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The Bloodwood Curse: An Epic Fantasy Adventure of Swords, Magic and Romance. (The Rosethorn Chronicles Book 1)

Page 24

by Peter Summersby

  Akuchi stirred the stew and then served it to Aife and took the last of it for himself. They ate it eagerly.

  Aife took Akuchi’s plate and set it down next to the logs away from the fire. She leaned on Akuchi who fell off the log and landed in the dirt. Aife landed lying on top of him.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her against. Her breasts rested against his chest. He could feel her pulse rise. Her pupils dilated. Akuchi caressed her back with one hand and the other sent it down to her buttocks. He gripped it firmly. She gasped and looked at him firmly. He laughed at her, then lifted his head out of the dirt and kissed her lips. Her hand went up and wrapped around his head. She lifted one foot away from the ground.

  She broke the kiss, moved her legs forward, and sat astride him.

  He placed his hands on her hips and looked up at the beautiful woman that was his wife. A swelling in his chest caused him to smile. I want to make her happy.

  She ran her hands down over his chest and firmly sculpted body, while she returned his gaze.


  “That was even better,” she murmured. “I really missed out.”

  “I am amazed that you were so quick to reach climax,” he mumbled back.

  “Can we go again?” she asked, propping herself up to consider his face.

  Akuchi chuckled. “As much as I would like to, we have work to do today. Maybe tonight.”

  “Right,” she agreed and climbed off him.

  Akuchi grabbed a rope and a shovel; slinging the rope over his shoulder he led Aife out to the forest edge. He walked to a small indentation slightly filled with loose dirt where a tree stump used to be

  “I need a well,” he said, handing her the rope from his shoulder. “I believe that there’s water here.”

  “We are far enough away from the sea.” She said, “I think we should be able to find some fresh water here.”

  Akuchi took the shovel and started digging. She seems to be very helpful. My wife seems to a good wife. She can cook, understands the need of work, and to top it all off she is now beautiful. Akuchi dug down into the dirt and shovelled the dirt into a small mound outside of the new well site. She said that she wouldn’t expect me to remain faithful to her, but that was while she was ugly…what does she think now that she is beautiful? Do I want to take another woman to bed with me? Akuchi cleared away the dirt and came upon sand.

  “Sand,” he said.

  “Keep going,” Aife said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  I think she likes me.

  “You think that there is water under the sand?” he asked.

  “I do believe so.”

  Akuchi took up his shovel and resumed digging moving the sand unto a different pile. The well hole was now knee deep.

  Is like enough to build a relationship on? Now that she is beautiful will she want to take another man to her bed? Could I live with it? Could I live with myself if she took another man? Could I live with myself if I took another woman?

  Akuchi shovelled up some sand and the sand gave way to wet clay.

  “Clay.” said Akuchi.

  “Wet clay, too,” added Aife looking down the waist deep hole.

  “Do you think I should keep going?”

  “Yes,” she agreed, “past the clay should be water. We can use the clay to shore up the sides of the hole and prevent the sand from getting in.”

  “That is a good idea.”

  He struck the shovel down and lifted a large chunk of clay and passed it to Aife.

  “Can you start shoring up the walls?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she agreed, and laid the clay down on the sides of the hole.

  Akuchi bent down, shovelled up another piece, and lifted it to the surface.

  Aife, took it and began to smooth it over the side of the well walls.

  The well deepened until the well was as deep as Akuchi was tall; he was standing in about knee deep in water. Aife had shorn up the walls with clay preventing any sand from entering the water.

  “Well, we have water,” he said, “but I am not sure how good it will be.”

  “Let it sit and we can check it tomorrow,” Aife advised.

  “Can you pull me up?” he asked.

  Aife knelt and extended her hand to him.

  Akuchi, grabbed her hand climbed out.

  Once out, they both were covered in mud and sand. He gathered her in a big hug. She welcomed the hug and nuzzled into his chest.


