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Mustang Player: A standalone, small town, rock star romance.

Page 25

by Eva Haining

  “Yeah? And what would that be?”

  “The wife part.”

  “Very funny.”

  I lean over and open the drawer of my nightstand, pulling out an identical box to the one I used to give her my one-year chip. Nerves take flight like a swarm of fireflies in the pit of my stomach as I open the box and sit it on her naked stomach, watching her flinch at the sensation. Softly, I grip her arm and pull it from her eyes, letting her see what’s sitting right in front of her. A ring.

  “Johnny. What? When? Why?”

  “You ask a lot of questions. I have one I’d like to ask, but before I do, I’ll answer yours. What? It’s an engagement ring because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’ve known since the first time we kissed. When? I bought it after I went back to rehab. It’s been in that drawer, reminding me that my dream is there for the taking. Why? Because I don’t want to go another day without you knowing that you’re loved, you’re wanted, and you’re mine to love, honor, and cherish as long as I live. So, Ellie Sawyer…” I reach over, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “… will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?”

  “Yes!” Tears fall from her eyes as she watches me lift the ring from its box and place it on her finger. She doesn’t even stop to check out the rock, too busy tackling me with a heartfelt kiss. “I love you, Johnny Reed, and I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  “Who says we need to wait? Whenever, wherever, however you want to do it, I’m there. Six months, a year, however long you want to plan is fine by me as long as I get to say, ‘I do’ at the end of it.”

  “I’ve never wanted a big wedding. In fact, I always thought it would be fun to elope.”

  “Life with you isn’t going to be predictable, that’s for sure. I had you pegged as a big-white- wedding kind of girl.”

  “Nope. Barefoot in a field of flowers.” She jumps off the bed and throws back the curtains. “On a day just like today. Blue skies and not a cloud in sight.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “And I know just the person who can officiate.”

  “Wow, you’re really getting into this. I thought we’d have a few weeks before you started planning. Or that maybe you’d stop to admire the ring. When is this mystery person going to marry us?”


  “What? No.” Has she lost her mind?

  “If you’re not ready, we can wait.”

  “It’s not that. I’d marry you naked in this bed right now, but I want you to have the wedding you deserve.”

  “The wedding I want and deserve is going to happen. I’m marrying my best friend.” She walks toward me, naked and unabashed, before cupping my face in her hands and pressing a kiss to my lips. “All I need is you to be standing across from me, and it’ll be everything I want it to be. Can we do that? I feel like we’ve been waiting so long already, holding our breath to start living our life together. Let’s stop holding our breath, Johnny. Our life starts today, and I, for one, want to grab it by the reins and ride this adventure with you as my husband.”

  “If I say ‘yes,’ who’s going to marry us?”

  “Maddox. He’s already ordained on the internet. It was a whole big hoopla that A.B. told me one night.”

  “Then let’s do it. If you’d said Jax, I’d have had to decline. The man is an amazing friend, but he’d have given me no end of shit throughout the vows.”

  She does that little nose scrunch again. It’s so adorable. “It’s cute that you think he won’t do it anyway, regardless of where he’s standing.”

  “True. So we’re really going to do this tomorrow?”

  “Yep. I’m going to go get Piper, A.B., Savannah, and Maisie. I’ll send Maddox your way.”

  “What about Belle?”

  “I figured you’d want to tell her, so just send her to A.B.’s in about an hour, and you can wrangle the guys.”

  “Where should I meet you?”

  “How about in the field between this place and my house? Meeting in the middle seems sort of fitting, don’t you think?”

  “I like it.”

  “Then I’ll see you in the field tomorrow at noon.”

  “We don’t have wedding rings.”

  “Can you get them in the next twenty-four hours? If not, we don’t need them.”

  “I can get them. Leave it with me.”

  “Okay.” Her lips crash down on mine, whipping me into a frenzy before leaving me wanting and hard as a rock. She shrugs her clothes on and heads for the door, barefoot. “I’ll see you there.” Her eyes gaze lovingly at her hand, taking in the ring on her finger for the first time. “It’s so beautiful, baby.”

  “It doesn’t hold a candle to you, doc. Now, go. I’ve got rings to get and groomsmen to round up.”

  She disappears without another word, and I sit in stunned silence for a few minutes before I wrap my head around it. I’m getting married. Tomorrow.

  After a mad dash around town, grabbing groomsmen, rings, outfits, flowers like we’re on Supermarket Sweep, and a night of laughter with the guys, I find myself standing under the blue skies of Mustang this morning, surrounded by friends, waiting for my bride to appear on the horizon.

  With how quickly all this has come together, I haven’t had time to get nervous. All I feel is joy and anticipation. I know it won’t be the normal white-wedding-dress moment walking down the aisle of a church, but I’m excited nonetheless to see my bride.

  Belle is playing an acoustic piece on my guitar, ready to welcome Ellie to our wedding on A.B.’s signal. I watch with bated breath as an angel appears from the tree line. I must be dreaming.

