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The Bloodwood Curse: An Epic Fantasy Adventure of Swords, Magic and Romance. (The Rosethorn Chronicles Book 1)

Page 15

by Peter Summersby

  Akuchi stepped forward and stabbed at the troll with his falchion.

  The troll moved its arm but the severed tendon refused to cooperate with him. His hand was slick with blood and the claymore passed through his fingers. The claymore dropped and embedded into the ground.

  Akuchi’s attack skidded off the troll’s ribs and skewered its upper arm. He pulled it back and a huge slice of flesh was ripped from the troll’s arm.

  The troll roared in pain and collapsed to its knees, dropping its other claymore.

  Aquillia spun and swung her blade. Severing the trolls head, spraying sticky blood all over Akuchi.

  Breathing hard, they surveyed the battle field. The trolls were being routed and the full might of the Fort was grinding them into the ground.

  The heavy infantry was hunting through the troll’s tents dragging out and executing any remaining trolls.

  The Commanders Guard were engaged in the camp with the remaining remnants of the troll’s forces. The trolls were surrounded and kept on running into the guards’ pikes and being impaled on them. The ground was soaked with troll blood and the stench of blood filled their noses.

  “It seems we have won the day,” commented Aquillia, as she staked her sword into the ground and sat in the blood-soaked mud.

  Akuchi sat next to her without a word, resting his falchion in the ground between them.


  5th day of the 4th month 580th year of the 8th era

  At noon soldiers began filling onto the training yard. They were dressed in fine clothing: polished armour, waxed leather, brushed jerkins and fine silk. They moved and formed neat lines standing at ease.

  Standing at the front of everyone, Oghenekaro stood in a polished breastplate, and fine dark leather trousers.

  Akuchi stood in his new clothes. Mayu and Retha stood beside him in their transparent dresses.

  At the appointed hour a horn was sounded. Everyone snapped to attention and turned to face Oghenekaro. Beside him stood a man holding a large sword covered in a white cloth.

  “Today, I gathered you together to pay tribute to a man for great valour,” Oghenekaro shouted, his voice echoing clearly to the back of the training yard.

  The gathered soldiers remained quiet.

  “All of you here today are worthy of great reward,” Oghenekaro continued. “All have made a great sacrifice to be here, giving up time with friends and family, to defend the civilised nations from the scourge that is the troll menace. Today we celebrate the valour of one man.”

  At this the men began to murmur; Oghenekaro raised his hands for quiet.

  “Several months ago, the trolls laid siege to us here at Fort Northern Wiles. I rode out with fifty men to see if we could break the siege, we sadly failed. The man we celebrate today, succeeded where fifty men couldn’t. He not only saved my life in the counterattack, he also broke the siege and saved two of my own personal guards and brought back a prisoner the trolls had taken over twenty years ago. Not only that, yesterday morning he participated in the raid that brought us the cattle from the trolls. He then went out to the Bloodwood Forest and found food out there. He was also out in the thick of the fighting last night that helped break the siege.”

  A gentle murmur rippled through the assembled soldiers. Akuchi could hear them from where he stood in the crowd.

  “Who could do such a thing? Let alone singlehandedly?”

  Oghenekaro waited for the murmuring to stop before continuing.

  “Come forward, Akuchi Rosethorn, hero of Forth Northern Wiles.”

  The soldiers started looking amongst themselves. All the soldier’s eyes focused on him as Akuchi moved to the front of the training yard. Then they started a slow clap, which built in volume as he approached Oghenekaro. Oghenekaro raised his hands for silence and waited.

  “I am deeply indebted for to you, Akuchi, in gratitude for your great acts of valour. Despite your impertinence, you have strived to improve our lot here. For your efforts, I present to you this sword, captured from the trolls many years ago.”

  The soldier lifted the white sheet from the sword, a falchion. It was polished to a high sheen so that Akuchi could see a clear reflection in it. The hilt was a fine golden in lay woven into an ivory handle. The blade was curved and double sided. Akuchi received the sword and looked at it. In the blade of the sword, words were etched on both sides.

