, and they're both vampires. They can handle this."

  "But Troy's injured."

  "Chester will keep him safe."

  "No! You can't leave them both up there. Do something."

  "Silas. The weather is worsening." As he spoke, the first drops of rain hit the ground and then the downpour hit them. "Shit. Tell Chester to take cover until this weather clears. I need to find out where D and Jared are."

  Ale ran back into his truck and Silas jogged over to his Jeep.


  I have him in the tent. It's secure. He told me to tell you not to do anything stupid.


  This is my job, Silas. I'll keep us safe. Trust me.

  I do, but-

  Silas. Deep breaths. I can feel your panic and worry.

  Silas closed his eyes, breathing deeply until he felt some form of control. Chester. What can I do?

  For now, nothing. Ale's sorting things out down there. Once the weather is clear enough, we're coming down.

you. Keep safe. Tell Troy I love him too.

  Will do. Sit tight, mate, we'll be home soon.

  "Not soon enough," Silas muttered.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chester lay next to Troy in the portaledge tent and made sure he wrapped the sleeping bag around them both. Troy groaned, his leg either fractured or broken, and Chester tried not to move it unnecessarily.

  "How long?" Troy asked.

  "Need to wait for a break in the weather and then the pilot can come. Too much wind and rain to risk being this close to the ridge.

  Troy nodded, his clammy skin pale in the light. "Want to go home."

  "I know. Not long now. Have those meds kicked in?"

  "Yeah, they've taken the edge off."

  Chester reached over and touched Troy's forehead and cheeks.

  "Here." He put his wrist in front of Troy's mouth. "Feed. It'll help speed up recovery."

  Troy groaned. "Don't wanna."

  "I know, but you need to. Trust me on this one, Troy. You don't want to go too long without feeding when you're injured."

  "I know. I can feel it, but you're like, my pops’ mate. It just doesn't feel right, you know."

  Chester smiled but waved his wrist in front of Troy's mouth, watching his fangs descend. "Your body is telling you what you need. We can talk about the sex issue later."

  "Ugh! Why did you have to mention sex? Now all I can see is you and Pops on the kitchen table. Jeez, I needed to bleach my eyes after that!"

  "Well, I hope it was educational," Chester deadpanned.

  "Seriously! Educational! Are you fucking joking?" Seeing the smile on Chester's face, he muttered, "Oh yeah, you're so funny, Chester. Splitting my sides here."

  Chester chuckled and gave Troy a pointed look. Troy rolled his eyes then closed them as his fangs slid into Chester's wrist. Chester looked away. The last thing Troy needed was Chester watching him feed.

  How is he? Silas asked.

  He's feeding right now. He'll need more blood when we arrive at the hospital. What's the update on the weather?

  Another couple of hours and it should be clear enough for a rescue.

  Good. I can feel the temperature dropping, and Troy needs to remain stable.

  I should be there with you both.

  No. I couldn't work if both of you were at risk. Stay safe for us, and I'll bring our son home.

  Love you.

  Love you too.

  Chester broke the contact and glanced at Troy, who had finished feeding. He pulled his wrist back, and a quick glance showed Troy had sealed the bite.


  Chester looked over at Troy. "What for?"

  "Coming up here."

  "I wasn't going to leave you. I know you don't like the fact Silas is my mate, but he is, and that makes you my son. What father leaves his son alone when he needs him the most?"

  Troy looked away, a faint blush covering his cheeks. "Yeah, okay."

  "It's just the way we work. We know that if we are fortunate to meet our mate, then they may already have a family and family is very important to us. Meeting Silas and you has given me the family I've always wanted."

  "I feel like I don't know so much."

  Chester sighed. "You didn't have the best teacher, unfortunately."

  Troy didn't say anything, and they lay in silence, listening to the wind and rain howl around them. The wind buffeted the tent and Chester moved over, holding Troy closer to the cliff face. Even though they were on a ledge, the position was still a precarious one.

  Troy also moved closer, groaning when he had to move his injured leg. "Shit," he muttered.

  "Not long now."

  "Hurts," he mumbled.

  "I know, Troy. Not much longer, I promise."

  "Tell me about you and Pops. You love him, right?"

  Chester grimaced. He wasn't one to talk about feelings, but this was his son... "Yeah, I love your pops. He's my other half, my soul. You'll experience it when you find your mate, Troy."

  "I don't want to. Don't say anything, Chester, but I hate what I am. I know I can't change it, that I have to get over it and move on and all that shit, but I can't."

  "I don't know what you went through, Troy, but I'm here for you. You can ask me anything about vampires, and I'll answer it honestly."

  "Do you hunt?"

  Chester blinked rapidly, surprised by the quick question. "No, we don't. We did years ago before we revealed ourselves to humans, but our council banned it. A ban I agree with."

  "Then why did she do it? Why did she make me watch? I was a fucking kid, and she forced me to watch her do shit."