  There, in the distance, walking toward me like a gift from heaven is Ellie in a stunning ivory wedding dress. I don’t know how the girls pulled it off, but she’s just breathtaking as she floats through the grass.

  “Are y’all seeing this? My future wife is smoking hot.” The guys laugh, signaling that I’m drooling. “Where did they find a dress at such short notice?”

  Jasper’s gaze wanders to where Maisie stands with tears in her eyes. “My wife looked pretty spectacular in it the day we got married too.”

  “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thanks to all of you. For everything.”

  “Don’t go crying on us, Pinocchio. You’re a real boy now. Men don’t cry,” Jax says as he takes his place at my side.

  “Yeah, right. You were crying like a baby the day I married you and my sister.” Maddox stands steadfast in front of us, ready to join Ellie and me in holy matrimony.

  “Shut your pie-hole, Mad. We’re focused on rock star’s baby tears. I bet he doesn’t make it through the ceremony.”

  “Fifty bucks says he’ll be wiping snot during the speeches,” Jasper interjects.

  “My money says he’ll be blubbering before she gets down here.” I thought Maddox was the one who’d be on my side.

  Knox is already like a brother to me, so he can’t help himself. “It won’t be Johnny who’s crying. My fifty bucks says Ellie cries when she realizes she’s marrying a make-believe cowboy.”

  “Nice. Thanks, guys. I feel so loved right now.”

  Kirby is the only one to step up and give me some words of wisdom. “You found the love of your life. That doesn’t come around so often. So, cry or don’t but cherish her always. I’m happy for you, Johnny. Welcome to the family.”

  Everyone quiets down as Ellie approaches, and I find myself swallowing past a lump in my throat seeing just how radiant she is. When she finally takes her place at my side, I reach out and take her hand in mine.

  “You look… stunning.”

  “You’re looking pretty sharp yourself. Now, let’s do this. You and me, ride or die. Good and bad. I’m yours, Johnny Reed.”

  “And I’m yours.”

  When the ‘I dos’ are said and done, we sing, dance, and celebrate all day and long into the night. Our friends came together to give us an amazing weddi
ng day that surpassed anything I could ever dream of, and as Ellie and I lie on our backs, gazing up at the stars, I find the brightest one and give thanks. We have a lifetime of wonderful memories to make, and all because I reached out from the darkest of places, and Ellie was there to pull me out and teach me how to bask in the sun.

  There was a time I didn’t think I’d live long enough to find love, and yet here I am, clean and sober, with the love of my life, married to my best friend. I came to Kingsbury Falls to save my life and ended up finding so much more. I found redemption, friends, family, love, a sense of purpose, and a home to build a life with Ellie. But there’s something else I found in this crazy little town, something I didn’t realize was lost—I found myself.



  Two Years Later

  “I need to get a frame for it. We can put it next to the others, right by your platinum records.” Ellie is glowing today. She always makes such a big deal about today, and it just makes me love her even more.

  “We can move them. This is more important to me.” I flip the golden chip through my fingers, the number three glistening as the morning light reflects its rays off this seemingly innocuous and yet all-important chip.

  I’m three years clean and sober, and life couldn’t be better. Ellie and I are the cliché of a happily married couple, and I thank my lucky stars every day that she walked into my life. I moved into her place the day after we got married and christened every room in the house at least twice that first week.

  My solo album went triple platinum as did the last Beyond New York album. I’ve worked with some cool up-and-coming artists and have produced three top ten albums for a few big bands, right here in my studio at the ranch.

  After I moved in with Ellie, my old apartment became a guest house for whichever band I’m working with at the time. Half the time, it’s a struggle to get them to leave. K Falls has a way of welcoming the stragglers and vagabonds in its warm embrace and burrowing its way into our hearts.

  I’m excited for the coming weeks as I’ll be working on the new Beyond New York album, which means some laughs and musical genius with my sister and the guys. In my downtime, I still work the ranch with Jax and Mad. It’s good for the soul.

  I never thought I’d be the guy who’s up with the larks, mucking out stables and working with horses, but the ranch has been such a grounding force for me. They welcomed me in when I was at my lowest and made me part of the family. I started off as the addict uncle who was ungrateful as fuck to be at every family occasion, angry at the world for my own existence, but now I see every day as a gift.

  My journey started at the end. It sounds strange, but it’s true in so many ways. The day my life almost ended, little did I know at the time, it was just getting started. It hasn’t been an easy road, but when I sit back and look at my life now, I’m one lucky bastard.

  I’m pulled from my musings by the melodic chime of our doorbell.

  “They’re here! Can you let them in? I haven’t put on my lipstick yet.”

  I stand behind my beautiful wife, wrapping my arms around her waist as I press a gentle kiss to her cheek. “You look stunning, as always.”

  The doorbell chimes again. “You better go get that.”

  “Not before I do this.” I take advantage of her lack of lipstick and kiss her with a passion so fierce I could leave all our friends standing outside, hungry and confused, while I ravish my wife. When I relinquish her mouth and head for the door, I love that she’s speechless, breathless, and moaning with sexual frustration. Now I know she’ll be counting the minutes until the day is over, and I can continue that kiss on every square inch of her naked body.