  On one side the words read,

  A man’s heart is fickle,

  true must a man’s heart be

  to wield the spirit.

  On the other side the words read,

  Honour and glory,

  reveal the soul

  remain true to your word

  and see glory

  “The blade is called ‘Corvictus’, it means conviction or spirit,” Oghenekaro explained, “Centuries ago swords could feel your spirit and would reflect your spirit, light or white for a good soul, and dark and black for a bad soul.”

  “It’s a beautiful sword,” responded Akuchi. He then lifted the blade high in the air and the whole fort cheered.

  “Three cheers for Akuchi!” bellowed a woman’s voice from the crowd, “Hip hip…”

  “Hooray!” echoed the assembled soldiers.

  “Hip hip…”


  “Hip Hip…”


  Akuchi lowered the sword and thanked Oghenekaro before returning to his place. Several soldiers gave him slaps on the back as he reached his position between Retha and Mayu. Akuchi showed them the blade. They both admired it.

  “You are dismissed,” bellowed Oghenekaro. The soldiers started to disperse returning to their duties.

  Mayu hefted the blade. “It is so light.”

  Retha took the blade. “It’s perfectly balanced,” she agreed, “for a falchion.”

  “What do you mean?” Akuchi asked, taking and sheathing the blade on his back.

  “Curved blades can’t achieve the balance that a straight sword can,” Retha explained.

  “That is what you wore?” exclaimed Taya as she approached. Taya was dressed in a knee-length blue gown. It cupped her breasts firmly, giving them extra volume. The dress had elbow length sleeves, and a plunging neckline displaying a vast valley of cleavage. A golden braided rope fastened it all together.

  Akuchi smirked at Taya. She was dressed to impress. The dress was a nice change from the threadbare tunic she normally wore. Standing next to Mayu and Retha Taya was plain.

  “Well,” began Mayu, taking Retha’s arm and walking away, “we like them.”

  “I will never understand Istrians,” muttered Taya.

  “What don’t you understand?” Akuchi asked as they both watched Mayu and Retha walk away.

  “Why they think that nudity is such a good thing?” asked Taya. She turned to face Akuchi.

  “I think it’s something to do with the fact that to them wearing clothes means you don’t trust people.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would what you wear determine how much you trust people?”

  Akuchi shrugged and started to walk back to his barracks.

  “Nice dress, Taya,” Akuchi complimented, turning to face Taya before striding off towards the barracks.

  Taya’s face lit up with a small seductive smile and she walked away from the training grounds her heart light.

  Arriving in the barracks, Akuchi found Retha and Mayu folding Mayu’s dresses back into her trunk.

  “I’m starving!” said Akuchi, “can we get something to eat?” Akuchi pulled off his sword and scabbard and tenderly laid it on the bed. He then peeled off his jacket and shirt. Mayu and Retha sat on the bed and watched him.

  “Sure,” agreed Mayu. “I think the commissary should have some lunch available.”

  Mayu strapped on her sword belt while Retha fastened on her cloak.

  “I need to speak to the Commander,” Retha said. “Thank you for your kindness, Mayu and Akuchi.”

  Retha b
owed and then strode out of the barracks. Mayu and Akuchi looked at each other, both puzzled. They went out of the barracks and turned to the right. Following the path, they passed the training yards and stepped into the command building through the commissary doors. The room was full of people eating lunch. A gentle animated noise floated to their ears. The smell of sweating bodies and cooking soup wafted into their noses as they waited in line. Arriving at the counter they received a wooden bowl and spoon, which was then filled with a steaming soup. The soup was mixed with meat chunks but still thin. Akuchi looked down at the soup surprised. His stomach grumbled, and he knew that he wouldn’t be satisfied with this weak soup. They sat at a bench long table, and consumed their soup in silence listening to the hubbub that filled the commissary. The completed their soup and returned the bowls and spoons. Akuchi walked out with Mayu, hunger still gnawed at his stomach.

