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Hawk's Heart: A Reverse Harem Shifter Romance (Guardian's of the Fae Realms Book 4)

Page 5

by JL Madore

  “Oh, like that, is it?” Carina says.

  “It is,” I say, not breaking focus on where I’m headed.

  I tilt my head and seal our fate. Brant’s lips are hot and welcoming. I don’t know what I expect from him, but the sheer hunger and submission of him letting me nail him against the wall and practically shove my tongue down his throat isn’t it.

  He submits but he’s not completely submissive. Holding his own, his tongue thrusts and parries fighting for dominance. He’s a good kisser, I’ll give him that.

  Brant’s hand is hard on my lower back. Rough fingers splay against my spine and pull my hips forward to meet the solid steel of his cock.

  My hawk shrieks shrill in my head.

  The uptick of my pulse is directly related to that cock and suddenly I don’t give two shits about dinner or the girl from accounting or the fact that we’re not alone. Honestly, the ‘not alone’ part adds fuel to the fire.

  He’s willing and I could unbuckle his belt, drop his slacks, and fuck him over the focaccia basket right now.

  He slips his hand between us and palms the front of my pants. Fuck. I’m hard and hungry for more. I did not see this coming. There are still times I barely like the guy.

  Before clothes start shredding and things get out of hand, I ease back. “Raincheck.”

  “Done. When and where?”

  I draw a deep breath and I like the scent of him on my skin. Yeah. It’s been an emotional day.

  Carina doesn’t seem the least bit satisfied with the end of the show.

  If I’m being honest—neither am I.

  “Well, well.” She swallows, waving a menu in front of her face. “That changes nothing for me, Barron. In my restaurant, the customer is always right.”

  Brant chuckles. “It would’ve been spectacular, beautiful. Unfortunately—or actually no—very fortunately we have a full bed. Thank you, though. Your offer is appreciated.”

  “Well, you two know where I am if you change your minds.” Carina takes her leave to check on her other customers and the two of us reclaim our seats.

  Brant sinks into his chair, a sexy smirk warming his expression. “As far as firsts go, that was memorable.”

  “I’ll give you that.” What I don’t mention is that I’m still thinking about his cock. I know he’s a big boy. We’re all naked enough that even though I’ve never taken advantage of Brant’s offerings, I’m well aware.

  I know he’s been a player, too. I have no doubt he can fuck. He doesn’t have the wild and powerful edge Jaxx does, but I bet he’d be a damn good lay.

  Brant texts someone and hits me with a hot look. “If they’re more than fifteen minutes out, we’re locking that door and rainchecking it like you fucking read about.”

  “I’m on board with that.”

  The reply text comes back and I’m stroking the front of my slacks like a horny Pavlov’s dog. “How long.”

  “They’re here.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “Yeah… well no. Whatever. I’m disappointed.”

  Me too. I straighten my napkin over my lap, draw a deep breath, and groan. “Tell me she’s not a wildling. This room smells like we bathed in sexual tension.”


  “From what sect?”


  I let out a sigh of relief. The brunaidh are known for extraordinary hard work, low-level magic, and wild tempers if taken for granted, but they don’t have heightened senses. She won’t be able to smell the sex in the air.

  “Doc will,” Brant says, following my train of thought.

  I shrug. “Yeah, well, I suspect over the years he’s seen, smelled, and participated in enough sexual encounters with you that he won’t have a problem with it.

  Brant chuckles. “You might be right there. It would take a lot to shock him.”

  For the first time, I’m curious to hear what kind of sex-capades Brant got up to in his wilder days.

  When the pocket door slides open, Doc escorts in a petite girl with wide brown eyes and wavy pink hair.

  “KadeeLi, it’s good to see you,” Brant says, standing to hug her. It doesn’t slip my notice that he side-hugs her and retreats to sit down immediately replacing his napkin and tucking back under the table.

