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Amazing Grace

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by Crystal Humphrey

  When they arrived downstairs at the patient loading zone, Payton picked Abby Grace up from her chair and placed her into the front seat as his aunt climbed in on the driver's side.

  "You will have to tell me where you live so we can pick up your clothes and anything else you may need," Ruth said as Payton got Abby Grace settled. He climbed into the back seat. He had waited to discharge Abby Grace until his shift was over so he could head back with his aunt to help Abby Grace settle in to her new surroundings.

  "I would rather not. I can just go buy new clothes," Abby Grace responded.

  "Oh dear, you shouldn't leave your things behind. Surely there are some things at your house you would like to have."

  Abby Grace thought about it. There were some things she didn't want to leave behind, but she really did not want to run into her parents. She wondered though if they would even be there. They rarely were. She decided to chance it. She did need her banking stuff. And she would like to have some of her clothes. That would be a little less of her savings she would have to spend.

  Abby Grace gave Ruth the directions to her Madison home. When they arrived, she breathed a sigh of relief to realize her parents were indeed gone. Payton helped her out of the car and up the steps to the massive house indicative of her parents' social status.

  "Do you want me to come in with you," he asked as she opened the door.

  "Yes please. I won't be able to carry anything like this."

  Payton and Abby Grace entered the house together, and Payton helped her up the stairs and into her bedroom, where she wasn't surprised to see the packed suitcase sitting on her bed. Abby Grace walked over to it, opened it up, and surveyed the contents. She took a few things out, replaced them with others she would prefer, latched the suitcase back and stood out of the way for Payton to pick it up.

  "You can take that down if you like. I will see if there is anything else I need."

  "Okay. I'll be back soon."

  Abby Grace nodded and turned back to her bed. Her heart constricted inside her chest at the proof her parents never really did love her. She looked in her closet, chose a purse out of the previous ones she had carried, and picked up its matching wallet. She had nothing to put inside of it. Her purse had never been returned to her. She wondered what she would need to do to take care of that. Her checkbook, driver's license, and debit card were all inside.

  Next, Abby Grace reached under her mattress and pulled out the pack of checks she had hidden there so her parents would not find them. She gathered her jewelry box, a few of her keepsakes, and put them inside the big purse. She was ready to leave knowing she would not be back. Payton arrived just as she made it to the doorway and out into the hallway.

  "Ready to go?"

  "Almost. I want to stop off in the kitchen first."

  "Okay, show me the way." Payton picked her up off of her feet and carried her down the stairs. She was grateful. Her strength was leaving her quickly. He must have noticed that.

  In the kitchen, Abby Grace walked slowly into the pantry after Payton put her down. She gathered a few things she had purchased herself and also stuck them inside her purse.

  When she came out of the massive closet, Payton once more picked her up and carried her through the house and too the car.

  "Coffee?" he questioned.

  Abby Grace smiled shyly. "Yeah. I am very partial to my special blend. I'll have to let you two try it sometime."

  Ruth put the car in drive and Abby Grace laid her head back against the seat and rested as they drove to Ruth's home.

  •Chapter 8•

  Abby Grace lifted her head to look out of the window as she felt the car slow. They were pulling off of the interstate into the small town of Falkville. Ruth had been right. Abby Grace had never heard of the place. She watched as they came to a stop and then turned right. She soaked in the surrounding area. She could see mountains in the distance. They had passed a couple of gas stations and a McDonald's, but as they neared town, she could see just how small the community was.

  Ruth drove through town, pulled onto a highway, and then turned again onto a side road. Abby Grace continued to look around. When the car slowed once more, and pulled into a driveway, she took in her first sights of her new home. Ruth's house was a traditional, southern, ranch-style brick home. It looked to Abby Grace like one that had been built in the seventies. To the left of Ruth's home was a metal building with sign that read Love's Florist.

  To the right was a two-story garage. This is where Abby Grace concentrated her gaze. The garage was bricked in a way to match the house. There was a small balcony over the garage door and a set of stairs that led up to it. There was a door in the middle of the balcony that Abby Grace assumed led into the apartment Ruth was renting to her. She was excited to see it. It would be the first time she had ever lived on her own.

  When Ruth stopped the car, Payton jumped out and opened Abby Grace's door. He picked her up, and carried her up the stairs to the garage and inside the apartment. Abby Grace gasped as he set her on the floor. The apartment was open and airy.

  The two had entered into a living room that opened into a kitchen behind it. She took a minute to look around. The walls were painted a pale sage green. There was a couch placed in such a way as to separate the kitchen from the living room. On the back wall of the kitchen were two doors. One led to the bedroom and bathroom, the other was a laundry room. Abby Grace thought it was charming. The apartment was fully furnished. She couldn't have been happier.

  "What do you think?" Ruth asked as she stepped into the living room.

  "I love it," Abby Grace answered. "It's lovely."

  "I'm glad you like it dear. I hope you will be comfortable."

  "I'm sure I will. Thank you Ruth for your generous offer."

  "Well then. I will leave you to settle in. I need to check on the shop. I'll bring over some supper in an hour or so."