  Chapter 19 Farms

  1st day of the 7th month 580th year of the 8th era

  Akuchi awoke and yawned. Since the victory over the trolls three months ago the Fort had fallen into a quiet routine: wake up, eat, and train, then go back to bed exhausted. Today was different. Today he had been at the fort for a year now.

  Akuchi dressed in his dark trousers. Mayu came and stood beside him.

  “One year, today,” Mayu commented. “Can’t believe that it has been that long.”

  “It has been an experience I will never forget,” replied Akuchi.

  “Are you planning on staying?” Mayu asked, turning to face Akuchi.

  “No, I only wanted to sign on for a year.”

  “I can’t believe after all the excitement of the past year, you want to give it up and start a farm,” Mayu said incredulously.

  Akuchi and Mayu walked down the path to the command tent.

  On the mustering yard, the fort was out and practicing. Akuchi and Mayu passed, Aquillia and Nurarfed fighting, Aquillia’s fast-spinning double-bladed sword was held at bay by the quick solid movements of Nurarfed’s great-axe.

  They reached the command tent, where Commander Oghenekaro sat behind his desk dressed in full leather armour writing on a piece of parchment in front of him. As they entered they cast a shadow on the desk and Oghenekaro looked up.

  “Akuchi, good morning,” Oghenekaro exclaimed with a large smile.

  “Good morning, sir,” Akuchi replied.

  “A year today, hey?” Oghenekaro sighed, leaning back into the chair he was sitting on.

  “Yes sir,” Akuchi replied.

  “Is there anything I can do to make you stay?” Oghenekaro asked, placing one arm over the back of the chair. “I could use men that can teach so well. Those new recruits you trained are doing wonderfully. They reached competence at least a week faster than anyone else.”

  “No, sir. I just want to be a farmer.”

  “Very well then,” resigned Oghenekaro. “Do you know where you will go?”

  “I was thinking just south of the fort here.”

  “Why there?” Oghenekaro asked sitting up straight in his chair.

  “I was hoping to farm enough to become the principle supplier to this fort. My original plan had been to return home and buy a plot of land there but I see a greater need here.”

  A moment of quiet sat between the three people in the command tent.

  “I know that the fort has struggled with food,” continued Akuchi, “for as long as I have been here. I want to ensure that the Fort will always have enough food to eat. I believe that since the trolls never make it to the south of the fort, my farm will be safe there.”

  “What about the forest?” Mayu asked Oghenekaro.

  “Aquillia told me that anyone who goes into the forest for too long dies.”

  “She was right,” Mayu said. “Rumour has it that anyone that goes into the forest to our south or crosses the Yellow River to the north of Crece has died.”

  “It doesn’t matter if it was one person or a whole regiment,” Oghenekaro said, “once they entered the forest, they were never heard from again. You are the only exception to that.”

  “Then how come when Aquillia and I entered the forest, we came back?” Akuchi asked.

  “I am not sure. Maybe you were really lucky. The fear of death has kept anyone out of the forest.”

  “Well I want to set up a farm to the south, I will clear the area slowly to not actually enter the forest,” said Akuchi.

  “You will need all sorts of supplies and materials for setting up a farm,” said Oghenekaro. “Are you prepared to organise them?”

  “The supply ship will be here soon. I was hoping to purchase some seeds and such from the trader then,” Akuchi said, “hopefully they will be here in time for the growing season. Even if they come late they will produce a small crop that will get me by till they can grow again.”

  “If you were to plant now then you might have a crop faster?” asked Oghenekaro.

  “Yeah, the earlier I can plant the faster I can start supplying the fort.”

  “I guess you would ask for some form of compensation for providing us with food?” asked Oghenekaro.

  “Yes,” answered Akuchi, “though you wouldn’t have to pay the captains for transporting your food. So, you would be saving something.”

  “That’s true,” agreed Oghenekaro, “If we provided the seeds to you then it would be considered an investment”

  “Yes,” answered Akuchi.