  "I'm sorry, Troy. I can only guess that she was suffering from some form of mental illness. Vampires suffer from them just like humans do. We're no different."

  "Why didn't she get help? She must have known."

  "Maybe she didn't know. Sometimes the sufferer isn't aware they have a mental illness until it's too late."

  "I just don't know, and I hate it, Chester. I hate knowing I'm part of her."

  "She loved you. Don't forget that. No matter how it ended, she loved you."

  "I know," Troy whispered. "That's what makes it so hard. She hurt me. She was supposed to protect me, and she didn't."

  "It wasn't your fault, Troy, and neither is being a vampire the reason why she did what she did. A human could easily pick up a gun and shoot at random people. Don't blame what happened on what you are."

  "That's easy to fucking say."

  "I know, and I'm so sorry you went through all of that. Learn from it, Troy. Become a better person. When we get back home and you've healed, we'll start your training. It will help with your control and how to manage your hunger."

  Troy didn't respond, and Chester listened to the weather outside. They needed to get off this mountain soon, otherwise Troy's leg would take longer to heal. Chester closed his eyes and hoped for a break in the weather

  * * *

  Silas sat in the truck with Ale, Donnie, and Jared waiting for the weather to change. His injured son was on that mountain and Silas felt helpless. His chest ached to be there, and he tapped his feet constantly.

  He tried not to contact Chester because he knew he was concentrating on keeping Troy and himself safe, but he couldn't help it.

  "How are they?" Jared asked.

  "Troy fell asleep about twenty minutes ago. He's had meds and fed. Chester said they need to get off the mountain soon."

  "Yeah, especially with a broken leg. Don't want to risk further injury or infection," Ale muttered, rubbing his chin with his hand. "The latest update says another hour, maybe less, then we can try to airlift them out."

  "Shit, another hour," Donnie growled.

  "We'll get them out, D."

  "I know, but I hate sitting here doing nothing. They're stuck up there, and we're sitting on our hands here. Fucking weather!"

  "None of us likes sitting here doing nothing, but we won't be able to help them if we go rushing up there and get injured or worse."

  Donnie sighed. "I know. I'm just..."

  "I know exactly how you're feeling, D. We all feel the same way. As soon as we can get them off that fucking mountain, we will."

  "He's never going up that mountain alone again. Can't believe he did it. I know he's pissed, but to do this." Silas shook his head. "Once I know they're safe, I'm grounding Troy for the rest of his life!"

  Ale chuckled along with Jared and Donnie. Silas grinned back at them, then sighed as he watched the rainfall.


  He's still asleep. How's the weather down there? It doesn't sound as bad here.

  I think it is slowing down. Not too long now, Chester. I love you.

  Love you too. I'll bring our son home.

  Silas closed his eyes then told the guys what Chester had said.

  "You know, it does look a bit brighter," Donnie said. He opened the door and stood outside. Poking his head back in the truck, he told Ale, "Call them in. They can work in this."r />
  Ale nodded and got on his cell. Silas listened into the call, needing to know what was happening.

  When he finished, Silas asked, "Well?"

  "On route. Ten minutes out. Let Chester know."

  Closing his eyes, Silas concentrated on Chester. Chester. Ten minutes then you're out.

  Make sure the hospital is ready for Troy. He'll need to go into surgery as soon as we get there.

  How is he?

  Still sleeping and I want him to stay that way for as long as possible.

  I know. I'll see you soon.

  Turing to Ale, Silas said, "Chester knows. Now what?"

  Ale shrugged. "We wait. Once the team has them, we'll drive over to the hospital and meet them there."


  The next thirty minutes were some of the worst in Silas' life. The fact he couldn't do anything but sit and wait in the truck grated on his nerves. He fidgeted in his seat, earning him a hard look from Ale, but he didn't give a shit. That was his mate and son stuck on that mountain somewhere. His injured son.

  When Ale finally started the engine, he sighed in relief, slumping in the seat.

  "They're on route to the hospital. Troy's stats are good, but he will need blood."

  "And Chester?"

  "He's fine. Concerned for Troy. Fractured leg and stuck on a mountain puts a lot of pressure on a vampire who is still learning how to control his impulses. Don't think I'm having a go at you, Silas, you did the best you could with what you had available. From what Chester has told me, Troy's a great son and a credit to you."

  Silas nodded, but didn't say anything. He wanted to be at the hospital now, not god knows how far away. The damn truck was fucking slow.

  When Ale finally pulled into the parking lot, Silas jumped out before the truck had stopped moving. He ran over to the emergency department and straight up to the desk.

  "Sheriff Bailey," the nurse greeted him. "We've been expecting you. Please follow me."

  Silas followed her through the doors leading into the hospital. "How's my son Troy, and Chester?"

  "Troy went into surgery for his leg. X-rays show the tibia has a displaced fracture and will need surgery to correct. Chester is fine and waiting for you."

  "Some others are coming behind me. Can you please make sure they are brought here?"


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