  Mayu sat on her bunk in the sergeant’s quarters. Her stomach rolled and heaved. The feeling rose into her throat. She ran to the door, heaved, and she vomited. Her stomach contracted again, and she vomited again. She gripped her stomach as it contracted again, she retched, and nothing came. She slumped down against the wall and cried into her hands. What is happening to me?

  “Mayu!” shouted Oghenekaro. “What are you doing?”

  Mayu pulled her head up from her hands, and looked at Oghenekaro. He stood at the corner of her building, looking down the side of it right at her. She stood.

  “Nothing, sir,” she replied.

  “Come on in, we have a patrol to organise.”

  “Yes, sir,” she stammered.

  Oghenekaro turned and walked back to his office.

  Mayu wiped the vomit off her mouth and gave her hand a quick flick, then she went back inside and donned her sword belt. She washed her face in a small basin at the opposite of the room. Her knees felt weak. Why am I sick?

  The sergeant’s dorm had only five bunks and trunks in the room around the outside. The smell here was a little better with only five people in the room the smell of dirty men wasn’t so bad. She turned and walked towards the door, passing a sergeant’s bunk and the smell of rotten meat assaulted her. Her stomach roiled again, and she put a hand to her mouth. She ran past through the door and round the side where she vomited again by the corner of the building.

  What is wrong with me? Why was that smell so bad? I should have a talk with him tonight.

  She wiped her hand over her mouth again and left the dorm. She walked down the path and straight past the mustering area. The morning sunlight was coming over the walls. She headed into the tent that Oghenekaro had set.

  Oghenekaro sat behind the desk and looked up as she came in. His desk was covered in papers and book. One lone candle stood on the left side of his desk.

  “Ah good, you made it.” Oghenekaro smiled.

  “Thank you, sir,” replied Mayu.

  “Are you feeling okay?” asked Oghenekaro, “you look a little sick.”

  “I am fine,” she lied.

  Oghenekaro looked her firmly in the eyes and then looked back down at his paper covered desk.

  “With Taya going, we need to promote someone to the stores,” began Oghenekaro, “any ideas?”

  “No, sir,” replied Mayu.

  “Hmm,” he said, moving a piece of paper off the pile and placing it to another pile.

  “You said you had a patrol for me to plan?” reminded Mayu.

  “Yes, I do. I want you to pick a patrol leader and select several soldiers to go on a patrol to the north, along the coast.”

  “I shall lead the patrol.”

  “No,” ordered Oghenekaro. “I don’t want you to go. Pick someone else to go.”

  “Why Sir?”

  Oghenekaro looked up at her and blinked.

  “You haven’t worked it out?”

  “Worked what out?”

  “I think you may be pregnant.” Oghenekaro said, clasping his hands and resting his head in them.

  What? How would he know? Is that why I am sick?

  “Even if you aren’t,” he continued, “I can’t have you risk the patrol while you are sick.”

  When was I due? Last time was a one… two… three… four… five… Six weeks ago. Oh no. Then who would be the father? Someone about three weeks ago. It could be Akuchi during the harvest festival?

  “I will give you till next week to pack your
things,” said Oghenekaro. “The next shipment will arrive then. I expect you to be on it when it leaves.”

  “Yes, sir,” said Mayu. She turned and left the tent.

  Chapter 32 Bounty

  30th day of the 7th month 580th year of the 8th era

  The crop had ripened and was ready for harvest. Akuchi and Aife sat on their log before the fire as they ate breakfast.

  “The crop is ready for harvest,” said Akuchi.

  “How long will it take us to harvest it all?” Aife asked.

  “Too long. Which is why we will go to the fort and ask for help.”

  “I haven’t been inside the fort before,” said Aife. A sparkle formed in her eyes as she turned and looked over the hovel and at the large fort that sat in behind their humble dwelling.

  “Today you shall,” said Akuchi, finishing his breakfast and kicking out the fire.

  They arose and, hand in hand walked up the small track towards the fort. As they did they passed a large collection of gravestones. Many were faded and corroded. Many more were fresh and recently carved.

  “I haven’t seen these,” commented Aife. “What are they?”