  “Ok, I will allow you to take whatever you need from the stores.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Akuchi said and then walked out of the tent.

  Mayu dragged Akuchi away from the tent.

  “I don’t believe it,” stammered Akuchi.

  “What?” asked Mayu as she dragged Akuchi towards the store building.

  “Why did he do that?” asked Akuchi

  “It is true that the Fort is very low on food stocks,” said Mayu.

  Mayu opened the door and shepherded Akuchi through the door. Taya was at the hole in the wall. Upon seeing them, she folded her arms and her eyes furrowed.

  “Every time you guys walk in here, its bad news for me,” exclaimed Taya.

  “It is not,” retorted Akuchi, smiling, “we brighten your day.”

  “I need you guys to brighten my day like an arrow to the knee,” Taya returned with a grin, “what can I do for you guys?”

  “Akuchi has finished his term and wants to start a farm here. What resources do you have that could help with that?” Mayu asked, smiling sweetly.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Taya defended. “You are not getting farming supplies from me without approval.”

  “Oggy just gave me approval,” said Akuchi, standing tall.

  “He hasn’t informed me,” returned Taya, locking eyes with Akuchi.

  The outside door opened and Lyuba walked in, her leather jerkin tight over her body.

  “Mayu, a ship has been spotted coming up the coast.”

  “All right I will come,” Mayu answered Lyuba. She turned to Akuchi.

  “I think I can handle this.” Akuchi waved off Mayu without breaking eye contact with Taya.

  Mayu and Lyuba left and the door slammed shut behind them.

  “You think you can handle me?”

  Akuchi leaned forward, placing his hands on the bench between them. I am going to get the tools that Oggy had promised one way or another.

  Taya leant forward, uncrossed her arms and place them in the same position in front of Akuchi. Their faces were so close that Akuchi could feel a sense of anticipation, run across his face.

  Taya moved one hand and placed it on the top of Akuchi’s hand.

  “I could be persuaded to give you those tools you need,” Taya suggested, stroking Akuchi’s hand.

  “Oggy gave me permission to take the supplies,” countered Akuchi, “are you prepared to violate a direct order?”

  “I have not received a direct order.” A smile crept across her face.

  “What did you have in mind?” he asked.
/>   “Come on in,” Taya directed, leaning back and opened the door to let him in.

  Akuchi followed. She led him down a corridor, at the end stood a simple wooden door with a well-used brass handle. She opened the door and Akuchi followed her inside, Taya closed the door after him. The room was lit by a small window set at the top of the far wall that cast the room in an ethereal shadow. The room contained a simple bed and a trunk at the end of it on the opposite side of the room. A simple table sat a bowl filled with water and a small yellow towel. Taya sat on the end of the bed.

  “I know that you have been sleeping with both Aquillia and Mayu.” Taya said lifting her tunic over her head. “I want you to do me now, or I tell them both.”

  Akuchi looked at Taya. He looked deep into her eyes.

  What? How many people know?

  “I have kept my eyes on you. Consider it my price. I will keep your little secret and give you more supplies than you need to set your farm up.”

  How would I live with that? Could I live with that? I could fulfil my dream of setting up a farm and all it would take would be to sleep with her. I had slept with Mayu and Aquillia several times over the course of this year, for a lot less, because I was horny and bored. He had even slept with Hiwot every time she had come to the fort. One more conquest couldn’t hurt, could it? If they ever found out about each other I would lose both?

  Taya gently caressed his leg. Her other hand she slipped around behind him and held him close. Taya leaned in and kissed Akuchi on the lips.

  A ripple of surprise washed over him. Akuchi flinched just a little, and he pulled back. Taya broke off the kiss and looked back at him with surprise in her eyes.

  Taya looked down at his crotch and saw the stretched fabric.

  “I know you want me,” she insisted. Her hand went to his crotch and she grabbed a firm hold of him.

  Taya pushed him back and Akuchi fell onto the bed. Her deft hands opened his trousers and freed his pulsating member.


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