  "Oh, you don't have to do that. I can just order take out or something."

  Ruth laughed. "Sorry dear, but there is nowhere to order take out from around here. That McDonald's we passed on the interstate coming in is the only fast food place in town to eat. Don't worry though. I will make sure you have plenty to eat. You have to keep up your strength."

  "I don't want you to be put out, Ruth. You are already doing so much for me. I just need to get some groceries and I can take care of myself.

  "No, no dear. I don't mind at all. I have more than enough anyway when I cook for Payton and me."

  "Thanks Ruth."

  "You're welcome, dear. I'll see you soon. Payton, do you mind helping Abby Grace settle in?"

  "Sure Aunt Ruth." Payton watched as his Aunt started back down the stairs. "I'll grab your bags. Do you need help getting to the couch?"

  "No. If you don't mind handing me my crutch, I want to explore a little."

  "Okay, just be careful not to overdo it." Payton left to bring Abby Grace's suitcase up the stairs.

  Abby Grace walked carefully to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator noting there was nothing inside. She wasn't surprised. The cabinets were also empty. She would need to make a grocery list as soon as possible. She had nothing to eat off of or drink out of.

  She then walked to the laundry room. There was a washer and dryer already inside and ready to use. Abby Grace smiled. She would need to learn how to wash clothes. At her parents' home, the housekeeper did that kind of stuff for her. She would also need to learn how to cook.

  She actually liked the thought of that. Abby Grace always wanted to learn to cook, especially to bake. Her mother would not allow her to. She said it was beneath her to do manual labor. Abby Grace didn't clean her room, do laundry, or help in the kitchen.

  This would definitely be an adventure. And she was ready to get started. When Payton came in with her bags, Abby Grace asked him to put them in the bedroom. She hobbled in after him.

nce again, Abby Grace was taken by how pretty the room was. The soft colors on the bedspread were calming. She would almost call this room peaceful. She sat on the bed, testing the softness.

  "Thank you, Doctor Talley, for helping me. I appreciate it."

  "It's no problem. My aunt loves to be of service to those in need. You will be well taken care of. Do you want me to help you unpack?"

  "No, thanks. I can get it. You go home. I know you've had a long day."

  "Yes, I have. I'm exhausted, and starving. I'll check on you tomorrow."


  Abby Grace watched as Payton left the bedroom. She started to rise from the bed, to begin her unpacking, but realized just how tired she was instead. The sun was still up, but Abby Grace closed the curtains, and crawled between the soft sheets of her new bed. Before long, she was sound asleep.

  This was how Ruth found her a couple of hours later. She didn't want to disturb the young woman, so she placed the plate of food she'd brought into the refrigerator. She locked up the doors to the apartment and walked back home. She lifted her young guest up to the Lord in prayer once more.

  •Chapter 9•

  The following morning Abby Grace was up before the sun. She had always been an early riser, loving to watch the sunrise with a hot cup of coffee in her hands. She walked into the kitchen, plugged in the coffee pot she had seen on the counter when she had been exploring her new place, and began to make her special blend of coffee she had created herself. It was the one thing her mother couldn't keep her out of the kitchen for.

  Abby Grace sniffed appreciatively as the pot began brewing. Luckily she had swiped her favorite coffee cup from her parents' home as well. Otherwise she would have nothing to drink out of. She had none of her creamers, so she would drink this cup black, but she would need to find a way to go to a grocery store. She hoped Ruth would be willing to take her. Until she got the casts off, she would have to rely on others for everything she needed.

  As the coffee finished brewing, Abby Grace poured her a cup and made her way slowly to the balcony. She was glad to see it faced the east. There was a rocking chair in one corner of the balcony. Abby Grace sat down and waited for the first rays of sunshine to bath this new city she was now a part of.

  She laid her head back against the seat and rocked slowly. It wasn't long before the pinks and purples began to tint the sky. Abby Grace caught her breath as she always did, as the tinted rays slowly grew lighter and brighter. The pinks and purples turned to oranges and yellows. As the light brightened, Abby Grace took a moment to survey her surroundings.

  Ruth's yard was filled with beautifully cultivated flowerbeds. Abby Grace thought it looked so much better than her parents' perfectly sculpted shrub beds and manicured lawn. As the sunshine bathed her yard, Abby Grace could tell Ruth loved her flowers.

  In the back of the house and shop were two greenhouses. She wondered what type of flowers Ruth grew inside those. Maybe she would find out soon. Ruth had already told her she could start work on Monday.

  Abby Grace was so lost in thought she didn't hear Ruth come up the steps until she was on the balcony.

  "Good morning, dear. Isn't it a lovely day?"

  "It is Ruth. It absolutely is. What brings you over?"

  "I brought you some breakfast. There is eggs, biscuits, and bacon. I see you found the coffee pot."

  "I did. Thank you. Come on in."

  Ruth followed Abby Grace into the apartment and laid the plate of hot food on the counter.

  "Did you see the supper I plate I brought over last night?"

  "No, I didn't."

  "You were sleeping like a baby, so I put it in the refrigerator for you. My, that coffee smells good."