  I take his cue and do the same. After shaking her hand, I seat her across from me and get things tucked away ASAP.

  Doc looks from Brant to me and back to his bear brother. “And now I understand the text about us possibly running late.” He laughs and takes his seat across from Brant. “So, what did we miss?”




  Mama and I get dinner pulled together and I have to admit even though it’s a somber affair, Jaxx is right, his mom’s southern fried chicken and biscuits can cure what ails you. I eat too much and feel bloated and gross by the time we get through the peach cobbler she baked for dessert. Until Jaxx, a full dinner followed by dessert was unheard of in my life.

  “Being mated to you is going to make me fat, Jaxx.” I plunk into the office chair after the Stanton’s clear out. I pat my belly and regret my lack of impulse control.

  Then I pick up my abandoned bag of M&Ms.

  Jaxx laughs. “Wildlings don’t get fat, kitten. Our bodies run the metabolism of two symbiotic creatures. That takes a lot of juice. We burn up calories like you eat M&Ms—with keen efficiency.”

  I toss one across the desk at him.

  He dives a couple of inches to the side and makes the save from my bad throw.

  “Oh, you only said that so I’d throw one at you.”

  His smile is wicked sexy. “You’re catching on.”

  “And then there’s the sex.”

  Jaxx blinks. “What’s that now?”

  “For burning calories. Our duel metabolisms as well as all the sex.”

  He nods. “Yeah. There’s that.”

  I set the bag of M&M’s down before I barf and rock back in my chair. “Speaking about sex with you.”

  He laughs. “My favorite subject. Go on.”

  I giggle as he bites his bottom lip. So playful my puss. “How’s Hawk doing? I’m not asking for details… just broad strokes. You guys had another solo play session and it felt like things were twanging in a good way last night. Are we gaining ground with him?”

  Jaxx’s smile is too freaking adorable. When he rubs his chest as if his heart aches, I melt. “You’re falling hard for him, aren’t you.”

  “Past tense. It’s too late for me. I love him hard. And to answer your question, yeah… he’s doing great.”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Then why don’t you look or sound glad? You’re okay with Hawk and I, right? We talked about it, but if something changed you gotta let me know.”

  I wave that away. “Aside from a little frustration about being left out of your fun, it’s only that I’m scared.”

  “Still worried about the universe taking us away?”

  I blink at the sting behind my eyes. “I’ve never been a needy woman, but with you guys and my history…”

  The click of claws against hardwood brings Kotah into the office. He plods straight over to me and sets his head in my lap. “Hey, sweet prince. How are you feeling?”

  I run my fingers through the long, guard hairs of his coat and deep into the velvety fur underneath. I start slow and make sure the snappy, growly wolf is done with his mood.

  He lets off a sad whine and my tears push harder.

  I stop fighting them. If there’s something that my healing tears can do for Kotah, I’ll cry for both of us.

  Bending at the waist I snuggle my wolf and set my worry from earlier free. “When I saw you on the floor and Hawk trying to revive you… my heart shattered. I love you, Kotah. More than even I realized. I love you and need you to come back to us.”

  I let my tears dampen the top of his head and his ears. His soft whine breaks my heart. He’s
not shifting back and I don’t know if that’s because he can’t or he won’t.

  Either way, it hurts. “Whatever time you need, sugar, when you come back to us we’ll be here waiting.”

  “Damn straight.” Jaxx is there, right beside us on his knees. “Can I get in on this love-in, Wolf? You shook me up pretty badly this morning. I could use a hug too.”

  Kotah’s wolf makes no move to accept him but doesn’t growl either. I shrug. “I think that’s a yes.”

  “I’ll take it.” Jaxx slides forward and curls himself around our mate. “I love you, Kotah. I know you’re in there somewhere and you can hear me. I love you. Hang in there. We’ll figure this out.”


  After an illuminating dinner with KadeeLi, I dismiss Doc for the night. I ask him to drive her home and then he’s free to drive back to Montclair to be with Keyla. Brant and I walk the few city blocks to the FCO head office to follow up on a few things we learned.