  “They represent the warriors that have fallen in defence of the fort,” Akuchi explained.

  “So many.” Aife said, casting her eyes at the rows of gravestones.

  “For how long the fort has been here, not so many.”

  The gates of the fort opened as they approached.

  A soldier met them at the gate; he was dressed in a chainmail hauberk and a metal coif. He carried a halberd in his hands and had a short sword on his hip.

  “Please wait here,” he said. “Commander Oghenekaro will be with you soon.”

  “Thank you?” Akuchi asked.

  “Oh, sorry I am Lief Gunder,” the soldier replied.

  “Nice to meet you,” Akuchi greeted. “I am Akuchi and this is my wife Aife.”

  He saluted by placing his fist across his chest and bowing low. He shot a worried look at Aife before turning to the gate.

  Oghenekaro came out of the gate and greeted them. He was dressed in his form-fitting leather armour. In one hand he carried two pairs of brown trousers. He handed them to Akuchi.

  “What is this for?” Akuchi asked.

  “For you to wear,” answered Oghenekaro. “Be lucky I am not asking your wife here to be completely covered.”

  “I thought that you had repealed your nudity ordinance,” said Akuchi as he and Aife stepped into the trousers.

  “I had, then Mayu left pregnant,” growled Oghenekaro.

  “What happened?” Aife asked, pulling the drawstring tight, imitating Akuchi.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” brushed off Oghenekaro. “What can we do for you two?”

  “Well since Aife has joined me on the farm, I need to make some upgrade. I was hoping to enlist some of your carpenters to expand my house and ask for you send some men out to help harvest the crop that is now ripe.”

  “Yeah sure,” agreed Oghenekaro. “Our deal is still in place?”

  “Yes,” agreed Akuchi.

  “For payment of the food you provide, I will provide you with men for harvesting and skilled men and materials for the expansion of your house.”

  They followed Oghenekaro into the fortress and walked past the training field, the field was full of people that were training; all wore at least a pair of trousers. Many of the women also wore light tunics or breast straps.

  “Who is this Mayu?” whispered Aife to Akuchi.

  “Mayu was a friend of mine. She trained me to be a warrior,” replied Akuchi in the same manner.

  “It seems that Oggy liked Mayu,” continued Aife.

  “Yes, he made several passes at her. But he also made several passes at many of the women here.”

  “So why did he make such a big deal over Mayu?”

  “I am not entirely sure.”

  Oghenekaro opened the door to a stone building near the docks. Inside was a carpenter’s workshop. A small thin man greeted them. He had a lean muscular frame that suggested hours spent working hard at his craft. He had ear-length black hair and deep bushy chest hair to match his charcoal skin. He was dressed in a black knee length kilt. He smiled a large toothy grin at Oghenekaro, and then turned to Akuchi and Aife.

  “Boleslav is here as a service to his god Justicar, he has been our carpenter for the past five years.”

  “Akuchi and my wife Aife,” Akuchi responded extending his hand.

  Boleslav looked at his hand and then smiled a warm greeting at Aife. His face dissolved into shock as he saw her ears.

  “Are you an elf?” he asked.

  “I am a dark elf,” Aife replied.

  “Boleslav,” began Oghenekaro. “Akuchi and Aife are your farmers to the south; they provide most of the food that we eat. They need you to expand their housing.”

  “Yeah sure,” Boleslav dismissed, still staring at Aife.

  Aife smiled and then turned and walked out of the building followed by Akuchi.

  “Boleslav, are you ok?” Oghenekaro asked once they were outside.

  The door closed and cut off any further sound.

  “We also need some supplies,” commented Akuchi.

  “Why was he staring at me like that?” asked Aife.

  “I am not sure. I have never met him before today.”

  “That was the carpenter, and Oggy seems to be still talking to him,” Aife said. “Where next?”

  “I want to get collect on some debts that are owed to me,” replied Akuchi picking up his speed and heading around the mistering yard that was starting to fill up with partners beginning to spar and practice for the day.