  "Would you like some? I have plenty."

  "I would love some, but I've had three cups of my own already. Besides, I have to go and open up the shop. Why don't you eat your breakfast and take it easy today."

  "I will, Ruth. Thank you for the food. Do you mind if I come over to the shop after awhile?"

  "No, dear. I don't mind at all, but I really think you should rest while you can. I know you've been confined to a hospital bed for several days, but you will be surprised by how tired you will be just trying to get around. It's like your muscles just want to stop working since they haven't had too."

  "I know. I was surprised at how quickly I got tired yesterday. By the way, I love that bed. I slept comfortably all night. I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing for me."

  "You can thank me by coming to church with me on Sunday. I would enjoy your company."

  "I'll think about it, Ruth. I've haven't been to church in a long time. I wouldn't know what to wear or what to expect."

  "I don't think anyone is concerned with what you wear, child. We're just a group of people getting together to worship the One who made us."

  "Alright. I might just join you."

  "Good. Now eat up before your food gets cold. I'll see you later in the day."

  Abby Grace watched as Ruth headed back down the stairs and over to her house. What would it hurt to join her? Abby Grace shrugged. There was no reason not to go. After all, Ruth had been so kind to her.

  •Chapter 10•

  Thursday and Friday went by slowly for Abby Grace. She did visit Ruth at the florist shop on Thursday, but the walk down the stairs and across the yard tired her more than she thought possible. She didn't stay long. She met two of Ruth's helpers, took a look around at the flower coolers, and then headed back to her apartment to take a nap.

  Thursday evening Payton checked on her and volunteered to run to the grocery store for her so she would have some grocery and personal items at her disposal. She was grateful for his help.

  Friday, she was feeling some better. She walked to the florist again and managed to stay long enough to tour the back of the store and the greenhouses with Ruth. She also watched as Ruth made up a few bouquets for a wedding the following day. The shop was so busy Abby Grace took payment from three different customers just to help out. She caught Ruth smiling at her, and it gladdened her heart that she was able to help.

  She still had to take a nap when she returned, but she was getting more exercise each day, and sleeping less. She was also settling in well. With not much to unpack, Abby Grace had already put away all of her things and pushed the suitcase under the bed.

  By the time Sunday rolled around, Abby Grace had become a pro at maneuvering around on a crutch. She had practically mastered the stairs to her apartment. When Ruth was ready to leave for church, Abby Grace was as well.

  She was slightly surprised to see Payton in the vehicle with his aunt. She realized she shouldn't have been since he seemed just as religious as his aunt. Abby Grace was a little nervous. She wasn't sure she liked the idea of worshiping a God, a person whom, as Ruth said, created her. All of this was still a little new to her.

  When they arrived, Payton opened her door and helped her out of the car. He then ran around to the driver's side door and did the same for his aunt. Abby Grace couldn't help but smile at his manners. Someone had raised that boy right.

  She followed Payton and Ruth into the brick building where the two were greeted by several people in the community. Abby Grace was introduced to each one as if she were a part of Ruth's family. And each person was kind and welcomed the young girl to their church. Several said they were glad to have her visiting and they hoped she came back. Everyone is so nice.

  When Ruth did lead her into the auditorium, Abby Grace was surprised at how big it was. She wondered just how many people could fit inside. It looked like a big place for such a small community, but then how would she know. It wasn't often she even attended church.

  Abby Grace settled into her pew beside Ruth. She looked around and watched as so many people milled around talking with one another, shaking hands and greeting each other with smiling faces. A few even approached Ruth and Payto
n as they sat in their seats.

  When the music started playing, Abby Grace's gaze was drawn to the stage where a small band was set up. There were a couple of guitar players, a drummer, and four people standing at microphones getting ready to sing.

  She could tell the music was a signal that the service was about to begin. The crowd of people talking began to thin and pews filled up as everyone took their seats. A projector showed her the words of the song about to be sung.

  One of the singers began talking and Abby Grace listened as he greeted everyone to what he called the Grace Place. She didn't really know what that meant. She made a mental note to ask Ruth later. He then asked everyone to stand with him to sing the first verse of a song he said was titled This is Amazing Grace. He said the theme for this week was the amazing grace of God. Then the song began.

  Who breaks the power of sin and darkness

  Whose love is mighty and so much stronger

  The King of Glory, the King above all kings

  Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder

  And leaves us breathless in awe and wonder

  The King of Glory, the King above all kings

  This is amazing Grace

  This is unfailing love

  That You would take my place

  That You would bear my cross

  You lay down your life

  That I would be set free

  Oh, Jesus, I sing for

  All that You've done for me

  Abby Grace was caught up in the music. She wondered if all of these people actually believed the words they were singing, and were they actually singing them to God? What did it mean that Jesus laid down his life for her. She pondered these thoughts and more as the congregation sang the next verse, but joined in on the chorus when it was time. She had lots of questions.

  When the song was finished, the preacher came up on stage and introduced himself as Timothy Smith. He read some announcements about upcoming church events, prayer requests, and asked his congregation to remember each other in prayer. He asked someone to pray, and then the singers came and sang another song.


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