  “Okay, give me the key players,” Brant says as we navigate the flow of early evening foot traffic.

  “Jayne Trenton. She’s a Manhattan socialite and business shark. You met at the Bastion.”

  “Not really. I heard the stories, though.”

  “Right. You were compelled by Calli. Okay, Jane has been my Personal Assistant for years and is shrewd in business. She’s tough and cold and—”

  “—the female version of you?”

  I consider that and nod. “Pretty much.”

  “Do you think she’s capable of fucking with your accounts the way KadeeLi described?”

  “Capable, yes. Do I think she would do it? No. Jayne’s all about running FCO to the moon. We worked well together because she’s passionate about the company. She’s driven enough to be underhanded but it would hurt the company. I can’t see her doing that.”

  “Okay then, who?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question.”

  “Give me another player.”

  “That’s just it. I vet my people. If I didn’t know this was happening, there’s no way I would’ve believed that anyone within my inner circle of management would do this.”

  “Humor me.”

  “Okay… Hunter Gable, my Director of Operations. Coyote shifter, Yale grad, good instincts.”

  “And you two get along?”

  “I thought we did. This whole situation has me second-guessing all my relationships.”

  “Okay, next?”

  “Tanis Marx is in charge of legal and compliance.”

  “Marx? As in the Guild of Mages Marx family?”

  “The same. Tanis has always been a bit of a pain in my ass, but a solid company man.”

  “Pain in your ass how?”

  “We view the directives of the company differently. I’ve always wanted FCO to be a company of the people for the people. He’s more capitalistic in his thinking. Lesser Fae are less powerful and therefore less important. That sort of thing.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “From a moral standpoint, it is. From a business perspective, I understand his arguments to cater to the members of the community who hold more power. I just don’t agree.”

  “But it’s your company.”


  “Who else?”

  “Chadwick Sands should be mentioned, I suppose.”

  “And who’s he?”

  “He handles international affairs. We rarely see eye-to-eye and there have been times we’ve butted heads. He has pushed me for years to go public and take on a board of directors.”

  “But again, it’s your company.”

  “Yep.” I make my way around a couple with a stroller and come back to the convo. “Why would I go public? I certainly don’t need more money and I won’t let someone derail what I’ve built.”

  We stop at the lights opposite my building and I take it in. For the past decade, there’s nothing I loved more than to stand in this spot and see all that concrete and glass stretching up to the blue sky.

  At this moment, I’m still proud and possessive... but the passion doesn’t touch the fueled focus I have for my mates and our calling to unite the realms.

  “Are we walking here or waiting for the next one?”

  I meet Brant’s gaze and he’s gesturing to the crosswalk emptying of people.

  “Sorry, yep. Hustle, it’s not a long light.”

  The two of us jog across and are hopping onto the curb as the cars rev up and roll behind our heels.

  Brant stops when we’re right in front of the building and smiles. “You know, it’s been a goal of mine for years to come here on a mission of importance.”

  “A mission of importance?”

  “Yeah, you know. I could’ve come for the yearly open house or to pick up a new vehicle for my district office, but I wanted my first time here to be me as a man with a purpose.”

  I chuckle and step under the iron and glass entrance. “I guess you got your wish. Uniting the two realms, sussing out who’s manipulating the Fae Prime and Council, and doing that while saving one mate from ruination and another from a plot of assassination.”

  Brant pushes through the glass turnstile and chuckles. “I guess I did. Careful what you wish for, right?”

  “Sir Barron, welcome back, sir.”

  I head over to the security desk and shake hands with the night guard. “How are things with the night crew, Mallory?”

  “Always a pleasure, sir,”

  I nod and introduce him to Brant. “Mallory Daniford this is Brant Robbins one of my mates. I assume the news of me marked as a Guardian to the Phoenix has spread. You’re aware that’s why I’ve been absent?”