  When I drag myself away to welcome our friends, Jax and Savannah are the first to arrive. I thought for sure Piper would be here first. She may as well move in, she spends so much time on our couch. I love that Ellie gets to have her best friend around because under her no-fucks-given exterior is a woman who would do anything for her friend. And anyone who has Ellie’s well-being as a priority is good with me.

  Jax pulls me in for a slap on the back and brotherly hug. “Look at you, rock star. Three years. I’m fucking proud, bro. Really fucking proud.”

  “Thanks, Jax. It seems weird having a party to celebrate the fact that I stopped partying, but it makes Ellie happy.”

  “I disagree. Having a party is exactly what’s needed. You can hang at a party now, and your friends having a beer or two doesn’t faze you. That’s a big deal from where you started out.”

  “True. So you’re saying it’s a symbolic gesture when you drink all the beer in front of me?”

  “Yes, young padawan. Now you get it. I’ve got nothing left to teach you. You’re all grown up.”

  “You’re a dick, you know that, right?”

  “My dick is huge, just ask my wife.”

  I look to Sav, who’s blushing and avoiding eye contact at all costs. “I don’t know how she puts up with you. She’s one hell of a woman.”

  Jax has a look in his eye—one I’ve become accustomed to seeing in the mirror—a man in love. Even after all these years, they still look at each other like teenagers embroiled in their first epic love. I know that’s how I’ll always see Ellie.

  Once everyone arrives and Ellie is satisfied that her lipstick is perfect, she charges everyone’s glass with a drink. She and I have mimosas without the alcohol, so really just a glass of orange juice.

  “Hey, everyone. Thanks for coming to celebrate my wonderful husband today. Three years ago today, he made a decision that changed all our lives. We were given the chance to meet, know, and love Johnny Reed.”

  “Commiserations, everyone.” Jax chuckles, raising his glass with a sly wink. “I love you, brother.”

  “As I was saying…” Ellie continues, “… we’re all so blessed to have Johnny in our lives, and although he gets all shy about marking this day, I have a feeling that might change after today.”

  Now, I’m intrigued. She better not have bought me some outlandish gift. I’m already uncomfortable. We’re celebrating the fact that I stopped being a colossal fuck-up. Seems like an odd reason for a party to me.

  I can see Ellie’s hand shaking as she grabs the remote for our sound system. I had custom speakers and the best of everything installed after I moved in. Life without music is no life at all. I wrap my arm around her shoulder, her whole body humming with tension, anticipation—I’m not sure what. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  She takes a deep, steadying breath, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Yes. Just let me get through this without crying.”


  She closes her eyes for a moment, and everyone in the room is as perplexed as I am.

  “Johnny Reed, my handsome husband. Life is a song, and you’re the melody, and this… is the beat.” She presses a button, and a strange sound pulses through the speakers. It has a distinct rhythm, and as I look around at our guests, A.B.’s facial expression confirms what I know in my soul.

  “You’re pregnant?” My voice trembles as my ear listens so intently to the heartbeat of our unborn child.

  “Yes.” Tears spill from her eyes as I pull her into my arms and kiss her like there’s no tomorrow. “Are you happy?”

  “You’ve just given me everything I’ve ever wanted.” I rest my hand on her stomach while the beat of our baby’s heart plays like a symphony in the background.

  “Congratulations!” Everyone shouts in unison before descending on us with hugs and well wishes. This is what I’ve wanted my whole life, and the reality is so much better than I could ever have imagined.

  I rub Ellie’s stomach, the smallest rounding evident when I really look. “You’re going to be so loved, little one. You’ll have the best mommy in the whole world and a daddy who’ll tell you every day that you’re loved, and safe, and wanted.” I take a moment to look around at my new extended family, and contentment blooms in my chest. “You’ll be stuck with the rest
of these guys, but I’m here to tell you, little one, if you ever need help, understanding, or unconditional acceptance, you won’t find a better group of friends. Welcome to the family, Mustang baby.”



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  Simon, as always, you are my number one supporter and I couldn’t do any of this without you. For all of the nights I flake out and call you to pick up takeout on your way home, or the loads of laundry you do when you think I’m not watching because you know I’m on a deadline and no one in our household will have clean underpants for weeks. We’re a team, and you get that in the biggest and the smallest of ways. For all the little ways you encourage me and cheer me on when I don’t think I can make it across the finish line—I love you three thousand.

  Ria, you always set down a challenge for me, and this time was no different. Could Johnny possibly live up to Jasper? Jasper has been your Mustang love for over a year, and you asked if Johnny could top him. Obviously, I took them as fighting words! I may be a Scottish girl, but I live in Texas now, I take my cowboys very seriously. When I read your final comments on Johnny, I’d climbed my Everest. Mission accomplished. Johnny is the new book boyfriend to beat. Thank you for always making me push myself to dig a little deeper to bring out the best from my writing.


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