  “I take it that you don’t want Oggy to know about it,” observed Aife.

  “I did a favour … as it were for the master of stores here and she owes me,” explained Akuchi, going a little red. “And I want to use it to get us some better stuff.”

  “Like what?” Aife asked as they came to the entrance of the store.

  “Let’s see,” suggested Akuchi. “Play along with me.”

  “Okay,” Aife agreed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  He pushed the door open and he was confronted by Aquillia arguing over a small bench with a lady he had never seen.

  Aquillia was leaning forward pressing, against the bench, her small skirt bunching at the front. Her brown hair was tied back in a small bun; her faintly-painted green skin smooth and unblemished stretched over the large cording muscles. On her back was a large double-bladed sword with the blades covered in oiled leathers, strapped on a small strap that ran diagonally across her back.

  A small gnome with lithe features stood on the bench, standing no higher than Aquillia’s eyes. She had pale skin, eyes contorted in rage. On her back, catching the light from the door, were a set of full body gossamer wings. The gnome had hair that was a brilliant blue flowing around her body concealing it. The gnome’s feet barely touched the bench, held aloft with a flicker of nearly transparent wings.

  Both women’s faces were centimetres away from each other.

  “I am not going to give you a throwing knife!” shouted the gnome.

  “It wouldn’t be a waste if you had one that could return to me once thrown,” pleaded Aquillia.

  “We don’t have one of those,” insisted the gnome.

  “Yes, you do I saw one last time I was in the stores!”

  “That one is no longer available.”

  “I guess the master of the stores is gone,” Akuchi muttered. That’s a relief.

  Akuchi coughed and both women turned to look at him.

  They both smiled and gave up their fight.

  “Ladies, this is my wife Aife of the dark elves,” Akuchi introduced.

  “It is so nice to meet you,” exclaimed the gnome, flicking her wings, sending her sailing forward. Her hair swirled around her body.

  “We have met before,” informed Aife.

  “This is Aife?” said Aquilli
a. “Last time I saw you, you were…”

  “Ugly,” finished Aife. “Yeah I know. Akuchi fixed that.” Aife blushed.

  “Did you say you were a dark elf?” asked the gnome.

  “Well,” began Akuchi. “She woke up on the second night and was like this.”

  “Yes, I am,” answered Aife. “Who are you?”

  “Well,” Aquillia said, “let’s call it magic.”

  “Yes, that is a good idea,” agreed Akuchi.

  “Oh, sorry,” exclaimed the gnome, “please forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself.”

  “I heard that Mayu left.” Akuchi changed the subject.

  “She was found to be pregnant and then she heard that her mother, her last relative, had died.”

  “So, Oggy kicked her out?” asked Akuchi.

  “Because he liked her and then found she was pregnant with another guy’s kid?” asked Aife.

  “Well that is the current scuttlebutt,” agreed Aquillia.

  “I did see a pregnant woman leave on the ship that brought me,” chimed in the gnome, her voice light and sounding faintly of bells.

  “Please excuse my husband,” Aife cut in. “He interrupted you from telling us your name.”

  The gnome gave Akuchi an evil stare, before her face lit up brightly, “I am Zizia, at your service.”

  “Greetings, Zizia,” Akuchi welcomed. “I am Akuchi, Aife and I run the farm outside the fort. I was wondering if you could help us out with some items that I believe you won’t have much need for inside the fort.”

  “I will see what I can do,” Zizia glowed.

  Zizia turned her hair floating around her. She then alighted over the bench and beckoned them to follow.

  “It was nice catching up with you,” Aquillia said. “Since I can’t get the returning throwing knife.”

  “It’s not available!” shouted Zizia.

  “I have to go back to training.”

  “It’s my weapon now.”

  Aife smiled as Aquillia left, Akuchi lifted the bench to one side and gestured for Aife to follow Zizia.

  Zizia smiled and turned, flying down the passage way. “What are you looking for?”

  “I was hoping to get a larger bed for the two of us and maybe some kitchen equipment, just things that we would need to make life on the farm a little more comfortable.”


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