  “Oh, yes sir. Lady Jayne sent a company memo explaining everything. We’re all so proud to know you’re one of the chosen. The two realms couldn’t hope for a finer male at the helm.”

  I squeeze his shoulder and he smiles. As a member of the hulderfolk, not many people make contact with them. He’s always appreciated that I’m neither afraid to touch him or hiding anything when I do.

  The hulderfolk are a walking lie detector race. They can’t lie and they sense lies in others. Perfect for security.

  “Mallory, tell me. Over the course of time while I’ve been gone, has anything struck you as odd or out of rhythm with the norm?”

  “Odd, sir?”

  “Yes. New faces coming and going. Odd deliveries. People changing the routine of hours. That sort of thing.”

  He seems to consider that for a bit and then shakes his head. “The strangest thing was not seeing you here day and night, sir.”

  “And Lady Jayne,” Brant says. “She’s working the same as always?”

  Mallory looks at me and I nod. “It’s okay. Brant and I are working on the same problem.”

  “Problem, sir?”

  “Can the three of us speak privately, Mallory?”

  “Of course, sir.” He steps around the desk and stands next to Brant and I. A moment later, his tail extends and uncoils, encircling us until he’s wrapped the three of us within a circle of three feet. “You can speak privately now, sir.”

  “And you’ll keep everything between us.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Good. I didn’t think Mallory would be involved. I tell Mallory about the misappropriation of funds and the kidnapping of the teens and how everything is being made to look like me. Then I mention the Black Knight and how our quint has been attacked and sabotaged a half-dozen times over the past weeks. “Someone doesn’t want Calli to open the portal gate and they’re willing to kill to stop it.”

  “I appreciate sharing your confidence, sir, but why tell me. I just work the door.”

  I chuckle. “A machine is only as strong as its cogs, Mallory. I value you and all my support staff as greatly as my executives… oftentimes more.”

  He beams at the praise. “How can I be of help, sir?”

  “I’m taking control of things again and I’m betting that when I do, someone will be an
gry enough to start showing their true colors. Let me know if you see any new faces or if someone comes in at an odd hour or anything piques your curiosity.” I reach over his desk and write my private cell number on the pad. “This number is only for my mates and most trusted friends. I’ll always answer it. If you have anything to tell me, call night or day.”

  “Will do.”

  “Thank you. And send my love to Marta and the brood.”

  When Mallory coils his tail behind his back and resumes his place at the night desk, Brant and I head to the elevators. I catch Brant eyeing me up and shrug. “What?”

  “You genuinely like that guy.”

  “Mallory? Of course, I do. He’s been with me for eight years. And every night for those eight years I worked late. We’ve had many midnight conversations.”

  “He’s a blue-collar worker.”


  Brant chuckles. “So, nothing. You just surprised me.”

  The elevator dings and the doors slide open. We step in and I slide my keycard into the slot as I push the button for the upper floors. “I suppose me surprising you is a good thing?”

  “It is.” When the doors close, he leans back and flashes me a heated grin. “So, your office. You got a couch in there?”

  I blink. My mind is deep in the spin of reclaiming my company and I miss the segue into my office furniture. “My office? What?”

  “A couch. I—”

  The elevator doors open on twelve and Penelope from Property Rights steps on. Her arms are full and overflowing with folders and she startles when she looks up and sees me. “Mr. Barron… you have a guest. I’m so sorry. I should’ve taken another car.”

  She sends an apologetic look to Brant but he waves that away. “You’re good. Here. It looks like…”

  Brant reaches to steady the stack of files just as she loses control of them. Thank the Powers for large hands and quick reflexes. He gets her straightened up in no time.

  “What keeps you here so late, Penny?” I ask

  “I’m working copying the deed information for the land and property transfers.”

  “What land and property transfers?”

  Her eyes widen. “The seizures of the fae reservation lands finalizing next week.”


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